My front garden today - 20th April.2010.
By Terratoonie

20 Apr, 2010
There are more of my garden pics on my recent blog ...
"A new beginning, my plants are GRINNING" ...
Comments on this photo
Hi Waheeda...
Thanks, yes ...
Conker is happy and playing with his toys today :o)
20 Apr, 2010
You have such a colourful garden TT. It must be a pleasure to spend time in it.
20 Apr, 2010
Thank you Hywel... :o)
20 Apr, 2010
looks beautiful!
20 Apr, 2010
That's a beautiful sea of colour TT :-)))
20 Apr, 2010
Absolutely beautiful Terratounie!
20 Apr, 2010
reminds me a lot of my garden in Poland. Spring flowering rock plants:) looking just gorgeous:)
20 Apr, 2010
Thanks Arlene, Louise, Michaella and Kasia :o)
20 Apr, 2010
Beautiful TT, very inspirational.
20 Apr, 2010
20 Apr, 2010
You must love this time of the year TT, your garden is beautiful :-))
20 Apr, 2010
Lovely patchwork of plants/colours, TT, a real eye-catcher. A real credit to you.
20 Apr, 2010
Stunning front garden. : o )
20 Apr, 2010
So much lovely spring colour! Fantastic TT!! oh, and a lovely easter bonnet too by the way!
20 Apr, 2010
Your garden is stunning TT, love it.
20 Apr, 2010
This reminds me of my front garden...well to be more precise, how I would like it to look...It doesn't though;-( Absolutely gorgeous Terra:-))
20 Apr, 2010
love this!
20 Apr, 2010
Breathtaking Terra the colours are dazzling! gone on my favourites!
20 Apr, 2010
Thanks, Katnip, Uma, Annella, Gee, Megan, KS63, Clarice, Bornagain, Floralhead and Pansypotter...
I'm concreting and scrubbing pavings in the back garden today, but will be back on GoY soon..... exhausted...LOL.
20 Apr, 2010
Absolutely wonderful TT.......... added to my favs............
20 Apr, 2010
Thats amazing, what a lovely time of year this is.
20 Apr, 2010
Terratounie! It's a personal paradise!! Stunning!
20 Apr, 2010
Hi Holly, Cinderella and Tate...
So pleased you like my garden..
Thank you.... :o)
20 Apr, 2010
What a blaze of Spring colour Terratoonie. It's still cold outside although Gerry and I found a place near the greenhouse out of the wind and in the sunshine this morning to have our cuppa!!
20 Apr, 2010
Hello Linda.. Thanks.
It seems to be chilly in the mornings and evenings, with some warm hours in between... I've managed to get a lot of garden work done today... :o)
20 Apr, 2010
20 Apr, 2010
Hi Twin..
Thanks for looking in on my photo :o)
20 Apr, 2010
beautiful x
20 Apr, 2010
Thank you, Claireliz...
I like your doggie avatar pic :o)
20 Apr, 2010
It looks gorgeous TT , I have been changing an area in front of my window , I have put in spring bulbs and Aubrieta , if it looks half as good as this another year I will be happy .. :o)
20 Apr, 2010
wow stunning
20 Apr, 2010
Thanks Eileen...
Hi Amy....
I know your aubrieta and bulbs will look wonderful :o)
20 Apr, 2010
Stunning TT.
20 Apr, 2010
Wow TT what a beautiful garden ......
20 Apr, 2010
Gorgeous TT. What a spring delight!
20 Apr, 2010 much colour and new life !
20 Apr, 2010
Your garden looks so nice Terra with all the aubrieta, lobelia(?) and what are the little yellow flowers? :-)
20 Apr, 2010
Stunning you add plants to this each year or do they just multiply and grow?
So good to hear Conker is playing must feel so must he! :o))
20 Apr, 2010
Thanks Janette, Greenthumb, BB/Jane, Richard and Pottygardener...
Richard the plants are aubrieta, and the little yellow/orange flowers are violas..
Hi PG.... Much of the planting just grows and flowers every year, but I do alter bits and pieces when I think I can improve the colour and structure...
21 Apr, 2010
Another stunning photo TT - I could sit there all day and not want to go anywhere ... !!
21 Apr, 2010
Hello Terry ...
You are welcome to sit and relax in my front garden any time... :o) Lol. xxx
21 Apr, 2010
I'd love to TT - but it's a bit difficult at the mo' getting flights out !!
21 Apr, 2010
I could offer a tent on the grass...
...and chicken dinners ;o)
21 Apr, 2010
Mmmmm chicken dinners - I bet they're fluent in French by now !!!!
21 Apr, 2010
Quelle horreur ! ;o(
21 Apr, 2010
::::oooo))))) !!!!
21 Apr, 2010
This is really one for lifting the spirit TT, its beautiful.
