old bessie is healed
By loribiscuit
Well fellow gardners It true finnally old bessie is healed and up and running once more. The stove doctor dropped in and took a look (expensive look I might add ) and first off you should of met him. That man had tge personality of a pit monkey ( no offense to monkeys ). and no sense of humor at all. When he first came in he asked what the problem was to which I replied she either has stove flu or stovepipe sinus, do you think she will survive I asked.(hoping for a answer like no its fatal). Well not even a grin came out of him, and in my mind I was thinking should I tell to smile once in awhile and I would glady pay for the stiches in his face. But I thought I should patiently wait and see if maybe he was just cold and once his face thawed out he would smile then.Needless to say that never happened. Oh well maybe he doesnt like his job, so while he exaimed old bessie I watched the clock and when he was done I tried once more, do you think she could be pregant I asked. Wow I thought old useless my dog was cranky. He just gave me a look and started to write up his bill, she is fixed he replied, you have been feeding her too much green wood and her pipes were plugged he replied and once he was paid out the dooor he went.I can tell you this much I sure wouldnt want him to be my doctor lol. But who cares right , old bessie is up and going so I am happy for now. Now its back to planting and me and bud (thats my little seeder ) are ready to roll. So guys thanks for all your support and for listening to me whine all week long.
14 Mar, 2009
Previous post: useless come back
Glad Old Bessie is cured. We have workmen like that in Wales - lots of them. They're a sad lot :o)
14 Mar, 2009
Hi Lori ~ Good to hear Old Bessie is back in action. What are you planting this weekend? :0)
14 Mar, 2009
Oh Lori you do brighten my day!!! He sounds like a miserable old b****r to me!!! (hope i don't get flagged!!), glad to hear Bessie is up and running.
14 Mar, 2009
LOL....Sounds like a right old misery. Some people are just a trial to be around.....Main thing is, Bessie is going to live. Hooray!!
Now, hopefully, you'll be able to get some sleep and your hair will grow back in no time....LOL.
14 Mar, 2009
Perhaps he had an old boiler (or stove) at home , giving him aggravation!!! But Bessie didn't have to be put to sleep, that's the main thing!
14 Mar, 2009
Sounds like a right old Ebenezer..3 cheers for Bessie...
14 Mar, 2009
Recent posts by loribiscuit
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- useless come back
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Must tell you Lori, recently I bought a cronky little old wintergreen plant in Morrisons, our supermarket. It already had a reduced bright-yellow sticker on it, 29p.
You should have seen the face of the man I asked "how much do you charge here for dead plants?"
Made me think of that when i read of the Bessie-Dr with a slow/no sense of humour!
Maybe I should name my greenhouse, or the poor lawnmower, I might take better care of them? My son has just come to the rescue of a poor hyacinth bulb christened Brian which was about to die indoors of neglect.
14 Mar, 2009