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Paramongaia weberbaueri


The least expensive way to get a brag flower is to get them when they are young, and then grow them on for several years hoping each year that this will be the year it finally flowers. Several years ago I managed to buy a small, young bulb of Paramongaia weberbaueri. At the time, I had 2 choices as there are 2 different types of this bulb. One summer growing, the other grows in winter. Of course I chose the winter grower so I didn’t have to water it as much.
Recently, I saw a site that had seeds for sale: 2 seeds for €14, but they sold out very quickly. Too bad as you need 2 different clones for seed production, so I will have to wait for new bulbs to increase the number I have.
These like to be planted deep in free draining soil, so I used an 11" pot and planted the bulb about 8" deep.
I spent several years hoping that there would be a flower, and in the literature I could find, it said January was bloom season in the northern hemisphere. Imagine my surprise when I saw a flower stalk starting to emerge. I was checking the plant because snails will attack – they love Peruvian cuisine. A common name for this is the Peruvian Daffodil.

Then it started to open yesterday:

Because there has been strong winds during the night, yesterday evening I brought the pot inside and gave it several hours under the grow lights. This morning, here is what I saw:

It is 6" across and the flower is 7" long.
Absolutely worth the wait.

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Gosh, it really is like a huge daffodil! Is it scented? Well you deserve success after that long wait and all that effort!

30 Oct, 2021


It has a slight scent, but my nose is messed up. This really looks like a giant daffodil blooming out of season.

30 Oct, 2021


Congratulations Wylie on getting it to flower! 👏 👏 👏

It's a magnificent flower! As you say, like a Daffodil out of season!

As I've grown Amaryllis from seed several times to flowering I understand the need for patience! I'm also growing a 'Bird of Paradise' (Strelizia) from seed! As it hasn't flowered yet, (I expect it will still need a year or two more), I call it a seedling still even though I sowed it back in September 2018.

30 Oct, 2021


wow, what a stunner. well worth the wait in my opinium.

30 Oct, 2021


When I grew a Strelizia nicolai from seed, that took patience - 11 years before the first flower. Now it gets full of flowers during the winter months.
I am thrilled that this is a flower that lasts more than 1 day because so many of the ones I grow, don't. I actually bought the bulb off of eBay from someone in the UK.

31 Oct, 2021


Your patience has been rewarded, its beautiful. Pity about the tongue-twister name.

31 Oct, 2021


It's a beautiful flower! Definitely worth the wait and the patience too.
It does look very daffodil like when you look at the last exotic daffodil.

31 Oct, 2021

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