21 Apr, 2010
Thanks Stroller. :o) x
21 Apr, 2010
Thanks for the plant names Terra :-)
21 Apr, 2010
Pleased to help...:o)
21 Apr, 2010
21 Apr, 2010
Thanks Deida :o)
21 Apr, 2010
Your garden is sooo beautiful Terra, it puts mine to shame! You have done a wonderful job to create such a lovely display. :o)
21 Apr, 2010
Thanks Sandra....
Your daffodils avatar photo is very pretty :o)
21 Apr, 2010
Hello What a lovely garden you have, the colours are lovely, its definately got the wow factor and so pleasing on the eye far better than having to look at hard standing areas for cars, on the road where i live its sad to see all the front gardens disapearing for the sake of car space, when we bought our house twenty two years ago the front garden was hard standing, our first job was to clear all this away and make a garden, and now its a picture, i have rambling roses, ribes,kerria, sumac hebes berberris, and euonymous, its congested but beautifull, i dare say it soon will be the only front garden on our road.
21 Apr, 2010
I agree Julien, I am the only one in my close to have a proper front garden, but we can perhaps lead the way and hope some will follow! love this garden what a picture!
22 Apr, 2010
abundance of bright colour and perspective well done terra
22 Apr, 2010
Thanks Julien, Lemondog and Davey...
Yes, it would be a pity if too many front gardens turned into concrete ..
...we need the flower beds for inspiration, for our health, for our well-being and for somewhere to let the rainwater be absorbed :o)
22 Apr, 2010
Aubrieta are very common in the gardens around here. Did anyone see the lovely Aubrieta that Carol planted in her garden in Devon during the last episode of Gardeners World? I thought it looked really lovely!
22 Apr, 2010
how long did it take you to do this
22 Apr, 2010
Hi Balcony...
Yes, I saw Carol planting aubrieta.... lovely plant :o)
Hello Cristina...
I've made this garden a bit at a time. When I moved in, I really had no choice but to dig up most of the front lawn because it was overtaken by a plant from next door which spread fast by underground shoots. So I was left with a huge flower bed. Rather than return it to lawn, I filled it up gradually with rockery plants and flowers. :o)
23 Apr, 2010
Lovely photograph.
I am hoping to get aubretia to grow in the cracks in the stone wall that surrounds part of our garden, I love to see it tumbling pretty....
23 Apr, 2010
Thanks Csarina...
Aubrieta looks nice tumbling down walls doesn't it :o)
23 Apr, 2010
24 Apr, 2010
This looks so colourful - and so welcome after the winter we've had. I have worked outside all today and my face is tingling with sunburn!!!
24 Apr, 2010
Wallis seeds do a packet of aubrietia for 90 p, they do a mixed packet and a trailing type. I am gorwing the mixed packet this year. I had a packet of mixed alpines when I first started this garden five years ago and there where aubrieita in there when i dug the bed to improve the soil last autumn i thought i had lost them, then yesterday i was weeding the bed and i thought that looks like an aubrietia and it was, so i think now they are indestructable!
25 Apr, 2010
Thanks Andy and Jill and Fourseasons...
Some welcome rain today after a busy, happy, sunny day in the garden yesterday.
Hi Lemondog...
That's good to know your aubrieta has survived so well....
It will be interesting to see which colours you get from your seeds. I've been growing some seeds of Thompson and Morgan mixed aubrieta, and am curious to know which shades of purple and red are produced ! :o)
25 Apr, 2010
Yes I agree it is always interesting to see the colours when they bloom, it is a very exciting time, can't wait!!
25 Apr, 2010
25 Apr, 2010
how did you start this of and how long b 4 it got looking like this. i want to do sum thing like this on banking .
27 Apr, 2010
WOW!!! You've out done yourself! : > ) I want a garden like yours. It's so colorful with all those beautiful flowers.
27 Apr, 2010
Thanks Delonix...
I'm not on GoY much at the moment because I'm working hard on a redesign of part of my back garden ...
... but I must make sure I don't miss any of your baby sausage tree photos. :o)
28 Apr, 2010
The baby sausage tree seedlings are growing very well now...I'll be posting more soon. : > )
28 Apr, 2010
Delonix...That's good news...
... Looking forward to more pics as they grow :o)
28 Apr, 2010
What an inspiration you are to one and all, absolutely stunning....TT.
29 Apr, 2010
Hi Dotty.... Thanks for your kind words :o) x
30 Apr, 2010
Respect ! I would love my garden to look like this - you must work hard so I really hope you enjoy your special space - like a lot of the comments you are an inspiration to us all.
1 May, 2010
Thanks, Tiffanie...
Your own gardens are lovely.
I've been looking at your pics :o)
1 May, 2010
Sooooooooooooo beautiful
2 May, 2010
Hi Shahida..
Glad you like this :o)
2 May, 2010
Can't believe what I see here :o) The most colourful garden I've ever seen. You're a real Master!!!!
