By terratoonie
This fabulous photo is by GoY’s wonderful Janette. :o)
Thanks to all GoY member photographers for giving permission for their lovely pictures to appear in this blog. :o)
Wellie sports in the Olympics ?
Yesterday a BBC TV commentator remarked that Britain would win any event in which wellies are worn.
Well, I immediately emailed our own Muddywellies, letting him know his big opportunity could be in 2010 or 2012.
This got me thinking of Wellie Olympic events in which
the Grows on You members could win gold medals ~
fencing We’ll do it in wellies with 6 ft x 6 ft panels.
equestrian We don’t use horses, just the horse manure.
weight lifting In wellies again, with extra-large bags of compost.
synchronised swimming Fall over with a friend in the fish pond.
artistic gymnastics Trying to reach fruit at the top of the tree.
wrestling Fighting over the last special plant at a garden centre.
decathlon Tackling ten garden projects at the same time.
pole vault In our best wellies, fixing up those sweet pea canes.
platform diving Fall off a ladder, always land in a muddy puddle.
100 metres We won’t run it, we’ll double-dig it.
That’s my top ten Wellie Olympic sports. Any more suggestions ?
From British Columbia, Canada ~ Gilli’s fabulous footwear for her GoY Wellie Olympic events.
Dawnsaunt selecting her wellies for GoY Olympics 2010 and 2012.
I’m teamed here with my Shetland Sheepdog, Conker.
Our speciality is the Best Six Legs Wellie Competition. :o)
Gorgeous green-wellies-to-match-your-kilt idea from David.
Charming Catfinch in USA ~ dressed for Wellie Olympic competitions.
The GoY Wellie Olympics 2008 Christmas Pub Crawl.
Fantastic photo by Bonkersbon.
Cyril the squirrel downed a complete pint of beer and demanded more…
Andrewr’s Barney training for Wellie Sports amongst the sensational shrubs of his Yellow Book Garden in Bracknell, Berks.
Ready for Olympic action !
And we can’t have Barney without Bruno. This ursine pair is planning to win a whole honeypotful of golds for the GoY Wellie Olympics team. :o)
In Hungary Chrispook found festive decorations to adorn her wellies and shovel. :o)
Jacque’s Jacque Boots. These have done lots of hard work. :o)
Gillian in Ontario, Canada ~ ready for Winter Wellie Olympic action. Amazing !
In Newfoundland, adorable Chummy with Newfienurse’s wonderful Wellies.
Cyril the Squirrel steps up training for the GoY Winter Wellie Olympics.
Thanks to Bonkersbon and Jane for giving Cyril extra lessons on Downhill Bob.
Cyril’s personal coach for slalom, skating, and snow-boarding ~ Blackbird.
Cyril’s special instructor for ski-jump ~ Eddie the Eagle.
Arlene’s suggestion for veggie theme Wellie Olympics kit. Excellent !
From Powys, Wales, Pottygardener provided fantastic footwear for the Goy Wellie Olympics Balance Beam. Notice how precisely these wellies have been placed.:o)
After a busy day of gardening and Wellie Olympic training, Dawnsaunt and her husband warm their wellies by the Olympic Flame. :o)
In Hywel’s Welsh garden, athletic cat, Blodyn, practises part of her intensive Wellie Olympics routine. This is one of her speciality sports ~ the Pole Vault.
Gee19’s photo of the GoY Wellie Olympics main rival team,
The Flower Pot People, growing new team members in a wheel-barrow, somewhere in Kent !
In California, Tasteyg was quick to snap these Flower Pot Triplets.
First to spot a fully-grown Flower Pot Person was Peter ~ well-photographed !
Arlene, on the alert as usual, provided this priceless paparazzi picture.
Police were investigating this Flower Pot Person’s attempts to sabotage the GoY athletes !
Panther found this Flower Pot Person near her pool in Fiji.
The GoY Wellie Olympics emblem is Robin-on-Wellies, so this photo by Jane and Bonkersbon is especially appropriate and welcome. :o)
And Ams reminded us that, in the garden, those flower pots can be dangerous !
Here’s a fab photo of footwear supplied by Madperth…
her Welliesport is the Non-Deckingathlon :o)
19 Aug, 2008
Next post: # 2. BEG, STEAL or BORROW !
What about the Hop Skip And Jump with a bucket of compost.
and of couse Mower Dancing on Ice lol
19 Aug, 2008
Glad this gave you a good laugh, before going off to work.
I've just read your blog. Good news:
You'd do well in any wellie contest involving jumping with a bucket of compost....
..... but you aren't allowed to eat your carved cucumber medal.
19 Aug, 2008
What not even the skin lol please just a little for protein and energy........☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
19 Aug, 2008
Very funny! Loved it!
19 Aug, 2008
What a good blog thats but a smile on my face well done.
19 Aug, 2008
I'm very pleased the Wellie Olympics has given you a smile.
The Wellie Olympics very much welcomes overseas competitors.
There's a new gymnastics demonstration floor event where Wohlibuli's Texas Tumbleweed would be a great asset.
If Marguerite could bring along Australian Silvertop Ash and Sydney Golden Wattle ( yes, I've done my research ! ) she will be in with a good chance of a medal.
Do you have WELLIES ? If so, please let us know, and then you are both eligible to join in the fun and games.
19 Aug, 2008
Brilliant blog TT welcome to goy sorry a little belated.Glad to read not the only bonkers one out there have no sporting pretentions myself closest I ll get is probably a bad case of atheletes foot with all this wellie wearing.
19 Aug, 2008
Athletes Foot ? That's wonderful ! Surely you know that immediately gives you automatic selection to any Wellie event you wish. (unless my budgie says otherwise)
Over the next few days I shall be wading my way ( in my wellies ) through your super-looking blogs.
Thanks for the words of welcome.
19 Aug, 2008
Well I wasn't going to say anything but since you ask I don't own wellies, cause we don't get enough rain for them. When it's damp out I just wear my Crocs!
So I guess that disqualifies me completely. I'll just have to route on my favs.
19 Aug, 2008
Of course, if it ever stops raining, we could all take up wellie whanging (for those of our distant correspondents who don't know about this esoteric sport, you take a wellie and throw it as far as you can)
19 Aug, 2008
You sound like a specialist in wellie whanging, so, weather permitting, you are immediately signed up for that event.
19 Aug, 2008
I'm showing my ignorance here. But what exactly are CROCS ? I'm sure that word is used for different meanings in the UK. lol
If they are some type of wellie substitute, you could maybe still qualify for the Tumbleweed competition. Perhaps we need to see a photo of these Crocs ??? Do you use them a lot in the garden ?
19 Aug, 2008
How about javelin with a bean cane
put the plot
cable tennis
and of course push the water bosh.
19 Aug, 2008
I just knew you'd come up with a whole bunch of Wellie sports. I especially like the cable tennis. You are definitely selected for that event. Excellent !
19 Aug, 2008
I wear my Crocs a lot when working outside, but also for walking, shopping, strolling, almost everything. They are made of a breathable polyresin I believe and sort of mold to your foot for cushioning and support. They were recommended by my orthopedic surgeon and are very popular here with people who have to spend a lot of time on their feet, and a pic of mine has been posted, (although I'm ashamed of the condition they are in.) Time to get a new pair I guess!
20 Aug, 2008
Those Crocs are super. They ABSOLUTELY allow you to join in the Wellie Olympics. Seems like we're building up international input now. Hoping to hear from Marguerite. She must definitely think we're bonkers.
I have footwear a bit like the Crocs which I call clogs. I would be delighted to see photos of what other folk wear on their feet while gardening. Please let me know. I must confess I often do gardening in bedroom slippers. lol
20 Aug, 2008
OMG LOL!! Gardening in your slippers, oh noooo!
Crocs are like clogs but a name brand of a patented material that is just amazing for comfort. My slippers are too pretty for gardening, red of course!! My favorite color!
20 Aug, 2008
Love the wellie sport thing, I still yearn for a pair of good green wellies.
As to crocs, there are two definite groups here, either enthusiatically for or against - sorry Wohlibuli, I'm in the latter! I'll stick to my gardening clogs! At least you had the good sense not to buy the little decorations that fit in the holes!
21 Aug, 2008
Are you saying you'd like to join in the Wellie Olympics in your clogs?
We'd be glad to have you. Just let us know which sport you've thought up. Kev has already commandeered the cable tennis, Andrewr is throwing his welllies, and you'll see some more suggestions above.....but I'm sure you can think of another event you can enter.
I'll be making a provisional list of competitors soon. lol
21 Aug, 2008
Well Gillian, I probably would not have ever bought them without a Dr's recommendation, and I must admit they have worked well for me. They are NOT good for wearing in a lot of water, just if it's a little damp. As for decorations, oooohh no, not on mine, and hot pink color, no thank you!!
There are a lot of cheap "knock offs" out there and they are NOT made out of the same material and are not as comfortable to wear. I know this sounds like I own stock in the company but I assure you I do not.
21 Aug, 2008
Wohlibuli, you sound so enthusiastic about your shoes, I think you should definitely earn dollars commission on every pair of Croc sold. lol
Seriously, it's good to know that your feet are so comfortable while you're working in the garden.
You say no to decorations on your Crocs, but you might reconsider if you win a medal in the Wellie Olympics. What better place for the medal than on your gardening shoes.
21 Aug, 2008
Ok Wohlibuli, if you have the genuine ones and not the nasty knock-offs that's different!
Terratoonie, can I do the Cow Tipping event? I know it's not an olympic sport yet, but it could be...... Not sure if it would be me or the cow in the wellies though.
21 Aug, 2008
I'm so PLEASED that someone has volunteered for the Cow Tipping. Of course, not everybody approves of extra tipping - thinking the bill should be inclusive.
Please supply Wellies for yourself and the cow. Good quality boots, not nasty knock-offs or Wohlibuli will disapprove.
Irish recently posted up a good photo of a concrete cow, so that might give you extra inspiration. Do you think we could persuade her to join the team ?
21 Aug, 2008
lol count me in
21 Aug, 2008
IRISH - that's really good news. Thank you.
With your concrete cow in the garden experience you'll be of great benefit to the team.
Maybe, as with pantomime horses, you could be one half of the cow and Gillian the other half. (Both with Wellies) I'll leave you two to decide who is which half....
21 Aug, 2008
OMG just the mental picture of those two in a cow suit wearing wellies is enough to give me a pain, a pain from laughing so hard!
21 Aug, 2008
lol dont know which end would be worse .
21 Aug, 2008
Irish, I just posted a picture of our team shirts!
21 Aug, 2008
Gillian, those shirts are superb. What a brilliant idea.
21 Aug, 2008
How about puddle jumping in wellies? Whoever makes the biggest splash is the winner!
21 Aug, 2008
Well, Angie, that's a great idea.
With all the rain we've had this summer, one thing's for sure. We won't be short of water for the competition.
Did you see at the Olympics in China today, the rain teeming down on the athletics track?
I reckon plant growers in China this summer are having some of the same problems as the British gardeners.
21 Aug, 2008
I am a bit late finding this great blog Terra, but what a laugh! Made my evening, thanks!
25 Aug, 2008
So glad you like it, Pottygardener.
Very soon, I'll be listing our Grows On You provisional team for 2012 Wellie Olympics.
So get your flags ready !
Oh, dear, maybe that wasn't a very good choice of phrase. LOL
25 Aug, 2008
should have fishing in welly olympics could maybe catch sole and(h)eel on the same hook
27 Aug, 2008
Oh, that's very good, Islander. LOL
In the real Olympics, GB did very well in swimming, rowing and sailing, so it seems we're good on the water.
So, YES. Welcome to our Wellie team.
Please represent us in the sole and (h)eel fishing events !
I'm glad you've joined GOY.
A very big welcome.
27 Aug, 2008
With Beijing now a magnificent memory, it's time to put forward our GOY WELLIE OLYMPIC TEAM for LONDON 2012.
This is only a provisional list, and new members are welcome to join up at any time over the next four years.
I'm delighted to announce that for FLAG BEARER at the opening ceremony, the unanimous choice is....... MUDDYWELLIES.
Our team has international support. A MASCOT is required, and we are pleased to reveal it is the CONCRETE COW belonging to IRISH. (Please see her photo page for a picture of this BEAUTIFUL BOVINE. I'm sure she would welcome lots more 'likes' on that picture).
From the USA, WOHLIBULI will be competing, wearing her best quality Crocs footwear. No nasty knock-offs for Wohlibuli. Her event is GYMNASTICS: the TEXAS TUMBLEWEED floor event.
From Australia, MARGUERITE is assured of a medal - nothing but the best - because of her associations with the SYDNEY GOLDEN WATTLE.
GILLIAN has the special privilege of supporting TWO teams at the same time, with one Wellie boot on CANADIAN soil, and the other firmly placed in SURREY. She represents us in the COW TIPPING competition, wearing her Cow Tipping DESIGNER T SHIRT.
One of our first volunteers was CLARICE, up in BLACKPOOL. She'll be wearing FLIP-FLOPS for footwear, in honour of her two goldfish, FLIP and FLOP. (See her wonderful picture of these superb swimmers on her photo page. More 'likes' for this great garden picture please).
In WALES we are lucky to have POTTYGARDENER, a proven expert at WINDOW-BOXING, and so representing us in the BOXING ring - WELLIE-WEIGHT division.
From the BLACK ISLE in SCOTLAND, ANGIETEALE will be PUDDLE JUMPING in her wellies. With the excessive wet weather in our gardens this year, Angie is currently WORLD CHAMPION in the sport. Well done, Angie !
For track events, YORKSHIRE-based BONKERSBON has gamely offered his support for the ATHLETE'S FOOT races. In the THREE-LEGGED WELLIE RACE, he is joined by his very lovely lady-friend, BONKERSBONNE.
ANDREWR has a wonderful Yellow Book garden in
BRACKNELL, Berkshire, so we're grateful he finds the time for WELLIE WHANGING. We all know that Andrewr is very knowledgeable on gardening topics. However, there was almost a disastrous TYPO - (spelling error) which would have found him signed up for the WELLIE WHINGING, which is quite a different sport, and one which wouldn't suit his sunny disposition at all, being the happy chappie that we know and love.
A last-minute sign-up is ISLANDER, from the ORKNEYS.
He'll be in his wellies, fishing to catch SOLE and (H)EEL with the help of his lovely Labrador, LASSIE.
There are still vacancies for a DRIVER and PASSENGERS on the LONDON RED BUS. Volunteers from home and overseas are all welcome. The only requirements are membership of wonderful GoY and ownership of GARDEN WELLIES.
There will be occasional up-dates on our WELLIE OLYMPICS TRAINING, and we might even hear from new volunteers.
Meanwhile, GoY members, it could be a muddy winter of gardening ahead of us, so please get those WELLIES ready.
31 Aug, 2008
: )
31 Aug, 2008
lol brilliant, can i volunteer for the bus driving job
31 Aug, 2008
Wohlibuli : ) to you in the USA.
Irish : Yes, please be the bus driver. Will you need SatNav?
Maybe we can persuade David Beckham to carry your concrete cow. As long as he doesn't kick it into the crowd, I reckon that's okay, don't you ?
31 Aug, 2008
lol id rather frank Lampard carry it but mind you he might no make it off my bus .
i wont need SatNav thanks, janette can be the co.driver.
31 Aug, 2008
I dont have any Wellies, however I think I might go on the hunt for the perfect pair just so that I can participate...tho perhaps I could be a passenger on the Bus? I have loads of experience with Wellie wearing and some Wellie Whinging (when they wore out) during my few years on the Emerald Isle. Love the blog lol!
1 Sep, 2008
Good news, found a pair of Wellies, have posted pic on my site..please let me know if I qualify lol!
1 Sep, 2008
Hi Lorraine:
Your Wellies have been examined and they qualify with FLYING COLOURS - literally - what very multicoloured boots.
Is that ROLLER-BLADES in the top corner of your picture?
Looks like you could wear those and hang on behind the red bus, waving the Canadian flag.
With the short gardening season you have in Alberta, that should leave you plenty of time to rehearse.
We're DELIGHTED to have you on board.
1 Sep, 2008
LoL, terriffic! Glad to be on board!
1 Sep, 2008
Just caught up with this blog. This is a crazy site. Sadly you have no entrants from Hungary. That's probably because we don't need wellies either being a relatively dry place with sandy soil that drains in a trice.
The nearest I get to wellies is fur lined snow boots.Maybe we can have a garden path snow clearing competition for the Winter Olympica. I've got a path (see my photos) and a bright yellow plastic snow shovel.
1 Sep, 2008
Your on Chrispook, have winter boots but need to know.. can I bring my Snowblower?
1 Sep, 2008
Thats cheating Lorraine. Hand shovels only I say.
1 Sep, 2008
Chrispook, looks like the Winter Olympics blog is all yours.
But a photo of the yellow plastic shovel and fur lined boots will give you honorary entry to the Wellie Olympics.
Surely you aren't going to let Lorraine score one over you with her multicoloured wellie photo? Hungary needs you.
1 Sep, 2008
Chrispook you are a tough task master lol! Ok, hand shovels it is, maybe we should do this blindfolded and see who has the straightest path!
1 Sep, 2008
I'll work on it. Since it's due to be +35 C this week my hubby will be sure that I've got a number of screws loose when I start digging out my winter boots and the snow shovel.
1 Sep, 2008
Brilliant Terra....what fun we will have! My wellies are out, well actually they have never been away! Lorraine...like your colourful wellies....
2 Sep, 2008
I'm so pleased you're kitted out and ready to go.
Please bring along Welsh flags to brighten up the bus.
2 Sep, 2008
Thanks Pottygardener, they certainly brighten up a rainy day!
2 Sep, 2008
Chrispook: Hungary is proud of you.
Yours photos are fantastic.
I don't understand the weird hair-do on the shovel.
But terrific tinsel around your furry Wellies.
Welcome to our Wellie Olympics team.
3 Sep, 2008
the shovels hair do is actually the fur on my hat as seen in the next photo. The top of the hat got cut off in the longer photo, as I guess the dimensions were not right for GOY upload.
3 Sep, 2008
Just caught up with this absolutely mad but brilliant blog and can't believe I nearly missed my chance to join the GOY Wellie Olympic Team. Please, Please can I join? My wellies might be boring green but I'd be really good at Mud Slinging! I've been practising all summer and helped fill 3 skips. I therefore feel sure I could win us a Gold medal.
4 Sep, 2008
Your recent photo entitled Soggy Patio demonstrates beyond question the huge amount of rain and Wellie Experience you've had this year in Derbyshire.
You helped fill 3 skips ...
...so your event is the hop, skip and jump.
Your patio floods look suspiciously like the pond at Pemberley in the Pride and Prejudice TV series.
Is Mr Darcy about to leap in ?
Please bring your green Wellies.... and Colin Firth in his wet white shirt.
4 Sep, 2008
Now then Terratoonie, as much as I would love to participate to the Wellie Olympics, it is going to be very difficult as I don’t own a pair of this rubber footwear – they’re not much use in hot parched weather!!
I suppose I could invest in a pair next time I’m in Eggland but of course they would have to be designer branded – do you think I could find Armani wellies in Woolies???? Failing that, would I be able to qualify in my flip flops??
4 Sep, 2008
Terry60 ~
You'd be wonderful. You can represent both Italy and Britain at the same time!
There's discussion above about Wohlibuli's CROCS.
You can see her magnificent photo of these amongst the GoY footwear collection on my favourite photos homepage.
While Gillian was in a garden centre, she took a brilliant photo of a whole display of Crocs !
It sounds like your flip flips could be very similar to Crocs.
Any chance, please, of posting a photo of these flip flops you use when tending your beautiful garden ?
Then a final decision can be made about your Wellie Olympics application.
4 Sep, 2008
I've examined the blue-and-white flip flops,
and the rosy pink nail varnish -
Is that what you really look like when you're gardening ???
......very glamorous..
..excellent - what a combination...
red, white and blue...
you're in Terry60. Welcome.
5 Sep, 2008
Yippeee !!
5 Sep, 2008
Terry you a Brit living in Italy ? If so may I suggest you as Team Manager - know its your blog TT but as overall organiser you ll need to delegate - after all we have an Italian managing England football team.Seems only right we get our own back.
5 Sep, 2008
BB ~
I occasionally hijack your photos or blogs,
so feel free to borrow mine ~
The Team Manager is a great idea.
Terry 60 will soon let us know.
She's planning on photographing some Italian garden centres for us, so she would have good camera experience when it comes to taking the team photo.
5 Sep, 2008
Sorry Bonkers to disappoint you but I don't think I would qualify for the magnitude of the role - being half Italian !!
5 Sep, 2008
Top half or bottom half? :-)
5 Sep, 2008
Do you mean which half of Italy, Andrewr.
I would guess the boot-shaped bit. LOL
5 Sep, 2008
Just to let you all know that in response to Chrispooks entry of a garden path snow clearing team I have posted pics of my favorite snow shovel and accessories! Would like to be an honorary member of the Hungary team please!? Need TT and Chrispook to vet my equipment and let me know if it passes lol!
6 Sep, 2008
Lorraine ~
with that super-size scoop you qualify for any team you wish.
To me, it still looks like a plastic toboggan.
Welcome aboard.
P.S. Due to Terry60's dual nationality,
the position of Team Manager is still open.
Any offers ?
8 Sep, 2008
I still propose Terry.Think dual nationality brilliant.We win shes English we lose then Italian .Rather like we do with the Scots - they win they are British , they lose they still Scots! Ps anywhere near your age yet TT with all these comments?
8 Sep, 2008
BB ~
There's a very interesting debate going on under Terry's flipflops photo.
Xela has given some useful input.
Check it out.
And, sorry, BB.
To get anywhere near my age, we need at least another 70 comments.
8 Sep, 2008
Fellow Olympians ~
Introducing our GoY Wellie Olympics Team Manager :
[ drum roll ] [ and new paragraph ]
~ G R E N V I L L E ~
To find out exactly how he was encouraged to accept this demanding role, please see Andrewr's blog entitled:
"Green Footprints (This isn't what you think it is)"
Yes, that's the title. It's about a robin with green feet, and of course, also about wellies.
And how did we know that Grenville has the X factor?
