Under my garden arch
By Terratoonie

6 May, 2009
Sweet-scented lilac and clematis blend into a pretty bouquet.
This lovely lilac started as a tiny cutting from a friend's shrub, and it has blossomed into a beautiful bush.
Comments on this photo
O TT this looks Wonderful :)
6 May, 2009
I wish you guys could smell the scent of this lilac.
Each time I walk under the arch to my shed, I pause and sniff the flowers. Lol.
This arch is partly shaded, so Terry60, you're probably right about a lot of strong Italian sun diluting any lilac perfume....
6 May, 2009
beautiful TT
6 May, 2009
TT...I was not born with the gift of hearing, or sight..But smell-I have been gifted with, and lilacs are one of the nicest smells in this entire world.
As I child I would rob the lilacs of others...lol..
Your picture looks great, too!
6 May, 2009
Great combination, lovely photo.
6 May, 2009
Thanks, ladies.
Lilac has a heavenly scent, doesn't it... :o)
6 May, 2009
Yep, worth stealing for.
6 May, 2009
A beautifil combination TT , so pretty !
6 May, 2009
Lovely colour combination and that fragrance TT , well I suppose you were only a child Newfie ..probably known locally as the little lilac looter ..try saying that over a few drinks !
6 May, 2009
Glad you like this combi, Amy and BB :o)
6 May, 2009
~your bees are having a real treat TT
~very pretty picture!
6 May, 2009
Thanks Arlene ~
Seems a good year for lilac ~
Let's hope it's a good year for bees too....
6 May, 2009
fabulous terra. gone on my favs
6 May, 2009
Thank you, Mageth ~
Wish I could send you the lovely lilac scent as well :o)
6 May, 2009
I have 2 lilacs terra and love the scent but the clematis really lifts yours into a different dimension. its like one of those coffee table garden book photos. you are very good at putting plants together
6 May, 2009
hi TT,, this looks stunning together and can almost smell that lovely lilac
6 May, 2009
Thanks for the compliments Mageth and Sanbaz....
Sometimes the plants sort of put themselves together.... Lol.
6 May, 2009
Beautiful photo TT love the scent from Lilacs....
6 May, 2009
Together they are of rare beauty! And I even imagine the smell, sweet and fresh at the same time...
My lilies , most of the white ones, have died in the winter, got drowned and then frozen, I guess. So I´ve th start again. I wonder, they are so very early in Your garden.
Very beautiful, TT!
7 May, 2009
Hi Avis and Nelke ~
These two plants both survived the cold weather very well, but it has been a strange winter, hasn't it ! Plants which died in some gardens due to the ice and snow, have thrived in similar conditions elsewhere...
7 May, 2009
Hi TT, Those two plants look lovely together.
I had one of those lilac bushes but when I moved it died :o(
Anyway Beryl has a nice rooted cutting she's giving me when I know where to put it.
Doesn't it have a lovely scent ?
7 May, 2009
Hello Hywel ~
The lilac has a wonderful scent...
Nice of Beryl to give you the cutting... :o)
7 May, 2009
Beautiful TT, Would make a wonderful bouquet if I was still a florist.
7 May, 2009
Thanks, Pamd ~
This looks like a living bouquet.... and has a divine scent...
7 May, 2009
That looks altogether dreamy, I can almost smell the wonderful scent, isnt nature absolutely fantastic!
7 May, 2009
Yes, Pansypotter, nature is clever isn't it.....
I have a view of this arch from where I sit at my laptop...
But I need to go a bit nearer to enjoy the scent..... Lol.
7 May, 2009
Gorgeous, gone in my favourites.
7 May, 2009
Hello Pottygardener ~
Thanks. Glad you like it :o)
7 May, 2009
Just beautiful TT.enjoy while it's last
7 May, 2009
Hi Deida ~ Thank you..
The lilac is still looking pretty, despite today's strong winds... :o)
7 May, 2009
loved the combination our lilic is not out yet the weather is still very cold and windy up here.
8 May, 2009
The past few days have been cold and windy in most of England, but better sunnier weather forecast for this weekend...... whooopeee !
9 May, 2009
Really lovely pic, Tt, and a marvellous twosome. :-)
9 May, 2009
Hi David ~
The scent from this lilac is divine... :o)
9 May, 2009
Delightful !!
9 May, 2009
Hi Inverglen ~
The lilac flowers and clematis are long-lasting ~
They've survived the recent cold windy days and are still blossoming...
