*Dr Lily's Casebook
By lily2
How to perform life saving major root surgery using only a breadknife.
Earlier this year I attended a patient who although receiving feed and water was failing to thrive and looked very sick. I suspected this patient, a Phlox Subulata would require radical treatment as soon as possible and a full examination quickly confirmed my diagnosis.
After reporting the neglectful owner to the NSPCP and donning my surgical gloves
I gave the patient a severe short back and sides removing all dead parts completely.
Next the patient was forcibly removed from it’s straight jacket (with some great difficulty and the help of an assistant) and, as suspected, there was NO compost at all in the root ball, the poor plant was completely potbound. (tut, tut)
This extreme condition required radical surgery with an old breadknife or saw
The patient was laid on it’s side on the the operating table and without anaesthetic the bottom 1/4 of the rootball was amputated. This was a task of some magnitude as the rootball was like concrete and is not a job for the faint hearted or weak limbed. It was only possible as I had taken the precaution of having 3 Shredded Wheat AND a plate of spinach for my breakfast. NB. In very extreme cases it may be necessary at this stage of the operation to use the senior partner’s electric saw or sharp kitchen breadknife but great care must be taken to remove the evidence of debris between the teeth of said items after use or there may be serious repercussions. This method is not recommended unless all else fails.
After this a rest break was required with a cup of tea and a packet of Hobnobs being the prescribed medicine to recoup energies. (to me, not the patient).
The patient was then placed in a standing position and, using the breadknife vertically,1" of compacted root was removed all the way round. The remaining roots were teased out using a daisy grubber.
Unfortunately no photographs are available of this part of the procedure due to the intimate nature of the surgery.
The patient was then placed in a new pot snugly enclosed in a bed of the best fresh multipurpose compost and given a much needed drink of water and light feed.
While spending a few months in a quiet sheltered area where it received regular health checks and water the patient soon showed ‘the green shoots of recovery’, then quickly made a full recovery and is now in the best of health
Next spring the Phlox should again achieve it’s full flowering potential and regain it’s position as a valuable member of the garden community.
_______________________________________________Well it worked for me anyway!
*Thanks to Spritzhenry for bestowing the title of Dr Lily upon me and acknowlegements to Bamboo and maybe one or two other members for their unwitting contributions to the details of this blog.
1 Nov, 2009
More blog posts by lily2
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Great blog.... and glad to see the convalescence is coming along nicely. :o)
1 Nov, 2009
What a difference !
1 Nov, 2009
We've all been there Dr. Lily, but not managed to describe the proceedure so elequantly. In fact, most of us tend to keep rather quiet about such personal matters! Nice blog and it shows just how drastic you can be with a plant.
1 Nov, 2009
Great blog - thanks for the mention - and well done with your recovered patient! What colour are the flowers?
1 Nov, 2009
The flowers are deep pink Spritz and when in it's former glory used to drape down and create a beautiful flower covered ball, here's hoping........! This blog has been sitting in my 'saved' tray since just after we discussed this method. lol
1 Nov, 2009
great blog Dr lily,, well done ona delicate operation, im sure your patient was truely gratefull :o)))
1 Nov, 2009
I'm glad to see the patient has made a full recovery :o)
1 Nov, 2009
I'm glad the operation was a success but I just wondered if the Patient was carrying a donor card, just in case. Perhaps to leave it's roots to horticultural science.
1 Nov, 2009
Brilliant Dr Lily, I do hope it was Levingtons you used (nothing but the best)!
1 Nov, 2009
That is a great recovery Lily you must be so proud of you patient?
1 Nov, 2009
Amazing....what a recovery!!! and so elequountly (well) put.....well done Doctor.......lol :)))))
1 Nov, 2009
Thanks all, for your comments, I'm looking forward to seeing how well it flowers in the spring after it's promising response to such brutal treatment (kill or cure!) .
LOL Paul, the roots were left to horticultural science in a way, currently being closely disected by the creepy crawlies and organisms in the compost bin!
Oh yes Val, Levingtons in those days before I defected to the inferior stuff (of wilted pansies). Another point proved eh?
1 Nov, 2009
Well done Lily2 !
1 Nov, 2009
It look s like a different plant, should have had you do my hip hop, not too sure about no anaesthetic though lol funny but educational blog he he
1 Nov, 2009
Great blog Lily LMSO :~))
Pleased to see the patient has made a full recovery
1 Nov, 2009
Absolutely brill Lily. Well done on the surgery, the blog and the photo's and I for one thank you for notshowing us the gory details!
PS. I`am just testing Carols new laptop! ! !
