Explaining my absence from GoY.... please pray for Conker...
By terratoonie
Blog # 18.
For more than 5 weeks now, my “Head Gardener”, Conker the Shetland Sheepdog has been very unwell. At first I tried to keep up with GoY, but as the days have passed, our life has become more stressful and difficult.
Conker is only 5 years old. His birthday was in March. He was fit and happy back then. But by mid-May he had spent a whole day at the vet practice, under anaesthetic, having xrays etc. However, the vets were still puzzled. Various antibiotics etc. were tried but Conker’s condition deteriorated.
I became totally exhausted and run down looking after Conker day and night. It is all too soon after nursing my lovely Welsh Terrier at the end of last year… I have no family, so my pets are my family….
Conker has been referred by my vet to a specialist veterinary clinic about an hour’s drive away. He may need to stay there several days. He doesn’t like being with strangers, but let’s hope they can help him.
When I get more news, I’ll put comments below, or I’ll add information to this top part of the blog.
The Clinic vet phoned lunchtime yesterday to say that sadly he thinks the mass behind Conker’s nose up to his eye is a tumour. I am still in shock from this diagnosis.
The Clinic vet has taken away some of the mass, which means Conker can breathe more easily. Presuming Conker is alert this morning, I can phone the clinic and possibly arrange to collect my not very well dog, with not a very good outlook, because the tumour mass will presumably regrow quite fast.
Clinic vet said he has sent a sample of the mass away for tests which should produce a result in about 7 days from now. He said there is just a possibility that an abscess can produce a solid mass, but he said unlikely.
This is like a bad dream. How can this be happening to Conker at such a young age ? He was so fit up to a few weeks ago. Never had a day’s illness.
Thank God I have Truffle, the Smooth Fox Terrier puppy. He’s now almost 6 months old, and running around with toys. I keep pausing to play with him, even though I’ve tears rolling down my face. Conker accepted the puppy so well and helped to rear him, showing him how to be a good gardener….
Wednesday afternoon and I’m pleased to report that Conker my Head Gardener is back home safely.
The clinic vet says biopsy results of the tumour might be ready by Friday afternoon. Conker is very tired… only a day since his operation…
but his breathing is a little easier, and he has eaten some rice pudding :o)
Sincere thanks to all my GoY friends for your messages of support. Your input is giving me strength and making this difficult situation easier to manage.
Late Friday evening 5th June. 09. The clinic vet phoned about 8 pm and spent a long time explaining Conker’s condition to me. I’m very tired after a long day of waiting, so I’ll give a brief summary now, which I can add to later.
Conker has cancer, but it can be treated with chemotherapy, and about three quarters of the dogs with the condition have a good response, giving maybe another 9 months of good quality life, or in some cases a couple of years…
I reckon the clinic vet is one of the top men in the country in this field, and I decided immediately to give Conker the opportunity to try this treatment, which will be on daytime visits once a week, starting this Monday.
Thanks to everyone for your support during this worrying day. Let’s hope Conker responds well to the drugs and enjoys some more months of happy life.
Saturday. 6th June. 2009.
During this morning and this afternoon, I’ve been reading all of your comments a great number of times. Thank you.They are helping.
Yesterday, waiting all day for the vet’s phone call was very exhausting ~ the culmination of six weeks of nursing Conker, seeing him through two operations, and wondering what could be causing his illness.
Today I’ve been very tired ~ mentally and physically.
I’m sure I’ll perk up as the days go by.
It’s probably better I don’t describe Conker’s current symptoms in detail, but he does have profuse nasal discharge, which needs attention from me every few minutes. He is not at all well, so whether the chemo treatments are going to help him will be very apparent within a few weeks.
Thanks again to all of you. I read your comments and private emails lots of times. If I don’t reply, please be assured everything you write ~ every message, every piece of advice and encouragement ~ is being studied and appreciated.
Since Conker’s operation last Tuesday, his breathing is somewhat easier.
He is definitely better at eating and drinking, so that’s the most positive thing I can tell you right now.
For the weekly clinic visits, the plan is that my friend Mr. C. will do the driving, so that means Truffle the puppy will travel too, and I can walk my young dog while Conker is being given chemo treatment by the vets.
The grounds of the clinic have pretty garden areas, and bushes around the car parking areas, and there is a full time gardener working all day…. When I walk Truffle I’ll get a better opportunity to see exactly what has been planted.
Thanks again.
I’m so glad I joined GoY.
Having support from you is such a help. xxx*
Tuesday 9th June 2009
Conker had his first day of chemo yesterday. He was in the clinic for an hour receiving intravenous treatment. The vet gave me lots of paperwork ~ explanations and instructions about Conker’s cancer and the drugs used ~ side effects, chances of remission. The treatment isn’t successful in all cases.
Vets have a different approach to chemotherapy in dogs, compared to the treatment given to humans. The goal is to give a dose which will improve the dog’s quality of life without causing unacceptable side effects. There might be some reactions to the drugs used, but these are rarely severe. This goal means using lower doses than used in people, and consequently will probably only extend good quality life by a year or so before tumours regrow.
A very small number of dogs go into more complete remission, so I’m giving Conker that chance…..
For the next two weeks, Conker takes tablets given to me by the clinic vet.
These are corticosteroid and chemotherapy drugs. They are strong and I must handle them wearing gloves. Next Monday, Conker needs a blood test at my local vet before I carry on with the tablets, and the plan is to visit the vet clinic again on Monday 22nd June. The courses of treatment could last as far as October.
I hope sincerely that no one reading this ever needs to have chemotherapy treatment for their pets, but maybe by giving this explanation, it provides a bit of an idea of what would be involved.
So far Conker seems to be coping well. He came home with a bright purple bandage on his leg .:o)
While Conker was having his treatment at the clinic, I walked Truffle the Smooth Fox Terrier puppy around the grounds. There is a little garden area with pretty planting. It looks very much in need of trimming of the aubrieta, roses, etc but the gardener seems to have quite a large plot to maintain ~ paths, borders, driveways etc…..
~ I wonder if it will be tidier next time I visit….
Conker is being a brave boy, and I’ll continue to write updates of his progress.
Thanks for all your lovely comments and support, which help immensely.
Here is a picture of Conker in April this year, posing next to a pot of seeds kindly sent by Amy ~
Enjoy your gardening this summer, rain or shine ~ and please pray for Conker… Thank you…
1 Jun, 2009
Previous post: ENDANGERED PLANTS ~ Blog # 17.
Next post: World Wide Wagging... Conker says THANK YOU...:o)
My thoughts and prayers are with you, TT. Hope you receive more encouraging news very, very soon. God bless.
1 Jun, 2009
Thank you.
I've had no sleep for several days so please forgive short messages.
Conker has an appointment with a specialist this afternoon about an hour's drive away. I will probably have to leave him there for several days... might be a tumour....
1 Jun, 2009
Thinking about you both Terra.
1 Jun, 2009
Thinking of you both and praying for Conker.Try and get some rest. I know it's hard but you need to be strong for Conker. Sending you an extra big hug Love Sue x
1 Jun, 2009
Oh Conker, we are both praying you will get better soon. We have been thinking about you every day for the past 5 weks. You are so beautiful, we love to look at your pictures.
TT thank you for the update, please TRY and rest, we know just how difficult it is especially if you have no-one with you, that is not strictly true as you have all of GOY with you in spirit I'm sure.
Loads of hugs and kisses to you both.
All love,
Bob & Sylvia. xxxxxxxx
1 Jun, 2009
Sorry to hear Conkers no betterTT... thinking of you..
1 Jun, 2009
Will pray for you both. Will look out for news. Hugs form me too. God bless!
1 Jun, 2009
So sorry to hear about Conker, and so near to losing your lovely Welsh Terrier! Poor you. I do hope Conker makes a full and speedy recovery from whatever's ailing him. Many good wishes to you and Conker. :o)
1 Jun, 2009
I hope the specialist can determine the problem, then I'm sure Conker will pull through....thinking of you both.
1 Jun, 2009
My thoughts are with you hope Conker makes a speedy recovery Pollyanna
1 Jun, 2009
Thinking of you and Conker...
Love and prayers from Di, Winnie, Scamper and Suky xxxx
1 Jun, 2009
You and Conker will be in my thoughts. Hope your lovely dog gets well very soon.
