A New Discovery
By lily2
I’m probably the only person who hasn’t already come across this facility on GoY but just in case there are any new members who haven’t I’d like to pass on my discovery. It’s the ‘browse members latest comments’ page which enables me to catch up with blogs. questions and photos I may either have missed or not thought to be very interesting at first. We all know how blogs and even questions can wander onto completely different topics which may then become of interest and now I’ve discovered I CAN catch up, they have not sunk into oblivion because I haven’t previously commented. Now I can pick up on them via other people’s comments. I can also follow several blogs at busy times without jumping from blog to blog. If I want to add a comment then I just have to click on it. It’s also a good way of finding out who’s currently on GoY at quiet times if I fancy some immediate ‘chat’ in the day and those horrible sleepless hours in the night. All I need is yet more time to do it!
After I’ve caught up with currently followed things on my homepage I then look at the new blogs and then the questions which means I rarely get as far as the photos which can be very time consuming in themselves. I confess to rarely checking my favourites list so I apologise now if I sometimes miss what they’re up to.
As for all the other things GoY has to offer, I’ve yet to find time to explore!
How do other Goyers use this ‘glory hole’ of a site?
What do YOU go to first?
5 Oct, 2009
More blog posts by lily2
Previous post: A lovely weekend pottering in the garden
Next post: *Dr Lily's Casebook
ooh i check what my faves have been up to first then the blogsthen the questions and as many pics as I can.
wheres the link lily2?
x x x
5 Oct, 2009
I do same as Drc amd mookins. Got ot blogs and click latest and then onto questions. I also look at latest photos from the homepage. All v cackhanded but I get there.
Someone mentioned a seed exchange yesterday and I hadn't a clue what they were on about
5 Oct, 2009
I have seen this but I tend to keep an eye on my home page to see who's commented on what and who's uploaded photos or written a new blog. But it's a good idea as you say, when you want to see who's on line!
When I go to see a new comment on someones blog or photo, I quite often click on a nerw member or someone whose page I've not visited before and then look through thier blogs and pictures. Before you know it, you can have spent a long time looking! There are lots of ways to use the site, aren't there!
5 Oct, 2009
I check my inbox, then the top few of my "things you have recently commented on "
then new photos... then new blogs....
I've never used the [seen] or [stop following] facilities on my home page...
Good blog, Lily :o)
Paul ~ has your system allowed you to find out that your wonderful planted wellie is the first pic in my latest blog.. ? Lol.
5 Oct, 2009
I've not come across this one either Lily. Same question as Moonkins, where do you find it ? :-))
5 Oct, 2009
Seed exchange.... near lower right of members' page.
i.e. click on members heading at top of this page...
5 Oct, 2009
No, Tt. Not been on much recently. So I must have missed that. There's been lot's of activity from alll my favourites so it takes time to go through when I do get on here. I shall go and look now. as you can imagine, I've had a bit of time on GOY today as it's drizzled all day. Looks like heavier rain tomorrow and Wed, so not much work for me,. Not that much is growing here anyway as it's been so dry. Today was the first rain (apart from a few spots Saturday evening) for 2 weeks and 6 days!!!
5 Oct, 2009
Yes, not good conditions for gardeners earning money from mowing... my friends in Essex say their grass has not grown much at all in recent weeks of dry weather ! :o(
5 Oct, 2009
I've got customers' whose grass I haven'ty cut for 9 weeks!
5 Oct, 2009
Just put members comments in search and it brought it up. Is that the easiest way Lily ?
5 Oct, 2009
Thanks for the pointer Tt
5 Oct, 2009
You need to come up here Paul- grass still needs cut twice a week!
5 Oct, 2009
It all takes soooo long Lily...that's my problem...my time is limited, my computer is very slow & I find myself going to bed much later as a result of trying to catch up on Goy!
We live out in the 'sticks' as my husband calls it & get only half a Meg from Orange but as BT own the line & they are snail impersonators it isn't going to get any faster.
I think photos are the one thing I sometimes don't get around to checking out but about once or twice a week I try to catch up with some of them! I always look at my inbox first & answer any comments or pms then my homepage & then any blogs. I rarely look at the questions too as I don't have enough gardening knowledge to help anyone! About once a week I run thru' them to see if I can learn anything from other's queries.
