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Wow Kate, your Acers are amazing! Gorgeous photos too :)

On blog - Acers in April.


Glad you had a lovely day out Hywel :)

On blog - A spring afternoon


they are very pretty Kate.
The only ones I have are sycamore seedlings and although the foliage is pretty at this time of year I do need to get them out. But I have a bad dose of CBA at present! :)

I have done some weeding today and potting on but that is about all.

On blog - Acers in April.


Such amazing colours here Kate - so rich and striking. Acers are so beautiful. Green is a wonderful colour.

On blog - Acers in April.


lovely blog and thanks for sharing. I too am going to look up the castle, looks medieval to me.

On blog - A spring afternoon


it probably is down to the wet weather. Have you had any early morning frosts? that could nip and brown some f the parts.


Kate, your imaginings about idling in a greenhouse are very close to the truth in this household. I have been sitting in my comfy granny chair in mine, enjoying the sun on my face! But I did prick out 30 Cosmos seedlings yesterday, so I admired them while I was there … 😃.


Very pretty it is too, Balc. Lovely how it softens the railings, and wraps round them.


Thank you, Karen, that's good to know. I now have to consider if I buy one, where on earth do I put it??? 🤔


Hi Julia. Coronilla Valentina subspecies glauca ‘Citrina’ is its Sunday name!

Rose, that’s a real shame…you could swap it for this one!

Kate, I can’t remember how I found it in the first place…probably on here! But this is my third one. They are a bit tricky because they need shelter and as I found to my cost, they do not take hard pruning, only a light haircut. You live and learn!


You were right to take this detour, Hywel! Those brilliant yellows are enough to make you smile. Lovely to see all the natural wild flowers - I'm not surprised you'll be heading back to capture the ones yet to bloom.
I do love the pics of the castle, not creepy at all! ☺️. I'm going to look it up now. Love a bit of history. Those last few pics are quite atmospheric. Thanks for sharing.

On blog - A spring afternoon


Thank you, Hywel. Good advice.


Oh, that does sound pretty, Jane. I'm looking forward to seeing it in full bloom!!! :-))


Thanks Linda! All planted out last week and hopefully will thrive.
I wish i had a greenhouse like many of you, but, I just couldn't sacrifice any of the garden. :-(


I'm not surprised, Karen, it's glorious! I don't really know a lot about this variety. Very eye-catching at the frontage!


Thank you, ladies! You're all very kind. I do seem to have a lot of bluish purplish mauve colours!
Rose, I bought the aquilegia in bloom a few days ago.

On photo - Bright bluish mix


Thank you. Josee! Pleased you like the close ups! Hope you're enjoying the weekend sunshine in the garden!


Thanks so much, Callie! Hope you are keeping well :-)


Thanks kindly, Rose! It's definitely getting colourful out there in our gardens isn't it!!! We're all feeling more energised and cheerful as the Spring is well underway.
Hope you managed to prune your ferns, I'll bet you've some lovely fronds unfurling!


Aw thank you, Jane! I'm really pleased you like the pics. I'm envious you have a greenhouse, I'd love to have space for one! I have notions of idling inside, enjoying the warmth as the sun gets stronger..even a deckchair strategically placed inside!
I imagine your garden is alive with bumbling bees, must be so lovely. I can understand your reticence to hold off getting the mower and secateurs out! Hope you're enjoying your pottering outside today!


Thank you, Karen, I do agree!!! Puppies, especially little Jack Russell's are so cute. This little one is so friendly and happy, my friend says she sleeps well all night.
Pleased you like the colours, we've been gardening this morning. OH has been mowing and I've been tidying etc. It's a lovely day out there. Hopefully you managed to have a wonderful walk in the bluebell woods!!!!!


Thank you. Sheila :-)


I have a Corinilla near my door and is slightly different to yours with not much scent.


I don’t know the size but I took it with my iPhone. Not had any problem before. Maybe I’ll take it again later.

Anyway, the new top growth on my Fatsia is a creamy colour with brown bits but they aren’t dry. I’m wondering if the constant rain has affected it. It’s in a sheltered spot though.


They are irritating popping up within members blogs.I can see how this could put people off joining infact there is very little input on here these days....maybe this could be the reason. The site has diminished quite a lot.

On blog - Adverts on GoY


Which Coronilla is this Karen?


So now do I not only need a spade, shovel and trowel to maintain my garden; I find that I constantly need a broom, dustpan, mop and bucket to clean the adverts from the members blogs so I can enjoy what they have been doing without interruption. There used to be a time and place for such adverts on this site but now it’s anytime and is,intentionally or not, chopping GOY to pieces. Too bad for there will be both new and old members who will not have the patience for what is going on and leave GOY.

On blog - Adverts on GoY


That is so attractive, is it the Banksia rose Balc? I've seen a similar one growing in a garden in the village and have always admired it.


That is a beauty Balc.


It's gorgeous Karen! Me too..



On photo - Acer ozakasuki


They really are Sheila, so unusual. x


is it smaller than 3mb? if it is bigger it wont load.


Must buy this one!


Lovely photos as always, great close ups of the ferns etc. Have a nice week end, Kate.


Thanks Janey.


Thanks, yes you’re right Janey, that’s exactly what they are. Very attractive to my mind 🙂.


Thank you Janey, you do have a good memory!

On photo - Acer ozakasuki


it does sometimes do this. But post your picture in the pictures section and then I will see if I can help with your problem.

Hope we can sort this out for you.


That is a lovely shaped Acer Sheila, in your Japanese part of the garden..

On photo - Acer ozakasuki


Ooh, beautiful, are they bracts?


Lovely shade of pale green Sheila..


Yes, wonderful memories Sheila..:)
I think I may be going to southern Spain later in the year, which will be a real treat, I haven't been to Andalucia before..:))


My question is should my Fatsia Spiderweb(?) look like this? Should I cut off the pale parts?

Then I chose the photo, the question showed it on a little box and I clicked send. It seemed to go but clearly didn’t. I’ve been using this site for years and never had this trouble.
Any ideas?


Your garden is looking lovely Kate, and what a cute puppy.


Thanks very much Ange for making me smile 🙂.

On photo - Acer ozakasuki


Lovely! Your blue aquilegias are early Kate. Mine are just starting to grow.

On photo - Bright bluish mix


You have a lot of new growth there Kate.
I love the spring and to see all the new leaves coming in to growth.
You have reminded me, seeing your ferns that I must cut last years back.
I love the picture of the puppy!


They look good together Kate.

On photo - Bright bluish mix