Sunny horse day
By CatFinch
Flash was moved to his round pen where I worked him. I love this work with him…he was being flighty and not paying good attention, because of the machinery being used to work in his paddock, it was was scraped down to drier ground and one quarter minus gravel was put on top for packing in and better drainage…
Dogs were everywhere…as you will see..there were 4 different big dogs..2 are neighbor dogs..Riders came through as this property connects to a popular trail.
Me getting ready to take Flash for his brushout…
Flash had worked up a lather. I took him and brushed him out and blanketed him for the night as a frost is expected…I will need to go out and take it off in the morning…he was very happy to be back in his paddock eating his dinner.
This dog was a new visitor dog…I called him the Thug Dog in pearls..apparently dressed up by his children somewhere…Missy the smaller of the dogs..not a lab anyway and the only female protected me from the dog she considered to be the Thug and would not let him near me.
24 Nov, 2008
Previous post: Trip to mainland...
Next post: Mud Cat
How nice of Missy to want to protect you :0)
Lovely photos ,
i,m pleased to hear that the paddock is now in better condition for the horses .!
24 Nov, 2008
Thank you happy to see you here..lots of big hugs! ..What do you think Thug is about? He seems to have children...and he comes and goes...don't know where in the woods he is from?
24 Nov, 2008
Yes Amy.. I felt very safe with Missy helping out..did you see her in the grass photo? Although I think she was actually being more territorial about her belongings in dog world than anything.
Yes knowing that the horses have a better chance for drier feet this winter makes me feel much better too..hope it works...!
24 Nov, 2008
Flash looks very handsome in his blue coat...Great photos...
24 Nov, 2008
Thanks BB and when I went out this morning to feed him I left it on him as it frosted heavily last night and he felt warm and dry underneath, not sweaty. So glad we thought about the frost that could is our first real frost of the season.
24 Nov, 2008
Oh Cj at last worked out where you are .Should have asked you but thought that looks beautiful I ll google it and take a virtual tour.
So put in Jefferson county Washington and yes you guessed took me to Washington Pennsylvania wheres all the water thinks I ? So I look ( not thinking of Washington state ) nope not there - eventually I type in San Juan Islands Puget sound and the map spins to the west coast !
Of course the references to jefferson and washington assumed Washington DC .Can you imagine me trailing around Pennsylvania looking for you !
I appreciate how tough things have been for you but my Cj you do live in the most beautiful spot - and those orca trips sound amazing so glad I found the right place !
24 Nov, 2008
It is very magical here...there is no other way to describe it. I used to live and work on the water and saw the Orca's doing their spy hopping, they are an amazing and very intelligent creature.
I have known the family who takes the tours out of this town for a long time. They are very dear people and if you should ever come here and want to take a cruise they would be the right ones to go with. P.S. Exspress is their company name...they put earphones into the water so you can hear the Orca's speaking to one is lovely.
Yes our State often gets confused with the other Washinton...just have to remember to put in State...
To find us it is easiest to put in "Port Townsend Washington State.".. should get you to PTonline etc...
24 Nov, 2008
Thanks Cj yes saw that before responding and really recommend that other goy members do the same as always fascinating to see the location of fellow members.
Truly beautiful and wow how I wish I could afford such a trip - the sort of experience that would stay with you for life and its on your doorstep. Easy for me to say on other side of world Cj but hang on to that during tough times you have a heritage thats irreplaceable.Thank you so much for sharing may never get to see it for real so means a lot .
24 Nov, 2008
BB---The only thing missing is someone to love and be loved by.
You have that, I would trade all of this in a heart beat. Hold on to what you have right now...there is nothing in the world more beautiful or special than that.
24 Nov, 2008
I am sorry BB...I forgot to thank you for your caring thoughts on this...and it does do me good to share the beauty I am surrounded gives me joy to do so.
But ever since my husband got sick, ..I see couples who seem to not notice their mates or would argue with them or just be negletful and all I wanted to do was take them and shake them and tell them to please look at each other...never take anything for granted about each other and to please truly care and love for one another because when your standing there and all the comfort you can give is to comb the hair that is falling out of the ones head from chemo treatments that you love so dearly all you want is it to stop.. so all you have to do is look them in the eyes and say I love you and everything would be ok.
