Houseplant id, please.
By Bulbaholic
These plants formed a 'Christmas Basket' from Lidl. I have just separated the plants and planted up individually as houseplants. Kolanchoe and Spathiphyllum I am familiar with but can anyone identify the two plants in the middle please? The one at the front has thick, fleshy leaves - at first I thought they were seed pods similar to a pea.

2 Mar, 2009
Thanks for the one id, Spritz. 'Freckleface' is new to me, I don't do many plants from Madagascer!
I am really curious about the one at the front, I have never seen anything like it.
3 Mar, 2009
LOL - I didn't know that Lidl's was in Madagascar, Bulbaholic!!! LOL again.
3 Mar, 2009
:-o) :-o) :-o)
3 Mar, 2009
That one at the back is called 'Freckleface' - 'Hypoestes' it comes in pink with dots or green and cream like yours.
Sorry I don't recognise the other one!
2 Mar, 2009