1 Nov, 2009
Thanks for the mention in dispatches, Lily, I'm guessing it was the bread knife reference! Good blog
1 Nov, 2009
Great blog,Dr Lily, & brilliant piece of surgery!! :~))
2 Nov, 2009
:) excellent recovery
2 Nov, 2009
Dr. Lily that was a brilliantly executed surgery which must have required steady hands and nerves of steel. Well done. The patient looks to have made a fast and full recovery.
I do have a few concerns regarding the lack of anesthetic. How does the patient withstand such treatment? You could have at least administered an asprin or two.
Great blog and photos. :oD
2 Nov, 2009
Fantastic blog Lily. Dr. Kildare eat your heart out ay ?? lol ;-)))
2 Nov, 2009
Thanks again to you all for your lovely comments.
Ummm Ian, I thought Carol didn't want a laptop, or so YOU said. LOL.
Not sure exactly Bamboo, I had already used the old breadknife then so I think it may have been your admission that you had on occasions used the kitchen one ! (or was that someone else?)
I delayed publishing as I hoped to find a stand in 'double' to stage a reconstruction (for demonstration photo purposes) but was unable to find anything else so badly neglected.
There wouldn't have been much surgery going on if Dr Kildare had been in my potting shed Sue!!
Fear not Gilli, I hypnotised it first but it's a good job I hadn't seen more recent comment about whether plants feel pain! :o(((
2 Nov, 2009
Lily !!! LOL x
2 Nov, 2009
LOL So glad the patient is fit and well now. absolutely a brill blog.
2 Nov, 2009
So glad you liked it Clarice, it was fun writing it.
2 Nov, 2009
No, that was me who confessed to using the real, proper breadknife out of the kitchen drawer when the old one's just not up to the task!
2 Nov, 2009
I thought it might have been your naughty little secret! Just one of the many kitchen secrets we all have....lol
2 Nov, 2009
I used an old breadknife to even out my "herb wheel", Lily!
Great for cutting the turf edges!!
2 Nov, 2009
Ah yes Marie, the breadknife is a wonderful piece of kit, no gardener should be without one!
2 Nov, 2009
I totally agree! :~)))
2 Nov, 2009
I keep two old ones in the car, have done for years, for use in other people's gardens - fine, till I got stopped by the police 10 years ago, on my way back from a turfing job - fortunately, I was so dirty, they believed my story...
2 Nov, 2009
Lol Bamboo, that gave me a real good chuckle! You would probably get arrested nowadays though.
2 Nov, 2009
Carry on, Doctor!!! Oops, imagine mentioning "arrest" in the patient's post op notes!!! Brill blog! :-D
4 Nov, 2009
LOL David, NOT a good idea! Thanks and glad you liked it.
4 Nov, 2009
Great job saving this beautiufl plant Lily, I think this is one of the things I love about gardening..nurturing plants and watching them come along..great blog..loved your humor.. ~Cat
7 Nov, 2009
You should have seen the way I mistreated one of the roses at work which had become pot bound. I used a mucky old shovel, an old bread knife (we know the usefulness over here too. LOL), secateurs, and a box cutter. Poor thing didn't know what hit it. Still, it came back with a vengence and was still flowering when we closed up last week.
7 Nov, 2009
Yes it's so rewarding isn't it Catfinch to give something a new lease of life, even if it's us who have been guilty of the neglect in the first place!
Sometimes you just gotta get tough with 'em Gilli! I think most plants are tougher than we think. Seems like we've both proved it, along with many others. There seems to be many an old breadknife lurking in our potting sheds!!
7 Nov, 2009
I'm pleased I'm not a burgler in any of your potting sheds. I shudder to think of the damage you could do to yourself!
7 Nov, 2009
Don't know about potting shed, my car's absolutely chock full of lethal weapons, Ian...;-))
7 Nov, 2009
7 Nov, 2009
Calm down, they're only garden tools - no intention of sawing anyone's leg off;-) You got your computer sorted then?
7 Nov, 2009
Yes thanks, Bl@@dy things! I don't know why we bother sometimes. Lol
7 Nov, 2009
Offering guided tours of your potting shed, Lily ?
Sounds intriguing ;o)
7 Nov, 2009
Don't go TT, she has lethal weapons in there! ! ! ! !
7 Nov, 2009
OMG Ian....
Do you have inside information ?
When you were away "mending your computer", were you really fixing up CCTV inside Lily's Potting Shed ??? ;o)
7 Nov, 2009
No TT, I just know these things (Tap finger on side of nose twice, wink) Lol
7 Nov, 2009
Are you root bound Ian...??? get out your big bread knives folks..we have a giant problem here...
7 Nov, 2009
Now then, what's all this? My potting shed is guarded by very fierce giant black spiders so no guided tours Tt, well not by me anyway!!! Oh no not CCTV ian, I don't want to actually see them........Bad enough just knowing they are there :o(((((((
7 Nov, 2009
Lol. Cat :o)
Oh, Ian... Now I know why this blog is headed DOCTOR Lily...