What was the decider ? Make up your own minds, but, personally, I think it's his fantastic green hairdo.
More announcements will follow about Grenville's managerial responsibilities and his badge of office.
10 Sep, 2008
Disgraceful decision . A member of the Somerset Mafia as Team manager there will be Spritz Andrewr possibly Phillip in this south west team.
As I.O.M only representative I will need to enter most disciplines.Clearly going to specialise in 3 legged race.Dont fancy the hurdles but will enjoy the triple jump.
10 Sep, 2008
Can't wait to see you in the synchronised swimming.
3 legs or 6 ?
10 Sep, 2008
Obviously my 3rd leg is false and able to accept various attachments. A dibber for planting out and seed drills , hoes rakes etc.My favourite is the rotavator attachment.
This allows me to sprint over muddy fields , when placed behind me acts like an outboard motor in the pool.
Unfortunately to use this in synchro swimming would have me looking like a whisk!
10 Sep, 2008
My lawn needs scarifying.
Sounds like you could be scary enough to have a suitable attachment ?
If you could trim the edges at the same time, please, that would count towards your final score, and thereby move the I.O.M. higher up the medals table.
10 Sep, 2008
New sport suggestion: Mud-plodging. It's a relay event and four members have to run, one at a time, across the Bath and West Showground (after even more rain to make it even more of a quagmire) in wellies, of course, and you have to pass on your wellies to the next plodger. That is if you haven't left them in the mud on the way across! It's a very demanding sport, this one, and if you lose, you get that sinking feeling! ;-) Obviously, BB is a highly suitable member of this team. He will have to be made an honorary member of the Somerset Mafia, though. (HEHEHE)
10 Sep, 2008
Sounds like you're a real expert in this sport, Spritz.
An activity of which Muddywellies would be proud.
Just checking: is mud-plodging the event where the elite competitors are allowed to use West Country clotted cream?
Your answer will be relevant as to whether you are accepted.
10 Sep, 2008
Sorry, TT - that's Devon or Cornwall, not Somerset - see, you didn't catch me out with that tricky question!
10 Sep, 2008
Well done, Spritz.
You're obviously on the alert.
Just what we need for the team.
The cream of the crop.
so W E L C O M E
You are now officially a ~
GoY Wellie Olympian.
10 Sep, 2008
Hi all
After much deliberation I have decided I can't be left out of such a a classy bunch of future Olympians!I
have decided to enter the husband and Honda VFR in the motorbike polo class which involves driving across the Bath Showground holding my large Cycas revoluta and cacti whilst wearing wellies , whilst I will enter the dogsledding class with the boxers on sleds made of wellies tied together to give some bounce and comfort!
Warm welcome to Grenville as the team leader!At your command sir!
Can't wait to start practising!
12 Sep, 2008
Wow, Arlene.
Doubling-up on events.
Hoping to be a multi-medallist.
So pleased you can join us.
Photos of the cacti, Honda and wellies would be great.
Please identify any cacti to avoid confusion with the Winter Olympics plants such Christmas cactus.
If you need any advice on cleaning the Hondas, or the cacti, please see Andrewr's recent Harley Sportster photo.
He's very speedy with the cloth and polish.
12 Sep, 2008
An honorary member of Somerset Mafia ? Something not quite right with that - think I may be disqualified . This Team manager Grenvilles ruse ? Whats he up to?
12 Sep, 2008
Grenville hasn't contributed a comment on this thread yet.
His wellie interest was declared on Andrewr's green feet blog.
How can we alert him to possible irregularities and that his managerial expertise might be urgently needed?
BB : Your help might be needed here.
12 Sep, 2008
Your Captain decrees that all events have to be vetted by an events commitee to ensure that the original ethos of the Olympic games is not abused or corrupted in any way.
I'm delighted to report that all submissions and suggestions for events mentioned to date have been accepted, and they fully meet with, and comply with all the current rules and legislation.
In addition, the lost art and former Olympic event of Green 'wellington boot sluping' will also be included.
This involves running through varying depths of mud while wearing green wellington boots over the course of 400 metres, skipping for a further 20 metres, carrying a lightly boiled egg (free range) balanced on a hand - carved wooden spoon for 25 metres, and finally pole vaulting over hand woven hurdles (made by craftspersons from the Somerset levels) set to a height of 18 metres.
The construction of the hurdles will have to meet the exacting standards of the Somerset Gardeners Mafia vetting committee.
The winner is the competitor who still retains and wears their green wellington boots when landing on a natural duck and down filled mattress at the end of the track.
In the event of a tie, the race will be re-run and timed.The winner will be the competitor who completes the course within a five minute limit.
Finally, I'm delighted to report the following good news.
The committee of the Somerset gardener's Mafia have been consulted regarding affording membership to team member 'Bonkers'
Their ruling and press release reads as follows:
'The committee will be delighted to offer temporary membership to any team members who wish to participate, and this will be subject to the normal vetting and selection proceedures for all existing Olympic events.This is in accordance with their members rulebook of 1876 (revised edition.)
12 Sep, 2008
What good news ! That's marvellous - reviving the lost art of Wellington Boot Sluping. I've noticed the obvious differences between this discipline and Andrewr's Wellie Whanging event, notably the lack of Sportsters.
I am very concerned that the sluping measurements have been issued only in modern metres. Team Manager's input here please, on equivalents in 'old money', i.e. groats,cubits and ells (for the uniforms).
Must object to animal cruelty if the winners are required to land (quote) "on a natural duck." Couldn't the competitors manage with merely the down-filled mattress? Your ruling, please.
Finally, although remaining respectful to the Team Manager at all times, may I dutifully point out that, looking at your photo, I can see that your super green hairdo is wilting just a little. Looks like the roots need attention again.
13 Sep, 2008
Excuse me 18 metres for the pole vault? Is that nearly 60 feet ( ! ) in old money. Why dont we just vault Glastonbury tor instead.
Thank you for confirming temporary membership.With rules and events like this I expect it to be be very temporary indeed. I must insist that if any events prove fatal to me all my invertebrate and amphibious friends are sent back with me by over - night courier .
Ps I have a spare wellington free if there is a one legged competitor.
13 Sep, 2008
Thank you for raising the concerns.
The Olympic committtee have been consulted and suggest the mattress be filled with down and other synthetic materials. Hopefully this will not cause any allergic reactions to the competitors, should the vaulting poles puncture the outer covering and release the filling materials.
Track measurements will be given in metric in order to make the events international.
My super green hairdo will be tended by a hair dresser of international repute to ensure it meets with the high expectations and aspirations of the competitors and the Olympic committee.
With kindest regards to all team members.
Captain Grenville.
13 Sep, 2008
I guess spare Wellie also useful for another 3 legged athlete - three pairs for two people, 3 for 2 special offer ?
We really need Team Manager's advice on quite a few technicalities here. I don't have the revised 1876 rulebook.
Working from the old 1815 Waterloo issue.
Quite a bit about Wellington in that one.
13 Sep, 2008
Expert training will be given to ensure that all competitors reach the height targets in the Pole vaulting contest.
High energy drinks will also be freely available, and Pole Vaulting heats will be staged over Glastonbury Tor prior to the games. Specially sprung running shoes that provide extra lift are currently being manufactured, and will be provided for all competitors in this event.
The Poles are a bi- product of space research and have the capability of providing incredible lift and thrust.
Competitors will also have the option of being catapaulted over the hurdles in an elastic harness if they so choose.
13 Sep, 2008
Hi TT you missing some medication as well? Think Captain G might ve over done it?
Oh I can just see Captain and Spritz pulling back on that harness with me in it .Think the Olympic record would go and I d be back in Yorkshire faster than I thought.
13 Sep, 2008
Yes indeed spare wellingtons must be available for all three legged events. The 1876 rule book states that the spare must fit a left foot hence two left feet and one right.It must be the same size and colour as the other two.
Heels and soles must not be modified in any way.
13 Sep, 2008
Team member Bonkers please do not worry..... Spritz and myself have had many years of expert training and experience with the pole vaulting harness.
Health & Safety officers will also be on hand together with Olympic officials to ensure there is no foul play or lack of safety proceedures.
13 Sep, 2008
Hi Glenville
am I right to be worrying about whether we all have to wear the same make ,height and colour?
My Muckboots are only mid calf height and are green but are very comfortable- not sure all the other competitors suit green?
13 Sep, 2008
Spritz is being suspiciously quiet. Sunshine today, dried up any chance of training in her chosen sport of mud-plodging.
She's wondering if her gold medal chance now in jeopardy.
BB: we might need to add our special medication to shampoo for Captain G's Olympic perm.
Captain G : if you scroll back about 352 comments, you'll see that Islander's chosen specialist event is fishing on one hook for sole and (h)eel, so this will provide a regular supply for the cobblers.
13 Sep, 2008
This is excellent news..... I like the idea of the events being totally inclusive and generating more work for local craftspersons.
Arlene, please do not worry. Your boots sound wonderful.
13 Sep, 2008
Arlene : re. team kit. Guidance on the correct shade of green will be given, similar to paint colour charts. Little green squares in various shades, so that kit exactly matches the green hairdo colour of Captain Grenville.
13 Sep, 2008
SOME people have been working in their gardens! SOME people have been walking their Labrador too. HA!
The fields are still like swamps, so mud-plodging is still on.
13 Sep, 2008
Oh good! I am relieved!
Went to local fuchsia nursery today-Hywel told me the 9cm pots were only 50p.
Bought 39 different I think! then wandered about their display area of 700 stock plants and saw another 50 that I liked.
Talk about a kid in a sweet shop!
Too dark when got home to have a good look but tomorrow will see exactly what I have.
13 Sep, 2008
I'm delighted that the team kits will be colour coordinated with my hair style. The team photos and television coverage should be quite spectacular!
Spritz- some huge splatters of mud came flying over Bristol this morning.
Were you testing the elastic pole vaulting harness?
13 Sep, 2008
Will we get extra marks for being like,totally green?
13 Sep, 2008
Arlene ~ even more marks.
I'm green with envy.
BB ~ Your frog and toad experience useful with the following, please. Is this a coded message ?
email I received from ~
"KERMIT, somewhere across the pond" ~
"It's not that easy being green"
14 Sep, 2008
Thanks TT!
so pleased to be pulling my weight-by the way is that another discipline?
14 Sep, 2008
Think it could be from Flowercrazy ,TT you seen her lovely frog photo?
14 Sep, 2008
"'The committee will be delighted to offer temporary membership to any team members who wish to participate, and this will be subject to the normal vetting and selection proceedures for all existing Olympic events.This is in accordance with their members rulebook of 1876 (revised edition.)"
I think our Team Manager may find there is a residence or family relation requirement before anyone can compete in the Olympics for a new count(r)y.
I also want to know when the random drug tests are taking place as I will volunteer to take the random drugs (can't have BB taking all the medications)
14 Sep, 2008
Oh knew this would happen . Have I been entered for the hurdles as obtacles already being put in my way !
My mother was Irish ( that come as a shock Eileen ) .. by birth not by name and always said I was all at sea.Think this qualifies me to represent an island in the Irish Sea.
I also feel that having 3 legs the symbol of the I.o.M should count.is it any wonder I need medication ?Who said that ....?
14 Sep, 2008
Stop Press:
Spotted Captain Grenville's secret Essex training HQ today en route home from dog show. Despite the darkness, my trusty chauffeur took photos, which hope to upload on GoY this week, if my nerves can take the stress.
Random drugs not in evidence, but photos might prove otherwise.
Re. Kermit communication ~ Flcrazy will be frog-marched to Captain's HQ for interrogation.
My dogs have ancestors in Wales and Shetland Isles. Budgie has convict cousins in Oz. Does that make me internationally connected? Captain G's ruling needed.
14 Sep, 2008
Officially it's only your own ancestors TT and only back two generations. My great-grandfather was Polish but I can't do the Pole Vault. However one of my grandfathers was born in Edinburgh so I'm perfecting the Highland Fling in the Wellie Whanging event
14 Sep, 2008
I'm delighted and proud to report we are truly international and fully inclusive in all aspects.
I'm looking forward to seeing the secret training HQ photos from Essex. I hope you will agree that the facilites are second to none.A lot of money has been spent updating them and providing the best amenities. It's a little while since I last made a visit so the photos will help to refresh my memory.
14 Sep, 2008
My great great grandmother(and gggrandfather) were from Poland. Does that qualify me for the pole vault? Otherwise I think the only thing I'd be able to enter is tennis and in Wellies (or Crocs) that is going to be very funny!
14 Sep, 2008
Pole vaulting is most acceptable, and you also mention 'crocs'.I've taken advice and 'croc teeth gnashing' would also be acceptable. You throw a table tennis ball and the crocodiles catch them in their teeth. The winning team is the one with the greatest number of table tennis balls that the crocs have spit out into a bucket after catching them and gnashing their teeth in the process. Croc training can be provided by expert handlers.
Competitors have to wear green wellies while throwing the balls to the crocs.
(If the Crocs insist they can wear green wellies as well.However,the wellies must coordinate with their green crocodile skins.)
14 Sep, 2008
And H-A-N-D-bags (well, I do live in Bracknell!)
15 Sep, 2008
At great expense, I've managed to acquire the help of a new trainer:
My Sheltie, "Conker", vaults poles ( wooden and human ) puts tennis balls in buckets, and carries unusual objects. No good with the teeth-gnashing - far too sweet-tempered.
15 Sep, 2008
Wohlibuli ~ are you now competing in THREE events :
the Texas Tumbleweed Gymastics, the Wellie Croc Tennis AND the Pole Vault ?
Obviously all that gardening has turned you into an extremely fit athlete. Congratulations.
15 Sep, 2008
Thanks Andrew for mentioning Handbags..... I forgot to mention that uni-sex, faux crocodile skin hand bags/shoulder bags must also be worn by all competitors for the 'Croc teeth gnashing event.' (Shoulder bags are the best option so that aiming is more accurate.)
Your Dog is now an official team member Terrattonie!
15 Sep, 2008
Captain Grenville ~
Our team is already stronger for your remarkable guidance. Thank you on behalf of the whole GoY Wellie team.
I promise that selecting Conker will prove a master stroke.
Yesterday at the dog show when winning with his gardening trick routine, he used his toy tape measure to calculate the size of his vegetable plot. He can do this in both metric and imperial.
15 Sep, 2008
TT - congratulations to Conker! Please could he teach Henry how to pick up snails and drop them either in a bucket or, preferably, in the stream? Thanks!
15 Sep, 2008
Part of Conker's trick routine is to find a fluffy hedgehog, a furry tortoise and a green frog. No snails yet, but what a good idea Spritz. Thanks !
15 Sep, 2008
Whilst musing on the comments to this blog in the shower this morning, I shampooed my hair with a bottle of stuff meant for one's nether regions by mistake, and therefore have been forced to come back to you on it.
Over lunch with my garden robin (he had mealworms with digestive and chopped peanuts, I had a Greek salad with lettuces from the veg. plot) we were discussing this Olympic thing. He seems to think that the green feet/wellies a good look for robins, and is going to contact all 5 of his offspring to see if one of them (should they survive) would be willing to carry the flag in 2012.
He asks whether any consideration had yet been given to Team GOY's uniforms - and suggests the floral wellies/gloves/trowels/secateurs freely available from Garden Centres, would serve for both sexes (no gender stereotyping). I would add a bee-keeper's hat and veil.
I personally would like to enter for Virginia Creeper wrestling. At present I am not sure whether this is an individual or a team sport - mine I think has it's feet in the sewage system. (Such a lovely thing to cover that blank brick wall)
Sorry about all this, but I spent last night chasing a wood mouse (humane trap in one hand, and a sandwich box in the other) around my bedroom. Quite what sort of sandwich I thought it would make, who knows.
Finally dropped off at 5.30am. Hubby's alarm clock goes off at 6.
15 Sep, 2008
Firstly, congrats. Shirleypoppy on perusing approx. 120 comments. No wonder you ended up using the wrong shampoo.
Our team members' special shampoo contains an extra secret ingredient of the medication which BB and I need to take regularly.
Do you grow your own loofahs? Could be an asset.
Your ideas for uniforms sound great, and will no doubt be vetted by Captain Grenville.
Virginia Creeper wrestling seems ideal, especially if West facing. Could you cope with the other 49 states if required ?
Flag bearer at the opening ceremony is Muddywellies, but the robins could fly along holding the flag out, to give a very pretty 'Disney' effect.
I don't make the final decisions. Others will have their say. But in the meantime, WELCOME, to the Wellie Olympic Team.
15 Sep, 2008
Am finding copious amounts of mud in local wood so if anyone wants some please let me know!Can send by parcel2go!
Managed to slip on the slope and land on my posterior should i be trying out the dogsled ?Dogs too interested in playing!
really sticky stuff at the moment!
Haven't yet found green wellies for the dogs but know you can get those little black lace up boots in various sizes.
When will the uniforms be ready?should I be dieting yet?
15 Sep, 2008
Arlene ~
re. the diet. Shirleypoppy seems to be I.C. catering with her sandwiches and Greek salad.
Waiting for Captain's ruling on the bee-keeper's veil.
Might ensure a regular supply of honey for energy.
15 Sep, 2008
Shirleypoppy ~
I've just discovered that Flcrazy grows loofahs!
See photo of cute kitten, Buffy, and loofah on page 11 of her Fl's photos.
16 Sep, 2008
to team captain grenville: I have just returned from the local tip with a trailer load of old slippers ,boots, shoes and wellies. I will be releasing these into loch harray and stenness loch just in time for the spawning season. By the time the fishing contest starts the lochs should be in fine fettle with lots of young (h)eels and soles shoaling in the bays. the downside may be that there could be an excess of bootlace eels in among the better fish. I have been tying lots of flies for our anglers to use, it is a delicate job as they keep trying to fly away before i can get them tied down
16 Sep, 2008
seeing some of the team are bringing crocks, can we include crock wrestling in the games
16 Sep, 2008
Islander ~
I admire your tenacity in persevering with the flies. What a brilliant idea to release the old boots and shoes into the loch. I hope you aren't accused of fly-tipping.
With so many shoals you'll get a good catch and achieve the Wellie Olympic Record and World Record.
Talking of records. The Guinness Book of Records 2009 is published today. I do hope the book includes our own Captain Grenville, who together with Alan, has the smallest Yellow Book Garden, which raises lots of cash for charity.
Surely that deserves to be in the Guinness Book?
17 Sep, 2008
Unless Grenville and Alan grow large lemons or Jack o' Lanterns, or own a maze, there doesn't seem to be a category to accommodate smallest gardens. Nevertheless many congratulations to them on the fundraising. If ever down Bristol way, I shall certainly check to see if their garden is open.
However, I am so glad someone else has the ability to grow loofahs - my duties in the Catering Dept. (due to the team size) means that I shan't have much time to learn how to grow them before 2012.
Captain Grenville has gone awfully quiet - I suspect he is, as we speak, organising a posse of white-coated people..............Sorry, I'll have to go - there's someone at the door.
17 Sep, 2008
Fellow GoY Olympians ~
Please be on your guard.
A rival team is amassing among our photos~
I've put two pictures of these on my favourites to demonstrate the invasion. They are trying to keep themselves apart and appear inconspicuous, but one picture. is near the top, cleverly spotted by Peter, and yet another, from Arlene, is lower down.
Please alert team members if any more flowerpot people are lurking. We don't want intruders in our secret training HQ.
The picture of this venue will be posted when rules underneath Cow Watering Lane photo have been fulfilled.
17 Sep, 2008
17 Sep, 2008
Arlene ~
I've checked out your photo.
VERY well spotted.
These Flowerpot People are definitely invading GoY.
I've added this new one to my favourites so that we can keep track of them.
How do you think these Flowerpot People are multiplying ~
propagation ? cuttings ? seedlings ?
18 Sep, 2008
I think they are sprouting and definitely need to be kept in check-perhaps some Roseclear?
18 Sep, 2008
We'll fight back by building up our team.
Need more GoY Olympians.
Helen60garden has recently uploaded some wonderful wellies - now on my GoY footwear fav. photos.
Arlene ~ can we get Helen on our team?
You'll see under her photo I reckon she would be ideal for cementing international friendships.
See what you can do ~
and yes, if necessary, to quell the Flowerpot People, we'll have Bonkers in the saddle on his trusty steed with the ultimate weapon ~ Roundup.
18 Sep, 2008
Just let me say you guys are hilarious ! I would also love to join the team. As I have no wellies either, ( a flip flop wearer like Terry 60), I ask to be a health consultant for your team ! With all those feet in all those wellies, running all the obstactle courses, I know your feet are going to be in dire need of some exfoliating to say the least ! Luckily I have just the thing for the job,loofahs ! If some of the feet are too far gone that they are beyond loofahs, well then, I have some loppers.... Let's all pray it doesn't come to that..lol. Just keep my husband's feet out of those hot, rubber wellies and everyone should be okay !
While I'm at it, let me go on record by saying, I don't know any frog named Kermit, and all my frogs are innocent,innocent I tell you...., I swear...! Right Bonkers, (wink).
19 Sep, 2008
Flcrazy ~ health consultant ~ yes PLEASE.
A bonus if you upload photos of your latest loofah crop ~ that would give us renewed strength.
Not sure if you know that Helen60garden is now on the team, following her recent photo of amazing concrete wellies ~ sure to cement international friendship.
Your husband's feet sound like the secret weapon we've been looking for to quell the invasion of the Flowerpot People. So, Fl's hubby ~ keep wearing those hot rubber wellies. That's what I say.
Not sure about all this winking at Bonkers.... or is that some kind of physio exercise regularly undertaken by health consultants ? :o)
19 Sep, 2008
Welcome to FLcrazy! Can I make an appointment?
My feet are in dire straits already from all the wellie wearing whilst jumping up and down-can we stop yet?
As daughter is currently in London she kindly volunteered to see Gordon about the Olympic funding particularly for the compulsary
green wellies.; however Gordon seemed a bit preoccupied muttering about black horses and told her to BOGOF, however didn't elaborate on where she would be able to buy them buy one get one free so currently stopping anyone wearing green wellies to find out!
Hope she can crack this one for us as we will make a big saving!
What should we do about the black horses TT?