1 Jun, 2009
Sorry you are having a very sad and difficult time TT. I send a big hug to you and Conker xx
1 Jun, 2009
Bless you and bless conker. xxx
1 Jun, 2009
Poor beautiful Conker. I do pray the specialist can sort Conker out and at least help him with any pain he is suffering. It sounds as if Conker is in good hands tho', so try to relax, there isn't anything you'll be able to do at the moment. Sending you big hugs and kisses, CraftNutter xoxoxoxo
1 Jun, 2009
Sorry to hear about Conker TT - trust you will have good news for us soon.
1 Jun, 2009
oh dear TT, im so sad to hear of conkers illness, have tears just reading this,, i will say a prayer for your little helper that he makes a fast recovery,, give him a big hug from auntie sandra please TT,x
1 Jun, 2009
I know how they become a large part of your life very quickly and so much a part of your family.I hope this afternoon went well for Conker,with the vets and yourself Conker is in very good hands. No doubt you must feel everyone's good wishes and thoughts from here to you. Hope there is better news soon xxx
1 Jun, 2009
hoping everything turns out good for you and conker. Prayers are with you both
1 Jun, 2009
Terra, I feel for you - and little Truffle must be so confused with Conker not around. Love and hugs to all three of you.
1 Jun, 2009
Thanks everyone for your supportive comments both here and in private messages. It really helps knowing you're all thinking of Conker. Thank you.
The specialist phoned this evening, and Conker is to have an exploratory operation tomorrow. The time of day when they would be operating could not be specified. I'll report back when I have more news. xxx
1 Jun, 2009
Aww TT such a worrying time, Try and Sleep tonight because Conker needs a happy mum, Im thinking of you and Conker and dont forget He's a young Dog and tougher than you think XXX..
1 Jun, 2009
Fingers crossed TT! (and toes and everything else!) xoxoxo
1 Jun, 2009
So soon after Bonsai you must be very worried.As Dee says being so fit and healthy previously must give a young dog every chance .. hopefully the specialist will be able to help and give you some peace of mind.Thinking of you both.
1 Jun, 2009
Get well soon Conker, willing you to get better
Brian & Jamie
1 Jun, 2009
positive thoughts tt
1 Jun, 2009
fingers crossed and have a good rest if you can.
1 Jun, 2009
I am really so sorry to hear of Conkers illness. I hope and pray that he will soon be back to his old self. Don't forget youself. You need rest to be able to support Conker in his hour of need. Bless you both at this difficult time.
1 Jun, 2009
Sorry to hear about the health problems of you lovely dog. I hope for the best results of him.
Take care of yourself. sending all my love and thoughts to you.
1 Jun, 2009
Hope things go ell, Terratoonie.
1 Jun, 2009
my prayers are that conkers gets well soon and terra is comforted regardless the outcome.
2 Jun, 2009
we are your online family TT and all our thoughts are with you and conker at this tough time.
2 Jun, 2009
My prayers and thoughts are winging their way over to you and Conker, TT.
Take care of yourself too. You will need to keep strong for Conker's sake.
Love and hugs. Gilli, Susie, Molly, Chevy and Inky. xx
2 Jun, 2009
my thoughts and best wishes are with you terratoonie and Conker
take care Helen
2 Jun, 2009
Big Hug TT & lots Of Prays to you both XXXX
2 Jun, 2009
sending all our love and best wishes to Conker
may a speedy recovery be ahd
big hugs
x x x
2 Jun, 2009
Praying for both of you. Conker has been in my heart since I started GoY.
2 Jun, 2009
Love & Kisses to Conker and you too...you have my very best...~Cat
2 Jun, 2009
Ditto TT...thinking of you at this worrying time x
2 Jun, 2009
TT- So sorry to hear about Conker. Hope that the exploratory operation went well and he's well on his way to being healthy :)
2 Jun, 2009
I'm sorry to hear Conker didnt go any better TT.
God will guide the vet's hands and thoughts and he will do his best for Conker.
My love for you both
3 Jun, 2009
Thank you everyone for your kind words.
I've read all your comments here many times and it helps me very much to know Conker has the GoY members thinking of him.
I shall be giving updates in the information at the top in my blog.
3 Jun, 2009
Dear TT reading the up-date on Conker has tears rolling down my cheeks 2 :( What awful awful news :( XXX
3 Jun, 2009
aw TT, this is so sad. poor Conker.
3 Jun, 2009
love to you bothxxxx
3 Jun, 2009
Oh TT .. I can hardly see for tears , it,s so sad , I,m so sorry , I can,t begin to know how you feel , lots of love and hugs xxx
3 Jun, 2009
Oh no... TT how absolutely awful! Hope you now have Conker back home and are able to love and fuss him.
3 Jun, 2009
Lets hope for the best TT ..I am so sad for you that you are having to deal with this pain & fear right now.....my heart is with you..love and hugs...xx ~Caroline
3 Jun, 2009
Very sad when I read your update. If it does turn out to be a tumour, I can only suggest you bring him home and then you can both enjoy time together. As you know, that's what we did with Suki. As Moon Grower says..just love and fuss him. Oh...and take care of yourself.
3 Jun, 2009
I shall be praying to both St Anthony and St Francis for Conker - - my thoughts are with you
3 Jun, 2009
So very sad on seeing the result of the exploratory op on poor Conker. Hope you can bring him home until you get the results next week - he would much rather be with you and Truffles even whilst so poorly. It will be a very difficult week for you but always remember all your goy friends who are thinking of you and Conker.
3 Jun, 2009
So sad TT, Im hoping and praying something can be done for Conker, and im thinking of you both. Love Dee X
3 Jun, 2009
Thinking of you Terra and still hoping that something can be done for Conker xx.....
3 Jun, 2009
So sorry to read your update Terra.....thinking of you, Conker and Truffle, and praying that a miracle will happen, and that Conker's condition can be treated....xx
3 Jun, 2009
Thanks everyone for your comments.
I've added the latest news above. xxx
3 Jun, 2009
So glad you have Conker back home, TT - that's the best place for him with plenty of tlc from you and Truffle. Take care.
3 Jun, 2009
So sorry to read the latest news TT. I'm thinking of you and praying for you, Conker and Truffle. Love Gilli xx
3 Jun, 2009
Glad to hear he is home tt . . .
3 Jun, 2009
Its great little Conker is Home TT & Eatting rice Pudding:) I know ul give him all the Love & Attention he needs&derserves ,Love Jac XXX
3 Jun, 2009
so glad conker is doing well TT, good luck for the results, bet he enjoyed his rice pudding yummy
3 Jun, 2009
Great news....give him a hug from me.
3 Jun, 2009
~hugs to you both !xxxx
3 Jun, 2009
Good to know that Conker is home, just keep loving and fussing him
3 Jun, 2009
So pleased you have him home Terra ,hugs all round .XX
3 Jun, 2009
Conker is back where he belongs and feels safe and cared for. Everything crossed for Friday. x
3 Jun, 2009
Good to hear Conker is home I'm sure you are spending lots of quality time with him. Who knows, little Truffle could have been sent to keep you busy and comfort you in this sad time. Thinking of you, and remember the vets will only do what is in Conkers best interest. XXX
3 Jun, 2009
Big hugs for Conker...and you Terra! Keeping all paws crossed here for good news on Friday. Just take one day at a time and try not to worry....everything happens for a reason xxx
3 Jun, 2009
pleased to hear Conker is home.fingers paws and claws crossed for FridayTake care hun. x
3 Jun, 2009
It's wonderful to hear that Conker is a little better. I hope, so much that the results of his biopsy are favourable. I know you will be on tenterhooks until Friday but look on the bright side as he must get better. He is a beautiful companion and gardener. My thoughts are with both Conker and you during this very difficult time.
3 Jun, 2009
Oh man..rice pudding!..Your a good friend & mama TT...Conker loves you so very much. I know he is so greatful that you got him some help for his discomfort. ...You are in my thoughts and heart...just for now...this moment...all is well...enjoy each one as it comes..Bless all 3 of you....xxx ~Caroline
3 Jun, 2009
More love from me to you, Conker and Truffle. Conker will be feeling much better just to be at home with you both looking after him. Glad he was able to eat a lil' treat. Good luck for friday and whatever happens, just enjoy each other's company for whatever time you have. Take each day as it comes, you can't do more than that. xoxoxo
3 Jun, 2009
I,m very pleased to hear that Conker is back in the comfort of his own home TT , i,m sure he feels much better for that .