She has intoxicated you with her secret medicine. Lol.
Cat... is there a cure ???
No good trying to scare us away with spiders, Lily....:o)
... and why on the heading is there a * before doctor ?
Please explain that one Lily ? !
7 Nov, 2009
Yeah, explain that DOCTOR Lily! Lol
7 Nov, 2009
The * ties up with the * by the footnote at the end Tt.
I've been trying to put spells on Ian to make him behave but they don't seem to be working!
7 Nov, 2009
NOOOOOOOO, never will I be made to behave! I'm only six. ;~)))
7 Nov, 2009
I suspected as much Ian!!
7 Nov, 2009
*********Ian*********** have you noticed Doctor Lily's SCARY turquoise gloves in the pic above ? They don't give me confidence... how about you ? :o)
7 Nov, 2009
I'll have you know they are my very best 'going out' gardening gloves Tt, the others are too disreputable for the public domain..........maybe Ian prefers latex ones???.....:o))))))
7 Nov, 2009
I will not sucomb to these attempts to make me grow up, my name is Peter and I can fly! ! !
7 Nov, 2009
Dr. Lily – Is your blog name derived from the British TV series Dr. Finlay’s casebook? Poor Dr. Finlay has not had even a passing mention whilst there has been much swooning over Dr. Kildare I see. If I remember correctly there was old Dr. Cameron and the young Dr. Finlay and they had different opinions about how to go about things but all turned out well in the end. Now about this plant surgery involving amputation, personally I would have buried Phlo in the ground for causing so much trouble but realise some members might think that criminal. I enjoyed the blog thank you. I was pleasantly surprised the patient is now thriving following this much needed intervention. Thanks to your blog I ended up a reformed character and will wear gloves and use my bread knife to slash all my plants in future.
8 Nov, 2009
Lily, I'm more of a leather and studs man myself!
Hiya GF, Our Lily does prefer them young and tender ............... Plants that is!
8 Nov, 2009
Errr......well Ian....whatever turns you on and yes GF does look quite a cutie doesn't he, in fact maybe he's only 6 years old too! lol
Hello GF, I'm afraid out home grown Scottish Doctor didn't have quite the charisma of his US counterpart but yes he was the inspiration for the blog title so all was not in vain. By burying the plant in the ground, do you mean terminal interrment or 'why didn't I just plant the thing in the first place'? It looks (or used to look) lovely in the pot and others in the ground don't seem to fare well in my garden. Happy future slashing then but be sure to always wear gloves as some plants fight back!
8 Nov, 2009
Errr I was thinking of my old motorbike gloves! Lol
8 Nov, 2009
Such thoughts so early on a Sunday morning Ian. :o))))))
8 Nov, 2009
Old motorbikes are never far from my mind Lily. I'm a reformed biker ! Lol
8 Nov, 2009
Gardening is safer though Ian (breadknives excepted of course) and you can still wear the leathers!
8 Nov, 2009
Lol Lily, I've done myself more damage in the garden than I ever did on an old bike! I wouldn't dream of wearing my old leathers to do gardening! They live in the cupboard in our bedroom (slowly rotting away I guess, but I won't get rid of them!)
8 Nov, 2009
Oh, goodie..... goodie...
I knew as soon as Gardeningfriend found this blog everything would take a turn for the better and he will try to reform us all..... but will he succeed ?
***Ian*** those are for Ian... I know he likes to have a few asterisks at this time of day. :o)
8 Nov, 2009
I sold my chaps! I could have used then in the garden! what was I thinking! :( Sold my steel toed Harley boots too! I could have used those too!..Have not given up my gauntlet gloves yet...at least I think I still have them hanging there with my Jacket...but they are for sale..better run out and move them..they would make great plant slashing gloves! Had not thought of that Lily.... :o) thank you! thank you! "Oh boy" now I get to keep them! xxxxx's to you Lily! puff..puff..puff..just ran out to my garage....oh..YES! they are still there..my new guantlet gardening gloves...whew..that was close..~Cat
8 Nov, 2009
I don't know Tt, is he a good influence then? It sounds as if he's going to become violent towards his plants!
Yes Ian, I do believe you are a liability in the garden if this year's anything to go by. Think 'recycling' and get those leathers out, no good them mouldering in the cupboard - or do you have plans to become a middle aged biker sometime? Cat is setting an example and putting hers to good use.
Sounds like you were just in the nick of time there Cat, well done. Think what a wonderful planter a crash helmet would make! LOL
8 Nov, 2009
No helmets here.....but I "have" seen them used as a planter....Have seen hard hats that contruction workers wear used for that too and also as rain guards over bird feeders...! :o)
Oh!.... and I was a bit concerned when I saw GF's remark .....could there be a plant slasher among us?!! Beside yourself of course.....giggle..hehehe...
