Bigbumblebee's Profile

About me
Gardening has been part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I'm now watching my 65th getting ever closer.
My large mobile home in West Cornwall is surrounded by wide herbaceous borders. I also have a small veg. garden, a 10` x 6` greenhouse, and what I laughingly call a potting shed. This sulks to one side of a small woodland garden backed by a selection of trees and shrubs which serve as a windbreak to the prevailing winds that come hurtling in from St. Ives bay.
In my spare time (what!?) I am an aspiring writer, working on my first novel, but gardening does tend to take precedence when the weather's good.
Shortly after I was widowed in 1997 I worked for a couple of years as assistant manageress of a local garden centre. Illness forced early retirement, and the garden centre was pulled down to make way for a supermarket. (Don't blame me!) The supermarket is still on the drawing board, so now I buy most of my plants, the ones I don't propagate myself, on ebay.
I enjoy talking about plants and gardening, and have a good selection of my favourite flower, Hemerocallis, better known as the daylily.
Believe me when I say, I found this site by accident, but I am now looking forward to swapping news, views and comments with like minded people. I have a good sense of humour, and enjoy reading, sudoku and crosswords.
Hoping to hear from you very soon.
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Joined in May 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Cornwall