9 May, 2009
wonderful combo tt. I have clematis to flower after the lilac, but i may put one with it to flower at the same time. which one is the clematis by the way. :o)
9 May, 2009
Hi Seaburngirl...
I couldn't find the label when looking the other day, but I'll try to ID it for you and then I'll put another comment here.
9 May, 2009
thanks tt.:o)
9 May, 2009
Beautiful indeed TT...
11 May, 2009
Great combination, and a lovely picture.
11 May, 2009
Thank you Panther and Dottydaisy2... :o)
Seaburngirl... Sorry not sure on the ID of this clematis.
I bought it with the label "Pixie", but I think it might have been labelled wrongly..
12 May, 2009
They realy go well together
12 May, 2009
Hi Phil ~
Thanks. :o)
12 May, 2009
We love this photo, beautiful Lilac, one of our favourites and the Clematis blends in perfectly.
13 May, 2009
Wow!!your garden is way ahead of ours here on the island, especially after a 'nasty Winter ( we escaped it TG) but Lilacs must be a favourite to all humans, then combine it with a white clematis, fabulous, congrats in order. Did U plan it, or was it just one of those lovely surprizes??
13 May, 2009
Hi Doon ~
I did plan to grow these two on my archway, but the end result was even better than expected, so in that way it was a pleasant surprise ! I guess in BC you are a few weeks behind the British springtime ?
Hello DrBob ~
This dainty lilac blooms for longer than those with the huge clusters of flowers, and the aroma is heavenly... I'm pleased you like it :o)
14 May, 2009
Pretty image.
18 May, 2009
yes Terratoonie I got there, What a stunner just planted a couple of wisterias under arches hope they will look as lovely as your's.
18 May, 2009
Hi Ams ~
Thank you :o)
Hello Dilys ~
I hope your wisterias flower well for you.
Looking forward to your photos of those some time in the future...
18 May, 2009
This is beautiful. I am getting a lilac start from my brother this weekend. I like the clematis w/this. I think I will try your idea...gorgeous!
20 May, 2009
Thanks, Whyldflower...
If you plant these together, please eventually put a photo on GoY to show the result. Thanks... :o)
20 May, 2009
I sure will. But only if it looks as lovely as yours....
20 May, 2009
What colour lilac does your brother have ?
20 May, 2009
purple...looks just like yours
20 May, 2009
Wonderful.... I hope you can find a clematis to plant with it...
20 May, 2009
Hi TT..been thinking of you and your precious fur kids...bet they are keeping you so busy...and you are having loads of fun I am sure training that new kid...I love lilacs too...I have two that have just begun to flower and they have been planted for a few years now...I have to sweeten the soil evey late fall for them to bloom in the spring..at last I can walk by and smell their perfume..still not covered in blooms at all..your combination here is lovely...I put a pic of some flower pot people..at Bodnant! on my pics..I was shocked to see them there. ~Cat
31 May, 2009
I've been thinking of getting a lilac - now I know I have to get a lilac! This is a lovely combination and thanks for the welcome.
3 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Cf ~
What do you put on the soil in the fall ?
Keithsmum ~
I hope you find a lilac for your garden.
I'm glad to know you're enjoying GoY. :o)
4 Jun, 2009
It is a lime I believe TT....white powdery substance ..lol..comes in a bag that says in big letters...Soil Sweet...
5 Jun, 2009
Such a pretty combination TT, i also am looking for a lilac we had to have a very old one cut down and i do miss it.
5 Jun, 2009
Hi Skilla ~
Was yours a large flowered lilac ?
What colour are you hoping to plant ?
This lilac is quite dainty and was grown from a cutting...
There seems to be quite a choice of lilac colours and sizes...
Cf ... sounds like a good product you put on your lilacs... very sweet. :o)
5 Jun, 2009
I think your display of Lilac and Clematis is lovely and wish I could smell the fragrance of your Lilac. I can add nothing but to agree with all the other comments.
7 Jun, 2009
Toto ~
Thank you. :o)
7 Jun, 2009
Just lovely...
10 Jun, 2009
Hi Bornagain...
Thanks for visiting under my garden arch. Lol. :o)
10 Jun, 2009
First time I've seen this photo - the flowers are lovely but I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who thought they saw a little face.
11 Jun, 2009
Yes, funny that my photo of the flowers from Dr. Bob seems to have a fairy face... You can only see the fairy on the avatar. Doesn't really show up on the larger photo...