8 Nov, 2009
I just got the wierdest mental picture of everyone running round their gardens wielding breadknives & wearing gauntlets!! And using their hats as planters! :~}}
8 Nov, 2009
Dr.Lily – I might be only about 2 or 3 years old but thanks to your blog I am now potty trained. Yes I did mean both alternatives about burying Phlo. Loved seeing your other beautiful photos of healthy looking plants. I read that cramped captives thrive better than free range plants in your garden - I dread to think what they look like. Where have you buried them and what in the earth did you do? You haven’t been cutting their heads off as well as their roots have you? This sounds very reminiscent of another serial planter; Dr. Lil C Rippin of GOY.
9 Nov, 2009
What a wonderful picture it is Marie, I must get the new camera out!
Good morning GF, I am sure you and your Mother are both greatly relieved that all soil is now confined to the pot.
You are indeed correct, Dr Lil C Rippin was my Great Granny Lil who used to bounce me on her knee while regaling me with horticultural tales of garotting, starvation, amputation, suffocation, dead heading and yes, disembowellment as I have described. I learnt well but I realise my methods may be too radical for today's namby pamby gardeners. My small garden is not a rest home amd underachievement cannot be tolerated.
Regretfully, due to overcrowding, some inmates must stay in solitary confinement. Phlo was very fearful as several close relatives had been eaten alive by cannibals so she prefers to 'be alone'.
In answer to your question, when any or all of the Granny's above mentioned methods fail to be effective then the deceased are interred in the mass burial chamber known as the compost heap. R.I.P.
10 Nov, 2009
LMSO, Lily;-))
10 Nov, 2009
You can laugh Bamboo, I was terrified by this revalation! :~((
10 Nov, 2009
lol, Ian - I just think Lily's writing is brilliant, love her sense of humour (seems to be quite like mine, which is probably why I like it so much).
10 Nov, 2009
Me to! :~)))
10 Nov, 2009
Ian, you do well to be afraid, very afraid, as all my recent ancestors came from the East End of London so there may well be some of Jack the Ripper in me too!
Thank you both for the compliment but it takes two to tango and you need like minded people to read it and respond, this is one of the joys of GoY (as well as gardening of course!) :o))))
10 Nov, 2009
You Dr. Lil and You Garfeningfriend are both just monsters! one is slashing the other ripping..!!!!
Oh what are the plants going to think!?..
Why they are going to have to, pull their leafy skirts up, get on their little plant legs and Run next they see either of you coming...!
Of course they will be tripping on their root balls...oh no!
Roll.... then little plants.....ROLL..!!......roll..roll..roll..roll.. !
10 Nov, 2009
LMSO Cat. I'm sure you can get medication for yourself, after all I have some! Hehe hehe hehe hoho hoho hoho haha hoho hehe
10 Nov, 2009
But yours doesnt seem to work, Digger!! ;~)D
10 Nov, 2009
I’m back little plants! Dr. Lily I think I have to pass from commenting on your first sentence. Thank you for the further evidence, I better understand the motive now. Your dilemma overPhlo was either let her be eaten or starve her in soilitory confinement prior to disembowelment. Sir Bear wonders who’s been phlox subulata bonita. I think we need to fine young cannibals. I am even more worried that Dr. Lily’s close relatives have been eaten. I think the gardening committee needs to solve this garden cannibal murder mystery.
11 Nov, 2009
Fear not Cat, the plants are in no danger as the slashing/ripping season is now over in Lilyland and the breadknife has been put away (ready sharpened for next year! he he). The only other casualties will be the geriatric annuals who are currently being euthanized (after being lovingly thanked for their wonderful summer display) before being laid to rest in the Burial Chamber in order to feed the next generation.
12 Nov, 2009
GF, All members of the Rippin family are alive and well and busily upholding family traditions of slashing and ripping in various parts of the country, safely away from the cannibals. It is poor Phlo who has been orphaned.
Sir Bear???????
12 Nov, 2009
At first I thought this blog was going to have a connection to Popeye due to the mention of the strength giving properties of spinach. Now however I realise it is in fact a Cluedo plot. Cluedo is a children’s game in which the objective is to identify the murderer, the weapon and the crime scene location. As the Rippins are all well, the charges for their murder have been dismissed. Dr Lily has pleaded guilty to neglect of Phlo already so this leaves the unresolved mysteries of (1) Dr. Lily’s kitchen secrets, (2) who were the cannibals who ate Phlo’s cousins in the garden, (3) who is the other member who made an unwitting contribution to the details of this blog and (4) the 7 question marks put next to Sir Bear arising from GF’s comment; Sir Bear wonders who’s been phlox subulata bonita.
