Mr Toad meets Ribbit...
By fluff
Went out in the dark last night to check how much my tomatoes haven’t ripened (!) & met this chap loitering near the water butt… & yes I did make him pose with Froggy…he didn’t jump up to order!
6 Oct, 2009
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Hey're not too far away Dotty but I'm so pleased he's in my garden! We have loads of newts but toads are not often seen.
6 Oct, 2009
Great photo`s Fluff and he seems quite happy to pose....
6 Oct, 2009
what a good pic he seems quite tame.
6 Oct, 2009
Thats really lovely Fluff I never seen a toad.
6 Oct, 2009
Is there some romance in the air with Froggy and Toady Fluff ??? lol Lovely pics !! :-)))
6 Oct, 2009
He he did you kiss him to see if he turned into a prince lol Lovely photos and well captured.
6 Oct, 2009
Great photos. Something I'd never be able to do as I would run back indoors if I saw him. Such a wimp
6 Oct, 2009
lovely toad, and frog isn't half bad himself! lol Love wildlife photos
7 Oct, 2009
Nice one Fluff, great bit of posing there from Toad (not of Toad hall by any chance?) You must be one heck of a director to get this level of commitment out of your actors. Lol :~)))
7 Oct, 2009
Great photos :o)
7 Oct, 2009
You are so lucky Fluff to have a toad in your garden. We don't as far as I know, but we did have them when we had our other bigger garden. They were marvellous for consuming slugs and snails. I almost had to go begging for more, to feed him - and keep him.
7 Oct, 2009
Thanks folks...yes he was happy to pose Linclass & they seem tame as they don't hop as fast as frogs do they Joanella but just sort of clamber about with the odd hop too?!
He was lovely Di & do you know what Morgana?...I even thought about giving him a quick peck but then I thought well maybe it's a she & that might cause all kinds of problems if a princess arrived & also I have my very own prince right here ( but don't tell him! )
He was so quiet & gentle Pipsqueak I'm sure he would've won you over...
Thank you Healerwitch & Hywel... I nearly trod on him in the darkness!!
Hey Ian...just call me Tarentino! ;o)
Mad...glad they eat slugs 'n' garden is the best restaurant in town for those critters!!
7 Oct, 2009
Hay Fluffentino, good comment and I'm writing him a letter straight away! ! !
7 Oct, 2009
Don't forget to mention how I got the 2 different species to pose together for less than it costs to hire Tom Cruise and....even tho' Toad's butt was sat in cold rainwater he never flinched or asked for a towel....or a raise...
7 Oct, 2009
LMSO :~))))))
7 Oct, 2009
Hey...while I've got your attention remember those scaffolding boards you had your beadies on? Hubby emailed Housing Assoc. on Monday & threatened to put the whole caboosh on Freecycle if they didn't upload it by end of this was all gone by Tuesday afternoon! Damn & blast...we should've moved quicker & had the lot away! ;o)
7 Oct, 2009
Bugg ..... Well that is , your right! ;~))
7 Oct, 2009
Wonderful pics :o)
7 Oct, 2009
Brill photos Fluff
7 Oct, 2009
Thank you TT & Carol...I was thrilled to find him. Love wildlife but rarely get up close.
7 Oct, 2009
Hee hee! Brilliant! I bet Mikey'd get a kick out of that! :~))
8 Oct, 2009
He would too MP...probably want to take it up to his bedroom! Ratbag!
8 Oct, 2009
LOL! How are you?
8 Oct, 2009
Bit my blog tonight? Should've kept it to myself really...just replied to a pm from Gilli...if i don't put something garden - orientated on here soon people will think they're on a ' have a whinge' site!!
How about you...busy week?
8 Oct, 2009
I just saw it! I dont know what to say! Some people are just total "£$%^&*()s! :~{{{{{{{{{{{{
I just want to give you the biggest hug!
I went to visit my mum's grave last year & the place was so trashed I couldnt find the grave! I'm not going back!
When something like that happens, its good that you CAN share it, rather than just letting it fester!
I've been really busy, AND cut off! So no GoY joy! Uni is busy, enjoyable & exhausting! Work, so-so! Love the guys, hate the beaurocracy!
Garden, a tip! But I'll get at it tomorrow after uni (I finish at 12.30).
I'll pm you.
8 Oct, 2009
Hi Fluff...I scattered David's(my husband) ashes on the shore..I am so glad..I have gone there many times and found only lovely messages from him. Once even a note written in the sand, by someone else of course, but written where I could see it from the spot where I scattered on a Christmas morning alone..the note said.."I love you" and the tide had not come in and washed it out yet...was a beautiful thing to see.
I cannot help but think your Mr. Toad ..may have been gifted to you by your make you smile.. :)
xx ~Cat
10 Oct, 2009
MP...that's so sad about your Mum's grave....why can't people stop to think what it would be like if it were their Mum...but I suppose that type wouldn't care.x
Hope you got your 'tip' tidied! :O)
Catfinch...that's a lovely story...some things are meant for us to see...Mr Toad was a cheeky chap...just Michael's idea of a joke!xx
10 Oct, 2009
Hee hee! I think I've made it worse! But it'll get there!
10 Oct, 2009
It can't be worse than mine...I daren't even take any pics at the moment! Our friends say it looks lovely but none of them are gardeners & don't share so much as a water feature between them! I actually want winter to come & help me tidy up by getting rid of all the dead zebra grass & manky hosta leaves!
10 Oct, 2009
LOL! I dont want the flowers to stop! I painted my living room before work today & if its nice tomorrow for long enough, I'll pick the last of the sweet peas (loads!!!) & bring them in. Then I might just put my fuschias & lone begonia to bed!
10 Oct, 2009
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Ahhhh another lovely toad, if you dont want him send him over to me......
6 Oct, 2009