19 Sep, 2008
Excuse me TT but at my age a wink from thousands of miles away keeps me happy! That said I am concerned about the use of loppers . I have no objection to the thought of files and even power sanders on my false leg - quite sexy or is that another site , fun in the stumpery ? - but loppers ? Thats scary.
Interesting comment Arlene. Dont worry about the Black Horse he s well supported.Sure he will qualify for more tax payers money - our logo is a robin. Robin the poor to fund the rich.
19 Sep, 2008
Well TT, I downloaded a pic of my luffas, don't know if I still get any bonus points for last year's crop. I shamefully didn't grow any this year, I know , I know, I'm terrible ! This spring I'd been daydreaming of kiwis so I decided to grow some hardy kiwi instead of a luffa vine. Kiwis taste sooooo good, and I needed to quell my ever growing sweet tooth, the older I get the larger it grows ! So please forgive me.
Also TT, I have to warn you, using my husband's feet as our new secret weapon could turn ugly. We are talking biochemical warfare here...Do you really want to take it that far....? I don't know if you have the stomach for it . Trust me, it takes years of training to conquer this milestone. Get back with me on this dilemma !
Arlene, my luffas, or should I say loofahs, are primed and ready to exfoliate, just say the word and you can consider your feet as good as buffed.
19 Sep, 2008
This blog is taking an equestrian turn ~
Arlene worried about Gordon and his black horses.
Bonkers on his trusty steed with Roundup.
Are we becoming adept at another Wellie Olympic sport here?
Anyone who thinks they've spotted a dark horse, please report back to the blog.
Flcrazy : are you willing to help out as health consultant to the horses?
All this talk of the Kiwis. Are you working for another team?
Would any of these problems be answered by uploading a photo of hubby's wellies? Zoom lens recommended.
20 Sep, 2008
ta terratoonie for the mention .I suggest me as anchor woman in the tug o war!
regards Helen
20 Sep, 2008
Helen ~ fantastic idea.
Your concrete boots would really serve a purpose.
Well done in thinking up the ideal sport for those welllies.:o)
20 Sep, 2008
I loved this ...I wear blue clogs, brand name "Anywear" closest thing I have to wellies are my Muck Boots and my rubber boots I wear in the paddocks...I also have leather riding boots called Ropers and regular Cowboy boots too...I love shoes..red ones are nice but I think if I were to get Wellies I woulkd get them in Red with white poa dots... :) Could I still wear them in the Wellie Olympics? Or maybe my Muck Boots will have to do..
22 Sep, 2008
Wow, Catfinch ~
You qualify for the team by having more variety of wellies than anyone else, and clogs that you can wear anywhere.
Are you planning to enter the rodeo events on Flash?
Photos of any of these boots or clogs are very welcome for my GoY footwear collection on my page of fav. pictures.
Could be an advantage if Flash also wears wellies.
Captain Grenville would probably have to rule on the Muck Boots, but he's been awol. Hiding from the press and paparazzi. Very in demand since a newspaper scoop on his Yellow Book garden. :o)
22 Sep, 2008
Catfinch ~
I'm curious.
You've not yet mentioned your ace card...
Under your Sunflower Birds photo, you reveal that you live on Washington State's OLYMPIC Peninsula.
Could be an advantage if you're permanently training in an Olympic village. :o)
22 Sep, 2008
Wow TT what a fab team uv got goin here!cant believe iv now become a member of this wonderful blog on Wellie Olympics Mania :)
22 Sep, 2008
Jacque ~
it's really great to have you here.
I'll post the official announcement tomorrow. :o)
22 Sep, 2008
Official announcement ~
A special person has just joined the GoY Wellie Olympic team ~
refreshed from her holiday we now have JACQUE.
Jacque has more than 2012 photos uploaded on GoY, and she will be competing in her special JACQUE BOOTS.
Welcome to the team, Jacque.
23 Sep, 2008
TT....Bonkers suggested our logo is a robin, could we use my photo of a robin for this purpose?
23 Sep, 2008
Pottygardener ~
your robin photo would be ideal.
It's already on my favourites.
The robin is demonstrating how to balance on a beam with one foot while simultaneously singing as loudly as possible.
Are these Wellie sports, in which you could represent us?
The robin looks an expert. Could give us all lessons.
23 Sep, 2008
Training has started for balancing on a beam TT, please see my latest photo. As for the singing...as in Beijing I may have to mime, as no amount of practise could make my voice acceptable to the crowds! Would that be OK with you?
23 Sep, 2008
Is Pottygardener remembering to wear her wellies whilst practising?and what should we be singing?Do we have a team song? what about mud,mud glorious mud? in harmony of course!
23 Sep, 2008
Pottygardener ~
I thought everyone in Wales sang like a bird...
or should that be like a robin.
Your photo is very impressive.
Are the boots competing on their own,
or do you intend to wear them?
Either way, miming will be fine, provided you can find a suitable recording, or a GoY member willing to sing on your behalf,
Any suggestions?
Tunelesskev? Pavarottigardener?
23 Sep, 2008
Arlene ~
Looks like you're already rehearsing.
This enthusiasm could be contagious.
I sense the emergence of a Welsh choir :o)
23 Sep, 2008
TT- the boots were trying the 'beam' for size, I will be wearing them when competing.
Perhaps we can put out a call for any volunteers to sing on my behalf?
Or I could use a recording by Bryn Turf~el?!
23 Sep, 2008
Pottygardener ~ great idea.
Must admit I would not be eligible to sing,
being Terratoonie and not Terratuney. :o)
23 Sep, 2008
I like singing2 TT im going 2 show u my Wellies 2morrow hope ul like them as ul see spots b4 your eyes LOL :)
23 Sep, 2008
Jacque ~
I bet you're much better at singing than that postman from Norfolk. Lol
Can't wait for the Wellies. :o)
23 Sep, 2008
LOL ~ we're on form tonight!
23 Sep, 2008
Well TT 2be honest i do sound much better & may i say Move better 2 :) lol
23 Sep, 2008
What about Billy Connollys Welly Boot song or ask Irish to tell us about Kellys Wellys by Gaelic Storm? Come on guys thinking caps on!
23 Sep, 2008
kellys wellys???? think ill need to google that Arlene lol.
i like your choice of Billy Connolly's song, prob cos i know the words lol
23 Sep, 2008
Whew!!!! I don't know if any of my boots can keep up with ya'll....you were just doing wellie Olympics now we have to sing too &&&& dance? Whoa...there...yer losing your grip er yer wellies or something....and I do live in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains.. so watch out...~Cj
25 Sep, 2008
I took your advise and used the zoom lens for a pick of my hubby's wellies, and good thing I did too, it turned the flowers I put in them to mush in a matter of minutes, I could have lost an arm ! Expecting some Big bonus points for this one TT.
I'm with you catfinch, It's getting out of my league here, glad I'm just on the sidelines, competition's getting too stiff for this ole bird ! How are you holding out bonkers ? Sounds like you're really going to be carrying quite a load for the team ! Fingers are crossed ! If It gets too tough, cheat..lol.
25 Sep, 2008
Catfinch ~
having seen that photo of you on the tractor, I reckon you're capable of anything.
Wearing your wellies, you could sing and dance, while riding Flash, and balancing a couple of wind wheels on your shoulders.
Looking forward to photos of you in your clogs, boots and wellies, waltzing across the Olympic foothills.
25 Sep, 2008
Flcrazy ~
Amazing picture of hubby's wellies. Was he the one who took the photo of you in your garden, scantily dressed, hiding behind the giant elephant's ear?
Lucky his boots didn't make that giant leaf turn to mush.
Bonus points for maintaining your 'garden privacy' behind the huge piece of foliage.
25 Sep, 2008
Fellow GoY Wellie Olympians ~
Good news on the Cow Watering Lane photo.
It now has 12 likes:
Janette, Arlene, Bonkersbon,Xela, Terry60,Chrispook, Owdboggy, Fifi, Lyd, Islander, Poaannua and Jacque.
Only another 9 likes and the next photo will be revealed ~
our alleged Training HQ (honestly ~ it's in Cow Watering Lane).
A quick warning about the rival team - the Flowerpot People.
They've been lurking in cold frames and outhouses, but will be making a definite comeback over the next few weeks. Please report any sightings.
25 Sep, 2008
Terratoonie - This being on my patch, so to speak, I've known for a while where the secret training HQ is likely to be, but I won't divulge a thing until you've got your full quota of likes, honest! (but I am open to bribery..........what's it worth, GoY Wellie Olympians?)
On a visit to said establishment a few years back, I saw loads of young men in shorts, as it was a blazing hot day, so I'm afraid I did not notice whether they were also wearing Wellies. This was obviously well before it was chosen as a Training Camp.......
25 Sep, 2008
Shirleypoppy ~
The HQ is a dilly. But I don't recall men in shorts.
Maybe you're thinking of the decoy venue?
But I'm so glad I can count on your discretion... or can I ?
Flcrazy advising cheating ! You open to bribery !
Quick, Bonkers. Medication for these mutineers.
Maybe give the photo a 'like' so that we don't have to keep anyone in suspense for too much longer. Thanks.
PS. Once members are on this blog, they feel somewhat obliged to compete in a GoY Wellie Sport.
What is your speciality? :o)
25 Sep, 2008
Cheat at the Olympics? If I hadnt seen your pic Flower ,would have thought you related to those Eastern bloc female weightlifters - now theres an image that ll keep me awake at night.
I still feel reading all this you should be Mental health consultant you d be in great demand.I have trouble keeping my own head semi - straight cant carry others.False leg has weight limitations.
As for pin-up well if in the US I d have to plead the 5th!
25 Sep, 2008
OK....off....I ......go....to....your ...photo...of...watering cow lane.....to say...I like....it.......just call me ....Eyore
26 Sep, 2008
Catfinch ~
Here's something weird.
I woke last night, came downstairs and switched on my computer while I made a cup of tea. As you made the above comment, I was actually watching the screen.
Went back to bed. Decided to fill in a crossword puzzle.
The first clue : Donkey friend of Winnie-the-Pooh. Eeyore.
26 Sep, 2008
Decoy venue....? Hrmmmm.................I'll have to drive along CWL to check this out now.................
Just decided it was time to re-read the original blog - and a suggested sport was platform diving, fall off a ladder, but into a muddy puddle. My husband did this into my philadelphus bush (it has never been the same) whilst re-felting the shed roof - I wonder if this will be allowed, although I would prefer it was a muddy puddle next time he has a go.
26 Sep, 2008
Shirleypoppy ~
Firstly, congrats. on reading 171 comments.
That alone deserves several gold medals.
You and your husband, as a duo, could enter synchronised platform diving, both wearing wellies, and falling into bushes and puddles of your choice.
Thanks for remaining secretive about CWL. It would be disastrous to spoil things when your 'like' has brought us so close to the magical total of 21.
Careful as you drive along Cow Watering Lane... I hear the FlowerPot People are planning a resurgence with underhand tactics.
On my favourite GoY photos, I'm keeping a close eye on the FlowerPot People. Peter was the first to spot these, back in the summer of 2007. Now they're everywhere, popping up with their flower pot heads, intent on forming a team capable of beating the GoY Wellie Olympians.
We're so lucky to have Captain Grenville in charge of our preparations and training.....
26 Sep, 2008
Okay, Okay.....I see things are getting a bit too serious on this blog....You'all need to lighten up (lol)....at this rate you will all be nervous wrecks..not able to concentrate on your individual and team events by the time 2012 arrives...I have, what may be the perfect solution....I am an amateur clown...(went to clown school and the whole nine yards)..retired now...but I see a need here....I could pull out my costume, dust off my shoes...try to keep the paint on my face (bit hard to do with the wrinkles I have earned over the years)...don't own any wellies (didn't know what they were til yesterday)....might protect me from the dust, though...No...way too hot...I'll stick to my CROCS.
I could keep the Olympic atmosphere light as a feather as everyone tenses up in anticipation of their events.....just a thought....let me know
27 Sep, 2008
Hello Skippy ~
Interesting that your ancestors were from the UK.
No wonder you've excelled so well at Clown School.
I'd like to offer you a task which requires great responsibility ~ preparation and participation in the Opening Ceremony. Plenty of clowning around required.
This weekend in Britain, the Cultural Olympiad was launched - a four year programme of cultural projects.
This began with Chairman Lord Coe, Dame Kelly Holmes and others, all in shorts, racing through Tate Britain.
Skippy, I'm sure you could arrange something similar for the GoY Wellie Olympians. Maybe we could all put on our shorts or clown costumes and race through Garden Centres with our trolleys, picking up bargains. I'll leave the details in your capable hands.
Worried that you say you're going to STICK to your Crocs.
This could be another task for Gluelesskev.
28 Sep, 2008
There's another contender for our official song while we're out training in our wellies - "These Boots Are Made For Walking" (Nancy Sinatra in the mid 60's from memory)
28 Sep, 2008
That's a good one, Andrewr.
But in the sixties, you were presumably singing this in your pram? :o)
28 Sep, 2008
I'm too young to remember that hee hee! Good one Andrew....
28 Sep, 2008
Here's another song Arlene won't remember ~
from the stars of The Avengers:
Patrick MacNee and Honor Blackman ~
"Kinky Boots". :o)
28 Sep, 2008
'Fraid not terratoonie - I'm older than I look. I was born in June 1953. My mother claims I was supposed to be a Coronation baby but that is wishful thinking unless she sat with her legs crossed for two weeks
28 Sep, 2008
Thanks for sharing that Andrew! lol
28 Sep, 2008
BB ~
which Coronation was your birthday ?
You say you're blond like Barney Rubble.
That indicates either very young and dashing ...
or stone age. :o)
29 Sep, 2008
Skippy might appreciate this - October 5th Streetsville is having a 'Clown Convention' where clowns arrive by the busload. Our store had to 'adopt' one who is our responsibility for the day! We're supposed to wear red noses and the street is going to be closed for all the fun (?!). One person from the store has to make sure the clown meet and greet finishes on time so our clown gets to the convention on time.
29 Sep, 2008
Gillian ~
A photo of you with your red nose will inspire Skippy for her Opening Ceremony preparations.
Exactly how do you meet and greet a clown?
Is there protocol for this?
29 Sep, 2008
To be honest I'm really hoping I don't get asked to work this day!
29 Sep, 2008
Prehistoric - bit of a dinosaur I m afraid.
29 Sep, 2008
That explains why your pond is surrounded by flint stones.
29 Sep, 2008
Gillian ~
Dress up a gnome to deputise for you.
Then you can take the day off.
29 Sep, 2008
Quote from Lyd on the Cow Watering Lane photo:
I've been practising lifting wellies with a little soil in them then adding a little more after each lift.
I've got my eye on the gold medal for wellie lifting.
We're proud of Lyd doing this demanding training.
Welcome from your fellow GoY Olympians. :o)
29 Sep, 2008
couldnt train today tt, some theiving robin nicked my wellies
29 Sep, 2008
Stolen in that Jellystone Yellow Book garden I reckon. :o)
29 Sep, 2008
Eeyore...hmmmm....as for that robin wellie nicker....I am going to put Eeyore on the lookout for that rascal...I need all my boots. I have a giant stuffed Eeyore and a pair of Eeyore slippers I keep in my guest room that my grands use...he's good...he's verrrry verry good....the crossword puzzle..? he's good...No messin around her Mr. Robin!
30 Sep, 2008
Beneath Terry60's recent FlowerPot Cat photo, Jacque hints there may be undercover donkeys spying on our GoY Wellie team.
Catfinch ~
Do you have Eeyore spies in your camp ?
Hold on to your Wellies and please report back....
30 Sep, 2008
Eeyore's are everywhere.....what was it we were going to do with our Wellies...I seem to have lost track...the Eeyore's are the only ones who seem to know what is going on in my garden these daze too...oh my oh dear and Pigglet is starting to show up now...
2 Oct, 2008
Catfinch ~
We were relying on you to keep track of things.
When it's quiet in your store, please go back over the 195 comments and give your summary of things so far - in less than 100 words. Lol
I think you were going to enter an event wearing Wellies and riding your horse Flash, while balancing wind wheels.
Or were you going to ride on Eeyore ???
2 Oct, 2008
Hmmmm - can I suggest Polemonium vaulting? Runnerbean de-CURLING (which I understand the vegetable show brigade are pioneering)? And what about topless beach veggyball? - Like topless beach volleyball, but the ball is substituted for, lets say, a cauliflower. Any volunteers for umpire???
9 Oct, 2008
Sid ~
Welcome to the team.
Some brilliant suggestions there.
You won't be short of volunteers for umpire, linesmen, or spectators.
What do you have in the way of footwear?
Any impressive Wellies? :o)
9 Oct, 2008
Think Irish has unfair advantage given previous exprience.
9 Oct, 2008
<shuffles nervously> Erm....well.....I don't actually own a pair of welly boots....I garden in a pair of walking boots or trainers or whatever I happen to be wearing at the time - I sometimes garden barefoot!! I wonder if the National Lottery will sponser a pair of wellys for me so I can compete?
9 Oct, 2008
Sid ~
If you look at my favourite photos page, you'll see a variety of footwear which has been accepted as suitable for the GoY Wellie Olympics.
e.g. Crocs from the USA, flip-flops from Italy.
So, don't despair.
Upload a photo of any footwear and it's most unlikely that it won't be accepted as suitable for your events, and the picture will go straight to my GoY Footwear photo collection. :o)
9 Oct, 2008
Ok. What about my bare toesies? ;-)
Edit: Woo-hoo 200th comment! Is this the longest blog? Deserves a medal surely?!
9 Oct, 2008
It's quite a challenge scrolling down these 200 comments.
Any GoY members having achieved this, please report. You're being awarded Wellie Olympian Marathon Medals.
Sid ~
I'll keep an eye on your photos in case any footie pics. materialise. :o)
10 Oct, 2008
So sorry i,m so late checking in , must have been away when the recruiting started ,
I would love to be in the wellie olympics , I only have some " Hunter " wellies , doe.s this qualify me for the Equestrian team , somebody could run behind me to collect the Hors-d,aeuvre , then we could share it for our garden roses . My brother has a lovely rocking horse that I could practice on , please let me know at your earliest opportunity .
N.O.T to be Miss.ed Out
10 Oct, 2008
Dear Miss Not Out,
From your name, sounds like you're good at cricket !
Hunter Wellies are excellent. Any chance of a photo, please, for my Favourite pics. GoY Footwear Collection ?
Don't worry about being late checking in. We're taking recruits right up till summer 2012.
Will Paddington be acting as your groom? On your BSA photo, his red wellies look wonderful ! In fact they've just marched over to my Favs.Footwear Collection. Thanks.
On your rocking horse, could Paddington ride pillion ?
And do you think Paddington's marmalade medication would be of benefit to all of our GoY athletes ? We're looking for a secret ingredient to impress Captain Grenville. :o)
10 Oct, 2008
I will be riding Flash...he is insiting on no boots...we have had quite the arguments about it....he has finally agreed to his regular boots that do not cover his hoves but protect his hocks...he does not seem to get the idea at all of wellies...maybe I should have a word with eeyore on this...I am not good at keeping track...so you are on you own there mam....I do not have to balance my windwheels I have clever ways of attaching them to my saddle..it will be a wonderful sight to see....will have ot show them to Flash however...those things could be very scary for him and make him run way too fast...could kick another wellie olympian...oh my...
10 Oct, 2008
Seems like our equestrian team is galloping towards full strength.
Catfinch ~ Could you put the Wellies on the Windwheels.
Would that work. ?
All going well at the secret training camp. Slight crisis on this blog :
Bad news is that we're struggling to get past that 'Unlucky Thirteen' likes.
Good news is that we're over 200 comments.
I'm thinking Scotkat's neckwarmers might be just the thing to protect Flash. Sort of Hock Socks ? :o)
10 Oct, 2008
THE Windwheels WILL wear Wellies...yes of course..!
10 Oct, 2008
Now that would make an amazing photo. :o)
10 Oct, 2008
10 Oct, 2008
Sid, thanks.
I didn't realise I was superstitious until I kept seeing that number thirteen. :o)
10 Oct, 2008
No probs ;-)
10 Oct, 2008
are we close now to having full teams for the olympic events TT lol, cos ill need to move this bus soon
10 Oct, 2008
Irish ~
We're getting new GoY Olympians every day !
Looks like we'll need a convoy of buses.
How would you go about teaching GoY volunteers to drive these?
Would their gardening skills come in useful behind the wheel? :o)
10 Oct, 2008
I love the number 14...perfect for a team..rev up the engines Irish...TT? ready yet?
10 Oct, 2008
We've got 14 likes on the blog, but there's huge number of GoY Wellie Olympians now volunteered for an amazing array of Wellie Events.
We'll need lots of wheels to transport our Wellie teams.
On a cold winter's day, I'll have a count up of team members recruited so far. :o)
10 Oct, 2008
it goes...1-2-3-4-....etc....
10 Oct, 2008
Catfinch ~
We have a lovely sunny weekend here in England.
I won't start counting Olympians till the weather worsens!
11 Oct, 2008
well TT gardeners have lots of patience so i think they would have no problem behind the wheel of the bus lol
11 Oct, 2008
Irish ~ that's settled then.
The whole of the transport for the GoY Wellie Olympians is in your capable hands - bus-driver training, transporting members from far flung places including Hungary, Italy, USA, Canada, Australia, the Orkney Isles and Milton Keynes.
We know you'll relish taking on all these extra responsibilities. Please tell us the types of transport you recommend to get everyone to the Olympic Village.
Garden wheel barrows? Go-karts?
And please make sure any routes take in stops at good nurseries and tours of yellow book gardens, such as Grenville's, Andrewr's and Spritzhenry.
11 Oct, 2008
no problem TT, im heading out on a lesson just now, nothing as exciting as training for GOY Olympics just a boring car lesson but ill get back to you with my suggestions on transport as soon as i get home
11 Oct, 2008
That's great news, Irish.
I'm thinking we should ask Janette to help out in the capacity of Special Advisor on how to avoid our rivals en route....
.. namely the FlowerPot People and Fancy Dress Gnomes. She has useful experience of tactics we should employ...
11 Oct, 2008
Good news TT Paddington has agreed to be my groom in the equestrian event at the Wellies Olympics .
He is excellant at riding pillion with lots of practice on the rocking horse also the BSA .
