Ladybird plague? where are mine?
By madperth
Apparently there’s a ladybird plague in Norfolk & Somerset!
Have a look at this:-
All i can say is Leigh, (Noseypotter) please send some up here!
Picture by Louise1. Sorry Louise, We dont have any ladybirds today!!
8 Aug, 2009
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None in this part of the South!
8 Aug, 2009
I've only seen one all summer!
8 Aug, 2009
I think they are hiding lfrom us lol might be the cold rainy wether we are having delaying them comming out I notice loads of butterflies especially white ones and lots of bees and hoverflies but alas no ladybirds in my garden.
8 Aug, 2009
Same here!
8 Aug, 2009
None to be seen here either...where are they all? We don't like the weather so why should they I suppose!!
8 Aug, 2009
Fairy nuff!
8 Aug, 2009
these things are driving me CRAZY
they are everywhere, i liked to start with now they driving me nuts
they keep dropping on my head, popping up in the most arkward places (down my front grrrr)
its calmed down in the last few days but still enough to make you go
x x x
8 Aug, 2009
Poor you! Send some up here! How are you, apart from that?
8 Aug, 2009
Well now we know who's been hogging all the ladybugs! ;0)
8 Aug, 2009
I'm in Somerset - I've seen a few, but since when did a few become a plague??
8 Aug, 2009
Have a look at the link I've posted!
8 Aug, 2009
Ah! Chard is miles away, but I suppose they could make it to here....
8 Aug, 2009
I haven't seen a ladybird for years.
I remember one day ( it must have been sometime in the 70s ) there were many thousands of them in Tenby ( Pembrokeshire ) and you couldn't put your foot down between them. It was impossible to walk without stepping on them. I've never seen so many.
9 Aug, 2009
~we never have any either Hywel!Too wet I think!
9 Aug, 2009
We used to have lots but not now :o(
9 Aug, 2009
my sister in law lives near sheringham and the paths were full you could scoop them up in your hands
x x x
much prefer these to midgies grr
other than that all good here
about to fill up my new composter :o)
9 Aug, 2009
Glad you're ok, Mookins! Have fun with the composter! I'm used to midges, but I hate them! Have to live on piriton!
You should be scooping them up & posting them to where they're needed! Lol!
How's Cody?
9 Aug, 2009
we have had the usual ladybirds but not the plague being northwest, i do remember when we did have it when one of my sons was little and we were on the sand dunes and he started screaming, ive never seen so many, before we got away poor son was covered and very frightened, soon got them off and in the car,
9 Aug, 2009
EEEWWW! That wouldn't have been nice for him!
9 Aug, 2009
bless thats scary for a lil one San
Codys fine thanks Mad, shes indoors watching Tom and Jerry as its way to hot to be out at the mo
x x x
9 Aug, 2009
yes jen it was, he wouldnt go to the dunes again, thinking they would be there, he`s 17 now and ok by the way, no emotional scars glad to say :o)
9 Aug, 2009
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I found one believe it or not in my car yesterday the only other one I ve seen is at my sons garden, per ususal Madperth all the south seems to have them lol
8 Aug, 2009