I try to put a comment on most blogs...especially from anyone new but just lately I have had to be more selective as when I glance at the time to the bottom right of my screen...another hour has flown by!! Zzzzzzzzzzzz
5 Oct, 2009
Sue and Mookins, I get to it by clicking on 'members' at the top, you will get the latest 5 blogs followed by the latest 5 questions the the latest 5 comments to be made anywhere. After the last comment click on 'browse latest comments' which will take you to all the latest comments. It great when it's busy as all you need to do is sit at the top of the page and keep pressing 'refresh'. Saves all that dodging around and scrolling up and down long blogs.
5 Oct, 2009
i check out new pics and blogs on favs first then look through replies, then i try to check out other blogs questions and pics etc, lol not enough hours in a day heheeh, never short of anything to look at on here thats for sure :o)
5 Oct, 2009
Perhaps I'll have to relocate my business to Glasgow, Skillen. I would ahve to up my prices if I was going to travel there each day to mow lawns!!(Ha Ha) It's a bit far from Essex! When I was up in the north east(Whitley Bay etc) a few weeks ago, I noticed the grass was green and growing strongly but not here since about May!!!!!
5 Oct, 2009
Thanks for that Lily, no I haven't tried your new discovery, so you are not alone.
I usually go straight to questions (learn so much) and look at lovely pictures !
I agree San not enough hours in the day !!!
5 Oct, 2009
I wait till he goes to his mums in a hurry and leaves the pc switched on growsonyou so i at least get a chance to read any of it. he made me a mamber ages ago but never lifts his bottom out of the chair long enough for me to read anything
5 Oct, 2009
Hi Carol, lovely to hear from you -hope you're OK. Is that where he is tonight , at his Mums? Thought it was a bit quiet on here tonight! You have to grab your chance when you can, it was like that here till I got my own laptop. Can't you lock him in his shed or something? lol
5 Oct, 2009
he is moving it to the bottom of the garden for me. so i can get around easier and have my patio back after three years.
his folks live in Northumberland so he has a long jurney in front of him. it takes about 4 huors to get there
5 Oct, 2009
hi carol lovely to see you, enjoy it while ian`s out lol
5 Oct, 2009
What? moving that huge tidy shed with all that stuff inside!
I do hope he's not going to try and do it by himself , lol
Won't that be lovely to have a patio again, sounds like a good place for more flowery things in pots!
5 Oct, 2009
Ian and his mate will do it together. Ive just realized I had been pressing the wrong button for capitals. Derrr
5 Oct, 2009
He says he can take the end row of slabs out and we can plant in there as well. By the way he will be taking everything out of the shed and dismantling it so I can paint it for him.
5 Oct, 2009
Hi Sanbaz :)
5 Oct, 2009
That's cos you don't get near the computer long enough to get practice! Should take them a long time to move the shed so perhaps you can get some GoY time then. I'm off to bed now Carol, nite-nite
PS I thought he painted it for winter already?
5 Oct, 2009
think a new laptop is needed carol for xmas :o)
5 Oct, 2009
I painted most of it but we cant get down the far side because there is a rail along the end of the patio which has a trellis thing in the way. He is cheeky if he told you he had painted it.
5 Oct, 2009
I think you might be right Sanbaz. :)
5 Oct, 2009
drop a few hints carol,, lol, im off to nite carol, enjoy your time ;o)
5 Oct, 2009
Thankz Sanbaz. We cant realy afford one but you never know what S. Clause might bring?
5 Oct, 2009
fingers crossed for you anyway x
5 Oct, 2009
It would be nice. I might make him his favourite curry for him coming home. :)
5 Oct, 2009
Thanks Lily tis clever that and does save a bit of time as I share the computer with my two youngest sons.
5 Oct, 2009
I find it's like painting the fouth bridge.......just when you think you're nearing the end........
It's just so addictive, when you've got time, which I've had none of this past wekk and coming week also! Off for week
from Sunday coming and hope to catch up with everyone then as well as have one final push in the garden before winter - watch this space!
For me, it's; Blogs-Pics-Hompepage- occasional questions.
It's just a great place to be part of really but we need MICROWAVE GoY.....then we can pack a full days reading into 30 minutes!!!:0)~~
5 Oct, 2009
I check the blogs first. I click on where it sais 'see latest blogs'
Then I look at the photos.
I like to see the blogs and photos of everyone. That way I can welcome new members aswell. I don't limit myself to 'favourites' only.
BUT I only give 'likes' and comments to people who give them to me. There are some members who never give me any comments so I don't give any back.
I may do blogs in the morning and photos in the night. or the other way round.
I never look at the questions or anything else. - no time.
6 Oct, 2009
ive noticed that to hywel, some not mentioning any names dont give comment, only stick to giving certain members, i try to comment on as many as i can like you hywel ,:o)
anyway thats my moan for today lol
6 Oct, 2009
I agree with you San.
