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Very beautiful.

On photo - Marshes, Cley.


Some really fine examples of what a rose can do to a garden structure there. Beautiful and inspiring.


Thank you ladies. It’s been a little chilly here again today, but we had lovely sunshine for most of the day. I wonder if we will get any warmth this summer? It’s starting to feel like a rerun of last year.


I had Kentish Belle in my very first garden and I loved it. But boy do the aphids love them!


You have wonderful garden Rose,
Your roses are amazing.


Many thanks everyone for your kind words. Such a lovely time of year for us all to enjoy our gardens … 🙂.


That's a novel idea and I shall look forward to seeing your photos of the seedlings ... :o)


Sheila, lovely photos of the plants in your garden, thanks for sharing them.


How cute!

On photo - Marshes, Cley.


I have found some popping up through Sedums, so I'm in the same boat!

On photo - Geum and Alium


I do like Geums ... this is a pretty colour.

On photo - Geum Bellbank


Well done ... it looks so healthy.


Now I know this is the shrub in next doors garden! I could not think of the name ... yours is stunning ... :o)

On photo - Varigated Wiegela


I agree with Hb and Kate ... stunning blooms.


The Roses are lovely, but have you ever seen such perfect lawn with clipped edges, looks like a carpet!


Rose, I do feel some of these specialist growers are pushing their prices to the maximum, so we came home empty-handed. I suppose they have to support their breeding programmes, though. I hope you are enjoying
your rose.

We drove past Diss on the way to see a relative. The area is attractive, gentle countryside, Sbg. I hope Victoria is enjoying living there. I still haven't got to Blooms yet! Enjoy your visits. As you say, a pretty route. East-West is very rarely easy..


Hywel, well done for looking in on this blog as I know you aren't a fan of garden birds! The Crows must have fledglings now as the adults are attacking any bird that dares to fly near the tree their nest is in. I don't think I've heard a Cuckoo for many years.


David, your balcony will be looking wonderful in a little while!

On photo - Dianthus


Thanks Kate, I am so pleased to see it in bloom again.


Greenfingers, just pull it out when it becomes too much!

Hb, I shall be saving seed from these, so if you would like some just let me know.

Kate, those clumsy Pigeons have an awful lot to answer for!

Thant made me smile Ange, just a few days away is all it takes for plants to appear ... :o)


lovely photos and the garden is looking wonderful, so neat and tidy. wish I could say the same of mine.


those lights do make it very welcoming. I agree about the blue lights, the softer cream/white is much more in keeping with the garden. Enjoy it every minute that you can.


I love this place. I think Peter Beale died either last yr or the yr before but the work in the gardens goes on. Last year my youngest Victoria and her husband Dan rented a house 10 mins walk from here [Attleborough]. Naturally I have bought plants from them, well it would be rude not to.

They have now moved to their first home near Diss which is a 15 min drive from Blooms of Bressingham. Needless to say I will be visiting there too.

It is a bit of a drive for us [3 1/2hrs if traffic light but it will be longer during the school hols] as there isn't a really good direct route. But Lincolnshire is a lovely county to drive through.


Sorry you have the same question twice. I just couldn’t get it to send. If it’s possible to delete the second on will someone please do so. Thanks.

On question - Can anyone tell me


My aliums have just popped up and your lawn puts mine to shame Kate.


It all looks lovely and your geraniums seem to be further ahead than mine.


It looks enchanting Karen with the lights.
I hope you get many good days to relax in your hammock!


I have been there Ange and it is just gorgeous!
I did actually buy a rose from there which is the biggest one in my blog.
It is an easier drive from here to Norfolk, just 3 hours.


Just the same Janey and apparently rain in Croatia! xx

On photo - Oscar


I am glad you enjoyed it Hywel!
Thanks Kate. Maybe one day you will get the other side of the bridge and come and see me!


Wish it was my garden, Meadow, but I'd want the staff to go with it!
Did you enjoy Chelsea? I was put off by the preachy covering on the BBC. They don't believe in doing a gardening programme without including 'green issues' and this year I felt it was just too much.
Took us over 6 hours to get back from North Norfolk yesterday. Each time we say 'never again'. The M4 and the M25 was a horror.


I've grown the megapotanicum in the past, and that was easy, but I can't say I liked it much.


Glad to see you're starting as you mean to go on, Karen ;-)


Thanks Ange. We enjoyed a nice bottle of rose prosecco! Yum!


Ange, this has been a tricky plant, but it’s struggling on. :)


Thank you Ange for showing Peter Beale's rose gardens...I saw him on Chelsea this week and thought how good it would be to visit them but realised Norfolk was quite a long way from here.
I had to look twice at your blog because I thought it was your garden initially. I remembered your attractive archway.


Yes Ange you're right and usually you'll find different plants there too. I've just bought a sea holly. I think that's the name...not sure.

On photo - Oh dear!


Looking quite sophisticated, well done OH. I'm not keen on the multi-coloured ones which remind me of Blackpool illuminations and are, (I think) overpowering and intrusive. I like your 'softness'. Quite right about the very bright white. It would spoil the effect.
Break open the wine bottle!


I do like the white version you have, Shirley. I think we only have a few. I pulled the blue ones out by the handful last autumn, looks like we are still swamped with them growing up through everything. However, I am trying to be more relaxed about self-seedings - especially looking at what's gone on in our little plot in the 10 few days since we have been away. Can't look gift horses in the mouth!


All looking good, Sheila. I like the little 'Bill Wallis' geraniums 'cos they gently seed about. Your acers are lovely and I'm impressed with the bonsai.


Such beautiful greens, Kate, my idea of perfection! Any chance of a photo of the garden 'in the round'? (Cheeky request, I know!) My alliums are all out, too. Such a lovely surprise on our return from a few days away.


Interesting to see your garden choices and its evolution, Karen. I was very tempted by the abutilons on holiday (so much more choice there than here..) but couldn't find the deep red I would prefer to have. Just as well, no space left at all! I shall enjoy yours..


When you go to new areas and new nurseries I find it almost irresistible, Linda.

On photo - Oh dear!


So lovely! I really wish I had some! Next year…… oh, what really caught my eye was the little Pine! The whole border looks amazing though. :)


That is a beautiful campanula Sheila. I see the bonsai are doing well. I admire your perseverance with them!


Thanks everyone! The Almond tree is doing well. I think either myself or the wind snapped the little branch. But the tree is generally ok. Paul, I have 2 tiny apples forming, but they will probably fall off if I don’t get the watering right!


Thanks Kate, it has lived in the cold frame all winter until I saw its flower a couple of weeks ago. I was so surprised.


Lovely selection of plants. My favourite geranium ‘Bill Wallis’. I counted I have 15 hardy geraniums and 9 varieties in my garden!


They all look super!

On photo - For Paul


Thank you Cottagekaren.