He,s thrilled that you like his red wellies ,they are his favourite ones as well .
He tells me that his Marmalade has a very special ingredient ,it keeps him very young and fit , you wouldn,t believe how old he is ( 50 on mon.13th Oct . this monday ) he says that a teaspoon of his marmalade each before we start the Olympics wil see us running circles round any other team.
He is also prepared to help Eileen ferry contestants about on the BSA
11 Oct, 2008
I can,t believe this ....... I,ve opened my Eastern Daily Press , the headlines are screaming at me . the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution ( RABI ) are going Welly crazy this year !... tomorrow on the Peterbourgh show ground there will be the chance to partake in welly wanging etc. etc. Have we a mole in the camp , this is disaster , they could steal our best welly wangers .
They are also bringing out a calender in 2009 called the Welly Wallmanic ,...every month will have a picture of farmers with wellies on , I must buy one as soon as possible to see our competition .
How did this happen TT you must report to Captain Grenville . I,m sure Jacque must get the EDP she can verify this .
11 Oct, 2008
Welcome Paddington. That's great news.
Will he be representing Darkest Peru?
Is he like royalty with two birthdays...
....a real birthday and an official birthday?
I'd heard he was 50 years old on June 25th ?
Though maybe my memory is suffering from a lack of marmalade.
Fuel being at such a high price these days, Amy, I would welcome your input as to whether Irish could run some of our Wellie Olympics transport on marmalade ...
... thin-cut for the Bendy Buses, and thick-cut for the wide loads. ...
11 Oct, 2008
Sorry, Amy, my replies haven't kept pace with yours, but I can well understand the urgency of your information. No wonder you reported without delay.
It seems we have spies all around. I still blame the FlowerPot People and Fancy Dress gnomes.
Andrewr is our GoY Wellie Whanging athlete. Different spelling but surely the same sport. Nobody's going to get the better of Andrewr. He's been practising all summer in his Jellystone garden with Bruno and Barnie. Be assured he is one of our finest athletes.
Yes, if a calendar could be acquired, that would be wonderful. Good to keep track of the opposition.
Important to remember that GoY was first. Our Wellie Team has been building strength all through 2008.
Captain Grenville, is, I think, still hiding from the Paparazzi
- having such a fantastic famous garden requires occasional breaks from publicity. As winter draws nearer he'll be there to advise us, but in the mean time we know Jacque will be on the alert.
11 Oct, 2008
Well Paddington may well have two birthdays ,if so he,s keeping quiet about one , I checked with google it states 13th Oct , it also said that he will be touring London in a black taxi to celebrate ( do you think Irish is in on this as the taxi driver )
Yes he is representing Darkest Peru ! he is hoping to meet up with one or two of his other motor bike friends .
I personally think that honey would be the best thing for fuel for the transport , Paddington knows where he can lay his paws on a good supply . It does more miles to the gallon also it won,t clog up the carburettor so much .
11 Oct, 2008
This black taxi tour is news to me. Well spotted.
Irish is no doubt in on that. She doesn't miss a trick.
Confusion over the birthday dates !
Some sites list the October date - 50 years from publication of Paddington's first book.
Please see what you make of Telegraph.co.uk - Paddington's 50th birthday - which mentions the June date.
Is this a crafty ploy so that he gets more marmalade birthday cakes to build up the strength of the GoY Olympians?
If so, then I say, well done Paddington. Have as many birthdays as you wish. :o)
11 Oct, 2008
sounds like some dastardly trick to me . will look into it .
I have posted a photo of the Wellies to go with our application form . :0)
11 Oct, 2008
hi all how about the bucket and spade
14 Oct, 2008
Hello Mary ~
Welcome to the mad world of the GoY Wellie Olympics.
Bucket and spade sounds like a great sport to me.
Do you have a good pair of wellies or other useful footwear?
Please report back here to let us know. :o)
14 Oct, 2008
got my wellies at the ready bucket and spade standing by brilliant blog
14 Oct, 2008
Mary ~
So glad you like this blog. :o)
And congrats on reading over 230 comments.:o)
I notice one of your hobbies is knitting.
Maybe you could knit us a suitable GoY Olympic flag ?
...or how about knitted Olympic shorts?
So very glad to have you on the team.
If you wish to see some of the Wellies and other GoY footwear to be used by our athletes, they're all on my favourite photos page, sort of mixed up with a lot of nice budgie photographs, and amazing pictures of sausage trees. :o)
14 Oct, 2008
knitted shorts in the rain 0ooooooo that might be a tad to sore but the flag i can do that
14 Oct, 2008
Well there's good news and bad news on the wellie whanging front.
The good news is that I broke a local record while practising yesterday; the bad news is that someone was playing it on their stereo at the time (the wellie sort of slipped out of my hand cos I had worked up quite a bit of sweat with all my practising). Anyway, Bruno and Barnie went round and pacified them by promising NOT to hit them.
Don't think I ought to compete again this year until I have honed my technique and carbo-loaded on marmalade and honey
14 Oct, 2008
~That's cheered me up Andrew~came back from holiday with an extra passenger in the car ~tonsilitis! Feeling a bit under the weather but won't be long until i get my wellies back on!
14 Oct, 2008
Andrewr thy say that marmite is good for bulding you up .did thy give you a red card and put you off
14 Oct, 2008
Arlene ~ from your rather mixed up comment elsewhere about our sharing a cell-block, I rather thought you were on some sort of strong medication. :o)
Mary ~ We really need people like you on this blog to keep us all in order. :o)
Andrewr ~ So glad to know Bruno and Barnie are acting as your seconds (and thirds?) Please keep honing with honey.
You're one of our best hopes for gold.
Were you wellie whanging at 33, 45 or 78 rpm?
That could be relevant if your case ends up in court.
You could end up sharing the cell-block with Arlene and me.
She's been growing dodgy weed.
14 Oct, 2008
~i thought the inmates these days were always on strong substances so we should fit in well~we could always grow our own mail bags from some of the seeds!
14 Oct, 2008
Arlene ~ Take lots more medication and get a good night's sleep. We need our GoY athletes fit and strong.
I'll chat to you tomorrow, when I hope you feel much fitter.:o)
14 Oct, 2008
~that sounds a really good idea~not being able to breathe properly has a tendency to hamper one's efforts to do anything icluding sleep!~now shall I have paracetamol or some hot Lindisfarne black beer and raisin wine?
The doc was trying to take my blood pressure and kept getting high readings~so I apologised for my not being very well( which could be affecting them.)
He laughed and said" strangely that's why most people come to see me,I don't usually have a waiting room full of well people!
Raised a small smile!
14 Oct, 2008
Arlene ~
Are you feeling better today ?
You said you were trying to be as green as possible, but this is taking it to extremes. We'd like to see a bit of rosy colour in your cheeks. :o)
I like your doc story. Funny how when we enter the doctor's surgery we're asked : "How are you ?". I guess we could fib. Reply : "Fine thanks", and then turn tail and walk out again. :o)
Please post a bulletin of your progress back to fitness.
We need you on our team. :o)
15 Oct, 2008
~not great I'm afraid !
Spent a long time sitting in a chair in the lounge after waking up choking~but hey the upside is I must be losing weight! Not eating should help!
I"m really in the Doghouse though because all the rest of the Family have it too!
Move over Harvey!~
15 Oct, 2008
Why did they put you in the dog house Arlene , it,s to late once they have caught it !!!
Hope you soon get better :0)
15 Oct, 2008
~Thanks Amy!
~To be fair it's my son who seems to be having it as badly as I am that is not happy.....
His boss' s wife is receiving chemotherapy and he is worried about passing it on.
My daughter who has her birthday tomorrow has been very sympathetic even though both her and her husband have the sneezes and minor sore throats.
I am thinking of getting lemons and already have honey to make a hot drink.If anyone has any hints or tips please send me a private message as not fair to clog up TT's Wellie Olympics.
15 Oct, 2008
General good advice for colds, flu etc. is to drink hot orange juice and whisky until you can see two glasses, then go to sleep - you'll feel much better when you wake up!
15 Oct, 2008
Arlene ~
So sorry to hear that you, your family and friends are unwell.
It is a worry, when there's the possibility of passing on infection to those who are already weak from treatment.
How can we help Arlene recover? Have you got lots of fruit, such as satsumas? Dip those in Gillian's whisky ! :o)
And, on a lighter note, please don't apologise for clogging up my Wellie blog. :o)
We welcome all kinds of garden footwear, including clogs.
15 Oct, 2008
Fellow GoY Wellie Olympians :
As promised, a summary of our recent training.
The Wellie Olympic theme has sort of slipped into several other photos and blogs.
For anyone who's lost track of what's been happening, this will make it as clear as the mud on your wellies:
16th Sept. My photo : ROUTE TO THE SECRET TRAINING HQ. Thanks for so many 'likes' , which gave me official clearance to upload the next photo. :o)
28 Sept. My photo : ALLEGED TRAINING HQ OF THE WELLIE OLYMPICS TEAM. I very much appreciate Captain Grenville's very witty comments on this one. Excellent.:o)
3 Oct.: Gillian's blog called WELLIES.
Read about Hywel "being defiant".
We haven't seen much of Hywel on this blog. Amy, do you have any way of encouraging him, please ?
He would be a valuable athlete for our team. :o)
This is all about Paddington (Senior, not Junior).
The roof on this building is very much in the spirit of GoY.
Speaking of spirit, there are rumours that both Paddington Senior and Paddington Junior have been discovered in a tipsy condition.
Looking for Paddington Junior?
14 Oct.: Gillian's photo called PADDINGTON READY IN HIS WELLIES. More unmissable reading.
Finally, it looks like Islander is one of our best contenders for lighting the Olympic Flame. Have you seen his Olympic Torch ???
14 Oct.: Islander's photo called THE FLAME GUN, WITH HOOD AND TROLLEY.
I hope this explains all.
Any questions or comments very welcome, including possible designs for Mary's knitted shorts and knitted Olympic flag, and suggestions to help Irish with the organisation of our transport. :o)
15 Oct, 2008
Shouldn't we all be given some knitted blindfolds so we can pull the wool over the eyes of our competitors?
15 Oct, 2008
~ I would prefer those to knitted shorts~can't bear to think what would happen when they get wet!~some very strong ply needed there I think!~
15 Oct, 2008
Andrewr ~
Knitted blindfolds ?
Looks like we've been rumbled !
Scotkat has been knitting our special order of blindfolds, er, 'neck-warmers'. See them on her photos.
Please don't tell the Fancy Dress Gnomes or the Flower Pot People. Phew, Gromit. That was a close shave.
16 Oct, 2008
Arlene ~
Still taking the extra-strength flu medication?
Maybe if you'd worn the stronger ply shorts ~
as recommended by our Team Health Consultant - Flcrazy ~
you wouldn't be needing your current weeks of recuperation at our Cow Watering Convalescence HQ. :o)
16 Oct, 2008
~had a reasonable nights sleep for the first time in nearly a week but everyone else getting worse by the minute!
Wonder If we could patent this strain in case we need a biological
weapon against the Flower Pot People?
16 Oct, 2008
Arlene ~
This patent could be needed.
Reasonably soon, there's going to be a surprising re-emergence of the Flower Pot People.
I have inside information. :o)
16 Oct, 2008
Irish ~
Did you see any of yesterday's Olympic Parade of the Heroes?
Could you adapt some of those great transport ideas for our Wellie team - lorries, trucks, bendy buses?
17 Oct, 2008
I did terratoonie very well done it was.
Yes you could.:)
Soi enjoyed your wellie blog LOL
17 Oct, 2008
Scotkat ~
Just found your comment here. I've already put a message on Gillian's Wellies blog before I realised you'd caught up with all this.
I reckon we'd win well if we had a good supply of your lovely neckwarmers. Can you imagine them all with the "Robin on Wellie" motif, inspired by Andrewr's fantastic photo.
Glad you enjoyed this blog. All that knitting and crochet must give you strong arms, allowing you to scroll down so many comments. :o)
17 Oct, 2008
It's taking me a long time to get into training for the wellie olympics. (taking me ages to find my way around GoY)
Have taken your advice TT and given titles to my pics, hope the headings for my happy face hubby and his Honeys meet with your approval.
18 Oct, 2008
Lovetrees ~
I found your photos.
Well-chosen headings. :o)
We are pleased to welcome you for the GoY Wellie Olympics Cycling Sports.
Your event is with hubby on a tandem bike ~
juggling wellies and honey melons.
Glad to see on your photos that training is well under way:o)
18 Oct, 2008
i have got some good i dears on wot to do leave it with me and i will get back to you
18 Oct, 2008
how about Welles with bucket and spades with fencing and a pool in it
18 Oct, 2008
Mary ~
The Wellie blog needs more lovely members like you with wonderful suggestions for sports.
I think your ideas would really show the Flower Pot People and the Fancy Dress Gnomes that the GoY Wellie Olympians won't fail in their bid to win medals !
Well done Mary :o)
18 Oct, 2008
my son is making a flag for us he is tattoos i hope it will be ok hear s to the wellies lets fly high
18 Oct, 2008
Mary ~
That's great news.
Please report back next week with progress update ! :o)
18 Oct, 2008
if Any body as got in pot let me no thank you
18 Oct, 2008
just found out doter in law has brock her her wrist
18 Oct, 2008
Mary ~
The GoY Wellie Olympics team logo is a boot with a robin sitting on top of the boot.
That would be a nice design for our flag.
We got this idea from a nice photo by Andrewr.
If you look on my favourite photos, Andrewr's picture of the robin on his boots is below Pansypotter's photo of a Scottie dog and above Gee19's photo of a robin.
19 Oct, 2008
Great news ~
This weekend lots of new wellies on GoY. :o)
Gillian has uploaded SEVENTEEN wellies, with assorted themes such as moose,horses, and sunflowers.
Newfienurse submitted an interesting muddy pair of boots.
And Sal1914 uploaded a lovely blue crocs wellie.
She sells them where she works, so Sal gets automatic entry to our GoY Olympic team as Supplier of Wellies to the Athletes of GoY. (SWAG for short) :o)
All these latest wellies are available for inspection on my home page of favourite GoY footwear photos.
Sal1914 ~ welcome to the team. :o)
19 Oct, 2008
Glad to be in there... hope my inside information as a SWAG can be of great use to the team.. I can advise on weight to size ratio and ease of use. Maybe I should set up a testing ground.
19 Oct, 2008
Sal1914 ~
our special SWAG advisor ~
Great idea to set up the testing ground.
Maybe your caravan park in the quiet season? :o)
19 Oct, 2008
No doubt a Supplier of Wellies to Athletes is a SWAGGER? Hmmm - I wonder what the collective noun for them is:
a round-robin of swaggers?
Which reminds me, what happens if the team coach breaks down? Wouldn't it be better to travel in a fleet of Robin Reliants?
19 Oct, 2008
Andrewr ~
Lori has a recent blog about colloquial gardening terms.
I wonder if SWAGGER would qualify ?
Just been reading under Bonker's Chaffinches photo that Lyd is still trying to find this Wellie Olympics blog. He keeps getting lost before he reaches the 271st comment.
The thread under BB's photo is currently all about dog food jokes. It gave me a real Trill reading them. Nearly fell off my perch laughing. :o)
Robin Reliants sound good. Judging by your Official Team Photo, all Robins have very strong boots.
Our Irish Transport Supervisor will have the final say...
19 Oct, 2008
Wonderful news ~
We have a new sport and a willing, energetic competitor.
From the province of Ontario in Canada, Lori has uploaded a photo of her very strong-looking black muddy wellies.
Lori suggests the event of CLOD HOPPING and we're glad to welcome her to the GoY Wellie Olympic team. Another gold medal performance for sure. :o)
24 Oct, 2008
A very welcome new team member :
(drum roll) ~~~ MADMUM ~~~
She has had plenty of swimming practice from falling in ponds, so with Fishing Waders as essential kit, Madmum will be our official entrant in the pond-wading event.
Madmum keeps in training by transforming her garden.
Take a look at her blog to see just how hard she works :o)
31 Oct, 2008
Thank you, thank you! I will train hard for the next 4 years to ensure my pond wading is up to the high standards expected of a Wellie Olympic team member. :oD
31 Oct, 2008
We'll be watching your garden photos, to check on your pond-wading training. :o)
31 Oct, 2008
Message from new member Gardeningfriend who for international reasons will compete in our team under the name of STEPHAN THE SHEEP ~
" Stephan " writes ~
I have been invited to join Terratoonie's 2012 Wellie Olympics team. My event is the decathlon - tackling ten garden projects at the same time. The current projects are ponds, white water, shed, Miagi garden,Rose garden, Spooky hollow, slalom / slopes, butterfly area and wild life project. ~
Welcome Stephan. Please put a message below as your official acceptance.
8 Nov, 2008
Note to all GoY Wellie Olympians ~
An update on training will be posted very soon. You've all been working very hard at your various special skills at Captain Grenville's Training HQ in Cow Watering Lane.
Photos on my page for any newcomers wishing to view the placard and road sign of our amazing premises. :o)
8 Nov, 2008
I am truly honoured to be asked to represent GOY at the 2012 Wellie Olympics and participate in this truly epic blog. I will do my very best and feel it in my green fingers that it is my destiny to succeed. Competing in 10 events simultaneously is going to be a hard slog. Any advise or support you can give me in the course of my training will be very welcome. There is one issue raised by this blog about which I feel very strongly and I hope this does raise division in the ranks of the team. I feel that the flower pot people and the fancy dress gnomes are gardening friends to many and should be able to support the team. I am not suggesting we should go as far as letting them in our garden's unless they are called Mr. Miagi. My granddaughter might get upset if he is barred. Can Mr Miagi be an exceptional honorary member? Please excuse me now, I am overwhelmed by the occasion and feel a little bleat coming on....
8 Nov, 2008
Fellow athlete Stephan ~
A warm welcome to our team.
We are heartened that your 13th outgoing message is dedicated to joining the Goy Wellie Olympians.
Mr Miagi could certainly be considered as a supporter. Is he a mutant of the Mr Miyagi which we've seen on Wikipedia ?
A photo would be of use to clarify identification.
We are still working hard to keep track of the Fancy Dress Gnomes and Flower Pot People. Many of these are in photos on my favourites page for further observation.
I hear that a new sighting of Flowerpot People is due sooner than you might imagine. :o)
8 Nov, 2008
#### ATHLETE ALERT !!! ####
Flower Pot People have infiltrated Cow Watering Lane.
A nursery for Flower Pot Toddlers has been set up in Captain Grenville's Secret Training HQ.
Please see photo recently uploaded to my home page.
Several stalwart athletes have already put this picture on their favourites for closer observation.
Please post here any further sightings.
####### Thank you !!! #######
10 Nov, 2008
#### NEW SIGHTING ####
During recent floods a Flower Pot Person floated deliberately into Jacque's greenhouse. This one was on a secret mission to spoil our chances in the swimming and diving events.
Luckily Jacque was alert and was ably assisted by the deliberate distraction of her Obedience Champion Dog called Summer. She bravely rolled in the mud [ Summer, not Jacque ] while photographic evidence was obtained. Please see Jacque's recent blog for further information. No need for alarm as the Fuchsias have been strategically placed to hide any Flower Pot People naughty bits :o)
11 Nov, 2008
No expense was spared to acquire the athletic talents of a Fastbowler from Fiji. Panther has volunteered to wear wellies in the Ten Pin Coconut Bowling Event. Certainty here of another GoY Gold Medal.
Looking forward to Panther's official acceptance. :o)
11 Nov, 2008
Yay for Panther and the Fiji branch of GoY!!
11 Nov, 2008
Hi Sid ~
Please get ready for an even bigger Yay because under Panther's photo entitled Coconut Tree, she invites the whole GoY Wellie Olympics Team to hold its AGM in Fiji, with the added attraction of the World Wellie Snorkelling Contest !
How can we refuse ? :o)
11 Nov, 2008
I suddenly feel an urge to apply for the Wellie Olympics! As I have over 120ft of fence to repair and paint (a marathon in itself), I would like to apply for new (Scottish) sports categories :- Tossing the Fencepost, and Hammer-Throwing.
I also feel that I may be a good candidate for the High Jump, having practised on my children's trampoline, and recently being launched skywards on an elastic band bungee contraption, in efforts to get airial views of new garden (photographic evidence soon available).
I've also been known to practice fencing as a night event, wearing my wife's crocs for comfort (complete with decorations).
Meanwhile, anyone for tennis elbow?
13 Nov, 2008
David ~
This is a wonderful response.
Our Team Manager, Captain Grenville, will be proud of you, volunteering for multiple sports in this way.
Captain Grenville is currently hiding from the Paparazzi in the GoY Wellie Olympics Training HQ in Cow Watering Lane.
He feels compelled to stay there over winter to protect our premises from the Flower Pot People and Fancy Dress Gnomes.
Please post here to let us know when you have photographic evidence, at your new home,of your training in as many events as possible. Then we will accept you officially into our ever-growing team. :o)
Tennis elbow ~ what the deuce ?:o)
13 Nov, 2008
Yippee! (doing cartwheels of pure joy - but not wearing a kilt!). Will get my portfolio together and report here!
13 Nov, 2008
Thanks David ~
When this blog reaches 300 comments, do you think I should start a sequel blog. ???
I know that Gillian in Canada has special trouble with the scrolling down. Not her best Olympic Event. Lol.
13 Nov, 2008
Tennis elbow - hey folks, I think I qualify - I'm having treatment for bursitis - - I could also parley with the paparazzi as most of them only speak Italian - so that poor ole Cpt Grenville can come out of hiding !!!!
13 Nov, 2008
Terry60 ~
Your help is gratefully accepted.
We are all really missing our lovely Captain Grenville and want him back with us. :o(
PS. Anyone had a chance to check out my little game just posted under my recent Flower Pot People Nursery photo. ??? :o)
13 Nov, 2008
Oh, yes, I see lots of you've found it.
Brilliant. Thanks :o)
13 Nov, 2008
~ Another wonderful new Wellie sport ~
~ Another new GoY Olympian. ~
This is so exciting.
Sarraceniac has proposed and seconded Boss Lady for the Bog Garden Slipping Event, in which the usual technique is to wear second hand [ foot? ] wellies which are several sizes too large.