Fairies are watching over Conker.
He's perkier today. Eating and drinking well. :o)
11 Jun, 2009
Love the colour and very effective
11 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Morgana :o)
11 Jun, 2009
Such beautiful flowers and colors!
25 Jun, 2009
Delonix ~
Thank you :o)
25 Jun, 2009
Lovely photo & color combo!
26 Jun, 2009
Thanks Charlieb...
This lilac has such a wonderful scent... :o)
27 Jun, 2009
Stunning combination TT, an the wonderful fragrance is a big bonus !
18 Jul, 2009
Hi Flcrazy ~
When the lilac is in bloom I can resist pausing to enjoy the scent each time I walk under the arch..:o)
18 Jul, 2009
Yes, I'm the same way TT. It's those precious short periods of time with each plant that make gardening worth while to me. Do you ever find yourself having a recall of nice memory, that's brought on by just the smell of a bloom? That always brings a smile to my face...:-)
18 Jul, 2009
I find, of the five senses, the sense of smell can take you back the furthest into childhood memories...further back even than looking at photos or listening to music... the aroma of a flower from my mother's garden, the sweet smell of blackcurrant bushes when I used to pick the fruits with my Dad, the scent of soap used by my grandma.... you can sniff a flower and make a memory ... :o)
18 Jul, 2009
I feel the same way TT. They are all precious experiences, unique to only us, ones that will be with us the rest of our lives....:-)
18 Jul, 2009
I love lilacs, planted three new babies this spring, not sure what colors they will be as the label just said "assorted." I hope I get one in this same color though, it really is lovely. I may just have to follow your lead with the clematis. I have been thinking about a clematis and this is a wonderful combination.
30 Jul, 2009
Hi Mamagem ~
I hope your lilacs turn out to be pretty colours .
Thanks for your comments :o)
30 Jul, 2009
beautiful, and a lovely composition too:-)
4 Aug, 2009
OOPS, I've already commented on this one:-)
4 Aug, 2009
Hi Bornagain....
Thanks for all the extra comments... Lol. :o)
4 Aug, 2009
4 Aug, 2009
Such a lovely combination...and isn't the smell of lilac in the spring sun just gorgeous!
30 Dec, 2009
Thanks, Dave...
Lilac has a stunning scent, doesn't it ! :o)
30 Dec, 2009
I'm commenting again Tt:-) Do you know which lilac it is?
31 Dec, 2009
Hi Bornagain..
I grew this as a cutting from a friend's un-named shrub, but I think it is Syringa meyeri spontanea 'Palibin'.. I hope this helps. :o)
31 Dec, 2009
Is that the Korean one, dwarfish?
31 Dec, 2009
Yes, the Korean syringa. :o)
31 Dec, 2009
Do you think it's the prettiest lilac for a small garden? :-))))))
1 Jan, 2010
Hi Bornagain....
A few years ago, when walking to the shops, I used to pass by the "parent" lilac shrub in a front garden. Eventually I plucked up the courage to ask the house owners if could take some cuttings. They have since moved, but I have their cutting doing well..... so... yes.. I reckon the prettiest for a small space....because I went to so much effort to get my lilac. I'll add this pic to GoYpedia Small Garden ideas.
1 Jan, 2010
Good idea:-)
3 Jan, 2010
A very beautiful,natural and stunning combination of flower arrangement.I want to add this to my wish list.
26 Jan, 2010
Being behind in my never ending task of catch-up has it's perks when I can see picture like this one while it is a bit bleak outside!!
6 Feb, 2010
Thanks, Bornagain, Preeti and Gardengnome...
...yes, while the weather is dreary I think we are all catching up with photos and blogs ! :o)
6 Feb, 2010
soooo pretty,lovely :)
22 Jun, 2011
Thanks Whdebor ..
I'm lucky that these blossom at the same time :o)
25 Jun, 2011
new to the site and looking at this in December and this transported me back to summer, what a gorgeous combination. I have no sense of smell so the scent of the garden is lost to me, but i can imagine they smell as beautiful as they look.
28 Dec, 2011
Thanks, Maezymare ...
That's a pity you have no sense of smell.
The miniature lilac is my favourite scent of all my plants :o)
28 Dec, 2011
You are a wonder!
2 Aug, 2018
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This is absolutely beautiful TT. Brilliant combination.
I love lilac - it always reminds me of home. It is such a shame that it doesn't smell anywhere near as good over here - too much sun perhaps ....
6 May, 2009