Lovemyveg's Profile

About me
I was born in London and we only had a "backyard" where Dad had an aviary where he bred budgerigars, so no space for plants. We then moved to Bedfordshire and after marriage had my first a small, but neat garden and found that I loved tending to the plants. On moving to Shropshire nearly 21 years ago I acquired a large garden, with a fresh water pond. The garden is on different levels which makes for very difficult maintenance, but adds to its beauty. I try to keep one half of the garden as natural as I can, whilst the other half is more formal. My latest addition is a small greenhouse, so I am now able to grow my own seeds and also buy in smaller plants to grow on. The garden is at the stage where lots of the shrubs I have planted need replacing, so there are a lot of working projects going on. My poor husband, who is not a gardener, despairs at my new ideas, but appreciates the final outcome. Last year we decided to grow vegetables for the first time and have had success with the runner beans and to a smaller degree some parsnips and carrots. The purple sprouting has been a disaster as were the fennel which never did make a bulb worth eating. Our cherry tomatoes grew frolifically, but very few turned red, but they made wonderful green tomato chutney. Finding GOY has been a joy and I feel that I have made a bunch of new friends overnight.
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Joined in Feb 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Shropshire