Frenchbean's Profile

About me
Originally from Lancashire in the UK, we moved to the South West of France in the Summer of 2004 after renovating our house over here in the holidays since 1999. The garden we inherited had once been well loved but had been neglected for years as the previous owners got too old to manage it and the house had been left empty for at least ten years. It was totally covered over with brambles & weeds but we have slowly started to bring it back to life. We have 3.5 acres which (fortunately) consists of a field and wood which can be left to look after themselves most of the time, and some large garden areas around the house which we are currently in the process of trying to bring back to its former glory. The process is slow as everything grows so fast here (especially the weeds!) and the outside of the house still needs work doing to it (knocking off render & repointing) but hopefully we'll get there in the end.
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Joined in Jun 2009
Country: France
County/State: Aquitane