The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Growing Potatoes

Shropshire, United Kingdom

Would Forum members like to advise me, in their opinion, what method of potato growing is best. I have the room to plant directly into the ground, but container growing seems to be the thing at present, but those of you who may have done both, can you pass on your findings. I have a neighbour who covers the soil with black plastic and then cuts out holes for each potato, which is just place on top of the soil underneath the plastic. I have not been able to read anything on this last option. This will be my first time growing potatoes and will be trying out International kidney and Anya types. I have chosen the small new potatoes as my family prefer these and they seem to be the most expensive to buy. Thanks



hi lovemyveg,
have grown int kidney in large tubs twice and found yield wasn't that great compared to maincrop direct in the beds.
grew in the greehouse last time and they got covered in greenfly, which probably didn't have picked the best type to grow as they are expensive to buy, may i suggest you try some in a tub and some in the ground and see which is best..................steve

2 Mar, 2009


Do you know I had not even thought of halving the crop and trying out what is best - this sounds a good idea and will leave a bit more space in the veg patch for other crops. Thanks I hope to come back later in the year with the news of what worked out best.

2 Mar, 2009

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