Will he ever find this blog I ask ?
If he does, he'll make an acceptance speech on behalf of his better half. :o)
13 Nov, 2008
I'm with Gillian...my screen jitters like crazy all the way downnnn and keeeps trying to scroll back uppppppp to the topppp...
13 Nov, 2008
Best way is to arrive at the blog, make one of your famous cups of mud coffee, by which time scrolling down is a doddle.
However, you and Gillian are right. I feel another blog coming on in the not too distant future. :o)
13 Nov, 2008
Scroll rythmes with roll! I wonder, are there any roller (blade or paint?) events in the Olympics? In order to tackle my marathon fencing task, complete with fencepost tossing and the occasional, disgruntled, hammer-throwing,
I feel that my intensive training regime is, so to speak, "on a roll" (a paint roller, that is!)
Perhaps, we now need a Part 2, TT?
14 Nov, 2008
I'm getting myself emotionally charged to launch a new blog.
I'll try to make that happen quite soon.
David ~ you list all these interesting sports, but somehow I just can't get out of my mind the event you were practising a few comments previously ~
Cartwheeling in a kilt.
If you wear your wellies for that sport, I can guarantee record-breaking crowds of admiring onlookers. :o)
14 Nov, 2008
The Goy Fiji Branch of the Wellies Olympics team for the Coconut Pin Bowling Competition, has already started practicing in our oversized wellies, though they are too hot to wear here.
We are going for Gold in this sport and in the true spirit of good sportsmanship, I accept to take the lead role for the branch here.
The daily training in rolling our nuts (forgive the pun) over the lawn is driving the neighbourhood crazy already!! This is the first sport of its kind using coconuts here.Thanks to the creativity of the Goy Team!
Our best wishes to all of you in the preparation of the sport that you would be partaking in and especially to the Cartwheeling in Kilt Competitors. This surely would be a hit and will outbeat us all with the record-breaking crowd of admirers :-)
14 Nov, 2008
Panther ~
It's great to know coconut training is progressing so well under your expert leadership. Obviously no shortage of nuts on Fiji. :o)
Irish is busy arranging team transport so that we can all attend the GoY Wellie Olympics AGM in the warm sun of Fiji. Thank you for inviting us and our wellies. :o)
14 Nov, 2008
Thanks TT, You all are welcome to attend the Goy Wellie Olympics AGM in the sun here in Fiji.
To avoid catching the slow boat to China before reaching us here, please keep reminding dear Irish to make advance booking for this 2012 Meet!
P.S. Is Newfienurse still coming down earlier for the pottie training in the sun for those little garden creatures?
14 Nov, 2008
AGM is Annual General Meeting ~
Wellie Olympians were hoping to visit Fiji once each year, in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. Lol.
Newfienurse will probably be keen to come across early for some work in the warm sunshine. :o)
14 Nov, 2008
Sarra has responded enthusiastically to Boss Lady being included in our GoY Wellie Olympics team. Sadly, his weak arm would not let him scroll down 300 comments, so his entertaining response is under my photo of our Secret Training HQ - Grenville Nurseries. :o)
14 Nov, 2008
Ok TT, following your sighting of our wellies and your confirmation that both myself and husband quality for the Wellie Olympics, we have decided in which events we would like to participate.
My husband cycles alot so the obvious choice is cycling and I think his steel toe cap wellies would look really good with lycra! As for me, I quite fancy entering the race walking event - the rules are that one foot must be in contact with the ground at all times, therefore, I think wearing wellies would look really good. Lol
16 Nov, 2008
Steel toe cap wellies and lycra ~
wonderful ~ sounds like a Gold Medal winning combination, in or out of the Olympics :o)
Husband of Dawn, welcome to the GoY wellie-cycling team. :o)
Wellie walking event for Dawn ~
Training for this should blend with the seasons and festivities.
November/December, all training should be in the spirit of the Goons song ~
I'm Walking Backwards for Christmas. (o:
So till the end of the year, please train backwards, then in 2009 decide between sideways, forwards, up, down or any other direction.. or, in Val Doonican parlance ~
Walk tall, walk straight and look the wellie right in the eye.
Welcome to the team. You support is much appreciated.:o)
As each season and festivity approaches, please give regular training updates. :o)
16 Nov, 2008
Please check out fantastic photo just uploaded of Noseypotter in a fab. pair of wellies.
Let's hope this amazing athlete will join our team :o)
16 Nov, 2008
I've passed on your welcome to John by joining the GOY Wellie Cycling Team - he just smiled!
I'll start my backwards walking tomorrow until 31 Dec and then I'll review the situation! I will keep you updated on training...... THIS IS MADNESS, LOL
16 Nov, 2008
Mind you don't bump backwards into Noseypotter, leapfrogging over tree stumps :o)
16 Nov, 2008
OK, thanks for the tip off, I'll get myself some mirrors!
16 Nov, 2008
Just in time Dawn !!!
Here comes Noseypotter .....
It's a great evening for new recruits.~
Noseypotter is our special entrant for the event ~
Noseypotter ~ welcome to the team. :o)
16 Nov, 2008
Sorry, but wearing of the kilt is prohibited in all sports, except for Highland Games and Haggis Hunting. I regret, therefore, that I shall be unable to participate in such attire in events such as high jump, pole-vault, cartwheeling. Rolling nuts on lawns might be safe enough in a kilt, but the heat of Fiji would be withering.
I would be willing to offer, freely, my services as a team medic (would newfienurse also consider this additional role?), especially with regard to the exhausting training regimes, and the heat in Fiji.
16 Nov, 2008
Too late David ~
If you go back up a few hundred comments you'll find that Flcrazy has already kindly accepted the role of Health Consultant for the The Goy Wellie Olympians and also for the horses.
On 13th Nov. you promised us photographic evidence of your training, so regardless of your attire, we look forward to seeing these amazing pictures of you in action.
We train in the heat of Fiji only to make us super-fit for London 2012 (okay ~ and the coconuts, sunshine, oceans, snorkelling and flowers ) but please don't tell that to our sponsors, or they will reduce our ludicrously large grant.
This will result in Irish will having to severely cut back on transport costs, and we cannot cope with less than twenty London buses. We need seven buses just to ferry all the wellies. :o)
16 Nov, 2008
David asked "I wonder, are there any roller (blade or paint?) events in the Olympics?"
The answer is yes, the ancient sport of wellie roller-blading, first contested by the Ancient Geeks on vacation in San Francisco. They then appropriated the sport of wellie whanging and, being short on wellies, threw a dinner plate (smashing it in the process but that is another story completely) and called it a frisbee - this is thought to be a mis-translation of the Geek for 'fish beach' where the sport first took place
16 Nov, 2008
Andrewr ~
What an amazing source of trivia we have in you and your Jellystone garden. I wonder, now the winter months are approaching, if you would consider taking on the extra role of Team Historian.
You could bike around on your Harley Sportster, all expenses paid, and pick up useless information from various pubs and ale houses around the UK. Sid recommends the Moody Cow in Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, having taken inspiration from our Training HQ in Cow Watering Lane, Essex. She also knows of several hundred other taverns which you may wish to visit :o)
16 Nov, 2008
Yes, pics will come!
Boohoo, and I just got a medal (only silver but, hey, it's a start) for press-ups, also known as CPR, or lifesaving (but not on the beach). Anyways, I forgot about the horses and Fl will have "neigh" trouble with them - she'll win "hands" down.
Andrew, thank you for enlightening us on roller sports and the Greeks! This should be a reminder to the caterers to use recyclable paper crockery. Do we have a catering dept? Look at the grow-your-own page in the GOY encyclopedia. There is an army of food-growers and cooks out there, willing, possibly to take part in the opening march - on their stomachs or otherwise!
16 Nov, 2008
TT - Bruno and Barney would like to know whether pooh sticks is an Olympics event? They have been practising for it and have asked me to submit pictures of them with their wellies for consideration in the team
21 Nov, 2008
I have also booked the Wellie Olympics team Xmas party at The Boot in Bracknell. I've posted a photo of it so you will all be able to recognise it on the way in (although maybe not on the way out?)
21 Nov, 2008
I've checked out photos of Bruno and Barney and they are definitely in the GoY Wellie Team for the Pooh Stick event.
It will be much appreciated if you can update us over the winter by providing reports and photos of Pooh Stick training.
In fact, Andrewr, I'm amazed at how good you are at multi-tasking ~ in addition to your own chosen sports, you're now Team Historian, and Personal Pooh Stick Trainer to the Bears. Please take some of Bonkersbon's medication, to keep up your strength.
Alternatively, please see the new regime I've suggested for you under your Boot pub picture. It could involve at least another twenty alehouses. More power to your elbow.:o)
23 Nov, 2008
I've posted the picture for the Wellington Arms Hotel about half an hour from Bracknell. I will continue research for the team's Xmas pub crawl.
At the top of my road is the Blue Lie-in, sorry Blue Lion, for lunch the morning after!
23 Nov, 2008
Andrewr ~ good work.
You're the ideal man for this ruinous research. ;o)
er, why is the Wellington pub pic so tiny ?
.. or have you altered that now ?
23 Nov, 2008
It was a cut'n'paste job from a Google search I did earlier. I'm sure it is a large enough establishment for the entire team
23 Nov, 2008
Not so long ago I might have agreed that your Wellington tavern of choice was large enough for the whole team, but now we have two grizzly bears on board, and by the looks of Arlene's recent photos, lots more wellies to accommodate.
Please keep up the research, even if it means the arduous task of getting on the Sportster and testing real ale at many more inns of ill repute. :o)
23 Nov, 2008
Mr. CLAPTRAP is now in training for the GoY Wellie Olympics. Photo on my home page. Suggestions for his specialist sports very welcome please. :o)
25 Nov, 2008
A further list of possible Inns and Taverns for the GoY Wellie Olympics Christmas Pub Crawl has been posted under the photo of our secret Training HQ ~ GRENVILLE NURSERIES. :o)
26 Nov, 2008
Hi TT - I have just looked through the list and it all seems too energetic for me and I don't actually own a pair of wellies! I like the idea of being in the catering department so if that job is not taken I will claim it - as long as everyone likes cake, cake and more cake!!
26 Nov, 2008
Hi Gee 19 ~
Welcome. Your job title is ~
Baker to the Boot wearers.
Please make lots of wellie-shaped cakes to keep up our required high level of calorie consumption.
Perhaps upload a photo of a wellie-shaped cake on GoY to tempt us ? You could use your leaf-blower to spray on the icing.
Thanks for volunteering.
Cooks of your calibre are hard to find.
Maybe make a few yule log cakes to help Noseypotter with his special event of hop, skip and fall over a tree trunk.?
The pastry chef position is yours :o)
26 Nov, 2008
Hi TT. As requested I am posting my request to join the Wellie Olympics as the official entrant to the Olympic Flame Throwing team. An event which will simultaneously quell the Flower Pot Snow People and bring victory to our group.
I shall be practicing shortly as I destroy the Flower Pot Snow People in Kamloops. I am expecting their arrival at any time. I am also stocking up on matches, lighters and flint and steel. It wouldn't do to have my flame go out just at the wrong time.
27 Nov, 2008
Gilli ~
A warm welcome to the team...
...in your case a very hot, burning welcome :o)
Olympic Flame Throwing ~
What a fantastic event !!!
I see you've already been practising your skills on Gee19's photo of the Flower Pot Snowman, which originated from Chrispook's photo in her Hungarian garden.
Am I making this clear ?
Recent photos by Gee19 and Chrispook explain all. :o)
Gilli, please keep us posted on your winter training schedule in Kamloops. Must admit Kamloops sounds like another Olympic event all of its own. :o)
Thanks for your entry. Gold medal assured. :o)
27 Nov, 2008
Here come the colder months, when members are understandably keen on choosing their events for the GoY Winter Wellie Olympics.
A reminder that training for these must be intensive because they will be held in Vancouver, Canada in 2010.
David is working hard on his chosen snow sport with sled dogs. His recent photos reveal all.
Please post here to let everyone know if you've any new photos of your latest training. Thanks.:o)
27 Nov, 2008
Do you know how long it takes to load this now?!
27 Nov, 2008
A bit longer now I've made this comment. I usually go away and make a cup of tea, while it loads. Lol.
Looking forward to pictures of your training in the snow.
Be sure to wear flags of all nations. :o)
27 Nov, 2008
Hope you like my winter sport photos!
I used to cross-country (pretty badly) even when pregnant, which really messes up your balance but at least gives you an excuse for tree hugging and falling over a lot!
27 Nov, 2008
Wow, Gillian, I can't wait for these pictures.
Good action photos, I hope. :o)
27 Nov, 2008
Just wondering if I might volunteer for quality control for Gee's baking? I consider myself quite the connoisseur as far as cake is concerned......
27 Nov, 2008
Sid ~
This is so good that you've publicly applied for the cake sampling role.
You of course realise that all the cakes are boot-shaped, and will have been previously tested by Little 'Un, Gee19's indoor tortoise. He takes bites of cake in between checking his investments and share prices in the daily newspaper. Also chucks any cake he doesn't like in the bin. All this can be seen on his photos uploaded today. Little 'Un mustn't get overweight, because his special GoY Wellie Olympic event is the balance beam. He wanted hot cakes but we told him you can't have your cake and heat it. :o)
27 Nov, 2008
Oh, that's ok. Don't mind what shape it comes in. Tho probably best not to make any novelty tortoise-shaped cakes, just in case catastrophy occurs, if you see what I mean.......
27 Nov, 2008
Well, I'm not sure I do know what you mean...
Little Un hasn't yet been taught about the birds and bees.
... and you can't mean anything else ??? :o)
27 Nov, 2008
I hope Sid realises that all the cakes will be vegetarian, full of lettuce, cucumber, dandelion flowers, etc. - just the way Little 'Un likes them.
I think Little 'Un could probably teach the birds and bees a thing or two! He took one look at the girls and whispered 'you look lovely in that shell, it fits you perfectly'. Fortunately they just gave him a withering look (the way girls do!) and walked slowly away. He's hoping they will be impressed with his beam balancing.
27 Nov, 2008
What? ALL the cakes will be salad-cakes? Bah! Little 'Un is welcome to the job! >:-( mutter.....mutter....
28 Nov, 2008
I'm good at mud pies if that helps?! Used to make them with grass and all sorts in as a kid, then eat them (until my mother saw me!). Maybe that's why I like gardening....
28 Nov, 2008
Little Un will have support from a female balance beam team member.
This winter, Hywel's Blodyn the cat has a rigorous training programme. :o)
28 Nov, 2008
Gillian ~
The fact that as a child you ate mud pies explains a lot.
Very useful experience for the Wellie Olympics !!
Catfinch has her Mudcat store where she sells food and drink. Maybe, Gillian, you could team up with Cat, and produce something special.
That is team up with Cat as in Catfinch and not Cat as in Blodyn.....
but if you fancy making mud pies on the balance beam, that sounds like another great wellie event. :o)
28 Nov, 2008
I really don't think I'm that talented, balance is not one of my strong qualities (remember my skiing comments?!).
Happy to team up with Catfinch though!
The store I work at also sells lots of gourmet food and I will post a picture of a rather mud-looking marshmallow 'thing' we currently have!
28 Nov, 2008
Has anyone volunteered to be the official tea maker?? Whistler in winter is very chilly and a good supply of hot tea is a must. I could boil the water with my trusty flame thrower (in between events, that is).
28 Nov, 2008
We could give Catfinch's horse Flash, the responsibility of looking after sugar lumps for the tea. On second thoughts, maybe not.
Gilli ~
the tea-making task is yours.
Is tea sometimes flavoured with rose petals ?
Do you have any roses with especially good flavours ?
I've just noticed that the Internet has a list of "ten extraordinary medicinal uses for rose petal tea".
I haven't checked them out yet, but surely some of those must be beneficial to our GoY Wellie athletes ? :o)
28 Nov, 2008
I will start tea making training immediately TT. I have a few roses which may do. 'Gourmet Popcorn' rose petal tea should be good as a snack. 'Cheesecake' specially for Sid. 'Whisky Mac', 'Cider Cup' and 'Plum Brandy' to warm the bones.
The 10 extraordinary uses are......
1. It clears toxins and heat from the body. As a result it has a cooling effect on the body.
2. It can relieve from sore throat, runny nose and blocked bronchial tubes
3. It is useful to people those prone to chest problems by fighting against infections
4. Rose tea helps to fight the infection in the digestive tract and re-establish the normal bacterial population of the intestines
5. It relieves fluid retention and hastens the elimination of wastes through kidneys
6. It is a wonderful remedy for dysentery, diarrhea and gastro enteritis
7. It is a laxative. It works as a remedy for all liver problems including sluggishness and constipation.
8. It cleanses the liver and gall bladder and promotes bile flow
9. Rose petal tea can be used to relieve uterine congestion causing pain and heavy periods. It is an excellent remedy for irregular periods and infertility.
10. It has an uplifting effect on the nervous system and can relieve insomnia, depression and fatigue
Not sure about #9 for the male team members....but....you never know????!!!!
28 Nov, 2008
Wow ~
If we call drink your special rose teas, there's no way the Flower Pot People can get ahead of us on the medals table. :o) In fact we could give the Flower Pot People some tea with an extra dose of number five which would make their pots too leaky.
Gourmet popcorn sounds good to me.
Any particular rose we could feed to the Flower Pot People?
28 Nov, 2008
I will research this subject TT. I'm sure there is a rose for the FPP which will undermine their efforts. It will require some thought. When I find the perfect one I will stock up so we have plenty. We may have more FPP to deal with than expected now they have infiltrated so far and wide.
28 Nov, 2008
Good work Gilli ~
We may need an iced-tea version for the Winter Wellie Olympics and the invasion of the Flower Pot Snow People.:o)
28 Nov, 2008
TT - I've continued my search for suitable venues. Please see my blog:
First 2012 Olympic venue opened
28 Nov, 2008
Yes TT I'd like to confirm that Blodyn's training for the GOY Wellie Olympics has begun. She's in fine form and puts in as many hours as she can every day.
She 's hoping to compete in several events and wants to be provided with a suitable venue for refreshments after each one. :o)
28 Nov, 2008
I asked Birtie if she would like to compete since Blodyn had got in on the act, but she just yawned and went back to sleep - all sounded too much like hard work I think.....
28 Nov, 2008
Hywel ~
Sounds like Blodyn's training is coming on really well.
That's fantastic. :o)
Very versatile of Blodyn to compete in several events.:o)
Gee19 and Gilli are in charge of catering for the winter training, so no doubt they'll provide suitable feline food, with cat-approved venues for Blodyn's five star requirements. :o)
Looking forward to updates on Blodyn's progress. Lol.
28 Nov, 2008
With that white bib, would Bertie like to be a waiter in the five star feline restaurant ?
She would get to sample all the foods to check if they are suitable for Wellie Olympians. :o)
28 Nov, 2008
Hang on, I'll just go ask her...... She's started snoring - think that says it all.
28 Nov, 2008
TT, I have it....for the FPP we could give them tea made from Francis LEAKe rose petals, or Tumbling WATERs rose or even WATERmelon Ice. That should do it. To finish them off there is also Pepper POT to make them sneeze.
For my own olympic event I will have to consume copious amounts of Fireflame, Fire and Ice, and Flaming POTluck tea.
For all our team members I will be making tea from Winner's Choice, Climbing Iceberg, Olympic Flame, Winner's All, Eternal Flame and Winner's Circle.
In honour of Cat's participation there will be tea made from Ice Cream (the rose).
And especially for Mr. CLAPTRAP there will be tea made from Pink Licorice, Licorice Tea and Licorice Twist.
28 Nov, 2008
Wow, I did the right thing to ask a rose expert !!!
That's a really fantastic list.
Gilli ~ well done. :o)
I think Mr Claptrap might be clapped out if he drinks all three of those liquorice teas :o)
28 Nov, 2008
He will have to pace himself I think.
28 Nov, 2008
Gilli - Bruno and Barney ask what tea you will be able to supply for them now they are on the team?
29 Nov, 2008
Oh, my sincere apologies Bruno and Barney. How remiss of me to have left you out.
We will have gallons of Honey Bear rose petal tea of course along with tea from Honeycomb, Honey Bun and Honey Butter to add a little variety.
Our Canadian bears are partial to Salmon Sorbet and Salmon Dream so should you feel you would like to try Canadian Bear tea there will be some on hand.
Forgive my oversight in the tea department. I will endeavour not to overlook you again. :o(
29 Nov, 2008
Gilli to the rescue !
Thank goodness you had the necessary tea recipes !
Not a good thing if Barney and Bruno had been forced to grin and bear it. :o)
29 Nov, 2008
Gilli...As to Flash...he would love an Apple Rose tea...please be ware...and not add anything to cause copius amounts of gassiness or any other business from that end...it is bad enough. I have aquired the assistence of a tribe of sweet little forest fairies to roll his road apples into piles here and there so Wellie team members may take them home to their gardens...but would not want to overwhelm the fairies...as they were already complaining and not being as sweet as normal about their part in this ...there are only so many favors I can do for forest fairies before they throw up their tiny little hands and go fluttering back into the forest . Perhaps? ... would you kindly supply the fairies with some of your fairy supping sauce? I believe it would much improve their mood.
30 Nov, 2008
Scuse me TT...mmmm scuse me ...not sure I read right but I believe there was something about some Cart wheels and kilts..I went to bed...but am having a problem falling to sleep...the vision of Cart wheeling Kilt wearers tumbling about is too much for me...when is that event going to occur?..where? ... please..do tell ..also... even though I will be quite high up on Flashes back... will I need field glasses? ^..^ ~cat
30 Nov, 2008
LOL This blog breaks all records for comments. It should have a gold medal of it's own.
Blodyn will give a progress bulletin soon.
30 Nov, 2008
Hywel ~
we are awarding gold medals just for scrolling down all the comments. Your medal is in the mail :o)
Cat ~
David was man enough to suggest the cartwheeling, but right now he is in training for the Winter Wellie Olympics.
Anyone not yet seen his stunning sled dog practice, please check out his current avatar photo, and other snow pictures taken at the same venue, featuring Lucky the Wonder Dog.