8 May, 2010
Thank you Convr.... pleased you like the colour mix :o)
8 May, 2010
Thats lovely! Another aubretia fan. Thanks for your lovely comments about my garden - yours looks amazing
8 May, 2010
Thanks Lauren... Glad you like my aubrieta :o)
8 May, 2010
did you grow Ur own or buy it in. i am wondering is it worth growing it as i need so much and they r not cheap to buy. really love urban inspiration
11 May, 2010
15 May, 2010
Hi Cristina... these aubrieta spread, so I try to take cuttings... not always easy...
Hi Arun... thanks for the gasp :o) lol.
15 May, 2010
really Terratoonie, this is an incredible garden , full of beauty and joy
15 May, 2010
Thank you Arun...
I'm pleased you like my gardens :o)
15 May, 2010
This is amazing the colours are fantastic.
16 May, 2010
Hi Terratoonie......absolutely stunning.....isn't Mother nature wonderful especially this time of year, so much new life around us.....well done
16 May, 2010
Thanks Lindak and Crissue...
Yes, Mother Nature provides so much colour for us at this time of year...
I just love the springtime with the blossoms and flowers :o)
17 May, 2010
Hi Terratoonie,very Stunning and amaizing front garden you have there,I like it .
30 May, 2010
Hi Drfadi...
Thanks. So pleased you like my front garden :o)
2 Jun, 2010
OH WOW!!!!!!!!!! that is stunning
6 Aug, 2010
Thank you Pottydottie... :o)))
6 Aug, 2010
Hi Terratoonie my friend and I were just admiring your garden we are new to this gardening lark and wondered what the yellow flowers were amongst the pinks and purples?
9 Sep, 2010
Hi Nana d...
I can't recall the full name at the moment ..
I'll put another comment below if I remember it :o)
9 Sep, 2010
Thanks Terratoonie
10 Sep, 2010
And this one . Just stunning!
31 Oct, 2010
Hi Roseberry.... I'm pleased you like this too :o)
1 Nov, 2010
Is the yellow flower alysum? it's hard for me to tell, bit late for Nana d:-)
3 Nov, 2010
lovely colours - nice flowers
12 Nov, 2010
Thanks Paul...
springtime is special :o)
12 Nov, 2010
certainly is - it is like having a whole new garden
13 Nov, 2010
I love the way you mix colors. Everything just seems to go together. Thanks for the inspiration.
9 May, 2011
Thank you Valerie...
Lots of colours to choose from in the Springtime :o)
9 May, 2011
What a lovely show! Wanted to grow aubrieta from seed this year. You've definitely given me more incentive. It looks so pretty so early on in the year, so colourful without the help of any bulbs which don't end up looking so pretty when the flowers are gone and they are dying back. Very good idea!
14 May, 2011
Thanks 1poodle11 ...
Good luck with your aubrieta ...
it flowers for many weeks :o)
15 May, 2011
You are so talented!
18 May, 2011
Thank you Kimberly ..
there's a lot of luck involved in getting the colours right .. :o)
19 May, 2011
wow what a gorgous display the colours are fab
22 May, 2011
stunning garden... as a novice would love to know what you have planted to get such a gorgeous display...
4 Jul, 2011
Thanks Whdebor and Lorraine ...
This pic is mostly aubrieta and grape hyacinths (muscari).
5 Jul, 2011
Hi Terratoonie,
What is the yellow n white one next to aubrietas on this picture?please. This is so beautiful..trying to copy this. Need your advice,thanks.
14 Jan, 2012
Hello again, and thank you for your response to my PM; this is the photo I was looking at - top right and half-way up on the left is what looks like grape hyacinth, but larger and more compact than I have come across before? Thank you for your time.
31 Jan, 2012
Simply incredible. An explosion of colour. Your photos and of course your garden are stunning. A real credit to all your hard work
15 Feb, 2012
love it, so colourful, aiming to get something similar in my little side garden, if i achieve half a good a result as your display i'll be pleased. Thanks for inspiration on a dull Feb afternoon!
19 Feb, 2012
Sorry, I'm only just catching up with the comments on this blog...
Shapla ...
I think you're meaning the alyssum ?
I hope this helps :o)
Avk ...
As far as I know, these are just usual grape hyacinth bulbs... I've had them for ages .. come up every year ...:o)
Psilo ...
Thank you... I love the springtime colours :o)
Maezymare ...
Thanks ... I'm sure your garden will look stunning this year. :o)
19 Feb, 2012
OMG amazing!!! how many man hours to you dedicate to your amazing garden. wish mine looked like that and from all the pics it is soooo lovely to see that the dogs are a massive part of your life as well :)
28 Apr, 2012
Hi Jewells ...
I couldn't do all that work without my doggie helpers ;o)
28 Apr, 2012
Getting total garden envy looking at your Photos..... Lovely x
10 Jun, 2012
Pictures by terratoonie
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10 Jun, 2010
Hi terratoonie, this is a cause for happy for you that all is good with Conker :o)
20 Apr, 2010