Phil1956's Profile

About me
I live in East Yorkshire, and have a small garden,About 100 square yards, most plants are in pots of various sizes, I also have a pond about 2000 gallans, with Koi and goldfish. I love to sit in my garden and chill out listening to the water fall.
I am 53 yrs old and enjoy taking my dogs 2 Shi tzus for a walk on the beach, I live 15 miles from the coast. I just love walking around garden centres, I must admit, if it was not for my wife stopping me , I would by new plants every time. I just wish I had a bigger garden so I could have a potting shed and a greenhouse, but maybe one day when I win the lottery!!
I would also like a raised veg bed, but I will make do with what I have got.
My favourite seasons are spring and summer, I hate winter as not much grows and I cannot get into the garden.
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Joined in Apr 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: North Humberside