My Somerset Garden, Day 3
By micky45
Hi everyone
I woke at 10:30 today, got my tea and am starting to come round, done a quick wash on some white shirts for work, hang on… better hang them up!
The weather has got considerably colder over the last day or so, the garden looks a right mess as i’ve still not been 100% happy with the positioning of plants, especially in the middle curved bed, it needs more small to medium plants as it has a curved retaining wall bordering one side.
We had Rudbeckia Fulgida in there “another obsession” lovely plant but too big for that border, we have a linaria canon j went, pink pretty flowers, i think it may have died but plenty of self seeders to replace it thank goodness! stunning lovely plant that is.
You may be shocked but until I get things moved i can’t really plant the bulbs, ha ha, i’m so far behind, oh well they may catch up, they may not, i’m not worrying too much, nature will sort it out! even if i can’t!
I will put a picture on today of the current state of play, it’s not nice but time has been a problem, i’m one of these types of people who does a massive grand slam and everything gets cleared up so keep moving everyone or you may end up in a fertilizer bag!
does anyone know about salvia hot lips? lovely plant, seems very hardy.
i hope my climbing /rambling roses do well in 2010! i can’t wait, i’ve been creating a little seating area at the back with roses all around, look forward to having my cup of tea in summer, seems a long way off at the moment!
I’ve decided not to post a picture of the garden at the moment as the dogs been out a few times and i’ve not cleared it up, i’m embarrassed! sorry folks, i’m sure you understand, i did take a picture but on seeing it I thought…………………Na!
do any of you like cats? gardeners friend or foe, i know some people hate them as they can do naughty things to, or in your garden!
Looking forward to spring, long way off but i just love those black birds singing at 4 in the morning! heavenly sound.
I suppose i better get ready for the dreaded work, booooring! oh well, plenty of time to think about plans for the garden, preparation is everything so they say, and i intend to be prepared!
Have fun everyone.enjoy today’s pics!
Regards, Mick
13 Dec, 2009
Previous post: My Somerset Garden
Next post: My Somerset Garden, Day4
Love the curves in your garden Mick. There's no excuse for not planting your bulbs you know!!!.....put them in pots. Salvia "Hot Lips"....yes she's very hardy up here in Northumberland so she should be ok where you are. :))
13 Dec, 2009
Have to agree it does look good, think you will find alot of us on here like cats infact most of us i think like all animals, dont work to hard.
13 Dec, 2009
Lovely looking garden Mick. I love cats....haven't been without one in over 40 years.....Ooops, showing my age.....better make that 29 years. LOL
I'm sure your roses will do well.....what varieties have you planted?
13 Dec, 2009
Congratulations Mick .
We don't see enough of smaller gardens, and yours has a super shape and layout.
The 'baby gardens' can often teach 'Goliath' a thing or two!!! -
That's why we feel small gardens are so important, because the majority of house owners have small plots, so they are more relevant to a lot of people, and this is particularly true of urban areas as we are only 3 miles from Bristol city centre.
We are trying to actively promote and protect them.
It's lovely to see the winding path that takes you on a journey of exploration through the garden..... It's also gratifying to see what can be done in a smaller garden by being creative and imaginative with the design and planting scheme.
It's great, and keep up the good work.We are looking forward to seeing more of your photos!!!!
P.S.......... Every garden should have water in it.....Is there or will there be a water feature of some sort?
Looking at your photos here comes a suggestion....... and hope you dont mind.... a wall mounted water feature alongside your patio door on the brick wall would work well, and it would be easier to locate the electrics in order to power it.
All best wishes,
Grenville & Alan.
13 Dec, 2009
It looks smashing Mick,love the curves and yes have cats and dogs here,wouldn`t be without them even tho they annoy me sometimes when my plants suffer but it soon gets
13 Dec, 2009
You have a lovely garden I like the curvy path and the hanging baskets .I love cats I have two now.
13 Dec, 2009
You've done such a fabulous job with this small garden space - I love the winding path, love the different seating area, love the archways and the lattice work ... it's a great job!
13 Dec, 2009
Your garden looks great. I'm looking forward to seeing if your bulbs grew.
I love cats too. I've got one.
14 Dec, 2009
I 'do' curves in my garden too, Micky - any new 'project' has to have them....
Sorry I'm not a 'cat' person - but as you can see from my 'avatar', we have a gorgeous Labrador....Henry. :-)))
14 Dec, 2009
love the curves to, looks great
16 Dec, 2009
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Looking good Mick, nice bit of brickwork there. :0)
13 Dec, 2009