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Sending you heartfelt sympathy Sue, and a virtual hug. It is so hard for you, but you are doing well to be so positive. x


Cornus kousa is lovely, but if you’d like a contrast have a look at Cercis canadensis Forest Pansy … small purple flowers followed by gorgeous purple foliage.


I would love to go to Chichester. It’s about 1&1/2 hours from here. That florist is lovely, it reminds me of the one I loved in Calgary when I was there last year. Gosh, it will soon be a year ago that I was there, but it feels a lot longer.

On photo - Florist display


I didn’t know umbillicus, so thanks to SBG for that one. Lovely blog. My iPad doesn’t seem to block ads. But I can live with them.



On photo - 20240505 020318


I like this one - very nice shade of pink.


Yes, it really is a pretty pink flower.


I would go for Eileen's suggestion of putting out your courgettes out in late May. They need to be reasonably big as the slugs will be waiting to give them a hammering. Pellets should sort them out then.


Gosh! How lovely! It's much pinker than I remember.


I will Shirley. Thank you x


Yup, same here. We had the town food festival today. Got soaked. Such a shame as you just don't want to hang about for long when its miserable. Still we did have a Burrito and some excellent Brownies!


Both Linda, of course!


I understand your frustration completely ... the trouble is we would all like the work to go totally to plan ... we all know that rarely happens! Stay positive, Karen ... :O)


Karen, I posted a photo of it for you today.


It didn't last though ... grey and drizzly at times today.


Rose, the Sedums never seem to show damage from the critters, just a hiding place for them! Grey and drizzly at times down here today so I'm pleased you have sunshine ... :o)


Lovely x


Thanks Kate! Sunny here up to now!!

On blog - May day, May day.


It's strange Shirley but my sedums host lots of snails!
Another warm sunny day here! Yay!


Pots or table and chairs there Karen?


Yes…a really good bricklayer. He is very proud of it. Rightly so! I think he has enjoyed working on something unusual rather than the bog standard patio laying.


That must have taken some effort to get the shape right.


We have sunshine!!!!
I've had difficulty getting photos on the site Kate. I'll find my smaller pixel camera and take a few photos later.


They are flourishing. I have 6 other pots full of these plants. Some are going in as ground cover very soon.

I was surprised it rooted so quickly during winter.


Yes, it huge! It’s 6 ft tall and 10 ft wide. I keep cutting it back. I’ve taken 200 leaves off over the last 6 months. I need to cut more leaves off.


I really am so tired of living with a mess now Shirley. I really hope they get it finished next week. The promised worker didn’t turn up today and we have the bank holiday. So they definitely won’t be here before Tuesday, but they have other jobs going at the same time. And if the other customer complains they will probably go there first. I have furniture coming on Thursday/Friday too, and SIL arriving Sunday. Aaaaargh!


How lovely! This is a pretty one, and I’v e not grown it before.


Yes, definitely!


always love your garden . Loving the ivy behind too !!!


I do like these, Karen. Unfortunately, we chopped ours down several years ago. With having a small garden, it was taking over. We should have maintained it at a certain height. It was a gorgeous one, beautiful bluish grey leaves.


I do like these, Andy. I had a patient a while ago who grew these in her conservatory. Gorgeous colouring.
They do look healthy for you, hoping they flourish.


Thanks so much, Eileen! That’s very kind of you to say. Hope you’re getting out in the garden and enjoying some time for yourself.

On blog - May day, May day.


Thanks kindly, Rose. I’m sorry you had some heavy rain! That’s a pity. I hope the rest of the bank holiday weekend is brighter and sunnier for you. You can get back out and enjoy your lovely garden and potter happily!

On blog - May day, May day.


Sheila, we’re going to try to buy another one or 2 tomorrow, when we go out for the day.
Sounds like you’re having a pleasant few days in the greenhouse and the garden - pretty perfect, and the bonus of enjoying time with your friend in the Spring sunshine too!!! Have a great weekend!

On blog - May day, May day.


Aw, thanks, Callie! That’s kind of you. It’s so good to get out in the garden isn’t it! It really cheers you up and it’s lovely to see everything starting to flourish. The bank holiday has started off well, hopefully it’ll continue! We’re hoping to go out for lunch tomorrow at the marina and have a lovely walk around beforehand. First thing though, a visit to a GC or 2! :-)
Hope you’re enjoying the weekend so far.

On blog - May day, May day.


Thank you, Ange! Pleased you like the colours. I don’t know if it’s a subconscious thing we do - veering towards plants/blooms in a particular shade, but I think we must do.
I do like flowers in purple shades too, lavender being the main one! What colours are you favouring this year?
Eve was very attentive to what I was doing the other day! She keeps close by, quite an anxious little puss.

On blog - May day, May day.


Thank you, Linda. Just checked on them today, looking ok planted on the rockery 🤞
Hope to see your new plants posted! I like the idea of pretty geraniums blooming underneath the apple tree.
Weather has been pleasant here. Sunshine again from late morning…been pottering in the front today.


Thanks Linda ;-)


Okay thanks for that.


Not long to go until you can really put your stamp on it, so to speak!


Karen, I still have 'Blauwvoet' you kindly gifted to me some years ago ... it is in fact flowering today!


Ooh lovely, very attractive herb.

On photo - Icterina sage


So exciting to see the progress.


Hooray! It has been a glorious sunny day here, so I have been gardening for a long time, at last. I had a cuppa in the summerhouse, listening to the birds singing and watched a Great Tit flying in and out of the Vine. It may have been looking for aphids or ants. Absolutely the best day of the year so far ... :o))


Well, after that amount of time I just hope they are now gone!


Fifty years ... incredible!


Rose, it has been a gorgeous sunny day so I have been gardening for quite a while today. There were many slugs and snails lurking in the Sedums and the Iris stems ... all happy together in the brown bin now!


Oh dear, that's annoying for you.

On blog - A lesson learnt!


Shirley, I’ve go my patio doors open!!!