Lets all hope and pray that friday brings good news...
Big hugs for you all xx
3 Jun, 2009
My goodness TT, I am just seeing reading this for the first time! Hoping Conker makes a full recovery. Please give him a big hug for me. Take care!!! xoxox
3 Jun, 2009
Thanks for your good wishes.
Conker had a comfortable night and ate custard for breakfast. :o)
He enjoyed a little walk around the back garden and dog run, and I showed him how all the roses have been coming into full bloom while he's been away.
4 Jun, 2009
AWwwwwwwwwwwww Bless Conker :) Plez give him a Hug & Kiss from me TT :)
4 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Jacque ~
Hugs and kisses given to Conker from you and other GoY members. He's getting lots and lots of love. xxx
4 Jun, 2009
well done conker pleased you had comfortable night.take care x :0)
4 Jun, 2009
Awwww, I'm sure that cheered Conker up, well done TT. That was an excellent idea!
4 Jun, 2009
Awww , I,m pleased Conker had a good night TT .
and enjoyed his little walk round the garden , hugs from me to you all xx
4 Jun, 2009
Well done Conker, keep up the progress, we hope to see lots of lovely photos soon.
Lots of love and kisses,
Bob & Sylvia xxxx
4 Jun, 2009
That's it Conker... you just take it gently
4 Jun, 2009
Good TT & Conker..sounds like a lovely walk...Is Truffle being of help with Conker? xxx's to all of you...~Cat
4 Jun, 2009
Thanks for all of your encouraging comments, both on this thread and by private messages. They raise my spirits and keep me going...
Yes, Truffle is trying to help. He brought Conker some rope toys this morning, thinking he might like to play tug. Conker was a bit too tired for games so I held the toy for Truffle to pull.
Truffle also helps by licking out the dishes when Conker doesn't quite finish all his rice pudding or custard....
4 Jun, 2009
Sounds like Your Truffle is being a good Nurse TT :) Bonsia would of been proud of him, i bet Conker thinks its lovely being so loved& Cared 4 by u both :) Love Jacx
4 Jun, 2009
I don't think that was ever any doubt that you would give Conker and indeed Truffle too, lots and lots of love TT. It'll be fantastic when he gets back to his old self and you can share some more lovely photos of them both with us all.
4 Jun, 2009
Much love to Conker, Truffle and you from Sophie and me.x
4 Jun, 2009
What a beautiful dog - hope he perks up soon.
4 Jun, 2009
TT B. & I are off on holiday for two weeks later today but will be thinking of you and Conker
5 Jun, 2009
Im also thinking of u & Conker this morning TT ,Big Hug & i pray 4 good news Love Jacxxx
5 Jun, 2009
Thanks to everyone on this blog for your kind words.
I hope to have news later today of Conker's biopsy.
Moongrower ~
Hoping that you and B. have a happy fortnight with good weather.
5 Jun, 2009
~you and Conker are in my thoughts ~praying for good news for you.
love xxx
5 Jun, 2009
I'll be hoping with you today, Terra, Conker and Truffle. Misty sends a lick and a purr.
5 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Arlene and Wagger ~
I'm really edgy and worried here today, and your keeping in touch is helping. Thank you.
5 Jun, 2009
TT, fingers crossed that all will be well! Lots of luv to you all, xoxoxo
5 Jun, 2009
We're thinking of you all, Tt! - XXX
5 Jun, 2009
My thoughts are with you and Conker TT. I pray that it is good news.
5 Jun, 2009
So sad reading your blog, I am with you in spirit and would love to be with you in person just to wait with you as I too have been in the same position. Lots of love to you and Conker. God bless him and give you strength. Love Sue xx
5 Jun, 2009
My thoughts are with you TT, I can imagine you are on tenderhooks and can't settle to anything. Hope Conker had another good night. I'll leave my computer on today so I can keep up to date with your news. Best wishes.
5 Jun, 2009
Mine is on for the day too TT..waiting with you..love and hugs..xx's ~Caroline
5 Jun, 2009
Thank you everyone for your comments and private messages.
Conker has enjoyed good food and drink this lunchtime so that's a hopeful sign..
As soon as I can I will let you know the news.
Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes....
5 Jun, 2009
It is 2pm. I've just phoned the clinic and the vet is dealing with an emergency, so unavailable.....
I'm going to phone him again in an hour's time...
5 Jun, 2009
It is so hard waiting..glad you are calling ...will stay in touch..
5 Jun, 2009
.. still waiting... I phoned and now the arrangement is that the vet will call me this afternoon when he has finished working on the emergency....
5 Jun, 2009
~waiting is always the hardest thing!keep your spirits up~we are all here with you!In fact go and have a sherry or whatever!
5 Jun, 2009
My thoughts are still with you today TT. Waitiing is always hard. Love to you all. xx
5 Jun, 2009
Thanks Arlene and Gilli ~
I so hope I'll get a phone call this afternoon and don't have to wait till Monday to hear news....
5 Jun, 2009
TT waiting is the pits... hang in there lad and remember we are all pulling for you
5 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Mg....
I like the pic. of you and B. and David on his photos.... :o)
5 Jun, 2009
Oh! TT, this must be the longest afternoon of your life.
We have everything crossed for you.
Sylvia & Bob xx
5 Jun, 2009
Dear TT its over an Hour & im Praying the news is good ,Love Jacxxx
5 Jun, 2009
Still waiting for the vet to phone me...
... I'm even taking the phone to the loo so that I don't miss his phone call....
I've learnt he works till about 5pm or 6pm..... I really hope I don't have to wait till Monday for the results...
Thanks everyone for your support...
5 Jun, 2009
So sorry i missed about Concor, i know you said a few weeks a go he was ill, but my thoughts are with you & Concor, keeping my fingers crossed all will be well.
5 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Clarice....
It's not easy keeping up with all the blogs and photos...
5 Jun, 2009
It,s almost 5.00pm now TT , oh dear , I really hope you hear something soon ........
5 Jun, 2009
gosh TT you must bewalking the carpet away waiting, i know i would be, just got in from work and wanted to see if any news on conker and can see your waiting for call, glad he is eating today properly thats great news, will keep looking for news and praying its good,, hugs and kisses for conker xx
5 Jun, 2009
We're all waiting, waiting.
Truffle is waiting. Crocus is waiting. Conker is waiting....
Thanks for keeping me positive this afternoon...
I still hope to get news soon...
5 Jun, 2009
Good luck TT! Praying you don't have to wait til monday...... Eeeeeek!
5 Jun, 2009
Thanks :o)
I've just phoned the Clinic again, and apparently I could receive a phone call even later this evening...
and the same vet is also on duty tomorrow....
5 Jun, 2009
Ok, that's a relief that you won't have to wait til monday then! That's one good thing anyway! GW is on tonight, have a glass of wine while you're watching it and you'll sleep well tonight too!
5 Jun, 2009
I hope they don't make you wait until Monday~you will have worn a hole in the carpet!~no Springwatch tonight so nothing to distract you~Gardeners World it will have to be!
5 Jun, 2009
I shall keep alert by the phone till about 8pm because the vet phoned me one evening at that later hour....
5 Jun, 2009
Waiting with you Terra XXXXXXX
5 Jun, 2009
hope the secretery has remember to tell vet to call you TT, think i would call just to see if they are still there,, our vet open saturday so maybe your is to if they dont get back to you
5 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Lincslass and Sanbaz...
Apparently the receptionist sends emails upstairs to the office of the Clinic Vet. She assures me the message has been sent.
Says they have one vet away today, and have also had to deal with an emergency, so I guess I'll just keep waiting....
5 Jun, 2009
Oh my goodness...I thought you would have heard by now Terra. What a stressful day you must have had! Hoping the phone rings soon with some good news...
Big hugs to you, Conker and Truffle xxx
5 Jun, 2009
Thanks everyone.
I've put an update above. The clinic vet kindly phoned me at 8 pm ~ the end of his very tiring day and spoke to me for a long while, explaining Conker's condition.
