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A sunny day in the garden is one of life's tonics, don't you think?


By fluff


It’s been a difficult week … been feeling rubbish & working too hard to have the energy to pull myself together … I wrote this blog last night & added lots more whinges but I’ve deleted them now because as a good friend told me yesterday life’s too short to be grumpy & I agree with him … there are plenty of people worse off than me.

So … this morning (yesterday) while hubby was listening to Desert Island Discs in the summerhouse … I took a few pics as I went out into the sunshine.

This little poppet was waiting for me outside the kitchen window … she was so obliging & posed happily … must be female!

I think she’s a Small Copper?

She had company too … a waspish looking chap but quite striking.

The last yellow rose surprised me with a beautiful bloom … & so scented.

The sedum never fails to delight … it’s such a pretty colour & lasts for ages.
Everyone has these don’t they but I love them cos they love clay soil!!

The acer has been attacked by the same leaf miner that nobbled my granny bonnets I think & is looking a bit raggedy plus it’s on the change for autumn.

The lycesteria flowers are dangling delicate little chandeliers …

And the laurel has some black olives on it!

I had company in the garden … my favourite little man …

A tummy tickling invitation methinks!

Ooh … & she’s back again!

The clematis is flowering again albeit a bit hit & miss … one flower every 3 feet!

Dragonflies are usually so colourful but this one is just brown … but still pretty tho’ & happy to pose on the gate.

The sun was so lovely that bees were lolling around soaking up the late summer sunshine.

A perfect pink bud …

This skimmia (?) is quite old but manages to flower wherever it ends up in the garden … all my pots get moved around a lot so we can enjoy them.

A big bunch of yellow …

But here come the sunshine crew!!

Hope you all had a good weekend … another week ahead … bring it on!

More blog posts by fluff

Previous post: Mbts ... sorry not a gardening blog by any means ...

Next post: Share Michael's 27th birthday with me?



There is no place better to be in than the garden when one feels low....the plants and everything in the garden lift up the spirit to the heavens...You have some lovely plants and a lovely garden...enjoy :)))

27 Sep, 2010


Lovely blog and pics,Fluff,they are so clear and sharp.You must have a good camera.You were right to go out and take these,so much lovely colour still,and I am sure it cheered you up in no time..Hope you have slowed down a bit,after all your hard work,,it will have done you good to chill out ...

27 Sep, 2010


Hey, Fluff, there's a few on GoY who've had a bad time this past week but we all cheer one another up with our photos and tales of the garden, don't we ? Far better than TV, for me anyway ! Lovely late Summer colour in your garden, plus a very glossy looking cat and yes, a small copper butterfly.. You have clay soil too, horrible stuff to work with and no matter how much compost I throw in, it's still like digging through rock ! Hope this week is a better one for you. Keep smiling.

27 Sep, 2010


You captured the copper butterfly beautifully....especially on his last shot. Your garden is looking so pretty and it's great you can get out there to cheer yourself up...the colours are so striking.

Here's to a good week for us all! :)

27 Sep, 2010


lovely blog fluff and still so much colour in your garden, your right its a female copper and a common darter is your dragonfly, both lovely to see in the garden, hope taking time to see your garden closely cheered you up my friend, it always helps me ;o)) x

27 Sep, 2010


Lovely photo`s Fluff, I `m one for sorting myself out in my garden as well, I really find turning the compost or pricking out my seedlings therapeutic and wandering around with my camera can usually give me a boost when I`m a bit out of sorts.......

27 Sep, 2010


hope you feeling better after that as you so luky to have such a lovely garden . happy days xx

27 Sep, 2010


Good blog,nice photos,love the cat! :)

27 Sep, 2010


Thanks for the cheery blog ...your first photo I just love...the way the flower frames the shot, the pitcher collection, the flowers on the pitchers, the lettering, the butterfly in the center...beautiful
all the pictures great! how tall are those sunflowers? they look huge!!!

28 Sep, 2010


That was lovely :o) and interesting. Thank you.
Desert Island Discs - I haven't heard that for ages. I'll gave to put the wireless on oftener lol
I'm glad you had some furry company, and some also from the insects :o)

28 Sep, 2010


Lovely blog Fluff. Enjoyed the pictures, hope you are feeling better today.

28 Sep, 2010


Enjoyed your blog fluff

28 Sep, 2010


Thank you Michaella ... you're so right ... the garden is a brilliant mood lifter! :o))

Bloomer ... thank you ... I don't think my camera is anything special ... I don't even know how to use all of it's features but sometimes it just performs perfectly for me! Sunday was just such a day! No chance of slowing down I'm afraid but I do have Monday off as that's Michael's 27th birthday. :o)

I was thinking that Shirley ... if you share your woes on Goy they are shared by so many friends & that helps enormously.
As for clay soil ... I really loathe it ... as you say compost just disappears & it's either rock hard or water - logged. It's why I have so many pots ... as long as you water them they keep your plants happy!
Thank you for your encouraging words. :o)

Hear hear Whistonlass ... to a good week for us all ... tho' I think we're in for big rain in the West country! There's lots of Autumn colour coming thru' now too ... love this time of year. Thanks for your comments. :o)

Hi San ... & thank you ... is it really a darter? What a great name! Still a dragon fly tho? I've never heard of that one! :o)

Thanks Linclass ... it's a great pick - me - up I agree ... :o)

Cristina ... thank you ... yes I am lucky ... I'm not a very good gardener & don't have much time but it largely looks after itself ... tho' many of my plants would argue that I neglect them!!