Sometimes you feel like you're talking to yourself !
6 Oct, 2009
thanx louise glad im not talking to myself lol :o)
6 Oct, 2009
6 Oct, 2009
Thank Lily it was very kind of you to let us know and share on your discovery.
6 Oct, 2009
This blog has made interesting reading...
Fascinating to know which bits of GoY the members go to first..
I agree especially with the above half a dozen or so comments..Lol.
6 Oct, 2009
Well it's nice to know that we at least are all talking to each other! LOL. I suppose it's like any group of people, some get cliquey (no idea at all about how to spell that!)
6 Oct, 2009
There is one member whose 'outbox' sais 0. Who does that person think he/she is ? Only puting things for others to read but not participating in any giving or receiving information. Cheek is what I call it ... lol
Maybe he/she can have the benefit of the doubt . I think he/she may send pm's - but I have had NONE.
6 Oct, 2009
It is nice to have a good atmospher, lol and who cares if a spelling here or there is not right as long as we know what is meant, no one is perfect no one at all.
6 Oct, 2009
Well blow me down... lol :D
I've just checked on that person and the 'outbox' sais 1. lol
I looked and he/she said in the single comment that he/she sends pm's.
I still have had NONE :o)
6 Oct, 2009
It's not surprising that we all use GoY differently. I wonder if there is some dedicated member who checks everything every day? Using the members comments page I've just today managed to pick up on Ian's blog of 2 Oct via someone else's comment. Don't know how I managed to miss it. I agree Morgana it is a lovely atmosphere on GoY and spelling, grammar etc are unimportant next to that. Whichever way we choose to use it, one thing is common - we all have lots of fun!
6 Oct, 2009
sorry im late lol, ive been missing out again , some just like comments about their gardens and dont even bother to look i dont think, there i got one in, NOW PAY ATTENTION ARE YOU ALL LISTENING TO ME :o)))
6 Oct, 2009
Sorry San...what did you say?! ;o)
6 Oct, 2009
lol fluff :o)
6 Oct, 2009
About time Sandra commented on this blog...
where is she...?
ignoring your blogs again, Lily ?? ;o)
6 Oct, 2009
Evening everyone...I think even if I was at home all day & evening I wouldn't have time to see everything on Goy! There's just so much...but often I pick up on something by reading another's comment & we can reply to things that were posted or said months ago...it doesn't matter. That's what's so good about it.
Agree with the comments about folk who don't bother to talk to us too.
And....Just as you start to think about signing off & climbin' the apples 'n' pears to bed...someone puts another blog or comment on & you're hooked!!
6 Oct, 2009
lol Terra IM HERE WAVING HARD heheh
6 Oct, 2009
yes your right fluff, i must say about 4 or 5 times a night im coming off now baz hehe then have to answer someone, i try not to leave it only if i cant keep my eyes open any longer :o)
6 Oct, 2009
Oops sorry that's me Sandra, not very good at keeping up with the photos! I sent you a PM a few mins ago.
Some people like to keep it strictly to gardening that must be why they are bringing in the new system of blog categories. Maybe it's as well, it's impossible to keep up with it all as you say Fluff.
6 Oct, 2009
dont worry about it lily, you do get involved like us, i got it thanx ;o)
6 Oct, 2009
I'm all for the new system where you can pick what you want to look at...I really do appreciate that some Goyers are only interested in the gardening...it's just that my garden is small & I'm not an experienced grower & often I have nothing to tell you folk about gardening...unless you want more morning glories?! Lol!
I am so grateful for the things I've learned, the friends I've made & the laughter & comfort I've found in the comments of those friends & I love the chats we have about all the things not associated with gardening. Maybe I could find another site to do this but only gardeners are such nice folk!!!
6 Oct, 2009
Well, that's nice. Perhaps gardeners are patient and easy going! I don't know if my wife would agree with that!
I like the gardening and having a bit of a laugh on GOY. I've certainly had a laugh today on various topics! That's what happens when it rains and I can't work!!!
BTW Did you see the picture of Boots I took for Terratoonies blog. Was that not the Boots she had in mind!!
6 Oct, 2009
fluff alot of us enjoy the same things you do so dont you go thinking of leaving us :o(
6 Oct, 2009
Recent posts by lily2
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- The return of "Stumpy"
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- Strange shapes on my window
5 Feb, 2012
- Bye bye Birdies
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Thanks Lily I have been going to my home page and each individual heading but this sound worth trying.
5 Oct, 2009