I did have that beauty too...just not long enough. I do hope to have it again one day...
24 Nov, 2008
Oh Cj I ve read your other blogs and dont think anyone who has can be in any doubt of your feelings for Big Dave.
Clearly he felt the same for you and this is truly special.
I cant leave you feeling this way but what right does someone 8,000 miles away have to comment ?
So many assumptions must be made and this can lead to further pain through ignorance and insensitivity .
Assuming that Big Dave loved the area and you feel his heart and soul remain in your home and your beautiful surroundings then I assume you feel a huge sense of obligation to maintain this.
Quite how you managed to keep your home together in the darkest days when Big Dave succumed to this unforgiving illness is beyond me.
Sadly Cj many people dont know what to say - so say nothing and avoid your pain. Surely this just has to be worse than someone genuinely trying to acknowledge your pain ?
Anytime you want to share your feelings there will be someone on goy who will listen and understand.
Before I go may I leave with this famous line from Alfred Lord Tennyson ..In memorial
I hold it true whatever befall,
I feel it most when I sorrow most,
Tis better to have loved and lost,
Than never to have loved at all.
Thinking of you.
24 Nov, 2008
I can't do much to help you either - but be assured that I send my loving thoughts to you. BB has found the perfect lines from Tennyson - they say it all. If you had not had that love, that partner to share your life with, you would have led a much poorer existence.
That I do believe. I hope it helps. Hang on in there.
24 Nov, 2008
Thank you are very sweet...I am ok.
24 Nov, 2008
You too Spritz...thank you...I am fine.I just let out some feelings that have been lingering..and I am the better for it.
I am sorry BB to have distressed you...Love to you both..~Cj
24 Nov, 2008
~would like to say that if it were not for all the miles between, it would be lovely to meet up and have a chat and a cup of tea and swap recipes etc~it's the small things that help you get through every day and warm your heart . The hardest part is trying to live with the pain without wanting to shut it into a box at the back of your mind~you lose so much that way but sometimes it's the only way forward~ we all have to find our own path but it's the things that other people do and say,and the kindnesses of others that make it bearable.I know where you are coming from and you will get there!
I am sure you will find someone to share your life again in due course~ you are just not ready yet!
God bless you and look after you and give you a peaceful heart.
In the meantime we are here for you.
love x
24 Nov, 2008
No distress on my part Cj - my only concern was that I had said something that may have triggered things I was unaware of .
Think this calls for a group hug so just imagine us from all those miles extending our warmth to you.
Arlene quite right of course Cj - is there anyone out here just yet who would measure up ?
24 Nov, 2008
LOL...oh yes I think our own Mr. GF would be just fine if he were not also 6 or 8 thousand miles away...LOL...
.I am doing fine as a single gal.
.I am learning how to be is an interesting thing to be. :)
Do you know how long I have held that thought in my mind about shaking people and telling them to love the one their with....lets see it was on my birthday over 4 years ago..we had gone to the beach for my birthday...I was born on the coast here so I am like a spawning salmon must return there...David was having chemo..he was able to eat very little because the first go round of chemo and radiation had burnt his throat muscle and he could not swallow very well. I fed him through a feeding tube at home for the first 7 months after he went into remission that time...I had gone out to find some food to bring back to our room where he could eat comfortably and watch the view of the ocean...I just remember driving through the street and hearing something someone said or saw some thing they did that infuriated was all I could do to not roll down my window and yell from one end of town to the other..."What is it that you don't this person you are with, they can be taken from you, you idiots...they are fragile, way more fragile than you can ever imagine. "
You did me a favor...I have needed to yell that for a very long time...thank you..~Cj
25 Nov, 2008
CJ, you are doing well my dear friend. Everyone's time is theirs and theirs alone and I believe with all my heart that the sometimes seemingly innocent words of another are in perfect timing for our hearts release for healing. The pain and sorrow must have release and sometimes often. I know.
Keep on keeping on CJ.
