Flowering Currant
By Nicola
North Yorkshire ,
United Kingdom
Hi I wonder if anyone can help me - I have a flowering currant which hasn't grown leaves or flowered this year - there are a number in full bloom in the neighbourhood so I am wondering if mine has died. If it has died, is there a particular disease I should be thinking about or could it just be bad luck?
20 Apr, 2008
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flowering currant
Hi - thanks for your reply. I don't know how old it is - we have only had the garden for just over a year, but it flowered profusely last year. I would say it's been there a few years though - by the size of the stump I would say so. I haven't tried the scratch test - I'll do that tomorrow.
If it is honey fungus, is that bad news for other plants in the area?
20 Apr, 2008
Unfortunately, it does spread. I would have to look up the treatment, sorry I don't know it as I haven't had it (Glad to say!)
20 Apr, 2008
How old was it? It certainly should have flowered by now. Have you done the 'scratch test' i.e. scrape a small area of the bark (half an inch is ample) and see if the wood is living underneath, also look to see if there are any other signs of life - small shoots from anywhere?. If it is still alive, you could try giving it a hard prune and watch to see if any new shoots appear - give it a feed as well. If not, then I am afraid you will have to say 'goodbye' to it! I am not aware of any specific Ribes diseases (except honey fungus - which can hit any shrub or tree).
20 Apr, 2008