Oh! Deer
By CatFinch
OH! There is that Rose eating deer….
Well I am going to go out and have a word with this deer. Hello..Helloooo
Yes, YOU…Hello…May I have a word with you please!
See that rose bush over there? You know the one that you decimate every time you manage to jump over this fence?… Yes the one that the dog is guarding.. and I do see your friend in the far grasses….
Guard the rose Sofie..look fierce please.
That is not fierce, Sofie…
ooooooooh….now that might do it..
Nope not working..not scared…still bathing and his friend in the grasses is lolli gagging about bathing as well…hummmph
Awww well Sofie…it is a fine day anyway..isn’t it?..Silly having to talk to deer first thing in the morning isn’t it?…You are a good girl … and look the sun is up..!
Lets go back in… maybe the deer will remember..
Come on Sofie.. come on… no worries we will have words with the deer again if it comes after the roses..
Keeps itself quite clean…hmmm…too bad it eats roses….
23 Mar, 2010
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very cute blog....just keep Sophie safe! deer kick! Very adorable dog
23 Mar, 2010
Labdancer...the deer like the soft new leaves and the roses buds and blooms...they leave the thorns..picky eaters I guess..
Thanks HW...Sofie has been living around the deer here for over 10 years..she is no dummy when it comes to deer...why do you think she was standing on the steps while I was at the fence talking to the deer?...lol...
I had a very long conversation with that deer..it stood blowing steam out it's nostrils and contemplating what I was saying...looking when I pointed at the rose bush and Sofie..I hope it sunk in this time... :o)
23 Mar, 2010
He/She do look a bit guilty, Sofi looks a bit apprehensive, i don`t blame
her, after all they are much bigger than her, she did try to look fierce
but, just cannot manage it....She is too sweet. Lets hope the Deer
get fed up and leave your Roses alone Cf... Good Blog.
23 Mar, 2010
Lovely blog Catfinch, Sofi knew where she was safe. Just keep on taking to that deer it will get the message eventually!
23 Mar, 2010
You tell that deer what's what Cat. It's just cleaning itself and trying to look innocent.....We know that when your back is turned it grows fangs and pointy horns and heads straight for the juiciest rose buds.
24 Mar, 2010
Sophie is so well behaved.... my lot would go nuts....
24 Mar, 2010
aww dont think sofie could look fierce if she tried cat... lovely having deer close by but not eating roses ;o)
24 Mar, 2010
yes i agree with sanbaz.... lovely to have deer so near...
24 Mar, 2010
Oh boy..has Sofie got you all fooled...she is my real guard dog...Phoebe is not a guard dog at all...has no bark..and contemplates everything...Sofie, barks out warnings and growls.
My Grandfur, Munchie who stays with me 4 days out of the week, however is young and silly and will bark a bug. He was not here on the day of these photos. He is even used to the deer here tho...and will only bark when first sighting them. I have tried to encourage him to bark at them but it seems to be to no avail as they ignore the barking and keep on eating away, and bring their friends...
They graze in this back field often and the dogs are very used to them.
I talk to the deer every time I get a chance about not grazing on the roses...I have put in little posts in my front rose garden area and strung it with fishing line now..I have been told that the deer will back away when they feel it as they do not want to become tangled in it..and has worked well for others.
I just hope I don't see deer walking around with roses petals in their teeth and small posts and fishing line on their ears now...
24 Mar, 2010
Loved your blog and photos love Sofie aswell think she is lovely.
24 Mar, 2010
Lovely blog and the pics are great!!
24 Mar, 2010
I really enjoyed your blog and pics,CF,and your sofie is gorgeous.Nice to know she isn't just a pretty face,and is so protective.I think most small dogs are like that,our Yorkshire terrier was a liitle thug at times.:o))
26 Mar, 2010
Recent posts by CatFinch
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- An American in Wales :o)
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- Sharing the last garden
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- How grows my garden????
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- "Shorty's Nursery"...A Washington State Garden Center
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- Now THIS is a Garden...
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It makes you wonder why deer would enjoy eating all those thorns, if I were a deer I`d go for something a bit eaisier to eat. Great blog though. :o)
23 Mar, 2010