(1) As regards the kitchen secrets we know this is where the new breadknife weapon is kept. It seems from the evidence that the new breadknife belong’s to the senior partner. I wonder if the secret is about what Dr. Liy was doing with Dr. Kildare in the kitchen. We know the shed was unsuitable because of the very fierce giant black spiders. Can Dr Lily please provide any more clues?
13 Nov, 2009
(1)Dr Lily states that due to the Hippocratic Oath anything she may, or may not, have been doing with Dr Kildare anywhere in the house, kitchen or elsewhere, professional or otherwise, is private information and thus cannot be divulged to those outside the medical profession.
The new breadknife does indeed belong to the senior partner who, without doubt, IS Dr Lily and was most definitely not used in the extermination of Phlo's family.
14 Nov, 2009
Lily.... never mind what you were doing with Doctor Kildare...
What were you doing with Doctor Who.. ?
Is the evidence in the Tardis ?????
Will Daleks be summoned as witnesses ?
14 Nov, 2009
Dr Who?????.......most definitely not my type, any of them! :o(((((
Interesting thought though......maybe the Tardis did touch down in Lilyland
I did once live in a Tardis.... in a previous life.
14 Nov, 2009
If you change your avatar photo...
... and you are wearing a multi-coloured scarf....
... I will get very suspicious....
14 Nov, 2009
(1) So I don’t think it was Dr. Kildare or Dr Who, the weapon wasn’t the new breadknife and I think Dr. Lily led us up the wrong garden path to the kitchen so the location must have been in the garden then. I don’t believe there are any interesting kitchen secrets after all.
(2) Slugger Ian is the prime suspect I think, Snail Princess Gilli is usually last to turnip, she should be in the cold frame too. Queen Catfinch was a toad in my ex-wildlife blog so it could have been Foliar Nematodes. Princess Weeds disguised as a morning glory might be a bindweed strangler. Is Terratoonie a looney tunes bugs bunny: she was heard to say to the victims " that's all folks. exterminate, exterminate." Vampire Madperth spider mites have sucked all the goodness out of Phlo's cousins. Bamboo shoots and carries dual blades for use in other peoples gardens. Mmmm perhaps need a mole in Dr. Lily’s garden to get some more clues to solve this Doctor's who dunnit.
14 Nov, 2009
I've looked around the garden for further evidence....
The Arch villain was standing near the raised bed....
I was wishing... well, not meaning to cause offence, the gnome had cold framed the Flower Pot Person which should shed some light on the plot.
Hoping Gardeningfriend will trellis if we are leading him up the garden path, or whether Barbi queued with Peat to make the plot thicken a lot....... mentally exhausting this !
14 Nov, 2009
Ribbit..ribbit..ribbit...ribbit...I will find who didit didit didit..just a minit minit minit
14 Nov, 2009
What's Up Doc......er.... What's Up Cat ?
14 Nov, 2009
Terra - Do you think Phlo, the flower pot person was the weed killer or was it that toad that buried them in the hole?
14 Nov, 2009
Yeah - What's new pussy cat?
14 Nov, 2009
Err is there a doctor in the house.. Your all raving!!!
14 Nov, 2009
'Carry on Solving' you lot........ Dr Lily is exhausted just reading your brillant deductions and must go for a lie down in Intensive Care to recover.....giggle, giggle, snort snort, giggle.....
14 Nov, 2009
Suffering succotash...
...or any other moustache for that matter...
Gardeningfriend... you com posting on here with your Flower Pot Person theories... maybe Potbound has something to declare ? :o)
14 Nov, 2009
Yes were is Dr. Lily? - probably in the Reverend Green house.
14 Nov, 2009
Dr. Lily has gone to check on the Flower Pot People in the Dolls' Hospital.
14 Nov, 2009
Dr Spock is looking after her in the Nursery bed........do not disturb!!
14 Nov, 2009
Am I a Toad or a Cat..? I have found nothing new or up.This hopping down and up is hard work...my front legs are so short! Why they are no help at all..and this wart on my head it getting heavy !......I shall be a Cat..meower
14 Nov, 2009
No, no, no, Shakespeare! I dont have spider mites! Hate the little b*****s!
They're bats, of course! (just like you, my GF!! )
14 Nov, 2009
Suffering moustache! Are you Pipistrylvester or Tweety finch? I tawt I taw a killer puddy tat mint in the garden.
14 Nov, 2009
Dr. Lily is seeing Dr. Spock - she must be disturbed. So the crime occurred in the nursery. I bet that got the baby plants rattled.
