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Thank you very much. Despite the cold I added new compost today - helped by my grandson who’s nearly 4! He loved helping water afterwards. I’m not sure if I should have watered but the strong wind has made everything really dry here


Just like Eileen, I used to grow my beetroot directly in the soil so no root disturbance. I would do the same and wait until it warms up so there is no check in the growth. They don't look out of place sown in between bedding plants.


Just wanted to show you a photo of the clematis I’ve planted. It’s not in the ground at the moment I put it
in a pot in the end for now in case it’s too
much in the shade
It’s a Westerplatte and for now looks very healthy


that is a walk I needed desperately.

thank you for sharing.

On blog - De-Stressing


what a lovely gift to form a memorial of a loved one. It is beautiful.
I think your primula is the native cowslip, Primula elator [I think]. They are such good doers.
I enkoyed your blog.


very pretty Spritz. I like the native water avens such delicate and pretty plants , I will have a look out for these too.

On blog - New plants.


That must have been a terrible shock for your mother Shirley.


I usually sow them directly in the ground where they are to grow. I find pre sown ones are more likely to bolt due to root disturbance when they are planted out.
more went to seed quickly last year due to the erratic watering.


Sheila, sadly nobody knew he had a poorly heart and Mum found him on her return from shopping.


Your mix sounds fine but you don’t need as much as a third of grit … a few good handfuls mixed in is always a good idea. The large pot should be fine - once the roots have filled the pot (ie are contained) the tree won’t be able to grow much more.


How amazing Rose, but very sad for you to lose him when you were so young.


That's good to hear, I have Geums in orange, yellow and cream now.


Well done Karen ... so many folk just run through the Bluebell woods with their children and dogs, flattening the foliage along the way!

On blog - De-Stressing


Rose, it's not often I have many good ideas!


Rose, is yours the 'Spider's Web' one?


Thanks for the advice however I will give it a go in a large container and see how it goes.....


No..I wouldn't have complained either Karen.
I would have loved to have a woodland walk near me, but I do have the sea near me.

On blog - De-Stressing


That was a good idea Shirley!


It just stays green Shirley.


Thanks Karen.


My father , when I was 24 came to see me a few days before Christmas.
Gave me a big hug and said have a lovely Christmas.
I couldn't understand that as we all went to my parents house on Christmas Day, but he died two days after I had seen him.
I am sure he knew! Never having been ill in his life and only 59.


I would say that JI number 3 would be OK on its own or even your mix. The shrub/tree would be a problem for me being grown in even a large container. I think that it will require very regular watering and will quickly outgrow the container. Best grown in the ground would be my advice. Sorry to be a killjoy!


Feeding needs to start quite early on every 10 days....try Tomerite.


Thank you David.


Thanks Kate!


Mine is just coming into flower really pretty, lots at the garden centre too, I was the same I didn't like the yellows and oranges years ago but love the hot colours now :-))


have they been fed in recent years. If not then scrape off the top inch or two and replace with fresh compost.
The pale leaves could be because they have been in the shed and not getting enough light. Move them indoors or cover with fleece if frost forecast for the next couple of weeks.


Sorry to hear that sad news, Sheila, but the Acer is lovely & will help her to remember him.


Thank you all its done well this year :-))


I couldn’t grow them in Scotland either Kate. I will try them, and if they die I will get English instead.


Yes, I do deadhead them once all the flowers are finished but not to encourage new flowers as this one only flowers once a year, it's not repeat flowering, so as to direct its energy into new growth for next year's flowers.


Thanks Rose and Kate. The advice was, with this semi dwarfing rootstock, m26, a pot of 50cm diameter is needed, and this will restrict the tree to about 2m in height.


Thank you Loosestrife, I think I get you!

Don’t worry Shirley, we followed the Deer path. We came back when we reached the end.

It was Kate, thank you. X

On blog - De-Stressing


That's the plan ... roll on some warmer days ahead.

On photo - New garden kneeler.


Kate, that's a great description for it!


Oh thanks Kate, I found it hard to tell which was which!

On photo - Ajuga (Bugle)


Thanks Kate, it was this or make a wigwam of canes and twine!


Kate, I was a little concerned to see the cream new growth but it seems this can happen in a rainy season.


Kate, I'm chuffed with it as have never grown a Euphorbia before.


Kate, I used to detest the colour Orange in the garden but age seems to be telling me that it's ok!


I like Geums, they suit my way of gardening, will certainly be looking out for some of these Spritz....Lovely and bright.

On blog - New plants.


Gorgeous! One of my favourite flowers! Unfortunately, I struggle to grow the French ones, which is a bummer! 😕


Yes, please let us know, Karen. Pretty close up.


Hopefully the walk through this very beautiful bluebell woodland was a real tonic, Karen.

On blog - De-Stressing


Really attractive, Sheila. I'm like the unusual look also.


That's a gorgeous one close up, Jane! Very soft colouring. I do like the dark pink stippling inside.


That's a cheerful colour, looks quite a vivid one too..pretty colour combo with the blue.


Lovely little flowers, I'm really liking the colours too.


That's a pretty one, Shirley. The obelisk has obviously done the trick.


It's very attractive, Shirley. I've seen a front garden not far from ours, with a healthy one. I'll have to look tomorrow on my way to the office, just to see if they have any of this lovely cream foliage.