My Somerset Garden, 29th April 2010. " 3 days and growth has been a...
By micky45
Hi Everyone
Well i’m back home in not so sunny Somerset , I went up to Hull to help my niece Lauren and her Husband to be Abraham, they have bought a house and are currently re-furbishing it, I offered my services for the garden and I’ve literally had a whale of a time, moving, clearing, changing etc, we went round nurseries and bought some great bargains again.
It’s nowhere near finished yet but a start has been made so this is just the start!
When I was getting ready to go I had my case open and was putting bits and bobs in, when I came back upstairs I sort of thought someone else was wanting to come with me, I would have loved his company but I think he gets travel sick! “aw, bless you Colin!”
I went on Monday and came back late last night, of course I went straight out in the garden with my torch, oh my! everything has just gone BALLISTIC! I can’t believe the rate of growth, it’s so incredible, i’ve just been out again and re checked………………phew, it’s fantastic!
I’ll show you! sorry taken at dusk so not very good pic!
Regards, Mick
29 Apr, 2010
Previous post: My Somerset Garden, 24th April 2010, I've been naughty, VERY NAUGHTY!
I didn't want to turf him out Sandra as he just looks so comfy and fits so well in that lid too!
Yes, hard work again, I must be as mad as a hatter but I just can't say no, ha ha!
29 Apr, 2010
Wow, everything growing well... and Colin looks cute and comfy. :o)
29 Apr, 2010
im the same cant say no to family and nothing better than making a garden look nice and tidy, makes me feel good even with the aching back ;o)
29 Apr, 2010
He is a brilliant cat Terra! he has such a great personality.
He still tramples on the flower beds though! naughty boy.
29 Apr, 2010
I know Sandra
I just couldn't stop in the garden, i'll work dawn till dusk if the weathers nice, my neice and boyfriend were saying, yeah, just do what you think, it's great to have a free reign, the distance is a problem but when you have a few days to do things you just sort of get stuck in and get down to business, schedules make you get on with things!
29 Apr, 2010
I love Colin xxxxx We have a cat called Mary who looks just like him. Aw! They are the best companions EVER. Great at helping with the digging too! After a hard day in the garden it's lovely to relax with a cat in your lap and a cuppa.
29 Apr, 2010
Your seeds look nice and healthy - and puss looks very contented - isnt it funny where they like to sleep!! (Mine always goes into the shopping bags!!)
30 Apr, 2010
Thanks Haven
I will let colin know of your comments, ha ha and he has a female double! maybe there is an impending marriage in the air?
I agree totally about them being great companions and yes I love to sit down with a cuppa and a cat on my lap, life wouldn't be the same without that pleasure!
30 Apr, 2010
Thanks genuisscuffy
I've had very great success this year with the seeds, All my Echinacea Paradoxa have come up, I find seeds don't need too much fuss, just a bit of heat, light and water, it's in their nature to want to grow I would say.
Yes, Colin likes boxes and things , they are inquisitive aren't they, Love them!
30 Apr, 2010
I love the photo of Colin sleeping in the suitcase Micky, he looks so cute. Isn`t it lovely to see how much everything grows after just a few days? This warm weather has certainly helped the plants on their way. :o)
30 Apr, 2010
so which garden centres did you get too then Mickey? and more importantly what did you buy?
30 Apr, 2010
Hi Seaburn
We went to the outlet at Woodmansey, incredible place and could spend a fortune!
I went straight to the bargain bucket area and found these rather forlorn Fatsia Japonica's , A quite big one for £15, the lower stems had been wounded like a tree when they take off a branch then it forms a circle to heal itself, I knew it would be okay but I asked for a discount "cheeky I know" the manager came over and said i'll do it for half price, I said sold! £7.50 Wow!
We bought some rhubarb, a bowles Mauve wallflower, rosa deep secret, rosa Gertrude Jekyll, Philadelphus belle etoile and Lavatera Barnsley, also a courgette plant for dad and sheena.
Went to a discount place down park lane I found as I went to visit glen Avon nuseries which I use to work 20 years ago, this place was brilliant , quite run down but what bargains, micky's sort of place, Acers for £3.99 and i'm not talking small with 1 stem, true I had to do a bit of shaping but a 5 minute job, not a hardship is it, foxgloves and verbascums etc, great fun!
30 Apr, 2010
Colin is a real loveable Lad isn't he!
the growth is just amazing isn't it!
Not long ago I divided and re-planted some veronica gentianoides, they have just ballooned and the flower spikes are on the way up already, i love that plant!, but yeah, I think plants store up that energy from the sun and then overnight they just go G-R-O-W!
30 Apr, 2010
Sorry, I meant to put your name Lab dancer!
30 Apr, 2010
both are regular haunts of mine. The one down park lane gives me discount now :o)
I got an hibiscus 3ft tall for 3.99 a couple of weeks ago.
The casualty/clearance area at the outlet is great. i got 18 pots of anemone blanda for £5 last time i was there. they had phormiums at £2.50 each [well £5 each but BoGOF]
I have their 'card' so I also got a free peruvian scilla.
glad you had a good time up here. :o)
30 Apr, 2010
I did have a good time!
Yeah, the Park lane one you just got to see beyond the dilapidated surroundings, personally I think the fancier the place, the dearer the plants!
and I have bought gems from these places, my blooming garden is a testament to that!
Wish we had an outlet in Bristol......................well maybe not!
30 Apr, 2010
I know what you mean. The park lane one often gets the rejects from places like B&Q. Did he still have lots of the dwarf spring magic aqulegia? I grew some from seed last year [disaapointed] but got 10 for a £7. all ex B&Q stock.
intend to go to down this pm and see if he has anything else in.
1 May, 2010
Recent posts by micky45
- My Somerset Garden, 24th April 2010, I've been naughty, VERY NAUGHTY!
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- My Somerset Garden, April 23rd 2010, Hard at work but worth it when things look nice!
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- My Somerset Garden, 22nd April 2010, Having a great time in the sun!
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- My Somerset Garden April 22nd 2010 "here's an idea ! "
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- My Somerset Garden, March 5th "Greenhouse clear out and other pictures."
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your seedlings doing really well mick, glad you enjoyed your gardening break lol, nice to help your neice though and im sure they were gratefull, colin or is it bagpuss lol cute
29 Apr, 2010