APRIL FLOWERS between the showers :o)
By terratoonie
Welcome to our front garden …
Here’s the path …
… and lawn borders …
Oku Miyako starting to blossom …
Aubrieta and alpines …
Flowers opening in the sunshine …
Lots of happy, chubby bees enjoying the heathers …
Tulipa Little Princess …
… has a fascinating double-flower …
Rock garden near the front door …
Thank you for visiting …
See you soon …
18 Apr, 2012
Previous post: A TASK FOR THE 'SPECIALISTS' ;o)
Next post: TRUE STORY with a happy ending ~ new photos :o)
Thanks Guy ...
Lots in flower at the moment ! :o)
18 Apr, 2012
Absolutely beautiful, it's like a little fairy land! Conker is looking very well, Benji says hi x
18 Apr, 2012
Absolutely beautiful Terratoonie, wish I could see it in person! :)))
18 Apr, 2012
'Wonderland' has been added to my favourites ;O)))
18 Apr, 2012
Oh, that's just glorious!
18 Apr, 2012
that is fabulous Terra, i love how much colour you have there.... wonderful blog :-)
18 Apr, 2012
Wonderful, and so colourful Terra, I can't help but wonder what you have there when the aubretia is finished. I presume you cut it back very hard and you must have something else to take its place ?
18 Apr, 2012
That is the kind of garden I dream about its looking absolutely beautiful and Conker is looking so handsome and happy too;0)
18 Apr, 2012
Thanks Emma, Benji, Michaella, Annella, Oji, Surreylad, Cinders ..
Lol. Surreylad .. rather a riot of colour ... ;o)
Hi Annie... you asked for more pics ... glad you like them ... it just took me a while to take the photos between the showers :o)
Yes, Cinders ... there are other perennials there, to take over after the aubrieta ...
Thank you, Michaella ...
... We enjoyed your "virtual visit" ;o)
18 Apr, 2012
I've given up on trying to take pics at the moment TT, it rains every time I step out the door :o)
18 Apr, 2012
Yes ... no shortage of April showers !
18 Apr, 2012
Such lovely colours Terra,love Aubretia tried with it a few times but for some reason its never taken off in my gardens,can't believe it needs any special treatment?How do you keep Conker looking so georgeous?(:0)
18 Apr, 2012
wow what a beautiful garden:-) it puts mine to shame:-(
18 Apr, 2012
Looking really lovely Terra,a credit to you....and to Conker, on duty making sure every flower looks at its best.......:0)
18 Apr, 2012
Thanks Poppylinda and Justdawn ..
Conker enjoys being groomed and gets lots of love.
... much the same treatment I give my gardens .. Lol.
Aubrieta doesn't much like acidic soil.
Maybe try some again ?
18 Apr, 2012
Thanks Pam ..
I'm so lucky to have Conker helping me, with so many flowers to look after ;o) x
18 Apr, 2012
Oh wow! Your garden jsut gets better and better..its stunningly beautiful!!!!!! And Hi to COnker! :)))
18 Apr, 2012
Beautiful looking garden Terra. btw was Truffle in the loo? lol
18 Apr, 2012
Packed full of colourful flowers TT , it looks wonderful :o))
18 Apr, 2012
Thanks Pixi, Poppylover and Amy ...
Truffle was looking after Crocus the budgie ..
... someone has to do those important jobs ;o)
18 Apr, 2012
like I said before your garden is a dream garden, you must be so proud of yourself Terra, your photo's are beautiful, thank you for sharing,
18 Apr, 2012
Thanks Yorks ..
and I'm glad Pita has joined GoY ..
well done you on a lovely daughter :o)))
18 Apr, 2012
Fabulous to view in this rotten cold and wet weather we are having, looks like you are in another country there! Conker looks like he has been to the beauty parlour :~)
18 Apr, 2012
thank you so much Terra,
18 Apr, 2012
:o))) Yorks.
Thanks Grandmage ...
Showers have reached us now ... Conker keeps himself very clean .. he always smells nice and never needs a bath ... just a good brushing once a week .... :o)
18 Apr, 2012
He has a beautiful coat TT.Think you air brushed him just for the photos!!
