down at the farm
By ickledigga
As I’m writing this I can hear the cheeps and chatterings of the hatching chicks! Im waiting for the heat lamp to warm up the brooder then my next job is to transfer the chicks and give them all a drink of water! I love hatching chicks the novelty doesn’t wear off! Willoughby and Lottie (my pigs) have been mating so I should remember this date as in 3 months 3 weeks and 3days we should hopefully be seeing some baby piglets being born! As far as gardening goes you can see I’ve been busy putting some of the stone into the polytunnel! I planted some more potatoes into two of the outdoor raised beds! Not really had a very productive few days in the garden been hiding out in the house baking! made Bakewell pudding mmmm yummy really should get on with some gardening to burn off the calories!
8 Apr, 2008
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Next post: *sunshine*
we had a few days of snow flurries but not worthy of sledging!!! cake making.... i don't need an excuse hehehehe!! :)
8 Apr, 2008
Haven't been doing much myself, Ikkle. Have been a bit under the weather with sinus and sciatica problems, so I'm taking it easy for a day or two.
Like the thought of all the chicks hatching. Have you got many? Love to watch them scratching around. And pigs too! Another of my favoutites.
8 Apr, 2008
We don't go mad with the chicks we're hatching about 15 - 20 per week! Tom just bought me a trio of gold laced wyandotte bantams for my Easter pressie! I already have some Blue laced wyandottes!! Tom rears his chickens on a larger scale for retail! I would really like a trio of each of the laced wyandottes so people can come to the farm and see them! all our chickens and pigs free range and live the life of luxury!! I hope you feel better soon but in the meantime you are better off indoors its not so nice out not sure about April showers its more like April downpours!! Still shouldn't complain its filling my water barrells nearly fell in this morning trying to reach to the bottom!!! hehe!!
8 Apr, 2008
ickledigga didi u find out what that purple blob was?
8 Apr, 2008
well no not really had some interesting suggestions tho! wotever they were im sure they'll be back!!! The soil we used to fill that raised bed was from a different place to the others, all the others were filled with top soil from a local farm! bizarre!!
8 Apr, 2008
mmm its a mystery alrite
8 Apr, 2008
Loved hearing about your little chicks - more photos please!!! Your raised beds are huge - what other things apart from pots will you be growing?
8 Apr, 2008
oooo loads the spring onions carrots beetroots lettuce strawberries raspberries blueberries currants garlic & red and white onions are all planted! we've got courgettes squash pumpkin swede brussels spinach to plant! we should also be harvesting the asparagus this year! the raised beds are designed as when we were building them Tom was really ill but still wanted to garden but he's ok now and they sort of just stuck!
9 Apr, 2008
Have you thought of writing a book about all this, Ickle? (In your spare time, of course). Fascinating stuff!
9 Apr, 2008
Sounds like the good life to me.bakewell pudding as well no icing or cherry .Many years since in Bakewell proper pudding with loads of custard. Any left mmm?
9 Apr, 2008
Proper Bakewell Pudding mmmmmmmmm my friend works in the Original Pudding Shop in Bakewell and is sworn to secrecy on the recipe so i thought i'd figure it out make one with ground almonds and 1 with almond essence! it's really easy to do! I originate from near Bakewell so have grown up eating them my favourite!!
10 Apr, 2008
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27 May, 2008
Did you have a lot of snow to keep you indoors? Good excuse for nice yummy cake-making!
8 Apr, 2008