Junglejen's Profile

About me
Hi, just a few words about my garden...
'Jen's Gardyn' as it has become known.
Small garden....BIG INSPIRATIONS!
Our 'Mini-Jungle' measures only 15' x 31', growing over 70 varieties of Medicinal, Culinary and Aromatic Herbs, and a dazzling display of scented shrubs and climbers.
Our Fern Gully, Wildlife Stream and Goldfish Pond are home to our resident Frogs and Local Wildlife, Collared Doves often nest in our Tree Houses.
Take a stroll through the Runner Bean Walkway, down Bamboo Alley, here the vegetables and herbs mingle with edible flowers.
Densley planted Tree Ferns, Banana's, Bamboo's, Canna's, Palms, Grasses and unusual Exotics, make this a " Sub-Tropical treat to delight the Senses and revive the Spirits."
A " Totally Tropical Tardis! "
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We are delighted to be opening for the NGS for the 2nd year in 2010.
The garden is open from 2.00pm - 5.00pm on Open Days, and also by prior appointment throughout July and August for groups (max 10) and private viewings.
Our NGS Open Days for 2010:
Sunday 25th July 2010
Sunday 15th August 2010
Our new garden website is jensgardyn.moonfruit.com, I'm still working on it, but if you fancy a peek..... :o)
Feedback is always welcome!