14 Nov, 2009
Rattles, and dummies thrown out too, this leads us back to the prime suspect.........Slugger Ian
14 Nov, 2009
Whatever will we dig up next - send him to Hell in Mirren I say - she will plant the evidence
14 Nov, 2009
It was like that when I got here, honest officer!!!
14 Nov, 2009
Hmmmm! A likely story!!
14 Nov, 2009
Ian we will soon have a touch of frost in the garden. That is the TV detectice not the film serial killer. Jack and the beanstalk I mean or will it be Dixon of dock leaf green. Who will be arrested? Was it Ian or was it Bill or was it Ben or was it little weed?
14 Nov, 2009
Detective Chief Inspector GF is on your case Slugger, I hope you have a good alibi!
14 Nov, 2009
Oh don't tell me you have 40 thieves as well in your garden Dr. Lily.
14 Nov, 2009
LMAO, Shakespeare!
14 Nov, 2009
Well I've never counted them as they won't keep still, but yes many many......but let us not get sidetracked from the crime in hand....maybe we should force feed Slugger with some pellets to see how he reacts, maybe a confession?
14 Nov, 2009
I tell ya's I'm innocent I is!
OK I admit I might of weed a little but it was the stress of all these accusations
14 Nov, 2009
Marie - It is no longer a Mid summer night. Bottom is not in this mystery.
14 Nov, 2009
Or maybe you stole some 'weed' from the 'pharmacy' next door? Hhhmmm ANOTHER crime methinks..
14 Nov, 2009
GF you leave Maries bottom oput of this!
Now Lily, you dont think I would do that do you?
Stealing is really bad!!! Lol
14 Nov, 2009
mew..meow...purrrr...little bit of catnip would be good...not stealing it..just tasting..mew..watching ...hmmmm...snipping..crawling things...what's this?
14 Nov, 2009
Ian... Little Weed.... ?
...are you in League with Bill and Ben the Flower Pot Men ?
I shall put you on GoYpedia.... you have been warned...
...actually you are already there.... one of the top pics...
now I am getting VERY suspicious...
14 Nov, 2009
Now don't you start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 Nov, 2009
Dr Lily, Dr Finlay, Dr KiIdare Dr Who and Dr Spock all have to go out on their rounds now. They trust DCI GF will have this murder most horrid investigation solved and the suspect all tied up by the time they come back later.
14 Nov, 2009
Well my tea has just gone ping so I'm out of here as well!!!!
14 Nov, 2009
This seems a bit suspicious don't you think Two of the suspects have gone out together. Perhaps they are in cahoots! By Gullivers travels I have got it - LilyputIan up to it!
14 Nov, 2009
Yes! meow! of course! the snippy, crawlies the LilyputIans...why yes! You are a totally... Awesome! Detecive Sir Bear of the North Welsh woods!
14 Nov, 2009
Excuse me so much .... I am searching far and wide .... please ... pray tell ... is this the 'Hottie' blog???
14 Nov, 2009
Lol, Sue! Good one! At least you've had time to read this one! WHO is the HOTTIE??????
14 Nov, 2009
I have NO idea !!!! LMAO !!!!
14 Nov, 2009
We'll end up with everyone else as confusssssssssssdled as we are!!
14 Nov, 2009
But you apparently now know ...... !!! I'm still searching .... LOL ;~)))
14 Nov, 2009
NOT about the hottie! I havent a clue!
14 Nov, 2009
BBBBBBB but I don't know if I have either !! Lol
14 Nov, 2009
Hot on the trail are you Sue and Marie... ?
Gardeningfriend and Digger are cool guys.... :o)
14 Nov, 2009
Am I getting warmer Terra ?????? ;~))
14 Nov, 2009
Its not bong again, is it?
14 Nov, 2009
Are you talking about those Road To movies ?
with Bong Crosby and Bong Hope ?
or maybe something more romantic like Doctor Lily2 Zhivago ?
14 Nov, 2009
The name's Bong ... James Bong ???? Perhaps ??? Every time I speak to you I sleep well Terra ....... you give my brain such a workout that it actually sleeps !! lol SO my girl ... any warmer ????????? ;~)
14 Nov, 2009
(4) An explanation was requested by Dr. Lily following this comment;“Sir Bear wonders who’s been phlox subulata bonita”. Dr. Lily said the plant in the blog is a phlox subulata. There are several varieties including bonita. What I was saying was a play on Goldilocks and the three bears. Sir Bear wonders who’s bon eat a Phlox subulata. The reference to Sir Bear started a while back after Queen Catfinch posted a picture of some lovely bluebells in the woods (Catfinch Photo page 2 last photo). As a result of seeing this Princess Weeds renamed GF; Sir Bear of the North Welsh Woods.
14 Nov, 2009
Has that got anything to do with Lilyput(ing)Ian up to things again?
