My Somerset Garden,day 12 and 13!!
By micky45
Hello Friends
I’m so sorry I never got a blog out to you yesterday, I am really mad with myself for not doing one and feel i’ve let you and myself down! I will try and make it up to you in this blog with some nice pics and a bit of my humour.
Well snow did come to us the other day and it was enough to wreak havoc in our village as we are on the top of a hill, My friend Pippa and her family got caught out on their way back from Minehead, only 1/2 mile from the village they had to abandon their car as it couldn’t get up the hill! poor things.
These villages seem to get forgot about sometimes with only the main roads being kept clear, not as bad as other places on the news though, poor Luton, they have it terrible don’t they.
I nearly went a**e over tip getting into my car for work the other day and only managed to keep myself upright by holding onto the wing mirror, can you imagine me ringing work to say i’ve done my back in falling on ice, yeah right! sure you have!, just get yourself in liar!
Hey! guess what film we’ve got on? he day after tomorrow!! very apt for the conditions at the moment!
Well the shortest day has come and gone, that’s something but we won’t really see any difference till about another month yet, I do feel that we will have quite a bad winter again, Don’t ask me why? maybe it’s just an instinct
or maybe i’m just wrong!
We’ve got some of our geraniums as house plants which we are hoping to keep alive till the spring to take cuttings off, I hope this works as it will be a great achievement if we can bring them through! with me being the old skin-flint I am, it will also save some money too! , when you read what gardeners of yesteryear did they didn’t waste anything if they could help it and always tried to re-cycle what they had, I think there is skill in doing that and a great sense of satisfaction too!
I like to take cuttings and bring them on and look for self seeded plants to give to friends as a living present for their garden, there is always something you can find if you keep an eye out.
I’ve been identifying an area for my other Fatsia Japonica which I think needs shade, it’s out the front near the car port and is north facing so should do well! it’s been in a pot for ages now and does need to go in, when the temperatures go back up again i’m going to have that good old clear out i’ve been promising myself, I can feel myself getting psyched up for it!
The Cats are all nestled in as usual at the moment, they look so snug all curled up in a ball bless them!
The house is looking and smelling “thank you glade candles”!! very chrismassy, and everyone comments on it, it’s very homely especially with a nice glass of something to warm you through!
I can imagine a lot of you feeling frustrated because you can’t get out at the moment! I bet your driving your other halves up the wall stood by the back door sighing and tutting lol!
Oh well, there is always some indoor gardening at goy isn’t there and friends to share our gardens with and I am gratefull for that!
Enjoy the pics friends and have a peacefull nights sleep!
Regards, Micky 45.
22 Dec, 2009
Previous post: My Somerset Garden, Day 11
Next post: My Somerset Garden 27th Febuary 2009
I personally have decided I`m getting old Micky,we`ve had snow and ice since last Fri and now I can`t wait for it to go, I have enough photo`s for this year,lol..My geraniums are hopefully going to be ok in the greenhouse, heater on and fingers xx. Its good to give living presents especially when you look back over time and know that you are responsible for giving a bit of joy and colour to someone elses patch.
Pleased you`re enjoying our indoor gardening......
22 Dec, 2009
Good morning Micky .good blog as usual.and lovely pics.Thanks for the giggle i could just picture it. :~))
23 Dec, 2009
Hi nice blog as always, should'nt laugh at you nearly falling, but i wont go out in it, all the best...
23 Dec, 2009
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So you've got s**w, Micky - we haven't, thank goodness! It's amazing that Bristol has had a lot, and so have you. That's not many miles away, after all, is it? It must be the hills, I suppose. - or thermal currents...or something!
22 Dec, 2009