Any tips on putting together a Raised vegetable plot?
By Carolyn
United Kingdom
Hi, anyone tips on putting together raised beds for my vegetable plot in a long thing victorian terraced house garden ? I was thinking of getting gravel boards from B&Q as a start
18 Oct, 2007
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raised vegetable plot
building raised beds
Make sure that you build the beds the right width - so you can reach the middle easily from both sides. Also ensure they are deep enough to add compost/manure/mulches etc yearly. And make the paths between them wide enough to take a wheelbarrow and to kneel comfortably, and have a water butt or tap nearby, and a compost heap near, and space for a comfy seat so you can view the fruits of your labours, and... and....
20 Oct, 2007
and... - your local recycling centre might have cheap boards, old windows to use as a cloche, and even a nice seat (i got one there with a trunk underneath for tools!) or try .....
20 Oct, 2007
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Raised Bed Canopy Support
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Hi Carolyn, I'm afraid I don't know how much they cost but I know friends have used railway sleepers to form raised beds which I think have a nice look. I also thought you might be interested in genuisscuffy's blog about square foot gardening. There's quite a few entries, but here's the introduction...
19 Oct, 2007