18 Apr, 2012
Lol. Conker enjoys a real brushing so much, that to give him an air-brush instead would deprive him of enjoyment. ;o)
18 Apr, 2012
beautiful flowers, borders and colours. No Truffle this time?
18 Apr, 2012
Hi Sticki .. Glad you like this blog.
I explained to Amy that Truffle had a very important task ... looking after Crocus budgie. :o)
18 Apr, 2012
oh sorry, missed that bit.
18 Apr, 2012
TT your garden is so lovely, always enjoy looking at it, as for the rain well i know alot of you need it but we have always got rain wish i could send it to everyone who needs it, i'm really fed up with it.
18 Apr, 2012
Hi Carol ...
Thanks so much. Yes, Blackpool does get a lot of rain, doesn't it. No wonder you want to send it to other parts of the UK !
Today we've had hail stones everywhere, but the tulips have somehow stayed upright !
18 Apr, 2012
No hailstone here but as always its raining, the worst part is it is so cold, know we had them 2wks in March when it was nice, but i'm sure Febuary was warmer than it is now.
18 Apr, 2012
Yes, Carol, it is cold.
Thanks ML ... gardens are enjoying the rain :o)
18 Apr, 2012
One word TT stunning, love it )))))....
18 Apr, 2012
Looks magnificent.
A couple of questions by a naive gardener if you don't mind.
1. Having so much colour in your front garden in the spring are you going to have that much colour in the summer too?
2. Can you achieve it with careful mixed planting?
3. Do you need to have a big garden to do that?
Having a smallish garden myself I reserve all the available space for a summer colour. Spring does not arrive in my garden with the exemption of a few daffodils here and then.
18 Apr, 2012
Hello Stripes ... glad you like this ...
Hi Costas1 ..
Thanks for your kind comments and your list of very sensible questions.
1. I have other perennials hiding amongst the aubrieta etc. which give interest at different times of year. In the summer, his garden is a hot, sunny area, so I have sedums, lavender, etc, which flower during the summer/autumn, and heathers for many seasons.
2. Yes, you could achieve this style reasonably easily, and because the plants are all perennials, they flower each year without the need to keep spending out, when you are watching the budget !
3. My front garden isn't large. You can create this type of planting in quite a small area. I have evergreen shrubs at the edges, such as ceanothus and hollies and Jasminum nudiflorum, which provide winter interest too.
I hope this helps, and please ask more questions if I haven't given enough information. :o)
18 Apr, 2012
so pretty Terra
18 Apr, 2012
Thanks Paul :o)))
18 Apr, 2012
18 Apr, 2012
Wow! That's a beautiful garden - lots of hard work and tons of love has gone in to that! Clever you! xxx
18 Apr, 2012
Hi Pita ..
Thanks ...
I enjoy working in my gardens with my dogs helping :o) xxx
18 Apr, 2012
TT I wait for these photos every year because I just know your front garden is going to be just wonderful, and you have not disappointed me, you could win a prize for such a colourful garden, well done again. xx
18 Apr, 2012
Hello Dotty..
Thanks. I thought the wet weather was going to spoil our chances to take photos this year, but we just about kept ahead of the showers and took our pics :o) xxx
18 Apr, 2012
TT - I'm speechless. It's just absolutely gorgeous, so much colour and so neat and tidy. I think your 'boys' deserve a rise in bonios! lol
18 Apr, 2012
Hi Sheila ..
Thanks .. very kind ....
Increase in Bonios per hour ? Great idea !
My doggie duo deserves that ..
.. they've been working extremely hard ;o) Lol.
18 Apr, 2012
In fact, you could say ...
wait for it ...
working like dogs! ;-))
18 Apr, 2012
.. and now they're dog-tired ;o)
18 Apr, 2012
Let sleeping dogs lie ... oh dear, this could go on a while!!
18 Apr, 2012
Terratoonie your garden is amazing :-)
18 Apr, 2012
Thank you, Jessica ... :o)
18 Apr, 2012
You've got a pretty garden TT, and Conker's enjoying it too :o)
18 Apr, 2012
Thanks Hywel ...
