Bulbaholic's Profile

About me
Just having passed the 65 year milestone I can now start my real life's work.
I have been a gardener all my life, organic as far as possible. Up to ten or fifteenn years ago my interests lay in mountaineering and veggie growing. I then joined a Community Supported Agriculture scheme and found that my weekly box contained the same produce as was coming from my garden. This co-incided with an increased interest in alpine plants, woodland plants and bulbs. It became quite easy to turn over parts of the veggie garden, and the lawn, to cater for this new interest to the extent that my life is now ruled by the 'wee small plants'.
I am the husband of Moon Grower who has a blog about bio-dynamic growing on this site. We share interests but have decided to write separate blogs on the two sides of our gardening life. Earlier this year a GoYer wrote a brilliant blog about life in Goyland and the people who live there. I was identified as Mr. Moonbulb and herself as Mrs Moonbulb. Since then many Goyers, including ourselves, refer to us Mr. MB and Mrs MB. We would lke to formally change our login names but this is not possible. Sorry for any confusion.
Now, later in 2009, I am working plots in two of my neighbours gardens and I am back into growing veggies again. We dropped the CSA scheme earlier in the year.
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Joined in Feb 2009
Country: Scotland
County: Moray