Marycontraryposhpl's Profile

About me
Hi I am Mary. We moved to Suffolk 6 years ago. The idea was to downsize to a smaller house, with the smaller house came a fairly big mature garden. I love this , husband not so keen on this too much grass to cut. We have moved huge greenhouse from centre of the garden put in a summer house , got rid of strawberry beds and fruit bushes lovely to have but too high maintenance,I have planted lots of clematis, roses, herbacious plants, heather beds.
I am happy to have found this web site and think I shall become addicted. It is great to know there is someone to talk to about my garden, sure my other half gets fed-up with me going on about the garden . I am not too good at downloading photos yet , but will get better.
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Joined in Apr 2012
Country: United Kingdom
County: Suffolk