Carolyn's Profile

About me
I have been in this house 6 years now but am only now beginning to make a bit of progress, now settled with my partner and baby boy Jake and being an at home mum helps but progress slow. I am trying to develop a vegetable patch, so I can have organic veggies on my door and develop the garden so a pleasent outdoor space to sit and play in.
The long term plan is to divide the garden giving more interest, the bottom section, storage & compost and shed, then the pond section with bench and chairs overlooking and divided by archways and trellice, next the veggie plot surrounded by pots and growbags of fruit etc. Next section grassed and flower bed, play area, plus unfortunately the washing line. Last bit nearest the house, patio and pots and potting up area. oh and down the side the herb section along the fence.
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Joined in Oct 2007
Country: United Kingdom
County: Hampshire