5 Jun, 2009
I'm so sorry to hear that poor Conker did not get the result that we all hoped for. At least, with you he will get all the love and affection that he deserves and with the help of the vet and his medication Conker will have a little more time with you. Lets hope it is a long rather than a short time.
5 Jun, 2009
Get some rest now...my heart is with you...lets go for the 2 years +..Conker has a strong will to be with you..and he will do great ... he has all of our love and good energies focused on him from all over the world..and from you and Truffle too, he is one very lucky dog. ...Bless you...xxx ~Caroline
5 Jun, 2009
Aw, poor Conker. Let's hope the treatment helps him and that he has lots of months left. Thanks for letting us know, we've all been rooting for you all. Hope you manage to sleep a lil' better tonight and that Conker is comfortable. So glad you have a good specialist to help you all.
Much love to you all, xoxoxo
5 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Alan, Caroline and Cnutter ~
At least I now know what is wrong with Conker. It has been such a shock and mystery. I'll hope to have Conker back as my Head Gardener for as many months as possible. :o)
5 Jun, 2009
Yes, that's a very positive outlook, and I'm sure Conker will be your Head Gardener for many months to come. :-)
5 Jun, 2009
Terra, I am so sorry to hear the news. At least now the waiting is over and you know what Conker is up against. The chemo will give him the best possible chance, so try and stay optimistic if you can...take each day as it comes, and enjoy every moment with your lovely dog.
Please don't give up hope....Conker will respond to treatment with your love and care.
Di x
5 Jun, 2009
Thank you Di.
I'm lucky to be less than an hour's drive from the specialist vet. Some owners travel for many miles to take their pets to the clinic.
Terra xxx
5 Jun, 2009
Hi Terra ..Jane here..been following this all day from work.(Not supposed to have been doing..but what the hell )
Take every day at a time and give Conker all the love you can give.That will be enough. xx
5 Jun, 2009
Thanks Jane, and thanks for following this surreptitiously during the day..
I have mixed feelings tonight. I now know what I'm dealing with, and I'll do my best to give Conker, my Head Gardener, lots more months of quality life. Truffle is hoping his friend will soon be well enough to play games with him again.
Terra . xxx
5 Jun, 2009
Really sorry that it's not the hoped for all clear but at least you know that he will be with you for quite a while yet~I am sure he will keep going as long as he can the way my Magnum did and that was without the chemotherapy~who knows what might happen with all the love and care you will give him.
It sounds as though he is in good hands with the vet which counts for a lot.
~I hope you can both get some sleep after your exhausting day .
love to you all xxxxx
5 Jun, 2009
Didnt care Terra....been there myself and know how you feel... Conker is cared for and thats al that matters xxx:
5 Jun, 2009
So sorry the news isn't better. I have been keeping up all day with your reports. I am still very much with you and dear Conker my love is flying to you both, please know that we can all unite as one and perhaps a miracle WILL happen. God Bless Love Sue xxx
5 Jun, 2009
Oh TT, what a difficult day you've had but now you must look foward. You have given Conker a good chance and the Vet sounds brilliant and very caring. Hope the treatment is successful and that Conker will make a good recovery and enjoy many more months as Head Gardener. God bless.
5 Jun, 2009
I'm sending positive thoughts, energy and prayers to Conker and you.
5 Jun, 2009
Oh TT Im in shock with the news about Conker, such a young dog, now we have to be positive and think long term for your beautifull brave clever dog, please give him a hug from me, and one for you too.. love dee..
5 Jun, 2009
My dear Tt! Your dogs could never have had a better mother. We will be "with you" all the way. X
5 Jun, 2009
Oh Terra. I'm so sorry to hear the news isn't any better. I know exactly how you are feeling. Try to stay positive. Conker is a young dog and should be able to handle the chemo quite well. He is so well loved and cared for. He couldn't ask for more. Now you look after yourself too. You will need your strength for the upcoming treatments. Don't forget we are all with you in thought even if we can't all come and be there in person. xxx
6 Jun, 2009
Sending lots and lots of love, hugs and cuddles for you both
may God give Conker a speedy recovery
amazing what can be done these days
x x x
6 Jun, 2009
So sorry the results weren't better but so glad you were sent to such a superb vet. With his clinic's help and your love and care, Conker just couldn't be in better hands and will be with you as long as possible. This whole episode puts gardening into perspective, doesn't it? though I'm sure it will be good therapy for both you and Conker - keeping life as normal and happy as possible.
6 Jun, 2009
TT Smokey sends is love to Conker, i think wagger as said what i was thinking, you know i did'nt expect Smokey to be with me this time last year, it was 13mths ago when i was told he had kidney failure, but xmas came & went then his 17th birthday in april so he as seen both them come and go, so look on the bright side. xx
6 Jun, 2009
Hi TT, so sorry to hear that the cancer was confirmed, but I'm sure Conker is young enough, strong enough and willing enough to pull through. I reckon he'll choose to go for the two years minimum. Suki is still with us and she's ancient in comparison and had no treatment due to her age. Just keep on loving him and look after yourself. All the very best.
6 Jun, 2009
So sorry to hear your recent news TT. It is so heartening to read everyones wishes for Conker,as some have said already many of us have been there and experienced this but it is never easy.You are doing everything possible to help him and hopefully he will be around with you for a long time yet.XX
6 Jun, 2009
HI TT... so sorry to hear the latest news about Conker....thinking of you...... Holly
6 Jun, 2009
How sad TT and so close after the trauma of Bonsai. You really dont deserve this. Thinking of you. Dawn x
6 Jun, 2009
I've added an update to the end of my blog.
Thanks to everyone for your comments. xxx
6 Jun, 2009
Rest as best you can TT...until your sweet Conker comes round from the treatments you will not really be able to relax. I am glad they have given you hope...that is the best you can have right now..there is always hope...never let go of that..for your sake and Conkers.
Like the seeds you plant..never sure they are going to bloom but you hope they do... I am sure that hope is why they bother to bloom at all some times.
Love & hugs..xxx to all of you..
6 Jun, 2009
Oh, I don't know how I missed this.
T.T, I'm so sorry to read this about your lovely Conker. I do so hope everything will be alright, hun.
I'm thinking of you both.
6 Jun, 2009
I,m pleased to hear that Conkers breathing is improving TT , It,s good that you will have Mr. C to drive you to the treatment centre , you wouldn,t be able to concentrate properly ..
Also Truffle will be able to enjoy the trip with you , he will be wondering why his little life has suddenly changed , although i,m sure he is aware the his friend Conker isn,t well and trys to care for him ..
Love and hugs to you all xx
7 Jun, 2009
Thank you. I appreciate very much all the comments which are encouraging me to think positively.
I'm trying to remain hopeful that Conker's treatment will help him.
I've just uploaded a photo of the wonderful freesias kindly sent to me by Dr Bob and his wife.
They fill the room with a gorgeous scent. Beautiful.....
Conker has eaten lots of custard for breakfast and will be having puppy food for lunch....... don't tell Truffle that Conker is eating his food... Shhhhhhhhhh... :o)
7 Jun, 2009
Your secret is safe with me TT.
God bless you all.
7 Jun, 2009
lol TT im sure truffle will make an exception dont you :o))
7 Jun, 2009
Custard and puppy food..yummy...Truffle will not like sharing at all..he is a dog and a puppy to boot..lol...little competiton makes for a better appetite...lol..Conker will be enjoying this little turn of events I am sure...
7 Jun, 2009
Oh goodness TT, I haven't been on here much lately either but I don't know how I have missed this completely.
My thoughts are with you and pleased to hear Conker is improving. I am sure Truffle will not mind sharing with his friend.
Rest when you can, take care. x
7 Jun, 2009
Thanks. Yes. I feel somewhat better than yesterday...
Conker is eating quite well. Over recent weeks, Truffle hasn't suffered too much because has obligingly gobbled up any meal which Conker couldn't manage...
I've just given Conker a gentle grooming, trimmed his toenails, and cleaned his teeth. He's looking smart ~ all ready for his chemo tomorrow... xxx
7 Jun, 2009
Ah bless him, we all feel better when we have been groomed! I hope the chemo treatment does not make him feel too poorly. x
7 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Pg.
I'm not quite sure what to expect, but I'll certainly put an update on my blog tomorrow...
7 Jun, 2009
I have heard that dogs tend to deal with it better than people...probably because they do not know that they have cancer and they get such special attention from their loving people companions...