David has perfected special techniques in the sled dog race by reversing the roles. Lucky sits in the sled and David pulls it. :o)
30 Nov, 2008
Hywel ~
Can't wait for progress reports on Blodyn's Wellie Olympic training.
Catfinch ~
Please keep us up to date with Flash and how he is practising for the Wellie Olympics Equestrian Events.
Currently it seems Blodyn is getting ahead of him with her intensive training for the feline sports. :o)
30 Nov, 2008
Cat - I am developing a rose petal tea made from the petals of 'Applejack' and 'Apple Blossom' mixed with petals of 'Ginger Syllabub' and 'Peppermint Twist' to soothe poor Flash's gaseous insides. This should please the sweet little forest fairies and make for some sweet smelling road apples.
Copious amounts of fairy supping nectar will be on hand but not too much as we know what those fairies can be like when they indulge in too much. That would be a disaster......road apples flying everywhere.
For Blodyn.....perhaps she too would be happy with the 'Salmon Sorbet' and 'Salmon Dream' tea favoured by the Canadian bears. If not, there is 'Little Shrimp' and 'Shrimp Hit' that should make her happy and keep up her strength.
30 Nov, 2008
I really think if a new member stumbled on this blog they would be wondering what sort of 'special tea' everyone is on!
30 Nov, 2008
Gilli seems to be cooking up all kinds of potions.
To be honest, I'm not sure what's in her tea these days. :o)
Flower Pot People alert over on my photos today.
Furry Toto has been ABDUCTED.....!!!
30 Nov, 2008
I don't understand what TT and Gillian are saying here Gilli your tea making expertise is world renowned.....everyone will know.........what is wrong with TT & Gillian anyways?
2 Dec, 2008
Terratoonie, what happened? I entered the competition on first light of Dec. 2. and my entry doesn't even show up.
Oh yes! I know the perfect event for me. As a resume, this is only part of my famous athletic history. In High School I was in track. As I had short legs the coach put me into high hurdles. I also did the pole vault. One of the yearbook pictures has a great pic, of my descent. Onto the bar. :-) The expression on my face was of grand delerium.
Now, I was just okay in these events, but it does suggest agility, does it not. Add to that I was one of the best long distant runners on a team that was third best in all of N. California. I did manage to get them lost in the finals, but the chaps didn't hold a grudge.
On awards night I got a compass. The applause in the auditorium was deafening!
As you know I tend to be longwinded. It came from that acceptance speach..
My event would be a hybrid between the Bull Run in Spain, and some event you do in England. Running down a bloody steep hill chasing a mound of cheese or something. I can't remember. I would upgrade that. Runners would be given a head start and dozens of boulders would be released after them. It would be a bashing good event!.
Now I also did tennis and was a damn fine swimmer. This went on into my college years. So a swimming idea might be a possible.
I just finished unloading pictures from my barn. I found so many great ones. I will digitalize all of them. One was a joke on my employer. I had just finished a large concrete pool for her KOI, soon to be re-introduced into their new home. It was an unbearably hot day that summer. Seeing her coming to photo the finished accomplishment, I slipped into that pool, clothes and all, and floated belly up under the water.
My air holding capacity is quite good. Finding me so, made her day! I then re-enacted the scene and she took the picture.
Considering an attack on me in water one time (bad move) I could hold my own on an underwater Polo team. We would use a solid real rubber (heavy stuff) ball and need to get it to the other side, much like rugby or football. Just in slow motion and under water.
Please use your charms and patronege to get me in. Greased palms are one thing I know well of.f
Please do help edit my poisoness’s plant blog. Spelling for one. I need a small synopsis, to provide to the head mistriss.
3 Dec, 2008
"Furry Toto has been ABDUCTED.....!!!"
Same happened to one of my big rocks. Zip, it dissapeared. Peter of the Pearly Gate deamed it not goY material.
I hope it was the picture only, not more. It frightens me if they can delete a couple of tons of driftwood in just one evening. Worse yet, they left the ghost standing. Perhaps it will be gone by tomorrow as well. What is a ghost to do, when it can no logner haunt the Driftwood.
3 Dec, 2008
Hmmm. I wonder what kind of tea Spanish bulls would like? Perhaps a mix of the petals of Bull's Red and The Old Bull. That will make a deep red tea bound to excite the bulls. And for Skyline......a tea made from Cheesecake and Rock Creek, I think.
Gillian, everyone will have their own special tea blend specially made for them. My personal favourite is a blend made from Cider Cup, Brandy Butter and Apricot Wine (for medicinal purposes only, of course!!).
TT, you know that I have to personally check the quality of all these teas!! Sometimes the blends can be a bit potent!! :o)
3 Dec, 2008
I expected more from Sid than the cake sampling role. I expec Sid to be right next to me on the boulder role steeple chase..
Finding out that he is a she, I might give her a head start. Nah, that would be sexist and that I am not.
I might have a bottle of peroxide to share when she finishes behind me.
"Fungi fetishist" -- who would have guessed so am I.
David Aurora and I used to gather those things in the Santa Cruz mts. His discriptions always puzzled me ... tastes like dog @%$(.
Now how did he know how to compare?
Sid is invited to my downhill bull run, or the subsurface water challenge. Ditchfork, has already shed 4 inches of girth, just to prepare. By the time all is ready he will be prime meat, no longer hamburger helper.
3 Dec, 2008
Skyline ~
You your application wasn't overlooked. It's just that you have so many talents in so many sports, it was difficult to decide where your gold medal potential would be of most use.
With your boulder-building and design techniques, at this stage in our training, your construction expertise is urgently needed re. our GoY Wellie Olympics Training HQ.
My photos explain. If you take a look at the GRENVILLE NURSERIES sign ~ well that is perfection. Our Captain Grenville made that sign. Such a good disguise. We hoped the Flower Pot People wouldn't find us there, but fears are they might be on their way down Cow Watering Lane right now.
So maybe please suggest ways in which we could fortify our training HQ. A moat around to keep away the cows and the Flower Pot People ? Outlook turrets ? Drawbridges ? Your garden design ideas and experience would provide useful input here.
Meanwhile I'm still scratching my head over which sport would be best for you. I'll come back to you on that :o)
Your ideas on finding David's Furry Toto are also very welcome. The Flower Pot People seem be keeping Toto well hidden. :o( There are updates under my latest photo, and also a possible sighting over on Gee19's latest blog.:o)
3 Dec, 2008
Gilli ~
Could you please dream up more rose petal teas to send the Flower Pot People into a trance ~ and maybe something to keep the cows under control in Cow Watering Lane ? Pleeeease !
Our Wellie Olympic training programme is under threat...
3 Dec, 2008
Glad to hear that I am the running. I must point out that those days are a bit behind me, so the younger blokes would have an advantage. I think a Secateur toss would be possible, in this I am qualified.
One day, I left my shears tucked in the top of a tree I was pruning. I descended the ladder to see how I was doing. Down came the shears.
I reached out to catch them with my open palm. The blade was well sharpened and planted itself firmly. It was a funny feeling seeing it so embedded. This time I went to the hospital.
I also accused my friend Vallie in CA of throwing it in a karmic sort of way. You see, I had just finished courting her (unsuccessfully) and Tristus had just come along. Vallie would easily win the Secateur toss. That sucker came from 1400 miles away. :-)
I hope you do not think of me as cheap, but are their funds to assist travel needs for people who might otherwise have to swim to get to the event?
3 Dec, 2008
All our spare funds have been invested in Andrewr who is Team Historian, manfully checking out pubs up and down the British countryside, making sure he finds the best hostelries for our GoY Wellie Olympics pub crawl.
I'm sure you'll agree that the money is very well spent. :o)
After consideration of your application, the Boulder Roll Steeple Chase seems a real gold medal chance for you, so Skyline, welcome to the team. :o)
Irish is in charge of transport, so she may have a way of getting you to venues on the big red London bus.
You've moved on from Secateur to Skyline, so I regretfully decline your entry for the Secateur toss. Anyway, we could not afford the insurance payments. :o)
Don't worry about the younger blokes being fitter. You have time to complete many weeks of training. Maybe you'll be able to show a photo of yourself practising the Boulder Roll.
Delighted with your interest in our team sports :o)
3 Dec, 2008
Skyline may be able to post a pic of him in the boulder roll, and that's more than I could do for the Cartwheel in Kilts event! Cat, if I do get a get a pic (who's going to snap it anwyay?) I'll shrink it b4 posting ( field glasses on hire). Any spare fig leaves, Hywel.....anyone?
3 Dec, 2008
Hywel is in charge of all spare leaves.
Write a good poem and he might let you have a few. Lol.
I can't wait till you get your training blog together.
I guess the trampoline will play an important part in the Kilt Cartweeling photo ? :o)
3 Dec, 2008
I happen to be quite peased with todays results, two of my customers gifted me with their rock contribution. They have joined my Rockaholic site. I did post a poor picture, (sort of a before and after) of a Bonsaid rock.
Alton gave me a fairly good one, but not the one I tried to pry him out of. I will upload those today. I also got an unexpected bonus while taking a picture of the Straits. A triden submarine sailing past.
I may have missed some of your event catagories, but I do think some synchronized sports should be included. Pair teams, like in diving or volleyball. Now, humble as I am in my physique I prefernot like to dress up like Misty May Trainer.Fibrilators might be needed.
One suggestion being a pry bar boulder moving competition. I would need a partner! Who should I ask? Or who would volunteer?
One other possibility aside from catching the secateur openhanded -- might be (and I am surprised that no one suggested it for me) the distance pitchfork toss. Sid, could be one the judges.¬_¬
I am skilled in all of those areas.
Terratotoonie, I protest my exclusion simply because of a name change. I have been a Bindweed and many other incarnations. That I evolved from a Secateur to a Skyline makes me a much grander man.
Remember, I still have to swim over there.
3 Dec, 2008
Oh my, thank heavens for the side bar control. Boy am I deep in this abyss. This must be the longest blog yet. I feel like I just fell down a mine shaft. or a very deep well. HELLO HELLO HELLO HELLo HELlo HEllo Hello hello..... CAN YOU HEAR ME ME ME Me me me....hey it's rather cool in here. Let me light a match. ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Hope there isn't any spiders? S.P.I.D.E.R.S.!!!!!
You are a very funny person terratoonie. I like your humour. The Wellie Olympics is a hoot! Now can you toss me a rope so I can get out of here? terratoonie? TERRATOONIE!
4 Dec, 2008
Well Pf what can you expect ? you really are on the dark side of the moon with this perhaps if you shine on you crazy diamond we can see and find you .
Bet you feel like you hit the wall - wish you you were here
joining the lunatics on the grass ?
You really shouldnt meddle in such things.
Sounds like Skyline a bit of a Crystal Voyager.
Sorry this will not make sense to non Pink Floyd fans but then hey - how much of this does ?
Maybe its a case of Us and them Pf ?
4 Dec, 2008
Bonkersbon I resemble that remark, just for that I'm going to make you my friend lol
Can you tell I like Echos!
4 Dec, 2008
BB aka Jane and Pink Floyd aka Rob ~
Please read comments above, and you'll find that Skyline is looking for partners in the Boulder Moving event and the Distant Pitchfork Toss.
Are either of you brave enough to volunteer ???
We need the gold medals. !!!
4 Dec, 2008
We are honoured that Majeekahead has nominated Brooke to be our ~
Please see her wonderful recent photos and blog.
Brooke is currently being trained by GoY members Pollynpercy, who, with two athletic dogs, have themselves volunteered for the demanding sport of Boot Slinging.
Brooke will be leading out our GoY Wellie Olympic parade ~
ably assisted by Andrewr ~ Just how many roles is that super-fit guy taking on in these Olympics ???
Andrewr will be on his Harley Sportster with his guitar, singing to his own music ~
Faster, Longer, Higher, Stronger ~
All to Win the Gold.
Tasteyg is being consulted even as I write, about how to upload onto GoY the youtube version of this amazing performance. :o)
Watch this space ....
and hopefully listen to this space.... soon.....
4 Dec, 2008
### GOOD NEWS ###
A new Goy Wellie Olympian with a new sport ~
Poetgardener from Essex, New Jersey has recently uploaded a wonderful photo of pansies in containers.
Her feet are in the picture too, but that's another story ~ in fact another blog in the making from Poetgardener ~
" Where My Feet Take Me " is the provisional title. :o)
This has logically led to Poetgardener entering the demanding sport of Merrells Container Vaulting. She will be training hard all winter in various pairs of bargain Merrells ~ vaulting over pansies and other pretty plants. We hope she reports here on her progress, preferably in poetry :o)
4 Dec, 2008
TT ~ I have been working on a rose petal concoction for the FFP. I am currently in search of rose petals from the rare and beautiful 'Dream Dust'. Failing that I will have to mix petals of the miniature and less potent 'Dreamcatcher' and the climber 'Dream Weaver'. Have no fear. The tea will send them into a marvellous altered state.
I hadn't thought about the cows but I think a good dose of lovely 'Tranquility' rose petal tea should calm them down.
Pink Floyd aka Rob.....are you joining the Wellie Olympics? I have the perfect rose petal tea for you. It is made from the petals of the rare 'Brilliant Echo' mixed with the miniature 'Little Sir Echo' petals.
If Andrew is going to ride his bike and play his guitar in the opening parade then tea from 'Harley' and 'Guitare' will be on hand for him.
For Brook, I am working on a petal tea of 'Cheerleader' and 'Cutie Pie'
4 Dec, 2008
Gilli ~
You are doing wonderful work. These rose petal potions could end up being a blog all of their own, maybe with your photos and details of which potion is for which person (or cow, as the case may be).
Not quite sure whether Pink Floyd is teaming up with Skyline for pairs sports, or I have suggested that his old bedstead would be ideal for Downhill Welling Snowboarding.
Cutie Pie for Brooke sounds absolutely ideal. Well done :o)
4 Dec, 2008
David..you are asking for fig leaves for your Cartwheeling in Kilts event? what good is that then...and a shrunk up tiny little.....picture to boot? humhp...
(I'll not be packing my field glasses around for that....)
4 Dec, 2008
Terratoonie; I would be honored to participate in the Wellie Olympics and to be skylines partner however I have a chronic back condition. Have you something a little less demanding say Tiddly Winks, Jacks, playing card sculpture competitions? I'm a man of kick back and relax leisure type activities. Rob
4 Dec, 2008
One last thing. Just a suggestion. I think you are ready for a BACK TO TOP ICON lol
I hope I'm not being difficult?
4 Dec, 2008
Skyline will be shocked and honoured that you are teaming up together for some of the more demanding sporting events.
Tiddly Wellie Winks sounds good to me.
I have to say no to the Jacks because our very own Jacque is already wearing the Jacque boots for all of her events.
Card sculpture ? Here's where your garden design talents could really be of benefit. Likewise for Skyline - great on creative skills.
Oh, and re. the Back To Top Icon.... the scrolling up and down is how most of the GoY Wellie Olympians keep in training. It would ruin our physiques to have to forego the scrolling..... down and down, up and up.
I usually go into the kitchen and make a cup of tea while the computer sorts itself out. :o)
And re. your last comment ~
I also hope you're not being difficult.
LOL. LOL. LOL. :o)
4 Dec, 2008
Sorry to disappoint TT - I don't play the guitar and if you heard me sing, well let's just say the Flowerpot People would run a mile in the opposite direction! But then perhaps that is what we need?
Given that Hywel is Welsh and the Welsh are renowned for their singing, perhaps he should lead us in our song?
4 Dec, 2008
Andrewr ~
My visions are shattered
I had this idea of you in great voice along with your backing duo of Barney and Bruno.
We'll keep you in reserve for scaring off the Flower Pot People. A secret weapon...
Maybe Hywel could duet with Blodyn the cat.
They're a good team with their poetry skills.
In fact, there are so many wonderful felines on GoY,
putting together a Cats Choir should be a piece of cake, or maybe they would prefer a piece of fish ?
4 Dec, 2008
I play the piano... if I can get some wheels for it I could play for the opening parade if someone will push it!
4 Dec, 2008
Skyline is good at moving huge boulders, so pushing a piano should be a piece of cake. How do I keep getting back to cake?
Sal ~ can you play the piano wearing wellies ?
Now that would be worth a gold medal :o)
4 Dec, 2008
Flash has consented to pulling a cart for the piano...if Skyline should give out....as he would also be dodging forest fairies under foot while pulling Sal and the piano ...he warns that it could be a rough ride....and he thinks the piano should wear wellies also....
4 Dec, 2008
Wellies for the piano.
Good one, Catfinch.
That will definitely improve the tuning and sound quality.
This must be a musical extravaganza to astound all nations.
Flash is very thoughtful, offering to help in this way.
Does he like carrots ? Shall we GoY members all grow extra veggies to give Flash more energy ?
How are you feeling after eating all those liquorice allsorts?
Not really the correct diet for our GoY Wellie athletes. :o(
4 Dec, 2008
Flash is not in favor of carrots... will raise his lips only to the apples... should you have a stick of mint chewing gum....he will live with his nose planted on your lips if you chew it in front of him...no mint chewing gum should be allowed on the course.....and heaven forbid Sal DO NOT carry any mints of any kind in your boots or pockets!.....I have also warned the forest fairies against any mint teas or sauce as it could mean their life should he decide to take a good whiff of one of them...
4 Dec, 2008
Wow, Pink Floyd! Did anyone know that the album "Dark Side of the Moon" is supposed to exactly fit the movie "Wizard of Oz", if you listen to it through headphones and watch the movie without sound? (Google it, if you don't believe me).Have yet to try this, but would like to do so whilst sipping some of Gilli's "herbal" teas (the more varieties the better). Who knows, I may end up doing those cartwheels like a true Scotsman (not giving a hoot,Mon!), and Catfinch wouldn't need field glasses, just filled ones! Meantime, my search for our missing Toto is gaining me, and the family, much-needed training and exercise, and will blog about this at the weekend.
5 Dec, 2008
Yes I did actually You can down load it from a movie site that is where I watched it (can not for the life of me remember the site name) That is so ironic because the Wizard of Oz and PFare two things in life that are very special to me. I have the script for Oz word for word and Dark Side Is my fav except for Echos heck I like everything Floyd. Hey thanks for letting me know and I guess you could just play the movie and play the cd like you said. Rob
Ther are other herbs that might work better, good luck with little Toto.
5 Dec, 2008
Being new on the block I wish not to offend anyone ...
But I will.
I had just strapped on my Gunnera leaves and David is talking about fig leaves. Scratch that guy out.
Pink Floyd wants card sculpture competions?.
Nope on that partner for pairs as well.
I think I might plead forgiveness with Sid. We might be a good team.
Good training, excuses and exercise might win us the golden acorn.
5 Dec, 2008
David, my teas are all organic and delicate blends of only the best rose petals. Perhaps for your Wizard of Oz watching experience you would like a tea made from a blend of 'Wizard' and 'Big Pink'.??
5 Dec, 2008
Gilli ~
Your rose petal tea recipes are getting more inventive by the minute. Well done. :o)
When brewing up, please make sure you don't accidentally mix in the gunnera leaf and fig leaf which Skyline and David require for other purposes.
Catfinch ~
I'm now worried that the Flower Pot People might lure Flash with chocolate mints. David is the chocolate expert so we'll need to consult him on this..... unless Gilli can conjure up an antidote made of roses ........?
Pink Floyd ~
Rob you get the special gold medal. While I was fast asleep in East Anglia, you provided this GoY Wellie blog with its 400th comment. :o) Happy scrolling. :o)
5 Dec, 2008
Skyline, you son-of-a-gunnera! I didn't realise that EVERYTHING was bigger, especially in the far Northwest!
Gilli, what a wiz of an idea for the tea!
5 Dec, 2008
Ok, Just to keep things straight here, there are NO wellies here in NJ. Or anywhere near NJ. There are plenty of Wellie-like rain boots, but believe me, they don't count. They are for flirting, and dancing and you can't be over the age of 25 to wear them. They are NOT Olympic-type wellies. Thus, the Merrell's. Which come in assorted colors and styles and are currently 20% off at onlineshoes.com (No, I don't get a kickback for this and I don't work there!). I'm excited, I must say, to finally participate in any form of Olympics and thank TT for thinking of me.
Like I just mentioned to TT in another post, I'm a little slow on the go-go, but I will try to keep up! (Tho I do believe I got lost on the fig leaf and the scottish-kilt wearing-cartwheals and the Flower Pot People! )
5 Dec, 2008
Ahhhh. Poetgardener, hurry and catch up. We need all the help we can get and you will have to be up to speed. What is your specialty event? I will have to design a rose petal tea for you which will enhance your Olympic performance and perhaps speed up your go-go.
Never mind about the Original Wellies, North American rubber boots will do just as well.
TT ~ Unless I can come up with a scent masking tea made from the petals of ODORata......aka Tea-scented China Rose, then David, as chocolate expert will need to be consulted.
I think Skyline's gunnera leaf will be safe, being so LARGE it will be easy to separate from the petals.....however, David's fig leaf, being so SMALL, may present problems. :o)
6 Dec, 2008
David, "Skyline, you son-of-a-Gunnera! I didn't realize that EVERYTHING was bigger, especially in the far Northwest!
Gilli, what a wiz of an idea for the tea."
I hope you Brits aren't reverting back to your Celtic teas. I would like to return un-eunuched.
I may not enter if this is the entrance fee.
Teratoonie, "I like your doc story. Funny how when we enter the doctor's surgery we're asked : "How are you ?". I guess we could fib. Reply : "Fine thanks", and then turn tail and walk out again. :o)"
I would be careful about such humor. My own to the dentist did not do me good.
I told her that I would not need a shot, I could self-hypnotize myself. True. But in the doing I told her a joke about dentists. ALWAYS a bad idea.
Was about a Wyoming cowboy. People think of Texas cowboys. They are wimps! Anyhow, this cowboy comes to the dentist and asks to have all of his teeth removed.
ALL? asks the shocked and astounded dentist? Well, I suppose I will have to give you some painkiller.
He responds. Don't need to. I have gone trough two pains in my life. This will be nothing like them.
The dentist proceeds and yanks out all of his teeth. Not a grimace of pain....
Amazed, he asks him; what in the world where those two great pains?
He replies. It was over a campfire lit night. I had moved from the sight and went to relieve myself and in so doing a bear trap caught my testicles.
