The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Siris's Profile



About me

I am a retired married female. We have lived in the same suburban property in Hampshire UK for the last 39 years. I garden in a small plot, no vegetables, no room. My passion is for bearded Iris,( have over 70 different colours) but as they have a fleeting season my garden is full of all sorts of flowering plants, Hellebores, Dicentra, botanical Geraniums, not keen on tubs-too much work watering. We have a conservatory ( rumpus room). I have some indoor plants in there with an automatic water system on a timer. (Hubby installed). I am not an organic gardener but try to garden with the environment in mind. I like animals, cats and dogs but don't have any, unless you count pond goldfish. I enjoy taking photos of my plants, also browsing online plant catalogues for the one plant that will finish my master-plan.

Latest photos

  • Daphne mezereum alba (Daphne mezereum (Dafne))
  • Malva moschata alba (Malva moschate Alba)
  • Trollius europaeus Golden Queen (Trollius europaeus (Boule dor))
  • Golden Ringed Dragonfly

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Striking Sunrise

Posted on 27 Jan, 2024 11 comments


Posted on 2 Sep, 2023 5 comments

Olive and friends.

Posted on 5 Aug, 2023 6 comments

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What else

Joined in May 2014

Country: United Kingdom

County: Hampshire