7 Jun, 2009
Conker doesn't much like being with strangers, but I gather most sessions are only about 30 minutes, and then occasionally a stay of 3 hours or so when a more potent drug is used. He'll soon realise that I'll be waiting to welcome him after each treatment...
7 Jun, 2009
Awwwww..darn..wish you could stay with him. You will have to have special happy plans for him to look forward to each time...not that you just being there won't be enough. Most dogs are ever so happy to see their pack when they have been away.
7 Jun, 2009
Hello Tt,
I haven't been on Goy for a while but was going to message you to enquire re Conker but thought I'd look first to see if you'd posted any news. As you can imagine, I was very upset to read this blog and updates and obviously, don't really know what to say other than to assure you we'll all (Julie Paddy and myself ) be hoping for the best possible reaction to the treatment. We also will be thinking of you and wish you all the very best in difficult times.
7 Jun, 2009
So sorry to hear about Conker. It must be dreadful for you. Please look after yourself too. Best wishes. Maggie
7 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Caroline, Paul, Julie, Paddy, Maggie...
Let's hope the chemo can help Conker... xxx
7 Jun, 2009
So sorry TT, I can't believe after all these weeks this is what it is. Lets hope he can fight this with the chemo...all our love to him and to you and Truffle too, take care and be strong.
Much love
Jane X
7 Jun, 2009
Thanks Janey ...
Fingers crossed for Conker's treatment tomorrow... xxx
7 Jun, 2009
thinking of you
7 Jun, 2009
Poor Conker TT :/ im sure he will be brave & Come out tail wagging4 his Mum :) Fingers crossed the Chemo will rid
the awful lump& Conker will be his Bouncy self playing with Truffle & sniffing little crocus again soon Love JacXXX
7 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Sandra and Jacque...
Hopefully tomorrow will be the start of better health for Conker...
7 Jun, 2009
Good luck for tomorrow, Conker, and TT - glad you've a friend to do the driving and that Truffle can be included too.
7 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Gee...
I have confidence in the clinic vet, so that helps.
7 Jun, 2009
All my best wishes for tomorrow, Conker and TT. Glad that you aren't going to be doing the drive on your own. It will be a great comfort for you to have Truffle with you during the wait while poor Conker has his treatment.
Rest assured that you have the spiritual support of the entire GoY community.
Love and Hugs.xx Gilli
8 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Gilli.
Conker is groomed and geared up for his treatment.xxx
8 Jun, 2009
Hoping it goes well today Terra...thinking of you all.
Love Di & Winnie xx
8 Jun, 2009
Hi Di and Winnie ~
We had a good night, so are all set for treatment this afternoon. Thanks for your good wishes. xxx
8 Jun, 2009
I wish you both well.
8 Jun, 2009
Alan ~ many thanks.
8 Jun, 2009
Thinking of you .. TT .. lots of love to Conker . xx
Hope all goes well today !
8 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Amy.
Conker still has a good appetite... must be a good sign :o)
8 Jun, 2009
Wishing you all the best for today, Tt and Conker. We'll be thinking of you here. XX
8 Jun, 2009
David, thank you from Conker and from me. xxx
8 Jun, 2009
Hope all goes well today, Terra. <hugs for you both>.
8 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Llew. xxx
8 Jun, 2009
Prayers and thoughts are with you today Terra, sending a big hug to you all xx.
8 Jun, 2009
Thanks, I'm closing down the laptop now and will report back later... xx
8 Jun, 2009
Conker is home safely from his first chemo treatment.
He will require daily tablets, more injections, and various blood tests etc as the weeks progress.
I'll write more in my blog above when we are less tired...
8 Jun, 2009
good luck conker, thinking of you x
8 Jun, 2009
Glad you are back...lots of hugs to you both...and xxx's to all of you..~Caroline
8 Jun, 2009
Conker, you've been a really brave boy...have a good rest now and lots of cuddles and treats. Thinking of you both Terra ...
Di & Winnie xx
8 Jun, 2009
Tt - you know I've been very, very busy with opening my garden - I've only just this minute found out that your beautiful boy is so ill. I am so very sorry and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Please give Conker a special gentle stroke from me and Henry sends a little lick.
Hugs to you. XX
8 Jun, 2009
Terra...so glad Conker is home safe and sound.Take good care all of you....sleep well..xx
8 Jun, 2009
So pleased you are all home....well done...have a good sleep and some much needed peace.......All our love XX
8 Jun, 2009
Lovely to read he's home.
Hope he recovers well, hun.
8 Jun, 2009
So glad to hear he is home safe and sound. Conker has been a very brave boy. Now snuggle up together the three of you and get some rest.
Love and hugs xx
9 Jun, 2009
Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement. I find it a great help to have such lovely messages waiting when I switch on the laptop in the morning.
Conker had a good night, and I've written an update in my blog above. Thanks again :o) xxx
9 Jun, 2009
Pleased to hear Conker had a good night Take care
Love Sue x
9 Jun, 2009
~glad to hear that Conker had a good night~lots of love to you both!xx
9 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Sue and Arlene ~
Getting my gloves ready to give Conker more tablets.... xxx
9 Jun, 2009
I,m so pleased to hear that Conker is coping well with his treatment TT better than you I dare say .. I hope that you will see some improvement very quickly in his breathing ..
Try to rest !
Love and hugs to you both and not forgetting little Truffle and Crocus patiently waiting for Conker to be better ...xx
9 Jun, 2009
oh what good news
am very pleased for you all
still sending lots of love and cuddles
x x x
9 Jun, 2009
Thank you, Amy and Mookins ~
Conker's eating and drinking is good at the moment. There can be side effects to the treatment, but okay so far..... xxx
Truffle doesn't understand why his playmate can't play....
Let's hope they'll be playing together soon...
Crocus the budgie is keeping us cheerful. xxx
9 Jun, 2009
Thanks for the update Terra,know that its hard but am with you all the way and praying that the treatment works,so pleased you were able to take Truffle with you, waiting is the difficult bit and he must have been a great comfort to you yesterday,hope you are looking after yourself as well,xx
9 Jun, 2009
Hi Lincslass ~
The best medicine for me is seeing any sign of improvement in Conker. The vet said he had put on weight since last week, so that's good...
Truffle tried to eat the roses at the clinic... Lol..xxx
9 Jun, 2009
Big Hugs 2 u both TT im so sorry its so tiring 4 u both :/ XXX
9 Jun, 2009
Don't forget to take care of yourself too.
9 Jun, 2009
Hello Weeds and Jacque ~
I'm hoping this week to catch up with rest and sleep.
Truffle has enough energy for everyone, running around with his squeaky toys :o)
9 Jun, 2009
Thanks for the update TT. I hope that Conker is one of those dogs that responds with a more complete remission.
I'm glad that Truffle is with you as he must be a real comfort to you at this horrible time.
9 Jun, 2009
Hi Alan ~
The treatment Conker is on can have a wide variety of results, ranging from no difference at all, to some improvement for a few months, and a small number of cases doing even better than that... fingers crossed...
It's a help having Truffle around, but he waits in another room while I give Conker the powerful drugs.... and for a while afterwards. I must be very careful and vigilant with the tablets and observing for any side-effects ....
9 Jun, 2009
Pleased to hear Conker is safely home, TT. Rest as much as you both can, while Truffle entertains!
9 Jun, 2009
Great word, Pg....
Truffle is entertaining.... definitely... :o)
9 Jun, 2009
I am listening to your reports( I will not comment all the time) but be assured I am thinking of you and Conker as all the others are.
It does bring home how fragile life is and I canot imagine being without Jamie,He is my first dog and probably my best friend ever.
9 Jun, 2009
Hello Brian... Thanks...
Jamie is lovely.... very much your best friend...
Yes, it's a shock when a fit pet becomes ill very suddenly in the prime of life... I hope you enjoy Jamie in good health for many, many years to come...
9 Jun, 2009
You are a shining example to all of us on GOY, Terra having handled so much adversity over the past few months, then being hit by this situation yet still taking the time to answer every comment, making your own comments on our photos and blogs. I know every member hopes our comments can give you some extra strength at this difficult time for you and that any time spent on GOY can lift your spirits a little. Look after yourself, my friend, so you can continue giving Conker the care he needs.