Cheers Anchorman ... he's called Morrissey & he's a cool dude! :o)

Hi Floral ... & thank you ... I collect the jugs from sales etc & the lettering is hubby's Fosters sign which lights up at night for visiting quaffers!
The sunflowers are about 7 feet tall but with small flowers ... late developers I say! Like gangly youths! ;o))

Hywel! My hubby loves DIDs ... Tom Jones this week ... it's been off for the summer but just re-started. He loves the dulcet tones of Kirsty Young who does the interviewing!
Walikg round your garden followed by a cat or 2 is just lovely eh?
Thanks for your comments. :o)

Glad you liked it Cinderella ... thank you ... yes I feel better today ... work takes my mind off things! :o)

Hello Nan d ... thank you ... how is sunny Bournemouth? :o)

28 Sep, 2010


yes its still a dragonfly but thats its name fluff ;o))

29 Sep, 2010


Great blog, Fluff, and lovely photos, especially those lovely sunny sunflowers - all mine were dark ones this year. I've just read on your other blog that your shoes still hadn't arrived. Hope they have now and that you are bouncing around like a spring chicken :)

29 Sep, 2010


lovely blog & totally agree with you, can`t beat the garden with cats for company to cheer yourself up! Lovely photos too...

29 Sep, 2010


I had a bit of a clay area & added peat moss AND sand to it

29 Sep, 2010


Ok San ... I like that name for them! They do dart everywhere!! :o))

Thanks Gee ... I've waited ages for the sunflowers to come out!
Shoes not here today ... the couriers can't find a huge building on a huge estate with a huge name on the side ... complete with full address & postcode.
What happened to sat nav & telephones?
Call themselves couriers! I have another name for them!! ;o(

Thank you Elsie ... Morrissey follows me everywhere hoping for a cuddle. :o)

Floral I should do the same really ... it badly needs building up & some parts are much worse than others. :o)

29 Sep, 2010


Pouring with rain all day and very grey but you photo's brightened it up:)

29 Sep, 2010


doesn't hurt to try Fluff..I found the sand helps alot.

29 Sep, 2010


It's been sunny then rainy here Nana d ... bit of a mix! Sunflowers still standing tho'! :o)

One day Floral ... one day ... when I'm not so snowed under with work I will get time to sort it out. :O)

30 Sep, 2010


Lovely blog Fluff. I'm glad you've still got loads of colour in your garden, it looks lovely.

3 Oct, 2010


Thanks silverbelle ... looking a bit weather beaten today tho'! ;o)

3 Oct, 2010


Hello Homebird ... thanks for your comments.
We have fires all the time in the winter ... we are lucky enough to have a working fireplace & a local woodman who delivers to the door!
I do put some on the soil but it can get very mushy & sludgy in the heavy rain!

4 Oct, 2010


Hello Fluff, just back from visiting family, miss them so much due to distance etc. My little one year old grandson is so delightful & love's his Bampy ( that's me ) So if the plants & garden dont lift me as much as I would like sometimes then all us GoY'ers certainly step in with our photo's, banter & general 'sharing' priceless. Hope your tickityboo now. ps: magic plants btw !!

4 Oct, 2010


Hi Bizzy ... yes I'm fine thanks ... I seem to remember my cousins calling their grandad Bampy too! My children called theirs' Papa!
They're so lovely at that age ... I hope you had a happy visit. :o)

4 Oct, 2010


Bizzy...I had forgotten that my sister's son used to call my dad many years ago, it was nice to be reminded.

A 1 yrs. old grandson is such a treasure....I love them at that age too.

4 Oct, 2010


ahh, he's so cute but typical lad, boing bash bounce bump funny face pulling to get us laughing, knows all the tricks. He's the carbon copy of his dad, my son, quite unreal how similar we are. Oh yes, I still boing bash bounce but not so graceful these days if my 'base-over-apex' last week whilst turning compost was anything to go by LOL ;-))

5 Oct, 2010


Our youngest grandson is now 3.5 yrs. and he's still getting into my utensil drawer and playing with everything...he loves the gravy stir (it's all coils with a handle) and he boinged it so much I had to replace one wouldn't stand up anymore! lol

You want to be careful turning compost, yourself an injury pretending to be a spring

5 Oct, 2010


Whoa ... what's a gravy stir? I'm intrigued!

5 Oct, 2010

There you go, Fluff. I have a problem when identifying things in UK terms...I tend to revert to Canadian words and confuse everyone! lol This link will give you an idea of what I'm talking about (except mine is slightly more flat than the one in the photo).

5 Oct, 2010


Aha! I had a look ... & on Ebay I found a pink handled - one called a roux/gravy whisk too!!

Ok ... I'm with you now ... all genned up on Canadian kitchen gadget terminology!!!

Thanks Wlass! :o))

6 Oct, 2010

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