"OH MY GOD" That must have been your life’s biggest pain.
No, he replied, that came – that came -- when I jumped up.
My dentist did not appreciate that humor, and so it goes.
6 Dec, 2008
No wonder, Poetgardener!
If Flash is a dark horse, I suggest plain chocolate, with at least 80% Coco (Skippy isn't the only clown in town that Gillian might come across).
My training continues, coupled with the search for missing Toto. Will update this weekend.Now, I'm off to console myself with the script of the Wizard of Oz, a "Dark Side of the Moon" CD, and some dubious herbal "Tea" (but better watch out for the Olympic drugs tests!). One of Gilli's laxative teas might help me right now, as feeling a bit full!
Hey, I read somewhere that we were going off to Fiji, then
elsewhere, it was Vancouver! Vancouver doesn't need a laxative, according to Skyline. It goes straight into the Strait! Could this be reconstituted with spent leaves as an organic feed for Gilli's tea roses, and gain us a special "green" medal? (Just a thought).
6 Dec, 2008
David, I have the perfect laxative tea for you.....made exclusively from the petals of the recently introduced 'Dynamite' rose.!!!
6 Dec, 2008
I must post a correction to David's last post. I believe that all the mainland cities like Richmod, Vancouver do have to treat their water. It is only the Capital City of Victoria that does not. That too is changing. I hope!
in a private mail, skulker that he is he suggested something about the leaves. Perhaps hoping that I would shed the big Gunnera.I will not! The gopher will arrive well endowed! He is a Hercules of a a gopher. I replied to David.
'I think you are in a loser position there. My possession of the grand Gunnera leafes me in top position. Only a banana kilt wearing South American could top me.
I must say that I am disappointed in you. I visualized Ficus benjamina or Ficus repans. There are more respectful Ficus members and if those were your intention you failed to give the proper species.'
6 Dec, 2008
I don't give a ficus about anything you say! Celtic teas? Our kids support Glasgow Celtic FC - and wear green Ts - never mind drink 'em!
I repeat, you are a real son-of-a-gunnera! I offered you an olive/palm branch of peace,yet you reply by descrying the people of the very country which has given us chocolate - the very essence of our garden next year - bananas or no!
I suggest that you slap a leaf of poison ivy on your rocks - that should extinguish your "Olympic" flame - and your over-inflated idea of being an Olympic torch-bearer!
Ficus was but figurative! I have upgraded (reasonably, for the moment) to Hedera helix "atropurpurea", which can grow to 8 metres and should blend in well under the kilt!
Is there a team referee out there? If not, get one quickly!
Gilli, I do think that your new tea concoction is beginning to take effect...................................by Douglas!
6 Dec, 2008
I apologize. I did not know that you are Mexican. All of your references to the good chocolato should have informed me.
Since I do want to turn down the heat perhaps for my own sake I suggest. apagué el gas para quedarme tranquilo, .
I think that is correct. I am glad that you have re-considered the choice of ficus leaves. Ficus repens does not cover much.As for your commentary about poison ivy.
We do not have that here, but we do have poison oak.
I will take your challenge and apply it to those regions and it will only make me more inflamed and certainly elevate my standings to be the the 'Olympic flame' torch-bearer!
Thank you for the first nomination. The gopher with the biggest red balls will be a proud member to be the first torch-bearer of the Wellie event.
Terratoonie might have a thought abour that. Not that she has really made an OFFICIAL welcome to people outside of the U.K. to enter. That is my recollection of this very LONG, LONG blog. I have been welcomed to participate and have even asked Sid to join me in some team sport competition, but I would like an official statement welcoming outsiders.
Remember it is a long swim for me and others..
6 Dec, 2008
Oh poor Skyline.
Why do you need an "official" welcome to join the Wellie Olympics? I will be swimming just as far but feel very welcome even without the "officiousness" (is that a word???) as will Cat, Pink Floyd and others from North America. And poor Panther will have to travel all the way from Fiji. Yet no one else is complaining.
As for the gunnera leaf.....well......remember that over-confidence and bravado could very well be your downfall. Many athletes over the years have been caught out this way.
David, I'm glad to hear that you didn't need the double strength, extra potent 'dynamite' tea. That could have been very explosive. :o)
Are you sure the Hedera helix "atropurpurea" leaf will not interfere with your kilt cartwheeling exhibition? If it grows to 8 metres it could very well trip you up at the most inopportune time!!
6 Dec, 2008
Well, I hardly know where to start.
So many useful comments from the Wellie Olympians.
I'm proud of you all. :o)
May I suggest a new event for the Games. David drinks the dynamite tea, and Skyline uses the poison ivy wherever he thinks most appropriate, and whichever one is propelled the furthest wins the first of our newly minted (get it ?) mint flavour green medals.
Gilli will be the Tea and Leaf Referee in charge of all potions and lotions. more soon...
6 Dec, 2008
I'm wondering how Poetgardener is progressing with the Container Vaulting ? Add in a few cart-wheels and high kicks for extra points.
And here comes the tired old joke ~
Are you training in the old jersey or the new jersey ?
Glad I got that one out of the way.
It seems David should be very selective over his choice of jokes while undergoing any treatment with GoY Wellie Olympics Team Health Consultant, Flcrazy.
May I suggest you keep with 'Doctor jokes' only, e.g.
Patient ~
Doctor, I keep thinking I'm a pair of curtains.
Doctor ~
Pull yourself together.
6 Dec, 2008
I've taken some time to think about Skyline's request of a special welcome for the overseas members of the GoY Wellie Olympic team.
Once training is more under way, I reckon I could manage a few choice words for the 2012 Games in London.
However, now that our team is also entering the 2010 Winter Wellie Olympics, this means many of our athletes travelling to Vancouver. I do hope the Canadians will have an amazing welcome ready for us. Gilli ~ any appropriate teas on the menu please ?
6 Dec, 2008
I haven't had my coffee yet, TT, so I'm not quite up on the get-go OR the go-go, (No tea-drinking here, except for an occassional "herbal" tea (wink wink) but I did have a big Yuk-yuk over the old, New Jersey joke. Gets me every time.
6 Dec, 2008
I hope Odie and Popie aren't drinking that "herbal" tea.
If they have too much, they'll end up finding that Jersey joke really funny.
Rolling about on their backs. LOL. LOL. LOL
6 Dec, 2008
I am so glad that Gilli will be swimming alongside me.
David is clearly ttrying to influence the judges. "David has perfected special techniques in the sled dog race by reversing the roles. Lucky sits in the sled and David pulls it."
Despite goY guidelines to be nice, I am calling for a fowl on this kind of tactic..
6 Dec, 2008
I just need to warn members about coca tea. This is drunk by the locals in areas of high altitude to counter the effects of altitude sickness. However, the plant is also used to manufacture cocaine so anyone drinking the tea will fail a drugs test. We don't want another Ben Johnson in our Wellie Olympics team.
6 Dec, 2008
Puzzled by Skyline's call for a fowl on David's tactics.
Any particular fowl to pull your sled, Skyline ???
Chicken ? Rooster ? Duck ? Goose ? Turkey ? Pheasant ?
Which one will you tow along on your sled. ?
Watch out for those feathers.
6 Dec, 2008
Cocoa tea ~
Andrewr ~ I guess you've been sampling this as part of your tour of the hostelries suitable for the GoY Wellie Olympics Christmas pub crawl ?
I presume you sampled this at low altitude.
Any interesting side effects ?
Would this be suitable for David's chocolate garden ?
Maybe Gilli can come up with an antidote to fool the drug-testers. Gilli - tea please ? :o)
6 Dec, 2008
TT ~ I will have to look into these tea suggestions. I have been busy with my latest suggestion for a Wellie Olympic event.
I have become very practiced over the last few weeks in the art of jumping through hoops. Some big, some small, some even flaming. I can now jump through the most difficult hoops without losing my Wellies so landing in puddles of mud on the far side of the hoops in my socks is no longer a threat. Do you think hoop jumping would be a verifiable Olympic event?
Now, I shall return to the art of rose petal tea brewing. What was it we needed?.......An antidote to fool the drug-testers, Canadian teas and possibly a "fowl" tea for Skyline. I shall return anon with my latest brews..........
6 Dec, 2008
This is terrific training from Gilli.
I'm wonder whether there's time to perfect jumping through hoops, wearing wellies and carrying a cup of tea.
Could be good ............... :o)
6 Dec, 2008
Gilli...been trying to find you here at the right time...mint tea for Flash only...he will be trouble otherwise trying to smell it on anyone elses breath...he becomes drunken on its scent and will follow off course badly ...trampling anything and anyone with his large body, hooves and the wagon pulling Sal...who will be playing the piano...which is wearing wellies...
I will be watching with glee all of the cartwheeling leaf wearing Kilt Men...so the rest of you will have to dodge Flash & I as we Stride through with our wind wheelies in our boots, pulling Sal and her piano.... of course.... only if Sky line is not pulling her along in his Kilt with those "Red Balls O Fire"..! I have decided the field glasses are going to be much needed... as he is, I am sure , going to be cartwheeling along like a speeding bullet with the Olympic Wellies Torch ...!
6 Dec, 2008
I will start training for the extended event immediately TT. I will keep you posted on my progress.
The latest tea requests......
The Canadian Winter Wellie Olympics are to be held at Whistler, BC which is at a high elevation. Andrew's suggestion of the Coca tea is an excellent one as the athletes will need to counter the affects of low oxygen. However, we must fool the drug-testers. There is a miniature rose by the name of 'Wee Jock'. The testers will be unaware that the registration name of this rose is COCAbest. I suggest a tea of the petals of 'Wee Jock' blended with those of 'Hide and Seek' and daMASK roses. I think that may be sufficiently cunning to fool anyone.
6 Dec, 2008
Well Catfinch is certainly taking this whole GoY Wellie Olympic experience in her stride.... or at least in the able strides of Flash ~ the Wonder Horse with a liking for our mint-flavoured green medals.
Could we hide secret supplies of tea and mints in the piano ?
Would the Flower Pot People find out ???
6 Dec, 2008
Cat, having Flash run amok would not be a pretty sight. Especially in Wellies. Have no fear, the mint tea will be kept under lock and key with armed security guards at all times.
6 Dec, 2008
Oh, no ..
The comments have got out of sequence AGAIN....
Just when it seemed that this whole Wellie blog was really making sense, and would appear totally logical and sane to all newcomers.
Gilli ~ great job on the teas. Your extensive knowledge amazes me. Could deserve a blog of their own, so I hope you're keeping track. :o)
David ~
A rose by the name of Wee Jock ~
over to you....
6 Dec, 2008
The opening ceremonies for the Winter Wellie Olympics are sure to be a tremendous hit.
There will be a parade of high-jumping polar bears on skis, beavers in mukluks on ice skates, moose wearing tuques somersaulting on trampolines (on wheels, of course) pushed by Wellie wearing Arctic Wolves in tutus. Snowy Owls will do a fly by while hooting 'Oh Canada' in four part harmony. Everyone will be issued umbrellas for the fly past of the Canada Geese. As a finale, grizzly bears on snowshoes will perform "Rose Marie" while riding atop a roaring avalanche.
For the event I have made a special rose petal tea. It is a blend of petals from the finest Spirit of Canada and Pride of Canada roses along with petals from my very own, specially grown Gold Medal roses.
This will be an event to behold.
6 Dec, 2008
This is an amazing spectacle...
moose, beavers, Arctic Wolves, Snowy Owls, Canada Geese, Grizzly Bears.
I'm hoping by 2010 there will be a Gilli rose named after our very own rose specialist.
GoY might be seeing the polar bears sooner than you think.
Remember my words...... ;o)
6 Dec, 2008
For Skyline and his fowl.....
A blend of the petals from David Austin's 'Snow Goose' mixed with 'Lucky Duck', 'Pheasant' and the little known 'Grouse' roses will be perfectly.
Then again, perhaps I should blend in the petals of 'Fireball' or perhaps better yet 'Ball of Snow' as a soothing pick me up.
6 Dec, 2008
Rose Ball of Snow sounds like it could be the official flower of the GoY Winter Wellie Olympics. Would it be in bloom at the right time ? Or any suitable alternatives ???
6 Dec, 2008
Oh dear......I think the only way to have "Ball of Snow" rose blooming at the right time would be to force it in a greenhouse. My greenhouse isn't heated so that won't work. However, there is a Rhododendron "Ball of Snow" that may indeed be in bloom providing a mild winter is experienced in the Vancouver area.
A blog of rose petal teas??? I haven't been keeping track TT. Perhaps I should start keeping a diary.
6 Dec, 2008
Gilli not been keeping a rose diary ?.
What a good thing I've kept this blog so that you can scroll back up and collect all the details. :o)
Ball of Snow Rhododendron sounds fine to me. Would the Olympic location have the right soil type ? A mild winter might be good for Ball of Snow, but would it melt all the other snow ?
Gilli, could you please take on the extra role of GoY Winter Wellie Olympics Weather Forecaster ? Let us know if any heat waves are expected. :o)
6 Dec, 2008
Keep the blog. unless we run out of screen. It is where I get my exercise (thanks to you). I do not think there is one in here this lengthy.
6 Dec, 2008
We seem to be heading towards 500 + comments for Christmas. Lol. :o)
6 Dec, 2008
Just (trying!) to catch up with some of this, though after reading about combining Wizard of Oz and Dark Side of the Moon I have an uncontrollable urge to go play my White Album backwards.
6 Dec, 2008
Catfinch seems able to sum up the whole blog in about 30 words. Lol.
Current themes, as you might have noticed are rose petal teas, and cart-wheeling in a kilt... and a few others. :o)
6 Dec, 2008
can anyone join the team........lol...seems a crazy Arky could be good for something.......
6 Dec, 2008
Wee Jock? Perhaps wearing one might be more practical than the ivy......
Today, I found a sacred place for Scottish welly wearers of old, as well as a grizzly old bear. Pics uploading now. I'd also like the green medals to be choc mint, please. No hablo buen Espanol, Senor Skyline. Hmmm. Mexican?
Perhaps I could get the crowd to do a Mexican Wave as I cartwheel by, or get over to Acapulco to get in some surfing practice, rather than just sitting here surfing.
7 Dec, 2008
One other polite observation. There seems to be much talk ot Tea. I do assume that there will be drug testing at the event or is that too impolite to bring up on goY.
My yerba buena or wintergreen might be one thing. But what will Gilli be bringing under her skirts? As for those sneaky Scotts, one never knows until one does a proper search.
In the States we have wisely appointed a new security agency called Homeland Security. It investigates all bodily cavities and I am wondering if you have the same.
Not to say that I am afraid of such a search ... I am just asking.
7 Dec, 2008
Southernwoman ~
Another volunteer for our GoY Wellie Olympics Team !
That's wonderful. :o)
We're so glad to have you.
What do you wear on your feet when gardening ?
Do you have a photo of your garden footwear ?
Please let us know.
We need to decide on your special skills.
Your Olympic event could be some sort of baseball with all those whimsical front garden ornaments marking the boundaries ?
Any ideas everyone ? :o)
7 Dec, 2008
I spotted David's photos.
They look great.
Going back to comment in a few moments :o)
I wonder if we could have a team event of GoY Wellie Silver Surfers ? Does that have possibilities ?
And, David, I'm buying a whole wheelbarrowful of chocolate mints ~ After Eights AND Before Eights ~ ready to award you for your cartwheels. :o)
7 Dec, 2008
I'm now wondering whether Skyline should take on the extra responsibility of Security.
Protect us from illegal drugs, and
make sure we all have our passes with photos.
What's the photo on your security pass Skyline ?
Some sort of Beaver with a pitchfork ?
7 Dec, 2008
Terratoonie, asks but knows little about security.
"What's the photo on your security pass Skyline ?
Some sort of Beaver with a pitchfork ?" Need I answer with the common retort. I think not.
Since this is a discreat goup of members I will reveal it to be the real American bird. The noble Turkey! If you have ever run into an enraged Turkey you will know what I mean.sp? They are MEAN! The gopher even if armed would be taken down in a flash.
To my own background check. I was a proud Scout with merit badges to my knickers. I still was prevented from becomming an Eagle. True story. I resigned. One had to be a member of an established church, with the pastor or rabbi vouching for you. You also had to be a citizen. This was in the 60's. I was neither.
So the American Eagle has a tarnish on it, as I see it. I far prefer the much braver Turkey rather than that carrion eating Vulture relative. Franklin saw it my way as well.
So I might suggest, not a sled but a chariot race. My turkey team against anything else. CatFinch is right --in her assement of me. She will have to reveal it. Ben Hur comes to mind.
As for an earlier post by David. I believe he took a local God to near blash money.
For him to end a comment like this ... "concoction is beginning to take effect...................................by Douglas!"
This makes me wonder, makes me wonder about the drug thing and David would be one I would search first of. Gilli, even more so, but much more slowly. Pink floyd would be on my radar as well. Those Canucks can be devious suckers.
Are you aware that they are in the middle of a revolution? Their dollar is shot and I suspect that a tidal wave of hemp carrying Canadians will soon be overflowing our borders. By my request our county has just ammended our tsunami evacuation signs with posts in Canadian, so they can understand.
8 Dec, 2008
I hate to throw a spanner in your works Skyline..... I may live in Canada but I am a born and bred Yorkshirewoman and my ancestors have been Yorkshire folk for 100's of years. I hate snow and ice and I cannot stand ice hockey..... I don't drink Molson Canadian either. So, I guess you could say I am a pretty poor example of a Canuck.
I assume that when you say sign posts in Canadian that you mean sign posts which will be spelled correctly??? <grin>
8 Dec, 2008
Oh gilli good one but hey I'm staying out of this one,oops too late I had to comment as my name was mentioned well my username. As far as security goes I think some would find Homeland Security searches enjoyable however I do not think we need security or mandatory drug testing. That would just take all the fun out of it. The Wellies Olympics should stay simple but competitive.
Gilli it's okay that you are a poor example of a Canuck. I hate the cold, ice, and snow, Heck I only watch the finals of hockey. Molson Canadian is owned by an American company now and I do not drink well a glass of red for the ticker. Rob.
8 Dec, 2008
Eat too Pink floyd, I always knew you guys would flock together.
Gilli, neither of you have commented on the mess up there. We at least elected an Oprabama. You guys are thinking of a menage of Bloc, Liberal and NDP just after electing another guy two months ago.
Talk about Turkey races. At least we stick with the guy we elect. I suspect many Canadians will seek refuge in the states. It is so sad. Just five years ago, I thought of seaking refuge status -- or posting a dear help sign, listing the three elementary schools I had gone to in Vancouver and hoping that one of those old Valentine flames would take me in.
Rob -- You cannot partake of the red vino? I was just going to invite you to visit the vineyard I may yet inheret. At least the work of it.I have not heard of Alberta vineyards but B.C. does have one or two.
Oh, I forgot about the Hemp party candidate I hear he just got smoked.
And Gilli, grammar and spelling never were my highpoints. I simply exhausted my teachers with the red pen in the shear volume of wordage. That writing malady remains even today.
8 Dec, 2008
I don't like to comment on political issues Skyline. It's too depressing. I'd rather talk about gardening....or the Wellie Olympics !!! ;o)
8 Dec, 2008
Follow up.
Canadians seem to be ever so humble about what they have. Americans have the Rockies, the Dolly Parton of the Grand Titons. You have banff in small caps..
Get to advertising!
You have the hottest Governor General. WOW!
You had Treudeu.
Valerie Pringle -- also hot and interesting.
The weather gal who does that strange sport of rolling stone pizzas down the ice. Forget what the sport? is called. The Scott's seem to take to it as well.
On music alone. Canada stands proud.
Celine Dion comes to most minds, but she is not one of my favorites. Do remember I am a 60's kind of guy. I do respect her.
My favorites:
Susan Aglukark!!!
Leonard Cohen!!!
Nelly Furtado
Gordon Lightfoot !!!
Anna McGarrigle
Kate McGarrigle !!!
Rita MacNeil some
Buffy Sainte-Marie Oh so every much.!!!
Stan Rogers
The Weavers
Ian and Slyvia Tyson!!!
and a no on Neil Young.
That said Canada has produced exeptional artists, songwriters performers and T.V. anchors. Why don't they write about their accomplishments. Being ever so humble is a crock.
I would love to hear what Gilli or Pink floyd would add to or delete from that list.
Or give their own list of favorites and then an edited down one to my own more folk-oriented tastes.
I gave Pink floyd my own favorite group. The Austin Lounge Lizards. I think they are untouchable.
I should also have included some of the wonderful Great Breton fiddle music.l
8 Dec, 2008
I woke up keen to see the latest reports from America and Canada on the Wellie Olympic Training and found it had all gone political. :o(
Please note not permitted on my blog.
This blog, as Gilli so rightly says, is for garden-related Wellie reports only, please. No more lists of singers. Those belong on another blog somewhere else. Thanks.
I knew you wonderful wellie athletes would all understand.
Skyline ~ you are so talented, you can come up with some more Wellie sports, please? I would like to know what you think of my idea of Olympic baseball training in Southernwoman's front garden?
Maybe Pink Floyd can help here, too, because I have no idea of baseball rules and don't know if this would work.
What do you think guys ? :o)
8 Dec, 2008
Almost forgot to tell you ~
Photo updates ~
On my latest photo, my Shetland Sheepdog Conker has his red boots ready for his entry in the GoY Winter Wellie Olympics... and I'm wearing my red boots, too. :o)
Earlier on this thread, Captain Grenville gave special permission for Conker to be on the team. :o)
More good news ~ Captain Grenville has left a message for all athletes on my Grenville Nurseries photo ~ the secret training HQ of GoY Wellie Olympians in Cow Watering Lane.:o)
And check out latest blog by Pink Floyd. Some kind of Flower Pot Person hybrid ? What do you think ? These are our rival teams in the Olympics. Mustn't let them interrupt any of our valuable Olympics practice. Rob ~ are you keeping up with your training, despite this invasion?
Please report. :o)
8 Dec, 2008
Yes like many conversations they seem to lean heavy on politics. I find Skyline very enlightening despite his take on Canadian and American politics. I ca always find a chuckle or two or three, sometimes I'm dashing to the loo just to save myself from wet wellies. True we have to keep the matter in hand. The Wellies Olympics is the focus of this Blog and all I can say is "let the games begin" well soon anyways the drama is killing me!