9 Jun, 2009
thoughts and prayers are with you and yours TT
9 Jun, 2009
Thanks for the update,and all the info regarding the treatment.Hoping all goes well with Conkers blood test next week ...total remission would be wonderful....but all his progress is a testament to the loving care he is being given x
9 Jun, 2009
Carry on being brave Conker, we're all thinking of you! You're in good hands!!
9 Jun, 2009
Your comments are spurring me on. Giving me energy and hope. Thank you.
It does help me to be on GoY.......
... while watching over Conker, I look at the lovely photos and blogs. You'll know when I'm tired because I describe every photo as "pretty" Lol.
Good news ~ Conker did some tail-wagging today ~ first time in quite a while. :o)
9 Jun, 2009
Please let Conker know that I'm wagging my tail back to him, even if it is a metaphorical tail.
9 Jun, 2009
Lol. :o)
9 Jun, 2009
Oh..we are all wagging back at him..this makes me so happy to hear TT...! Yay! for tail wags.. ))) ((( tail wags..those are...hugs and xxx's....~Cat
9 Jun, 2009
Tail wagging is SUCH a good sign! Well done, Conker. More, please. XXXXX :-)
9 Jun, 2009
Conker, your wags are felt around the world! It's a wonder the world is still on it's axis with all the "tails" that are wagging back!
9 Jun, 2009
What a shock I had to read this blog TT.
Well if tail wagging is a good sign then I'm glad. I think dogs and cats wag their tails for different reasons, but Blodyn will wag her tail for Conker today.
10 Jun, 2009
And Marmalade will set them wagging in norfolk TT , xx
10 Jun, 2009
Truffle is wagging.... even Crocus the budgie is wagging...
All the cats are wagging...
Henry is wagging in the West Country, Blodyn is wagging in Wales, and Catfinch and Weeds have all the wildlife wagging in the USA...
and, good news, Conker is wagging even more today :o)
10 Jun, 2009
AWwwwww Bless Conker im glad his tail is Happy again TT :)
10 Jun, 2009
AND Giorgio, Lupa, Rosie and June are all wagging with lots and lots of feline TLC for lovely Conker from accross the Alps
10 Jun, 2009
Hi Jacque ~
I bet Summer has a great big furry tail, just like Conker ?
10 Jun, 2009
Hello Terry ~
This worldwide wagging and positive thinking from GoY is definitely helping Conker. Thanks everyone :o)
10 Jun, 2009
Yes TT Summers Tail is Mega Fluffy but has a sad story 2 it with a Happy Ending :) When i 1st had her 8 yrs ago i couldnt get near her Tail 2 Groom or Wash it :/ Dont know why maybe thats how Firemen pulled her from The House Fire she was left 2 die in :/ it took a good 3yrs b4 i was able to give it a really good Wash& Brush which means she now has a Goregous Wagger :) lol
10 Jun, 2009
Well, I've spoken to Bailey and he's wagging for Conker too, lol. :o)
10 Jun, 2009
Wow, what with Summer and Bailey wagging too, there'll be some strange breezes blowing about.... The weather forecasters will be very confused. Lol.
10 Jun, 2009
Scamper's wagging here in Cheshire...and Winnie says she would too if she had one to wag (but hers was docked as a pup), so she's waving her paw to Conker instead , lol:)
10 Jun, 2009
Lol Di. We've a whirlwind going around now.....
Conker just alerted me that Truffle had "stolen" a plastic clothes peg, so Conker has his wits about him... :o)
10 Jun, 2009
Lots of wagging from Surrey too.
10 Jun, 2009
Wow, if we've reached Surrey, we must be up to gale force 8 or higher :o)
10 Jun, 2009
Even though Harv has such a short tail it wags at 90 miles an hour~lots of wags coming your way!
10 Jun, 2009
Harvey has enough energy for ten Boxers .LOL.
10 Jun, 2009
.........and...Suki, Patch and Rosie all wagging here in Southampton. All the best.
10 Jun, 2009
Oh, that's wonderful :o)
~ we've reached Southampton !
Thanks, Phil...
Suki, Patch and Rosie will be making quite a draft up the Solent. Lol.
10 Jun, 2009
The wind came up pretty strong last evening...I wondered what was causing that to happen this time of year! My girls Phoebe and Sofie have asked to let Conker know they have tails and they know how to use em....Phoebe has been talking to the horses and the cats.. they are busy wagging too..glad to know that conker is back to helping you with Truffle..lol..good ole Truffle..helping get conker back on his feet..Yay!
10 Jun, 2009
Hi Cf ~
Conker says thanks for the wags across the pond...
Truffle is trying to persuade Conker to join in with toy games, but he's not quite up to strength for those yet. :o)
10 Jun, 2009
Tails wagging in Lincolnshire Conker.........Finn's little tiny one is going ten to the dozen while Ted and Popps are giving there's big sweeps! Jasper's jumping around in her cage....tailess though, she moulted last week, but her little bum is wiggling.......:o)
10 Jun, 2009
Wow, I've heard of positive thinking, but this world-wide wagging is sure to help Conker get better fast. :o)
Finn is multi-talented because he is bilingual in his barking and wagging. Lol.
Thanks to Ted, Popps and Jasper for joining in, despite any lack of fur or feather. Lol.
10 Jun, 2009
My thoughts and prayers are with you both Tt, be strong and let's believe that Conker will come out of this well. Take care and loads of hugs, Linda
10 Jun, 2009
My thoughts and prayers are with you both Tt, be strong and let's believe that Conker will come out of this well. Take care and loads of hugs, Linda
10 Jun, 2009
My thoughts and prayers are with you both Tt, be strong and let's believe that Conker will come out of this well. Take care and loads of hugs, Linda
10 Jun, 2009
Hi Linda ~
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
I've told Conker that you somehow messaged three times from Fiji, so that's a huge load of hugs...
thank you..
Conker is doing quite well today.
His throat area is still weak, but early days yet...
10 Jun, 2009
I've got the sheep and goats wagging for Conker and there's a family of Black Redstarts who constantly wag on the barn roof plus, of course, the White Wagtail. Best wishes to all of you through this trying time. x x :o))
10 Jun, 2009
Hi Nariz ~
You've got those Spanish sheep and birds well organised... thank you :o) xxx
10 Jun, 2009
hi TT you sound alot more yourself today, so glad conker feeling a bit better, angelina sends her love,, even tough shes a cat, she makes an exception for conker :o)
10 Jun, 2009
Hi Sandra ~
Yes, you're right that it's easy to tell if my pets are okay by the style of my comments on GoY :o)
Conker is doing quite well with his medication today....
throat is still the problem area...
Thanks to angelic Angelina for sending love to Conker.xxx
10 Jun, 2009
Good to hear that Conker is wagging more today..What a trooper. Cuddles to Conker and Truffle from Chummy and Scrunchion. xoxox
10 Jun, 2009
Well,not to be left out our 3 cats tails are spinning and also Mary the parrots red tail ! Lol x
10 Jun, 2009
With this worldwide support, Conker really will be helped to better health. Thank you.....
Canine chums from Canada, feline friends in Yorkshire... and Mary's marvellous red feathers.... What a combination! :o)
10 Jun, 2009
funny BB,,
10 Jun, 2009
Malik and Morgan send woofs and wags and Casper,Harry,Tipsy and Ollie send furry greetings as well,lovely to see you back having a natter Terra.........
10 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Lincslass...
Lovely to hear from Casper, Harry, Tipsy and Ollie.... :o)
10 Jun, 2009
Dear Terra
So pleased to hear that Conker is back home and coping ok..lots of wags from Percy..look after yourself,take care thinking about you all
hugs Marion and Percy XX
10 Jun, 2009
Hello Deida and Percy ~
Conker is doing well so far on this week's tablets.
Thanks for asking...
Wags from Percy are much appreciated. :o)
Hugs from Terra, Conker, Truffle and Crocus. xxx
10 Jun, 2009
Misty only wags when she's angry so you'll have to put up with wags from me - not a pretty sight but meant in the right spirit.
10 Jun, 2009
If anyone has a right to be a wagger it's you.
10 Jun, 2009
Ben is wagging from his prone position on the sofa! How does he do that, when lying on his back, legs sticking straight up? !! :-))
Tigger the cat has rustled up support from all the local cats and they are all walking around tails a spinning!
