By bigbumblebee
Here we are, already well into July, and quite a few of the jobs I planned to do this year still aren’t done. This was meant to be my ‘catch-up’ year. Very little was done in the garden during ‘07 and ’08, due to a serious illness I had in ’06 which really knocked me sideways. Hard to believe, but it left me sometimes wishing I didn’t have a garden at all!
Still, come early spring this year, the sap rose again and I was able to get stuck in. Now the year is flying by and, no doubt like many fellow GoYers, I’m starting to think about the jobs that need to be done before winter.
The majority of the daylilies, which occupy almost 200 ft of borders, are at their peak now, so before they’ve finished flowering and I can still see what they are, they all have to be relabelled. As I’ve said before, I was definitely born under the sign of Sod, so it’s more or less guaranteed that the days I choose to do the job, either the monsoon season will start or we’ll have days on end of gale force winds. Oh joy!
Part of the collection. West side
About half of the collection are on the East side
Some of the supporting cast
I’m terrible with labels. I use the big wide ‘T’ labels, and a supposedly weatherproof marker, but the d….d things still fade into illegibility after about twelve months. I know I should rewrite them before this happens, but this is Cornwall. We do everything ‘dreckly’.
These are the type of labels I use most of the time
These are ‘Loop-and-tie’ labels which I’m hoping will make things a little easier this autumn
The main job will be tagging and splitting. This will be made easier by shearing the clumps to just above ground level, which removes old and dead foliage, leaves the borders clean and tidy, and removes habitats where pests could overwinter. The evergreen and semi-evergreen cultivars will put up fresh leaves so that the borders won’t look so bare over the winter.
Although time-consuming, splitting the clumps is the best part, knowing that each rooted fan, no matter how small, although some of them can be quite hefty, has the potential to make a beautiful new clump. If splitting is not done, then next year’s display will be sadly diminished, due to overcrowding.
How would you like to help? No. I don’t mean everybody trundles down to Cornwall with their forks and secateurs, although I would enjoy that immensely.
The help I need, if you’re willing, and I think there are one or two of you who just might be, is for you to take some of the spare rooted fans off my hands, FOR FREE!!
The alternative is that alot of healthy plants will be thrown away. I am planning a small extension to the garden, but the area will not be suitable for daylilies. Instead, I am adding to my collection of ferns.
All I would ask would be a small contribution to the postage, which I would try to keep to the minimum without detriment to the plants’ condition. The cheapest daylily I have been able to find was £3.00, and I’m sure postage will be well below that figure.( Just out of interest, the dearest one I’ve seen so far was £128.00. That was a newly introduced one from America. I didn’t buy it.)
It will be pot luck as to variety for the most part, but in most cases I will include an identity label and a little note of cultural tips.
So, if you can find room in your garden and your heart, for even one orphaned daylily, would you let me know? Ask whatever questions you like and I’ll do my best to answer them. I’ll answer one straight away, before you ask.
This one won’t be ready for splitting until Autumn 2010.
Hemerocallis x ‘Night Beacon’
I do hope I’ve given you something to think about, and what could be better than thinking about how lovely next year’s garden is going to be?
10 Jul, 2009
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Thanks T&t. I'll put your name on the list. We'll work out postage later. I'll have to get a scale of weights and charges from the Post Office.
10 Jul, 2009
Look forward to hearing from you.
When I have posted plants/things before I visited the Royal Mail web site as they have prices for packages on there along with a table for the weight.
10 Jul, 2009
I'm sure I could fit one in and put your name on it - I love plants that remind me of people. I have the same label problem - perhaps somebody else on here has the answer. The best I have found so far is plain, old fashioned pencil - every permanent marker I've tried just disappears.
By the way has all the postage charges on it - ever so easy to use, even I can manage it. lol.
10 Jul, 2009
I'd love some too lillies love my soil! Let me know when & how much...any colours...thankyou! :0)
10 Jul, 2009
Hi Bbb, as you know I'm just starting my garden so I would be only to happy to take some of your ophans in.
PS. My soil is very sandy and south facing so they would be in direct sun all day until about 6pm.
Of course postage would be sent as soon as you let me know how much.
I'm getting all excited now :~))))))))
10 Jul, 2009
I would absolutely love to take some and thankyou for offering,as to the label problem its a big one in my garden because the cat pinches them on a regular basis to play with........
10 Jul, 2009
That's a wonderfully generous offer, and I'd love to take a few (5?) off your hands! Let me know when they're ready and I'll send you a cheque :)
You have an amazing display!
10 Jul, 2009
Thanks each! I don't intend to insult your intelligence, but you do realise that this won't be happening until Sept?
I've put your names in my notebook. It is very heartening to know that my orphans will be going to good homes.
When the time comes I'll send PMs for addresses.
10 Jul, 2009
P.S. Thanks for the mail info T&t and Wagger. Noted.
10 Jul, 2009
I'd like a day lily if you have any spare now - I'm late with this comment. If poss I'd like one that doesn't grow too big because I don't have the room. I thought I'd keep it in a pot.
10 Jul, 2009
Thanks Bbb....
10 Jul, 2009
Woe is me...that big ole customs bully standing in my way. LOL
11 Jul, 2009
Don't know very much about day lilies, except that I want one and the very few GCs here don't offer much variety of anything! I'm in Northern Spain up a mountain at 700 mts. Would Hemerocalis survive at this altitude? If you think I'm in with half a chance then please put me in your little book for delivery of 3 or 4 in September. Then - as the saying goes - "The cheque will be in the post." :o)))
11 Jul, 2009
I do so wish it were possible for me to send some to you, Kmcu but as you say, the Excise men say no. They should be readily available (not free of course) where you are, as many of the top cultivars were bred in the U.S.
I had to stop and think, Nariz, whether I could send to you, but Spain is in the EU isn't it? If so, I can. As for the altitude, I can't see any reason why not. Daylilies originate from the mountainous river valleys of China and Japan. I have one here that I think would be particularly suitable. Your name is in the book.
11 Jul, 2009
hi Bbb wud love to have a day lillie thats if u have any to spare will willingly pay p&p just let me no how much in total Thanking You!!!!!!:~)))))))
12 Jul, 2009
Thanks BBB! Can't Wait!
12 Jul, 2009
I've just seen your very generous offer....I would love one too...a one that would suit my small garden if poss? but anything would do....hope there's room for me in your little book.....xx
12 Jul, 2009
I would love some more daylilies Bbb....I think i could fit maybe 2?.....If im not too late....I would like smaller ones, if possible and any variety except pale for the lovely offer...:>)
13 Jul, 2009
found it, i know why i missed it I was on holiday
would gladly take say half a dozen from you BBB
like the others say let me know the postage costs and will forward on to you
x x x x
21 Jul, 2009
What brilliant pictures I think I guessed it would be to late with all the interest you have had but if not I would really love some if possible - like the other replies I would expect to pay for the postage at least, either by PayPal or cheque - Im unsure whats best do please let me know.
12 Aug, 2009
Have the same problem with labels, magpies just pull mine out, dug new bed for my daylilies this spring(full already,lol) and actually drew a plan, is that sad, have sold a few on e-bay and would hate to send someone wrong one, having had several wrong ones myself know how disappointing it is.
11 Sep, 2009
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I'd love to take some off youre hands. Just let me know how much you require for half a dozen and I shall send you a cheque.
10 Jul, 2009