14 Nov, 2009
OK Guv it's a fair cop, I've been rumbled. I admit to being a cereal killer. I was glad to say Cheerios to those whinging picky rellies of Phlos'. With a rye grin and barley a qualm I got out the garden Shreddies and turned them into Muesli he he he. I cannot let Slugger take the rap for this but watch out I still have my (t)rusty breadknife to sort out any future troublemakers.
Ah Sir Bear of the Welsh Woods, I see it all..........I think!
Your point (3) 'who is the other member who made the unwitting contribution'?, well that will require further expert sleuthing....
14 Nov, 2009
Hello Ian, I've come clean - you can come out of hiding now!
14 Nov, 2009
Mmmmmm Terra, Dr Lily Zhivago, that has a nice ring to it - is he already married? If so, where's that breadknife? Lol
14 Nov, 2009
Errr, after reading your last comment are you sure it's safe to come out of hiding?
14 Nov, 2009
Never fear Ian, of course WE know the truth, so as long as you remember you owe me a favour for keeping you out of clink then you'll be OK. :o))
nite nite x
14 Nov, 2009
Sleep tight or should that be tite?
14 Nov, 2009
Night Lily! Hope your guilty conscience doesn't keep you awake, lol!! ☺ ❤ ❦ ✿ ☯ ❀
14 Nov, 2009
I've done a moonlight flit, gone on the run..... Clever disguise eh? One of the other Doctors lent it to me.
15 Nov, 2009
LMSO Lily? is that you?
15 Nov, 2009
WHO knows?
15 Nov, 2009
Patient to Doctor Lily ~
"Doctor, Doctor, I keep thinking I am a pair of curtains :o( "
Doctor Lily to patient ~
"Pull yourself together"....
15 Nov, 2009
Patient to psy...phsyi..... to shrink! I keep thinking I'm a dog!
Shrink to patient, well get down off that couch then!
15 Nov, 2009
Patient to Doctor Lily ~
"Doctor Lily, people keep ignoring me...:o("
Doctor Lily to patient ~
"Next patient, please".....
15 Nov, 2009
Terra - I'm here - thank you for being patient.
Hi Ian – What a good question asking about the connection. Are you hoping to be a GOY garden detective too? Ok here is the answer to your question. The clue was that Phlo’s cousins had been eaten by cannibals. The most famous cannibals are a legendary diminutive race and a race in Africa; pygmy. In Johnathon Swift’s novel Gulliver’s Travels there are a race of diminutive people called the Lilliputians. Dr Lily would obviously put Phlo’s dead or dying cousins on the compost heap and eventually after they broke down they would be eaten by other plants who are the cannibals. There was no evidence or clues to indicate it was anyone or anything else other than Dr Lily who did it. Dr. Lily cleverly tried to lead the detective up the wrong garden path by putting your name into the cold frame. Of course this did not fool the garden detective. So Dr. Lily did it but put up Ian, quid pro quo; Lilyputian. So the answer to your question is that this explanation has nothing to do with the question and is not the answer as frequently happens on here. So I hope this clears it all up now.
Dr. Lily - Perhaps a summary of the clues would help any wannabe detective to solve the mystery of the unnamed blog contributor please.
15 Nov, 2009
Who? Who knows....hmmm..so Dr. Who IS in on this! mmmmmm I thot LilyputIan was a fabulous clue....but....Dr. Lily... really...no one is going to *hang* you for this..so come out of your curtains now and play....
15 Nov, 2009
15 Nov, 2009
Hello Ian.......blimey it ain't half hot under this scarf, I'll be glad when it's dark and I can take it off lol , Yes indeed - Huh??????
No Cat, it's not safe.
GF A summary of clues you want?....who's the detective around here?
Well look at my latest 2 photos, one gives a clue although it may just muddy the water.....
15 Nov, 2009
Have I got the answer in see today?
15 Nov, 2009
See today??
15 Nov, 2009
Oh good - can members answer 3a Who else unwittingly inspired Dr. Lily's blog? and 3b Who does GF think it was? 3c Will our first wanabee name of the author of GF get it?
15 Nov, 2009
Gf is going to drive you silly Lily....with all these potty clues he is planting...! he he he he
15 Nov, 2009
Lily is already driven silly Cat! Ummm .......Can't answer yet another question I don't understand! lol
15 Nov, 2009
Patient to Doctor Lily ~
"I think I'm suffering from amnesia "
Doctor Lily to patient ~
"Take these pills and you'll soon forget about it" :o)
15 Nov, 2009
Patient to Doctor, "doc, doc, I think I'm invisible!!!!!"
Doctor to patient, "Who said that?"
15 Nov, 2009
Patient to Doctor.. Doctor I dont understand a word anyone says..