10 Jun, 2009
Well done, Tigger, involving all those Powys pussycats :o)
And, Ben, well what can I say...
Sounds like a photo of an upside down Ben would be good on GoY. :o) Keep wagging, please, Ben...
...Conker is really appreciative. Lol.
10 Jun, 2009
Rosie and Meg are wagging like mad and as Meg only has a stump she is wagging twice as fast.
11 Jun, 2009
Well done, Rosie and Meg....
Lots of signs of improvement in Conker today, so please keep wagging....
faster Meg, faster :o) : o) :o)
11 Jun, 2009
So glad to hear there are more good improvements..you are doing a good job TT...Conker is in good hands...xxx's ~Cat
11 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Cat...
Conker looking a bit better today :o) xxx
11 Jun, 2009
Thanks for pm Terra...having difficulty sending them from our end...write them and they get deleted immediately ! Grrr. How wonderful those nasty symptoms have gone.Much of his recovery am sure is down to your "dogged " (excuse the pun) determination and nursing skills.Fingers crossed for Monday xx
11 Jun, 2009
Thanks Jane...
I hope you get your GoY p.message facility sorted out... xx
11 Jun, 2009
: ) : )
11 Jun, 2009
The news is geting better all the time TT. One step at a time. Don't forget to give Conker at least one daily hug from me.
11 Jun, 2009
I have just looked at your photos of Conker and Truffle you must be so proud. Sometimes life seems so unfair and watching a dog suffer is almost like watching a child. The only consolation is that they don't really know they're poorly and can feel happy and contented as long as "Mum" is there caring for them. He is obviously a very special little dog who has brought happiness to many. Lets hope that he defies the odds and continues to do so for a long time to come. We are still wagging furiously in the Midlands.
11 Jun, 2009
Hi Alan ~ thanks...
Conker has just enjoyed another seven cuddles from you... Lol....:o)
He's improving every day at the moment..
...fingers crossed...
11 Jun, 2009
Hello Bornagain ~
Thanks for your kind thoughts.
It's so wonderful watching Conker improve this week.
Yes, let's hope he gets back to good health for a long time...
Please keep wagging away in the Midlands.. :o)
11 Jun, 2009
Camera at the ready to capture a upside down Ben....Pleased Conker is improving....:-))
11 Jun, 2009
Hello TT, there's a bit of wagging going on up here in Scotland too! I'm pleased to hear Conker's showing positive signs.
11 Jun, 2009
Hi Pg ~
That's great...getting ready for the pic of Ben's upside down wagging pose in Wales....
Hello Keithsmum ~
Please keep wagging in Scotland too.
It's have a good effect ! :o)
12 Jun, 2009
Hi TT ~ How is Conker today? Still Baking!
12 Jun, 2009
Hi Sue ~
Conker doing well thanks.
I've just given him a thorough grooming which he enjoyed.
Keep baking those fete cakes :o)
12 Jun, 2009
Hi TT, Glad to hear those first few days are going well. Couldn't figure out how to find the blog to check up on y'all...lol...Remember Odie & Popie are sending their love too. Hang in there and just love him and enjoy your time together.
12 Jun, 2009
Hi Poetgardener ~
I'm pleased you worked out how to find the blog.
Thank you :o)
Conker is doing well today, but rather sleepy...
It's a hot, sunny day, so he's taking it easy in the shade while I try to catch up with some gardening.....
Wonderful to know that Odie and Popie are wagging their love and good wishes from New Jersey. xxx
12 Jun, 2009
He's entitled to be sleepy in the hot, sunny weather. It's been a lovely dat here and I hope it's been the same with you. You are all so fortunate to have each other and I hope that will continue for many, many years.
12 Jun, 2009
Hi Alan ~
Yes, it was a lovely warm day here, too. Conker and Truffle relaxed in the dog run while I mowed the lawns. I'm not letting Conker be in the hot sun too much. Thanks for your kind words.
Next week will be a challenge because the medications and chemo tablets increase after Monday morning's blood test, but so far Conker is doing very well. A friend visited yesterday and was amazed by Conker's improvement.
13 Jun, 2009
That is just so good to read about Conker's improvement. Have a restful weekend ready for the next challenge, just enjoy the weather, the garden and the dogs.
13 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Wagger.
Good advice :o)
Just a bit of gentle gardening.
Conker is very sleepy today, but otherwise okay.
13 Jun, 2009
Wishing you, Conker and Truffle a nice peaceful weekend.
13 Jun, 2009
Glad to hear Conker's improving TT......hope the weekend weather gives you lots of dozing time out there in the warm.....:o)
13 Jun, 2009
Thank you, Toto and Janey.
We're going to have a lovely weekend in the gardens together. :o)
13 Jun, 2009
I,m so pleased that Conker has shown some improvement TT . it shows what a good nurse you are :o) I hope you have a lovely weekend relaxing and enjoying the sunshine , get your strength up ready for the next week . hugs xx
13 Jun, 2009
Exactly what you all need. Enjoy! XX
13 Jun, 2009
Thanks Amy & Spritz ~
We're enjoying garden therapy this weekend. xxx
I might start a new blog next week after Conker's blood test, because this is almost at 300 comments and Catfinch's computer protests if she has to scroll down too far. Lol.
13 Jun, 2009
And she accuses me of whinging!
13 Jun, 2009
Lol. Alan, not you ?
Good news ~ "Head Gardener" has put on some weight.
On my bathroom scales Conker is heavier than last week. :o)
Then Truffle the puppy took a turn to sit on the scales....
I wondered how he had managed to lose several pounds so suddenly .....
till I realised he was sitting with one foot on the carpet. Lol.
14 Jun, 2009
CHEAT!!!! lol.
That sounds like me I'm afraid :-(
Well, it does make it look as though I've lost several pounds!
Glad Conker has put some on, though. :-)
14 Jun, 2009
Hi Tt! Now that I'm home from my min-break, I see that Lucky's tail is constantly wagging, as are those of the 9 fish in J and E's aquarium, so there's even some underwater encouragement coming your way! :-)
14 Jun, 2009
Hi Spritz ~
Yes I'm pleased Conker is gaining weight.
There was a day recently when Conker's weight had gone down to the same as Truffle's.
Conker is given meals of Truffle's puppy food and that is helping. Ssshhhh :o)
14 Jun, 2009
Hello David ~
Good to know you had a safe journey home.
Lucky ~ please keep wagging...
... and all the inhabitants of the aquarium....
J & E can name all the fish, I know.
Can you name them yet, David ? Lol.
14 Jun, 2009
Nice to know that Conker has put on some weight. That's always a good sign.
14 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Toto.
Yes, it's so lovely to see Conker eating with enthusiasm.
When he was very ill and vets couldn't diagnose his problems, Conker survived several days eating only honey and custard licked from my fingers, and drinking water I tipped down his throat with a tea spoon....
Fingers crossed for his chemo this week...
HUGE capsules I have to put down his throat...
He mustn't chew them because the chemicals have to be swallowed whole...
14 Jun, 2009
Your making a wonderful nurse TT.
14 Jun, 2009
Alan ~ thank you :o)
15 Jun, 2009
So Good to hear Dear Conker is eatting & gaining a few pounds TT :)
15 Jun, 2009
Goidness gracious! Does he swallow them OK, Tt??
Henry makes a fuss about worming pills and they have to be disguised in a piece of cheese!
15 Jun, 2009
So glad to read he's doing OK, T.T. :o)
15 Jun, 2009
Good to hear conker is eating. know how you feel I lost my big mate to cancer three years ago we do have a family and he was a big part of it.so will pray you will get some quality time with your head Gardener conker good luck to you both!
16 Jun, 2009
Thank you Jacque, Spritz, Llew.
Giving Conker the big chemo capsules yesterday was quite a challenge... He has such a long, narrow mouth. The cancerous area is centred above the back of his throat, so all that area is narrower than normal...
...but I managed okay....
Thanks, Scottie. Sorry to hear you lost a beloved pet to cancer. Conker is responding well to treatment so far.
I'm rather lacking in sleep from caring for Conker, but I thank everyone for messages, both on this blog and on the current photo of Conker, and private messages....
....I'll catch up soon ! :o)
16 Jun, 2009
Sleep whenever you can TT...night or day...give yourself permission to do that...you need to take care of you too..