25 Nov, 2008
Lovely blog, lovely pictures. As for your release of pent up feelings, which I fully understand, Pollyannaever says it all. As BB hug... X
25 Nov, 2008
~hope you are feeling better this morning Cj~ we have bright sunshine but really cold~group hug on the way to warm you up!x
25 Nov, 2008
Oh is 5:00 a.m. here to think of you having bright sun lifts my spirits is pitch black here yet but when I wake up and my brain starts its rambling I must get up make coffee and get on with my day usually with a cup of coffee the news and my e-mails and now GOY is a good way to start off before the rest of the world wakes up. I had thought to make it over to the mainland today but it is not to be...Dallas is far to sick ..took him to the Dr. yesterday and he was prescribed antibiotics and bed rest for a couple more days..he said I can go to work like he did yesterday but I have put a kibosh on that and will go to Mud Cat today and deal with what needs to be gotten ready for the Thanksgiving week-end through items being trucked in from a supplier which I can do but cannot get all that I would have found on the mainland. The group hug is wonderful and is much are all very helpful and I know others have been on this path and fully understand and have dealt with and are still dealing with the feelings I am going through as well. xo ~Cj
25 Nov, 2008
PG...I thank you for your is odd how right when you think you are doing just fine something comes along and blows you right out of the water.. you are so appreciated...ox ~Cj
25 Nov, 2008 and I are so close here in physical distance and in heart and mind...I have come to expect these occurance's and once I recover from the blow I find myself moved further down the road of healing...everything comes in perfect time and I do believe this...I don't believe it was any accident that I found GOY when I did....everything is given in perfect love and it makes us stronger. xo hug..~Cj
25 Nov, 2008
~sometimes things can seem worse when you are not getting enough sleep espescially when you are so busy~ recommended 7 and a half hours ~maybe try a hot chocolate instead of the coffee!
~In any event sunshine always lifts my spirits so I am putting the Queens Guard at Windsor doing a march past for you~ this was in July on one of our warm days this year!
25 Nov, 2008
Thank you Arlene...I will be having a look for it..I went to bed at 10:00 pm last night slept lightly but slept untill 4:30..almost 7 hours there. Need my coffee...what Scandinavian doesn't I was born allergic to have to be very careful as to how much hot chocolate I might drink...!..I may want ice cream today...have to make my choices...LOL...
25 Nov, 2008
~oh alright then~have some pecan and maple!
25 Nov, 2008
LOL..will see if it is cold enough today for ice cream! LOL
25 Nov, 2008
~how has today gone, did you have sunshine too?did you need the icecream?
25 Nov, 2008
Thanks rained but I had was a good warm day...
26 Nov, 2008
~that's good!~
`do you stock up with Christmassy things now or is it too early?
26 Nov, 2008
I have brought in my Chrismas stock ..playing Vivladi's 4 seasons and there are lights twinkling in my windows..usually do it the week before our Thanksgiving as a start to the Holiday Season..the day after Thanksgiving which is this Friday is the biggest Christmas shopping day of the year they the malls that is not so much here but we are generally busier starting this week-end.
26 Nov, 2008
~that sounds lovely~ lets hope you have the ring of the till all weekend Cj!Post a pic of your window?
26 Nov, 2008
Hi Catfinch ~
Sorry ~ only gradually catching up with blogs.
I've already messaged you those 'shopping lists' privately, and if you need more ideas, just let me know.
Big Dave was a very special man.
Definitely better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
BB ~ Well done in quoting that.
Cf ~
We are all here for you.
hugs. TT xxx
26 Nov, 2008
Sweet TT..thank you..just so you know...
I grieve more for those who have never loved
than for those who have lost.
I have been very fortunate..
26 Nov, 2008
I just wanted to echo everthing Bb said on the 24th Nov - just he put it so much more eloquently than I could have done. My dad had a brush with cancer last year. All clear now, but I found some of the comments above hard to read. Your strength is inspirational, Cat.
28 Nov, 2008
I am so glad your father was cleared of cancer cannot know how happy hearing of this makes really does...bless you is a terrible thing for anyone to endure. Much love...~Cat
28 Nov, 2008
Thanks x
29 Nov, 2008
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Nice blog with fantastic photos :o)
24 Nov, 2008