Gardens getting lots of welcome rain today :o)
18 Apr, 2012
That's good :o) We've had a few light showers here.
18 Apr, 2012
That's good :o) We've had a few light showers here.
18 Apr, 2012
That's two lots of showers ? ;o)
18 Apr, 2012
It is absolutely exquisite and is a credit to you. I really don't think I have ever seen such beautiful beds in such pretty colours.
Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
18 Apr, 2012
Thank you, Wildrose, for such lovely comments.
Really appreciated :o) x
18 Apr, 2012
Ohh if I had a dog - maybe my garden would look that nice! "snigger, snigger!!!" :D
18 Apr, 2012
The rain is very 'persistent' here - been persistent all day!! lol
18 Apr, 2012
Canine helper sounds a good idea Pita ;o) x
All kinds of rain here Sheila ... intermittent, persistent, wet, constant, hail ... Lol.
18 Apr, 2012
I like your brilliant idea! Amazing actually! ;D xx
18 Apr, 2012
Just about perfect TT...A very happy garden :))))
18 Apr, 2012
Thank you Pim ..
Lovely comment :o)))
18 Apr, 2012
A beautiful garden and some wonderful colours too! I've added it to my faves!
18 Apr, 2012
Thanks Tracey ...
I'm pleased you like my front garden.
Glad you added to favs. :o)
18 Apr, 2012
TT What can I say that hasn't already been said...
What you doing for Christmas, Lol.
18 Apr, 2012
Wow TT absolutely beautiful a credit to your hard work not forgetting Conker and Truffle's contribution :o)
Just love your garden :o)
18 Apr, 2012
Hi Willinilli. I hope you like the flowers.
Hi to your Monkeys :o)
Thank you Neena.
Conker and Truffle's advice on garden design is very necessary ;o)
19 Apr, 2012
Invaluable :o)
19 Apr, 2012
wow that is quite the prettiest garden i could imagine
19 Apr, 2012
Thank you Jenfren. :o)
19 Apr, 2012
that garden is amazin
19 Apr, 2012
Hi Jackie ... thanks for visiting :o)
19 Apr, 2012
What an stunning garden! I wish my Aubretia where like that. They always seem so thin and spindly. Not sure where I am going wrong there! It looks truly fabulous!
19 Apr, 2012
Such lovely colours, beautiful garden, love the 2nd photo, don't think my dog would be so respectful of such a pretty garden!
20 Apr, 2012
Hello Shenuk and thank you !
With your aubrieta, it will bulk up more if you give it a good haircut after flowering. I hope this helps.
Hi Herica ..
I'm lucky that Conker is very well-behaved !
Glad you like the blog photos.
20 Apr, 2012
i love your garden in Spring TT :-)) every year it never disappoints . I "pinched" a photo of it last year to cheer me up in the winter LOL
20 Apr, 2012
Thanks Helen ..
I'm glad one of my springtime garden photos cheered you through the winter ! Lol.
20 Apr, 2012
meant to say that I hope you didn,t mind me doing that?
20 Apr, 2012
Lol. I'm pleased to know you like the photos so much.
I've been almost 4 years on GoY and I realise some members prefer to look at new locations.
So I'm not always sure whether to continue adding photos of my gardens !
20 Apr, 2012
oh please do x I love seeing them and like you I,ve been around goy a while lol :-0
20 Apr, 2012
Okay.. will do .. x
just added a single photo of Conker in front garden :o)
20 Apr, 2012
Terra your garden takes my breath away it really does, iv never seen so much colour and so neat and tidy, no room for weeds to grow amongst this,
truely amazing :o))) xxx
21 Apr, 2012
Hi Sandra ...
Thank you ...
.... my gardens are getting LOTS of rain lately ...
maybe you sent it from Blackpool. LOL.
21 Apr, 2012
This is fabulous, Terra, should be featured in a garden magazine for inspiration to folk looking to 'make-over' their front gardens ... gone on to my favourites too ... :o)
21 Apr, 2012
Thank you, Shirley ..
