First Planting
By moon_grower
1 comment
In spite of the weather still being cold and very windy we’ve planted our first ‘fruit’ seeds today
David filled 3 very large black plastic pots with our usual compost mix and into each of those has gone 3 climbing bean seeds. These will spend their growing life in the pots and are currently in the green house but will go outside later, with canes for the beans to climb up. We will also plant climbing bean seeds outdoors once it is a little warmer.
We also planted broad beans seeds directly into the ground over the trench that David had put manure into a while ago. To help you realise just how small the moon bed is it took all of 9 seeds to fill the row!
29 Mar, 2009
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Next post: More planting...
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We had intended planting some brassica and potatoes in the control bed but that wind was just sooo cold! We will leave that until Wednesday.
29 Mar, 2009