passion flower
By Bebomi
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me if the orange friuts on my passion flower are edible please?
12 Oct, 2008
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Yes they are edible, I've never tried them though.
They are a good source of some vitamins and iron. You can make drinks with them and add them to yoghurt etc.
They are also known as a sedative.
12 Oct, 2008
Doctorbob. I have tried them. The things you add to yoghurt and make drinks out of are surely passion fruit. These are 'orrible, honest.
12 Oct, 2008
Sorry John, The fruit of the Passion flower is edible.
And have the vitamins in as I said. I won't try them though, but my tortoise loves them.
12 Oct, 2008
Yes Doctorbob. exactly what I said. Why are you apologising? We agree. I also say it is edible. But I don't blame you for not trying them. Leave them to your tortoise.
12 Oct, 2008
Yes John I will, I thought I'd apologise as I''m getting my passion fruits mixed up.
12 Oct, 2008
Marguerite. The fruit of the passion flower (passiflora carulea etc.) is not the same as the passion fruit (passiflora edulis). There are lots of passifloraecea (about 500) but the only one that is deliberately grown for its fruit (usually yellow or purple) is the edulis.
Most of the others (someone is going to tell us about an obscure one grown for its medicinal values I bet) are grown for their beautiful flowers. Their fruit is usually orange and whilst, (as I said above) not poisonous, is not very nice. I only have 3 types myself, including the ubiquitous P. caerulea, but I wouldn't have a P. edulis given because a) it is too cold in UK to propagate it successfully and b) they taste far too 'perfumed' for me.
You are just beginning your summer we have just ended ours (for what it was worth - LoL) and it is too late for people to take pictures of passion flowers now. They are finished here. For what it is worth, there are a couple of pictures of two young vines in my 'My pictures' but they were not meant to show the differences and are neither in flower or detailed.
If you google P. edulis and P. caerulea I am sure you will find pictures of both kinds and I think Wikipedia will probably cover a lot of types. Remind me next summer if you need any detailed pictures of mine.
14 Oct, 2008
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Usually yes. But they are horrible. They are NOT passion fruit. They won't kill you though.
12 Oct, 2008