Plant Life On A River Tay Walk . Perth, August
By madperth
Well I took you on the walk, but I didn’t show you all the pretty flowers!
Cruel, aren’t I? the real reason is I took so many pics, it would have been an awful long blog if I’d fitted everything into one!
To make up for it, I will now show you the flowers, but you have to name them!
Ok, here goes!
1. Gorgeous, isn’t it?
2. My favourite wildflower!
3. Irresistible! Nearly ready to seed!
4. I dont care how much of a thug it is, I love it!
5. I know, you’ve seen these before, but there are white ones here!
6. So delicate & lacy!
7. I think…..yes, as I thought….. a tree!
8. Yep, you saw this one on our walk but………..
9. Soon be time for dessert!
10. Then we could make a lovely comfy cushion
11. I know, I know……the colours!!!
12. Nuff said!
13. I like this! it?……..
15. Must be!
16.I really like this1…..
17. I want one!
18. Over 8 feet tall, you know!!
19. Another variety!
20. And another! We don’t just have the one type, you know!
And here’s the harvest!
I could clean up with thse!
well that’s the nature ramble over for now, GoYs! I hope you’ve enjoyed it!
May you always walk in beauty!
Marie x
8 Aug, 2009
Previous post: A walk on the mild side part 2!
Next post: Ladybird plague? where are mine?
Very observant of you to see all those flowers on your walk. I like wild flowers too.Thanks for showing them.
8 Aug, 2009
Glad you like it!
I DO need help with some of the names tho!
Like the pic Morgana!
You ok today Hywel? Dont overdo it now!
8 Aug, 2009
Thanks, sorry I have nt got a clue at moment what names they are if I come across any I ll let you know.
8 Aug, 2009
1 Bird's foot Trefoil
2 Himalayan Balsam (also 5)
3 Meadow Cranesbill
6 Meadowsweet ( Filipendula )
12 Lesser Knapweed ( I think )
13 Tufted Vetch ( I think )
These are the ones I think I know.
Yes I'm ok thank you. Hope you are too :o)
8 Aug, 2009
Well done HywelMadperth will be pleased
8 Aug, 2009
I hope so. I remember learning a lot of wild flowers with our botany teacher. She used to take us to different habitats to see what was growing there - marshes, seaside, meadows etc. I've forgotten a lot but stil remember some.
8 Aug, 2009
What a good memory you have and the wild plants do feed and help for the wildlife that lives amongest it.
8 Aug, 2009
Great stuff Hywel! I thought the Himalayan Balsam was aconite! That's going to fit right in with my Buddhist theme!! I knew the meadowsweet (that's the lacey one Morgana) & I love it, it's so delicate, but I didn't know the others. apart from the thistles, of course!
Ooops! Yes, Hywel, I'm grand! Doc letting me go back to work in 2 weeks (I'll miss all this gardening time) & I got my confirmation letter from UCAS a few minutes ago!
I'm glad you're feeling good too! It's a glorious day in sunny Perth!
8 Aug, 2009
Thanks Madperth
8 Aug, 2009
4. Bindweed?
9. Alpine/wild strawberry
14 and 15 look like Cornus ("Dogwood)
16 Broom
Just what I think, from your pics. :-)
Good game, good game!
8 Aug, 2009
David, you're slipping, petal!
9 is brambles!
yep, 4 I knew, it bindweed/convolvulus (hee! I know one plant!!)
I'd hoped 14 + 15 were dogwood.
Less of the Brucey impressions please! Lol
8 Aug, 2009
Lol! Knew that 9. would be a "thorn in my side". You know them all along, don't you?
In a former garden, bindweed "took over" a holly tree, and I was amzed by the "Christmas-like" effect of the white flowers against the leaves. Reminded me of a Christmas wreath, so I actually let it stay, but kept it under control - I think.
8 Aug, 2009
Hee hee! So very nearly funny!!
No, actually, I don't know all of them, & some are guesses! I had the Himalayan Balsam all wrong, yet I have put it in my garden!! How's that for serendipity?
I love convolvulus (dont think bindweeds a nice name!) & am trying to decide where to have some. I've got an old washing pole that wont come out behind the shed! Perfect!
8 Aug, 2009
Put you conv. in a large tub then and never let it seed or you'll rue the day it like him balsam is severly invasive both root and seed, though they are both beautiful plants wit lovely flowers but as the old sayng goes "a weed is just a plant growing where you do not want it to grow"
well done hywel and you david on the name game I'll have to get up earlier in the morning for the next quiz.
nice blog M.
9 Aug, 2009
Thanks Indy! I'll keep an eye on them! Havent got the convolvulus yet, but I saw a gorgeous pink one where I lived before here, & theyre demolishing the houses there (mine has already gone!!) so I'll go get a cutting or 2!
I totally agree about the weed saying! Anyone else want to try with the names?
9 Aug, 2009
The washing pole might be an ideal support, Madp!
I agree that Convolvulus is a much nicer name, and encompasses some beautiful varieties, but prefer to call this one "Bindweed" - just to remind myself to keep it in check, haha! :-)
And, I agree on the "weed" saying. I want a miniature field of buttercups, for Goodness; Sake!
10 Aug, 2009
Yep! That way I can have it, but it'll be sepatated from the rest of the garden! Buttercups are gorgeous, so why not/// I hate it that the council cut the grass in front of my house. They keep beheading my daisies!! :~((
I've got some buttercups in the garden, & if more come up where I'm NOT digging, I'll let them stay! :~))
10 Aug, 2009
My friend has a buttercup meadow you can have, David. I was admiring her buttercups earlier this year. She was NOT impressed! She told me it was a HAY field for growing HAY in. To be fair, because of the wet spring/summer (I daren't give her the autumn forecast) and a shortage of hay locally, she was worried that her horses wouldn't have enough to eat.....Donations of carrots, grass, sugar lumps gratefully
14 Aug, 2009
You've done it again, WH! I just sprayed my b***** coffee again!
14 Aug, 2009
16 Aug, 2009
NO you're not!! Lol
16 Aug, 2009
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Lovely blog Madperth nice collection you gathered I like those purple ones too but the lace on is my favourite well done .
8 Aug, 2009