Very encouraging comments ...
Kind of you to add to favourites. :o)))
21 Apr, 2012
lol Terra yes we normally get plenty here, though its been lovely today, hope its the same tomorrow :o)))
21 Apr, 2012
First time I've looked at this, utterley stunning.
22 Apr, 2012
Hi Treetop ..
Lovely comment, and thanks for visiting :o)
22 Apr, 2012
Wow wonderful pictures and colours.Well done TT:)))))
22 Apr, 2012
Hi Mark ...
Thank you ... we'll get back gardening when the weather allows ! :o)))))
22 Apr, 2012
You have produced a really beautiful garden Terra it must be such a pleasure to walk around this :-)
22 Apr, 2012
Hello Richard ..
Thanks ... Everything has grown well this spring :o)
22 Apr, 2012
Oh my goodness, its the kind of garden i dream about! Absolutely beautiful. And such a handsome well groomed puppy dog as well! Gorgeous! :D
22 Apr, 2012
Absolutely gorgeous. Everything looks so lovely. Do you have any pictures of the front garden in different seasons? I would love to see what it looks like throughout the year.
22 Apr, 2012
Thank you, Smoo for those lovely comments ! :o)
Hi Wannabe ...
Here's a link to one of my October blogs and there are plenty more in my blog archives. I hope this helps.
.. and a link to one of my front garden photos ...
23 Apr, 2012
Love your garden lifts the spirit on a wet cold day!!
23 Apr, 2012
Thanks Jen h. :o)
23 Apr, 2012
blown away by your stunning garden, such colour and style, must give you enormous pleasure to step outdoors and know that you created it..inspiring and thanks for showing us via your photos!
23 Apr, 2012
I look forward to this each spring now. This is the third time of seeing it and I am amazed at all the work you must do to keep it looking this fresh every year.
24 Apr, 2012
Thanks Maezymare ...
I love having lots of colour in my gardens :o)
Thank you Scotsgran ..
Very kind words. I enjoy the work , but Mother Nature does most of it !
24 Apr, 2012
The lady who opened our first village Flower Show told us the tale of the old man working away in his garden when a passer by remarked 'Isn't God Creation wonderful' Indeed', said the old man, 'but you should have seen it before he recruited me to help him'.
I think you get the drift.
24 Apr, 2012
TT your lovely garden is heralding the begining of a new gardening year, and its doing it in splendid fashion and top model of course is Conker looking as good as ever.
24 Apr, 2012
It looks absolutley awesome.
24 Apr, 2012
Wow. So many comments and all so true :-)
I'm new to this 'grows on you' website thingy, and I'm addicted already, no wonder when I see pictures like your garden! So inspiring, and makes me- and so many others smile. That's what i aim to do here, and to get some ideas. ;-)
I've just moved house, and have a large terraced garden to play with. I look forward to sharing my progress but there is a lot of work to be done. I'm very excited though.
24 Apr, 2012
another fantastic blog tt ... all looks amazing! so much colour ... love it all :)
25 Apr, 2012
Terra....sigh....lost for words...so colourful yet neat, wonderful. Tell Conker he's looking very handsome:-)
Welcome to GOY Loubloub:-)
29 Apr, 2012
Thanks, Scotsgran, Stroller, Treetop, Loubloub, Cheepcheep and Bornagain ...
Love your story, Scotsgran of the old man. Lol.
Good luck Loubloub, designing your terraced garden.
and Conker agrees that GoY is addictive .. ;o)
29 Apr, 2012
Hi Billbee here
you have a beautiful garden it is a credit to your devotion and says a lot about you too .thank you for sharing your pictures.
21 Oct, 2012
Thank you, Billbee ...
Welcome to GoY, and good luck with your future plans in horticulture :o)
21 Oct, 2012
Thanks for bringing this up again Billbee. Its wonderful to look forward to the next "Show" and to be able to enjoy this 'wow' garden again.
21 Oct, 2012
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what an amazing garden..so full to the brim with colour and variety..its soooo good..love it
18 Apr, 2012