Doctor to Patient.. What you on about man ... :)
15 Nov, 2009
See Today is a sort of anagram but I am sometimes a bit backward
15 Nov, 2009
Can't make anything of that backwards or not GF but the answer is no anyway. As the member is an irregular commentor the clues must be hefty. (1) The whole name is 3 words with no spaces (2) the first word is in my original clue (3) the second word is in the toilet brush photo text (4) the third word, if you were in Oklahoma might have a fringe on top......
15 Nov, 2009
3a muddywelliessurrey
15 Nov, 2009
Well done GF, case closed!
Did you find the question/comments that were the original inspiration for this blog and what do you think of Muddywellies dreadful confession?
16 Nov, 2009
Oh Dr. Lily !! I have just completely read this blog !! When I interrupted midway (apologies again) I was searching Goytown high and low for 'Tottie', so I did not have time....!!
It is the most wonderful murder mystery and is very much on a par with anything written by your Great Aunty Aggie !!
ps: .....and I still haven't found 'Tottie' ....... !!!! ;~(((
16 Nov, 2009
Dr. Lily - I had not but now have found and read. I much appreciated the numerous on topic comments and interesting read on what was at first glance a very simple question. The bold disturbing confessions were deliciously attrocius.
3b (1) The whole name is 3 words with no spaces (2) the first part of the first part is in my original clue backwards and is in the toilet brush photo but bigger (3) the second part of the first part is the first part of the second part of my first clue. (4) The third part is the first word of some of the most well known lines written by Shakespeare.
16 Nov, 2009
Sue, I'm very surprised you were out late at night looking for 'tottie'. I once googled 'Hottie' (brand name of a microwave hot water bottle - well that's my excuse!) with some VERY surprising results!!! lol . Great Aunt Aggie? Do you mean Christie? She was one of my mother's murderous relatives.
I thought this blog had gone to terminal sleep about 50 comments and then it woke up again!!
Hello GF. Well yes of course, that's exactly what I thought too.......
I have come out of hiding and retracted my false confession (extracted under duress) and am firmly convinced that, although Slugger Ian does have cannibal tendencies, he is quite innocent in this instance and the culprits are those disreputable relatives of his (Berkshire Branch). Of course he may have put them up to it.
16 Nov, 2009
Errrrrrr Huh?
16 Nov, 2009
Dr Lily's gotta blame someone eh? Well why not, you told me before, your shoulders are broad! lol
16 Nov, 2009
Who are the Berkshire boys then Slugger ?????
16 Nov, 2009
I, I, I, I think I want a lawyer!
16 Nov, 2009
Good evening, My name is Arthur, Arthur slepe. Solicitor to the stars, and Digger!
Anyone found to be slandering my client or otherwise maligning him in any way will be SEVEARLY dealt with! Capish?
16 Nov, 2009
You don't mean my brother Arrfer Slepe, Cockney defender of all things slimey, do you? He's a spy you know.
What's 'capish'? - Nottingham cockney?
16 Nov, 2009
Capish? or possibly capeshe? capeesh? errrrrr Are you slandering me lady? ? ?
16 Nov, 2009
I thought it may have Italian origins Lily. Perhaps the Berkshire boys are the English branch of the Sicilians !!!!! Aarrgghhh !! If that is the case ..... just WHO is the Godfather ???
16 Nov, 2009
Indeed aaaarrrggghhh Sue - what a thought slug Mafia! :o(((
Well those Italians are a bit slimey aren't they? Who is the Godfather you say.....by jingo you have it Sue........DR WHO!!
Slandering you Ian? Not at all, after all we may be partners in crime....
16 Nov, 2009
Arthur Slepe here. My client refutes any connection with any crimes alleged or otherwise. My client claims "it was like that when he got there!" Capeshe?
16 Nov, 2009
Hmmm....it may well have been, but WHO is Mr Big, the mastermind?
16 Nov, 2009
Who says its a mister?
Sue, you werent looking for tottie, you were looking for Terra's HOTTIE!!
17 Nov, 2009
OMG !! These CRAFT moments are really starting to take over !! lol :~))
17 Nov, 2009
Your brilliant surgery Dr Lily, has probably saved the life of your patient Phlox. I must take note of your methods in case of the same thing happening to a sick plant of mine...lol! ;o)
Sandra x
17 Nov, 2009
Yes Sandra, desperate situations require desperate measures! Slapped wrist to me for letting it get in that state though lol. :o((
17 Nov, 2009
But your excellent surgical skills saved the patient!!
18 Nov, 2009
See Today = Dotee daysee to
20 Nov, 2009
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- Bye bye Birdies
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5 Feb, 2009
Brilliant I loved that blog , The patient looks back to good health , and looks like there's plenty of years left in the poor old plox
1 Nov, 2009