Should I prune Josta berry. ( Blackcurrant/gooseberry cross)
By Tussiemussie
Nr Rye, East Sussex,
United Kingdom
Mine is having a bad hair day ! - has grown about 5ft tall,lots of new growth in a criss cross fashion.
It's in it's second year. Should I prune? how? and when?
I actually pruned while dormant we'll see how it does this year.

10 Jul, 2007
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Thank you for the advice Hoya, yes it is vigorous, it is sheltered by a fence, in fact whole garden is quite sheltered and faces south.
11 Jul, 2007
My Dad used to grow one of these as a standard, about 3'6" tall, though all the books advised pruning like a blackcurrant. He treated it more like a tall gooseberry standard and had bumper crops every year. I took cuttings from it last year, which are doing well - I plan to grow it in the same way. One of my favourite fruits.
(Thanks for the link from the HDRA forum, Tussie!)
17 Aug, 2007
Hi Cobbs, thank you for the advice, pleased you found the link useful
17 Aug, 2007
when can I prune Jostaberry
20 Feb, 2009
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Let it fruit, then cut back about a third of all shoots in late autumn. If it's really congested you could cut out any crossing/damaged shoots in aug/sept. It is quite vigorous - so when you prune aim to let some air thru the middle and allow shoots room to grow and fruit. Make sure it is sheltered from cold winds/frost in spring as it flowers quite early and the pollinators need to get at the flowers!
11 Jul, 2007