Hawk (with acknowledgements to 'Snake' by D.H.Lawrence and a nod...
By bigbumblebee
A Sparrow-hawk came to my Alder tree
On a cold, cold day,
And I for warmth beside my window looking out,
To hunt there.
In the dark, winter-bare and swaying branches,
Her buff, brown-barred breast feathers ruffling
She perched, and I could only watch and wait, for she was queen.
Against the gnarled and knotted trunk she posed,
Her glances golden-eyed and keen she cast, into the feeding tables and the granite birdbath.
Black-beaked and taloned, yellow clawed, her ambush set
She balanced with her broad square tail and waited
She graced my winter garden with her presence,
And I, like her loyal subject,
Could only watch.
Honoured I felt, and awed
That worthy she should find my ill-kempt plot.
I hardly dared to breathe
For fear she would take fright and choose to leave.
Though still I held, unmoving and entranced,
A sudden sound close by disturbed my guest.
On silent earth-brown wings she lofted up
Into the pink-hued sky.
How deeply, with her leaving, did I feel a sense of loss,
Wishing she’d return
But feeling at the same time priv’leged, and yet cursed
By noisy neighbours.
I later smiled at bright and busy finches choosing seed,
So unaware how close they came to death,
And pondered on my altered sense of values.
22 Apr, 2020
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Thank you. Manley Hopkins uses strong alliteration in much of his poetry. Alliteration is not so popular these days, but I find it very expressive if not over-used.
23 Apr, 2020
He does - never been too keen on it to tell you the truth. Snake is one of my favourites - (one among so many...)
23 Apr, 2020
Just sat having my morning coffee, lovely poem well done, a nice way to kick my day off.
24 Apr, 2020
Thank you Julien. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
24 Apr, 2020
I am gobsmacked that you didn't get more replies! Maybe folk don't know the original.
24 Apr, 2020
That's quite possible. Or maybe it's simply that poetry isn't 'in' at the moment. My publisher put a book of my original poems on Kindle a while back, and the response was equally sparse. Of course, with this superb gardening weather at present, and the lengthening days, it leaves little time to read; but I always say that even if only one other person enjoys my novels or my poetry, then I am content.
24 Apr, 2020
I agree (being a bit of a poet myself). I enjoyed the words...felt I was there...and yes, strange how we appreciate these beautiful birds yet glad to see other equally beautiful birds survive to live on...for us to stand and stare... Well Done BBB
24 Apr, 2020
Recent posts by bigbumblebee
- Are We the Lucky Ones?
29 Apr, 2020
- One of 'those' days.
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- Oops! I forgot to mention...
22 Apr, 2020
- I'm suffering from wind!
15 Apr, 2020
- The Friday Night Wurble
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- A Breath of Spring
8 Apr, 2020
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Brilliant - well done! But I didn't get the reference to Manley Hopkins?
22 Apr, 2020