16 Jun, 2009
Nobody is going to mind if you don't catch up, Tt - it really doesn't matter. Just take care of your pets - especially brave Conker - and yourself. :-)
16 Jun, 2009
Hear hear Spritz.
17 Jun, 2009
I sneaked an hour's sleep this afternoon... most unusual for me.... I was greeted with such a welcome from both dogs when I woke up and came back downstairs. Lol.
17 Jun, 2009
Shows that they both appreciate your love and care.
17 Jun, 2009
Truffle started moaning after an hour on his own in the afternoon. ~
He's only young and he reckoned it was time I got up again. :o)
17 Jun, 2009
AAAAAwwwww Bless u all TT :) i think Truffle& Conker were happy 2 see Mum had some rest cos they know how much u wear yourself out over them when they need Your TLC :) XXX
17 Jun, 2009
Hi Jacque ~
Yes, we do put all our energies into looking after out pets, don't we. How are Summer and Peaches ?
17 Jun, 2009
Summers lots better since Suns been out & Peaches is eatting like a Horse & beating all the other Fish to Breakfast Every Morning again LOL :)
17 Jun, 2009
Lol. I like the idea of a fish eating like a horse.... does Peaches have her own nosebag ? Lol. Lol.
Good to know Summer is breathing better in the drier weather. :o)
17 Jun, 2009
Oh! Jacque. I didn't know that Summer hadn't been well. I do hope she is better now.
17 Jun, 2009
Yes she does worry us when its wet TT & Peaches is so fast now she dont need a nose bag lol , Toto its her Lungs she did have a Chest infection bout 4wks ago now & has a touch of Arthritis In her Front Legs But shes much better now thanx :) When ever its Wet weather her Contiouse Cough gets much worse from the Damp Air :/
17 Jun, 2009
You do marvellously to keep Summer as healthy as possible Jacque. Well done :o)
17 Jun, 2009
Thanx TT her Vet is very Good with her & knows which antibotics work well :) iv got her on Seven Seas 4 Pets now which is helping her Legs alot :) She cant run about like before but can out walk my 19yr old son lol ;)
17 Jun, 2009
Maybe give 19 year old son the Seven Seas remedy. Lol.
17 Jun, 2009
LOL....a fish with a nose bag...lol...I love my fishes too Jacque..glad your Summer is doing good with the drier weather...my Sofie seems to too..she is ok in most ways just a bum right back leg...and that is so nice TT..that you got a rest and your furkids missed you..that is so sweet..Love getting greeted by my furs too... :)
17 Jun, 2009
Tt! It takes me all my time to count 9 fish tails wagging b4 and after I clean the aquarium (don't want any to be inadvertently flushed into the Firth of Forth, lol!) - never mind their names. J and E will update me, no doubt! But there is one called Willard (?)
Lucky is sure to have vertical lift-off soon if he doesn't stop that wagging. Reminds me of Mutley in the Wacky Races, hehehe!. :-)
17 Jun, 2009
Thanks for letting me know Jacque. Please give her a big hug from me. I hate it when animals are not well.
18 Jun, 2009
Me too, Toto. Worse than sick kids, coz they can't exactly tell you what's wrong, but they are clever enough to convey it in other ways.
Thinking of you all - Conker, Summer and Arlene's Harvey.
18 Jun, 2009
Thanks. Yes, when you nurse a sick animal, you develop an even stronger bond. Conker couldn't eat and almost couldn't breathe, so the clinic vet has worked miracles so far, and it's a delight to see Conker a little better each day...
Summer was in a house fire before being owned by Jacque. Jacque looks after her so well. :o)
18 Jun, 2009
Pleased to hear Conker is feeling better Terra and to see he,s put on weight is marvellous,also had to smile at Truffles antics with your scales I reckon he,s after an extra doggie snack.Lol.
18 Jun, 2009
Hi Lincslass ~
Thanks for checking in on Conker :o)
Truffle is becoming a real character. He doesn't understand why Conker hasn't the strength play the string toy tug games which they used to enjoy. But Conker seems a little stronger each day, so I hope they'll be playing together again soon. :o)
19 Jun, 2009
I hope so too.
19 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Alan.
When I'm in the bath, the dogs are always in the bathroom too. They have a toy box there, as they do in almost every room !
This evening while I was in the bath, Truffle stole a new toilet roll off the low shelf . He was really pleased with himself... never done that before... should he chew it ? unroll it ?
I asked Conker to bring the roll to me, which he did.... so he's still doing his best to supervise the puppy. Lol.
19 Jun, 2009
Awwwwww....good job Conker..what a love!
19 Jun, 2009
I'm sure he just loves to please.
20 Jun, 2009
Conker's motto is "What can I do to help you" ...
Truffle's motto is "How can I be naughty today ?"...Lol.
I've just made a new blog for Conker....
20 Jun, 2009
Lol, TT....
Laughing about the bath story...My dogs hang around me while I am in the bath too, mostly trying to lick the soap off my arm. Chummy once ate half a bar of soap!
Good to hear that Conker is still on the ball. And that Truffle is a typical pup.
20 Jun, 2009
Sorry to hear about Conker's cancer, TT...he's such a beautiful dog! Hopefully he will respond well to the treatment...will be praying for him...
20 Jun, 2009
Hi NN ~
Glad you like the bath story.
Sounds like you have a few bath stories of your own. Lol.
Thanks, Raquel ~
Conker has been doing well over the first two weeks of chemo so let's hope he gets a good report at the clinic on Monday. Fingers crossed. xxx
20 Jun, 2009
For what it's worth, he has my best wishes. I've everything crossed for him and for you.
20 Jun, 2009
Alan ~ Thank you. xxx
21 Jun, 2009
I have been trying and trying to write somehing on this blog but I have had a very hard time in doing so as everytime I began to try to type something I became so emotional and had to stop because of my dog too. I am now a little over losing Casper and felt I could write something. Dear Tt I am so glad that Conker is responding to treatment and that Truffle is there for you, I have responded to liking your blog as it is a real lift to hear that good news, GoY members are the best in the world as I had lots of messages too from them. Please give Conker a big kiss and a tentative hug.
22 Jun, 2009
Ah, TT, I have only just found out that Conker is poorly. Please give him a (very gentle) ear rub from me and know that my thoughts are with you both. Conker and Truffle are so lucky to have a mum like you. Sarah xx.
22 Jun, 2009
Thanks Bobg ~
What a lovely message, and I've given Conker the hug from you. Your Casper was obviously very special and it takes a long while to adjust to losing a beloved pet.
Hi Sarah ~
Thank you for your kind words :o)
Conker says thanks for the ear-rub.
I've just written a report about today's veterinary clinic visit on my blog number 19..... xx
22 Jun, 2009
Just checking in on, Conker. :o)
23 Jun, 2009
Conker says hi to Bailey...
he's relaxing in the garden today and letting his white blood cells build up :o)
23 Jun, 2009
All the best on this one.
I lost Candie last year to cancer, but any treatment that bought her a little quality time was priceless.
Hang in there-it's amazing what vets are capable of nowadays.
Kind thoughts.
11 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Meanie.
Sad that you lost Candie, but, as you say, increasing their quality time is well worth the effort...
My next blog no. 19 gives an update on Conker's progress.
He is due for anaesthetic this Tuesday so that the vet can give him an exploratory operation to see much the chemo is helping.
I really appreciate your kind message. :o)
11 Jul, 2009
Hi TT, sorry it's been a while... but my positive thoughts and best wishes goes out to Conker ....warm cuddles and fingers crossed from my way for you both. xxx
16 Jul, 2009
Hello Terratoonie, I hope Tuesday brought good news and the chemo has shown to be working.
16 Jul, 2009
Hi Panther and Keithsmum ~
Thank you for thinking about Conker and sending your kind messages. I've put an update on my next blog number 19... World Wide Wagging, which can be found by scrolling to near the top of this page, and clicking on that heading on the right. The latest news is in the top part of that World Wide Wagging blog no.19, in heavy print.
I'm pleased to say the chemo has worked well on Conker's cancer so the treatment can continue on till October.
Thanks again.xxx
17 Jul, 2009
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~praying for Conker and the strength and fortitude you will need to get through this~love to you both!
1 Jun, 2009