Julien's Profile

About me
Hello, My name is julien, and i have many interests and many more i would like to get into but at the moment time is so precious so i can only really partakke in a few, which are playing my old accoustic guitar well ime trying to anyway i write my own poetry and create my own works of art from paintings to sculptures which i make from old junk etc, i have two allotments where i grow mainly plants, to be honest they are two gardens, one is a topiary garden the other is basiclly one huge herbacious border, my garden at home is a lovely woodland garden which has been twenty plus years in the making, all the trees were either propagated from seed or sappling rescues from where roads were made, i have my own small garden buisness, and recently brought a very small house in the limousan region in france, i have many things i have to do in my life and one big ambition of mine is to walk the coast of britain, but without a time schedule, if it takes a year or two then so be it, on the way i hope to see and meet so many people and explore our lovely coastline, at the end it would be nice to write a book, not for profit mind, just something i can pass for future generations of my family to read, having said all this my big love is gardening/nature, phew thats enough i think , look forward to talking with you all. julien
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Joined in Apr 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Derbyshire