The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Smoo

South Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

I need fence advice :)
I'm looking to cover our back fence, it's ugly, but i dont know whether to go for a screen or simply a coat of paint, can anyone give me any ideas? Thanks x



Personally I don't like the orange colour of many fences. i 've painted some a dark green and it blends in much better.

Something like this is ,imo, much more restful and lets the fence "hide" rather than be in your face .

Once you've toned the fence colour down why not plant a range of climbers/small shrubs in front of it and maybe create a mixed border?

Have a mix of evergreen and deciduous shrubs /climbers and choose a range of foliage colours (light /dark green,golden,bronze,purple . Infront of these you could plant a range of perennial plants chosen for a long flowering season.

You might find my blog on long flowering season plants on here useful

Here is the sort of effect you could achieve . Some of these took 5 years to achieve but you could get a good effect within 2 years if you bought three or four 2-3 foot high shrubs

7 Aug, 2011


Depends on the aspect, but you could clothe it with a lovely climber, eg Jasmine, clematis , honeysuckle, Pyracantha [firethorn], you could create a lovely screen with this plant, its evergreen lovely white flowers in the spring and masses of red/orange/yellow berries in the autumn/winter depending on the variety, so interest will be given through the year, it is a great barrier to keep intruders out due to the thorns, aprox three plants will be needed for that area, evenly spaced, you may also plant a few shrubs in front, that will compliment the pyracantha.

7 Aug, 2011


Oh wow, thank you anchorman! Yes i agree, i hate the colour of my fences! I've got a pyracantha waiting to be planted in front of it and then id like to put some smaller shrubs and plants in and around.

I was thinking of painting it a green shade, something that looks a bit more natural! Thanks for all the links! :D

7 Aug, 2011


New fencing always looks in your face at first but the 'new fence' colour usually fades quite quickly, - once you paint them its a job for life and you are then stuck with one colour which may tend to dominate the garden! The shrubs will soften it and it will cease to stick out and blend into the background as if its not there, which is really what most of us require from a fence?

7 Aug, 2011


you can get that split willow on a roll about 16` in a roll andsome other similer things in aroll . just stapple it to the fence you have . it will take litteraly minits and give instant effect . i would shop around as the price varies quit a lot .

7 Aug, 2011


A Banksy picture whould be nice ?????

8 Aug, 2011

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