My Somerset Garden March 11th 2010
By micky45
During the past few years i’ve done a few garden make overs for some people and i’ve decided to show you some of the before and after pictures, I hope you enjoy them!
Garden No: 1 Timsbury
And after:
Garden No: 2 Weston super mare.
And after:
Garden No: 3, Bath
And after:
Some people give you 100 per-cent control in some cases and trust you to do what you think, others don’t.
Some say they want a garden full of colour but then aren’t prepared to put the work in to keep it nice, but some do and it flourishes, "garden no:1!
At least I have a portfolio and something to look at when i’m a bit down and think I haven’t achieved anything! "and you have as well Steve! "
Enjoy!, Mick.
11 Mar, 2010
Previous post: My Somerset Garden, March 5th "Greenhouse clear out and other pictures."
Next post: My Somerset Garden April 22nd 2010 "here's an idea ! "
Well done. You are good at designing gardens. The first garden lookes very nice in full bloom
As you say, some people seem to want their garden to stay nice and colourful all on it's own. We know it doesn't work like that :o)
12 Mar, 2010
Thank you uma and Hywel
I am proud, they were hard work and no2 was a real challenge and horrible at the start but I like transforming things !
Yes Hywel, I love garden No:2, it's a testament to the owners as they have really helped it to flourish, it was amazing last year!
12 Mar, 2010
A lot of hard work has gone into those gardens Mick. It looks like you've somehow raised the level of 1 and apart from it being well planted it would be easier to weed ect. I like the way you've 'softened' the edges with brick, no straight lines. you certainly know what you're doing, they are a credit to you.
12 Mar, 2010
Thank you Heron
I always try to persuade people not to have straight edges as curves are pleasing to the eye and lead you on a journey, but if they do you have to soften them like you say.
I guess everything works in context!
12 Mar, 2010
Very hard work changing gardens to this extent... and the end results look really good...
Can you comment on the "brick" edging you've used in the lower photos, please ? Is it still easy to mow up to the edges ? Did you place the edging bricks slightly lower than lawn level ?
12 Mar, 2010
Thanks terra
I will comment but later tonight as work is calling, too much garden work! ooops!
Speak soon, Mick
12 Mar, 2010
Thanks Mick.... Don't work toooo hard :o)
12 Mar, 2010
You certainly transformed those gardens Micky, they look lovely . you would be welcome to give mine a makover any day .LOL :0))
12 Mar, 2010
You can be proud when showing your designs Mick, it must give you a boost to return and see your garden still being cared for and as you say flourishing.........
12 Mar, 2010
a lovely portfolio of gardens. you must be very pleased with your hard work.
12 Mar, 2010
What fantastic work Micky, I`ve picked out one of your ideas to use in my own garden. :o)
12 Mar, 2010
wonderfull micky, you should be proud of yourself, all look fantastic to me, favourite is garden 1, well done you :o))
12 Mar, 2010
Evening Terra
As regards the brick edging it was the fixed carpet stones you get from B and Q, there fixed together on plastic wiring which I just snip off into individual setts.
I just set them into a bed of concrete a touch lower than the grass so the mower can glide right to the edge, it seems to work well.
Thanks for your comments, the 2nd garden was sheer hell to turn round as a lot of it was compacted clay that had never been touched!
12 Mar, 2010
Thank you Tulsa!
I just can't resist a challenge so I may turn up on your doorstep one day!
Get the loose tea in!
12 Mar, 2010
Thanks lincs lass
The owners have asked me if I can maintain it for them this year so I will make sure it flourishes, they trust me which is nice!
12 Mar, 2010
Thank you Seaburn girl
I am pleased with them but there is one I wouldn't like to go back to as I know half of the stuff has died from neglect which upsets me as I know that it could have been stunning this year!
In fact they told me that their getting someone in to change the soil, it's clay and we broke it all up "so why"??????? it's like an insult.
Most of us know that clay soil is good as long as it's broken down!
12 Mar, 2010
Hi Sandra Berkshire
I'd love to know which idea you've picked out!
Get back to me if you need any advice!
12 Mar, 2010
Hi Sandra "sanbaz"
No 1: is my favourite too, it just reeks of cottage garden doesn't it, I got most of the plants quite cheaply and i'm so proud of how they've performed, I love to see a herbaceous border in full glory!
12 Mar, 2010
Ok Micky . will it be ok to empty the tea bags, or does it have to be earl grey.:o))
13 Mar, 2010
Thanks Mick for the info. re. the bricks...
The fixed carpet stones sound like a good idea...
I'll take a closer look at them next time I'm in B & Q.
13 Mar, 2010
Well i'm from Yorkshire originally Tulsa so Im guessing you know which tea I like! "I needed that!" lol.
13 Mar, 2010
Hi Terra
Yes do, I think there about £20 for a piece, it will cover a good area though but there a bit of a pig to manouvre so if you get some, BE careful !
13 Mar, 2010
Proper tea it will be then and no other. :o))what about bics. ?
13 Mar, 2010
Warning noted Mick... thanks :o)
Enjoy your tea...;o)
13 Mar, 2010
hi tulsa
Put any food in front of me and it will be gone, I got a ravenous appetite, especially after some gardening!
What bout you?
13 Mar, 2010
The birds in the garden eat more than me, so my OH says.
13 Mar, 2010
Great, Mick - a lovely way to spend your 'spare' time...that is, if the gardens are looked after! I'd be upset as well, seeing my hard work wrecked. :-((
14 Mar, 2010
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Hi, Mick! Enjoyed your portfolio pages very much! :) Think, you can be proud of your works.
12 Mar, 2010