Teratoonie I forgot what I was training for? was it tiddly Winks? or pebble rolling?
8 Dec, 2008
Pink floyd ~
Don't despair.
We appreciate you are working very hard this winter with your Olympic training. Chuckling with Skyline is very good therapy, but, as you say, must keep to the matter in hand, or those pesky Flower Pot People will be getting the better of us...
.. and I hear there's a blog appeared about some mutant Pot Head invaders. :o(
8 Dec, 2008
Yes in the members username pink_floyd blog #2 Titled Red Alert Red Alert....Apparently they have come in from the British Columbia border crossed over the vast Rockie Mountain Range and into Alberta. Some how their passage over the mountains has mutated the dear little sweet things. You can read more by tuning into the blog.
8 Dec, 2008
Alert!!! Danger, Danger.
The Flower Pot People have launched an indoor attack. See my latest photo......we must stay alert over the Christmas Season.
8 Dec, 2008
Gilli ~ thank you.
I'll take a look immediately.
Please also see Hywel's picture of Father and Mother Flower Pot Christmas. !!!
8 Dec, 2008
I do think the container jumping contest is something I could enter. I have SOOO many of them hanging around in the garden. I have to hurdle them every day. Much easier than picking them up.
I do like Gilli's balls of snow tea recipe. Is it made of Snowberries? A native plant here in the Pacific Northwet.
"Pebble rolling indeed." I think there is more left in you than that!
Sorry about the politics, but I really have the HOTS for that Canadian Governor General. WOW! Condeleza isn't bad, but you have her outgunned!
I have gone on a seaweed soup diet just to get into my trim fighting competition clothes. The gopher will amaze!
One last addition since I hate them so and would be handicapped.
The mood ball staring contest. How long could one look into those things without taking their eyes away.
9 Dec, 2008
I think a mood ball is a grand idea...we could use it to bowl for flower pot people....Flash could kick it around a bit..he loves doing that....yuck seaweed soup...sounds nasty..I suppose you drink dandelion tea too...
Gilli ...no dandelion tea please!!!!! But the snow ball's chance in ....hmmmm....what was I saying? Oh yes the snow ball tea ...yes that would be quite good.
9 Dec, 2008
Cat ~ great comments.
Mood balls will be yet another secret weapon for our team.
Snow ball's chance ? Could be good for the Winter Wellie Olympics. :o)
9 Dec, 2008
Skyline ~ You've done well.
I'm so very proud of you.
Good work.
Your comments and suggestions have led to the sport of Container Vaulting being extended to more of an obstacle race, along the lines of dog agility competitions, or horses in show jumping.
Skyline ~ with your amazing garden design skills you could surely arrange a complete obstacle course of boulders, hanging baskets, plant containers, rockeries, gates, and water jumps. The possibilities are endless.
Makes me think you could make it into a blog with photos of the jumps ? Let's all see the gopher's true abilities. Pictures of the garden obstacles, a plan of the whole course and photos of your favourite garden features ?
You have the technology and the talents...
Please come up with something special for Christmas..
and please report back on the seaweed soup diet...
9 Dec, 2008
T..............was thinking along lines of wellie throwing cos I did the throwing events in school........lol.........while ago now but could take em..........pretty sure.........LOL
9 Dec, 2008
Yes, throwing would be great.
But you can enter more than one throwing sport.
Which throwing events did you do at school ?
Sounds like you were a winner, so a very good Gold Medal prospect for us.
Could one of your events be baseball, but with a wellie instead of a ball ? A new game called basewellie ?
Come on you American guys, would that work with the baseball rules ?
Once the wellie is in the air, run really fast ?
9 Dec, 2008
I used to represent the school in high jump, maybe I could jump fences?
9 Dec, 2008
Know nothing about baseball TT but used to be goal shooter in the school netball team. Now, t'was a while ago but may-be it's like riding a bike...Do we have any-more ex-players (or current players?!) in our members so we could make a full team?
I would now have to wear my glasses to see the net properly...
9 Dec, 2008
Wow ~ this is great.
A sudden Christmas rush of volunteers.
It will pay off, because if you put on a few extra pounds over the holidays, your Olympic training will make you trim and fit in no time. :o)
Pottygardener mentions the need to wear specs.
I reckon most of the team will be wearing glasses... and drinking from yet more glasses when we win all those medals.
Which reminds me....How is Andrewr getting on checking out those hostelries for the GoY Wellie Olympics Christmas Pub Crawl ?
Is he lost in a distant hostelry somewhere??
Can we get a complete wellie netball team together ?
I don't see why not. :o) How many members do we need ? Could we beat a Flower Pot People netball team. ?
Gillian ~
jumping fences sounds good to me.
Will you be wearing any special footwear to enhance your performance. ?
9 Dec, 2008
I know I will probably get crucified by asking this but with my bad back and all I was wondering if I could have the Olympic commission look over the sport of Rock, Paper, Scissors? I will understand if it is too late to enter this year.
9 Dec, 2008
I reckon Skyline will incorporate Rock, Paper, Scissors into his container vaulting obstacle course, but he'll turn it into ~
Very Large Boulder, Christmas Paper and Garden Shears.:o)
9 Dec, 2008
Drinking glasses....now that sounds inviting!
As I remember, 7 players on the court at any one time, but can have 12 in your team.
Or there is now a five-a-side game...if we are short of volunteers.
I am due to be beam balancing too, as long as there is plenty of time between events to recover, I'll be fine. Need to get a fitness plan in action....do we have fitness trainers TT?
9 Dec, 2008
Answering the fitness trainers question ~
We have Flcrazy as Health Consultant. She has special chiropody experience because of her husband's hot wellies. She is busy growing loofahs for feet buffing.
Gilli is keeping us all fit with rose petal teas.
There might be other fitness trainers, but with nearly 500 comments, I'm not sure ! If I've missed someone, my apologies, and please post here to let me know.
It could be that with the odd indulgence over Christmas and New Year our training programme will need to be stepped up as soon as we are in 2009.
Suggestions on how we could do this, very welcome, please, from Pottygardener and other athletes. :o)
9 Dec, 2008
I have a few comments. One is a critque.
After just gilding my shears to the gold I know I would win, in either the toss or throw, it gets edited out.
Worse yet the choosing of singers to sing the National Anthem -- or favorite national garden song. Terattooni nixed that idea as well.
I beg Pink floyd and others to add their support.
Canada has so many great singers, I think we need to narrow it down to the Great one. Leonard Cohen. Might I suggest the [Morning Glory song.[ Kate Lang is a possiblity.
USA has The Austin Lounge Lizards. 'Saguaro' would be my choice.
Dolly Parton and 'the Garden Song.'
Kate Wolf 'The Apple and the Lilac tree.' as alternates.
Scotland -- well every song has a Glen in it. So pick an artist.
England -- I have no clue
Ireland has Sinead O'Connor 'I am stretched on your Grave' Thats a planting too:
I understand the wellies, but you forget that I only work with bare feet. Would my claws be an issue? And do you really want a picture of them? Chung He always makes me wash them when I come in.
I am concerned about being a minority in the US contingent, so I am considering borrowing me way north. If Pink floyd would adopt or sponsor my citizenship I would be there in a flash. Their rules on immigration tend to write off people that have job skills they don't need. Gardeners need not apply! However their mining industry is in need of workers and the gopher has natural aptitude.
What do you think?
10 Dec, 2008
I have been wondering what I shall do beside ride Flash as he pulls Sal while she plays the piano ..with me in the saddle watching cartwheeling kilt wearers....I am thinking I should perhaps stand in the saddle as Flash gallops along and bring out my trusty telescope....to watch for tricks and diversions...in the many games going on...shall I be the spy...from a distance of course... for the many games going on...do we have a commentator as of yet?
TT?... Would I be to obvious , do you think? Should I wear a shrub or something? maybe that would be even more obvious....shrubs don't stand on horseback do they?
10 Dec, 2008
I am totally amazed a Catfinch's ability to so cleverly summarise whole chunks of this blog, and, in particular, to precis her complicated horse riding routines (with props) into less than ten lines. :o)
Cf ~ you should wear a shrub. Does Hywel's photo of the Flower Pot Person with three leaves give you any ideas on what you would like to choose ?
And, no, we don't yet have a commentator.
Good thought, Cf.
That could open up a whole new debate....
10 Dec, 2008
"In an English Country Garden" is a possible song for the GoY athletes from England.
I wonder how Skyline's plans are going for the Wellie Olympic Container Vaulting obstacle course?
I would think by now he'll have drawn diagrams and taken photos. The gopher won't let me down...
10 Dec, 2008
By McGarrigle I'll try.
Don't bet the farm, I am still way behind on my talk to the Soroptomists. I just hate to put things off to the last day, or the class/event before.
Jim is the planner around here. Always, always, notes and plans.Meself, works on the shotgun shell theory. I blast away full barrel at a project and some hit the mark. The rest is fertilizer.
I have now begged a second Canadian to adopt me. I hate gazing over those long straits to home. I am beginning to come under the S.A.D syndorm. Wales and England promise no relief. I would also consider adoption by the Fijian contingent or the Australian one.
All I would need do is slip on a Kangaroo skin and swim ashore. I am a good jumper so I might just make it over those fences of theirs.
Terratoonie, I am not vauting over anything right now. Just mulching away.
11 Dec, 2008
Lets see TT..where shall I start with the camaflauge issue...there is one who would like me to be his Lady Godiva....problem there ...my hair is long but not that long..if it were...riding while standing, using a telescope...long hair like that would tangle on everything...telescope..saddle horn..tree limbs as we gallop past...can you imagine? Afraid it would not be a good idea...the leaves are a possibility..but must insist on Gunnera...front and back...LOL...
13 Dec, 2008
Panther will provide a complete outfit for Catfinch riding on her horse ~
grass skirt and coconut shells. :o)
13 Dec, 2008
Actually I have worn something like that in the polonesian islands...coconut shells are somewhat uncomfortable and riding Flash at a gallop ...they could fly up and knock me out if he were to do a jump ...I believe gunnera leaves in their place would work better..and would match the grass skirt quite nicely in color....
13 Dec, 2008
Cat ~ I believe the gunnera leaves would be so big that they would also cover the grass skirt. I would stick with the coconut shells. We can always pad them with some fluff from the cottonwood trees. OR ~ Plan B ~ we could glue them on!! I have a tube of crazy glue.
Will the grass skirt cover your Wellies? If it is too long, Skyline has a very nice collection of secateurs and I'm sure would be happy to trim it for you.
13 Dec, 2008
Gilli...leave it to you to want to tortue me with crazy glue...I like to think I would need the gunnera leaves just for their size...you are deflating my balloons!...humph..My Wellies?....naw...grass skirt will be fine there...especialy when standing in saddle ! What sort of grass do you suppose is best for comfort? I am hopng or nothing scatchy...could be a problem should I have an itch..you know with so much going on...and really bad if it happens during the kilters cart wheeling...!
13 Dec, 2008
About the Rock, Paper, Scissors event I figured it would get modified or even nixed.LOL! A very funny come back terratoonie you are a comical one but then so are the others. Well maybe the Olympic Commission will take into consideration a event for the Specially Challenged Athletics Group, that would be me. My doc told me not to left anything heavier than what I can handle with my baby finger. Glad he did not say my ego or the bull that comes from my mouth.LOL!
13 Dec, 2008
Pinkfloyd seems to need his own special training group so here we go~
~ or, in short, SPACE the final frontier.
Can compete on the moon,or far away planets. Different type of gravity there.You could excel in all kinds of sport. :o)
13 Dec, 2008
Costume design is becoming a challenge for Gilli and Catfinch.
What type of grass for a grass skirt ?
I wonder if any gardeners could advise ?
It needs to be of the right texture to be trimmed easily with garden shears or secateurs. Not too scratchy. Good colour.
If Catfinch isn't sure about the coconuts, maybe Panther could weave something sensational and stylish in basketware. But that could be itchy and scratchy, and we don't want any cat-and-mouse games going on. :o)
13 Dec, 2008
Terratoonie, I am glad that you began a Special
Athletics Challenge Events.
Pink floyd will be happy. So am I.
I however, do need to step out of all of this. I have not gone over to the other side or any of that. Other things just need to be taken care of, and take precedence.
I regret leaving this discussion.
13 Dec, 2008
No...Kilt Wearing...Cart Wheeling then Herb...? How will David deal with it all alone? I am so dissapointed.... :(
13 Dec, 2008
Like this!
"We skipped the light fandango (missing out ballroom dancing).
turned (kilted) cartwheels 'cross the floor.
I was feeling kinda seasick (after my canoe trip to avoid capt. Grenville's chocolate detectors at airports),
But the (Olympics) crowd cried out for more!"
This will, of course,be all down to the pH (Procul Harem) of my home soil.
Further on........
"If music be the food of love,
then laughter is its queen.
And, likewise, if behind is in front
then dirt - in truth - is clean."
So great for gardeners. behind is always experience to deal with what surely lies ahead with the seasons (what seasons? I hear you ask). And dirt is, for me, almost definitely "clean" !
When I just a half hour ago listened to these lyrics, I must say, the hairs on my neck stood up, and I turned a "whiter shade of pale"! Spooky!
Any ladies up for a "smoochy" dance?
14 Dec, 2008
Go ahead David..show us how it's done.....LOL...
14 Dec, 2008
Well done David !
Could this be the official anthem for our GoY Wellie Olympics Team ?
I just wish we could all stand behind Catfinch and sing it in unison when she is on TV tomorrow.
Cf ~ Good luck with your interview :o)
14 Dec, 2008
Well that would be wonderful if it were TV but it is our local newpaper and may be actually better in some ways because this town fancies itself an international town because we have so many who visit here from all over the world because of our Rain Forests etc...and this town needs to be shaken up...reading the local rag may be the ticket that does it..tv they might miss..they won't miss this. Thank you for your support..can use all I can get!
xxxxxx's to all ~Cat
14 Dec, 2008
Tomorrow seems to be turning into quite an event.
Why not phone up local TV and try to get them along?
You have support from all GoY Wellie Olympians. :o)
14 Dec, 2008
Yes terratoonie I never thought anything less.The media should be out there in full regalia. This is such an event I would hope that CNN and TSN would be not far behind.
I'm am startled and very surprised to read that Skyline has bowed out with important matters that take precedence over the Wellies Olympics and with regret. I hope everything is ok.
I regret that with the extreme bitter cold weather I have received a mild frost bite in my pinky finger. After Such fffffrigid cccccold tttttemps I almost afraid to go into outer space. "Ground Control to Major Tom your circuits dead. Can you hear me Major Tom?". "This is Major Tom to Ground Control I'm stepping outside the hole". OMG! I'm a popsycle and the circuit is frozen. "CCCan yyyou hhhhear mmme GGGround CCControl?".
14 Dec, 2008
I've read up on the cure for Pinkfloyd finger. Apparently you have to watch all the Star Trek movies and Star Trek TV episodes seven times over, using the damaged finger on the TV remote at all times.
I've been wanting your suggestions for GoY contributions plant design for any Winter Wellie Olympic outdoor course. Can you think which trees, and shrubs would withstand cold weather and be suitable? I guess conifers would look good?
14 Dec, 2008
Boy oh boy! terratoonie I think the cure is worse than the pain of my pinky! I think I would rather break a mirror and have seven years of bad luck.
Well the only trees that survive Canada's bitter cold is of course our evergreen trees and as far as shrubs go nope, nada, none, zip, zero, nothing in the shrub dept can withstand this subzero frozen tundra but if you do not mind we could place artificial (that is not a bad word is it?) shrubs and flowers on the outdoor course.
14 Dec, 2008
Yes, maybe we'll need to check out the names of some conifers, to see if any sound suitable for our sports.
We could also make snow sculptures which look like plants.
I reckon I could shape up some snow to resemble Cacti - sort of lots of blobs with more blobs on top.
I just discovered a conifer called LODGEPOLE PINE.
I challenge anybody to find a conifer with a more appropriate title to suit the GoY Winter Wellie Olympics. :o)
14 Dec, 2008
Why does a Lodgepole pine work for you TT? It is named for the use the Indians made of it here....LOL..great for building lodges...you want we should now build a Winter Wellie Olymics Lodge?....You know what Flash would say about that....Iiiii waannnaaa cooommme iinnnnnn...he sounds a lot like Mr. Ed when he talks...LOL.
14 Dec, 2008
Over on my latest photo, budgie Crocus is struggling to talk ~ seems like he needs lessons in elocution from articulate Flash. :o)
Lodgepole sounded sort of polevault type of thing.
Come on Cf ~ can you find a more suitable named Conifer?
I did find another one, but seems it only survives in southern USA. :o(
Cf ~ you have apparently half the world's media descending on you tomorrow. Plenty of time to research conifers....
Nothing more urgent to do....
14 Dec, 2008
Thank you Catfnch and Pink Floyd.
I do have other matters to take care of. Perhaps after the New Year For the moment Catfinch might just kick my starter over. She knows many of my old friends, although they would not like to be labeled as such.
I suspect I need one or more of them now.
Herb, nothing wrong with me! Just a friend.
14 Dec, 2008
Herb ...Allysum was quite thrilled at thinking of you as a friend...she is not a push over either so I think she knows your true heart....hugs...know you need em....~Cat
15 Dec, 2008
Whatever is going on Skyline / Herb, I hope all goes well. We shall miss you on the training lines but your place is assured in the Wellie Kilt Cartwheeling thingy as well as your range of other events whenever you return.
TT ~ I would think the Noble Fir would work quite well as an Olympic conifer. Our Wellie athletes are noble in the extreme. There is also the Limber Pine which is indigenous to the southern Rockies which would do rather well. After all, Wellie and Kilt wearing Cartwheelers, Container Vaulters, Cat standing on the back of Flash the wonder horse, the BaseWellieball players, even Flowercrazy with her chiropody talents, will all have to be limber.
I had thought of the Trembling Aspen as a fitting tree for our opponents but alas, it will be sleeping at the time of the Wellie Winter Events.
I beg to differ with Pink Floyd's nixxing of the shrubs. There is a lovely little lowgrowing evergreen shrub by the name of Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi) which stays green below the thickest snow and has lovely little red berries which it holds onto right into late winter. Bears love them. There is also the dainty little Snowberry (Gaultheria hispidula) which is quite aptly named for our event.
Of course Mahonia, which is native to this area is a lovely evergreen shrub which will brighten up our Olympic venue. There is also the little known and misunderstood Mountain Bilberry (Vaccinium Vitis-idaea). A very tiny little evergreen plant native to the high mountains and very used to severe weather.
My only other suggestion at this time would be the Snowbrush (Ceanothus velutinus) also known as Sticky Laurel. We could use the braches to sweep the event courses clear.
Cat - sorry for suggesting the crazy glue. Couldn't resist. :o~ Ha. Ha. Ha. LOL.
For your grass skirt maybe we could use a nice fluffy grass like Lagurus 'Bunny Tail' or Pennisetum 'Villosum'. They have the nice fuzzy plumes on them. Should be quite comfortable.
15 Dec, 2008
GiIli ~
What a wonderful well-thought out comment. Lots of really useful tree and shrub ideas. Thank you.
And fitting that it is the 500th comment of the thread.
Well done :o)
I hadn't realised the Mahonia is native to your area. The flowers really brighten up the dark months. I like the idea of the dainty ones ~ Mountain Bilberry and Snowberry.
Noble Fir and Limber Pine are ideal. And although the Trembling Aspen would be sleeping, I still like the thought of it not being not too far away.
And yes, the sticky laurel for sweeping snow from the tracks ~ good one :o)
I must look up those grasses. Seem fuzzy and friendly for Catfinch. :o)
When winners receive their medals, each athlete is also presented with a bouquet of flowers. I wonder which flowers will make up the bouquets in Vancouver 2010 ?
15 Dec, 2008
Sure Gilli..apologize for the crazy glue and then stick your tongue out and laugh at me...!
I like the idea of the
Bunny Tail grass best ....and I like kinickinick for not much more than its name...lol..love to say it...you did not mention salal...it survives where you live does it not? On the forest floor...?
Gosh TT..bouquets now? Roses ..lots of roses..and daisies..I love daisies in all of my bouquets....
16 Dec, 2008
White flowers in the bouquets to represent the snow.
White roses ? White carnations ? ....
... I also like the sound of Kinnikinnick ~
looked it up on internet ~ quite a lot about doughnuts ?
but also this ~
Ideal for a hillside or sloping area , this plant is useful in rockery plantings and as a ground cover in tree and shrub beds. In recent years, kinnikinnick has also become very popular to use along the edge of containers. The evergreen growth hangs over the side of the container, providing a nice point of interest because of the green to bronze foliage and bright fall and winter berries.
Sounds like Gilli made a good choice here.
Any more flower suggestions for the medal winners' bouquets ?
16 Dec, 2008
Kinnickkinnick grows wild here...lol...it has herbal propeties that I studied about long ago, will have to go pull out one of my herb books to see what it was...lol..I was known as the hippie herb lady back in those days...even though I was never anything close to a hippie...I loved plants...so learning about their herbal properties came natural and sharing remedies with people gave me the tag...I have forgotten more than I knew now..so would suggest being the Horse back Shaman for the Wellie Olympics..but doubt I could remember enough now...it comes to me in fits and starts as to what does what these days...
16 Dec, 2008
Oh, that's great you have herbal remedies knowledge ~ anything suitable for our Olympians ?
It seems our Cf has lots of gardening talents of which we don't yet know ! Fantastic !
16 Dec, 2008
I will carry yarrow in my saddle bags ...it will stop bleeding...I will also cut some docks of the nettle plant and put them in a zip lock baggie...have to keep them from drying out...the docks will stop the nettle sting..it is its own antidote...Flash thinks this job is going to be hard to do as he would rather keep galloping on...and on..but he is a bit selfish in that...so I will do my best....to stop and care for the wounded....he does not like the word WHOA remember ..when you holler for me.. get out of the way.....!
16 Dec, 2008
Nothing that I have witnessed in Alberta that can withstand Alberta's bitter cold winters just this Mon was -34c and the cold snap! "OUCH!" is staying for the next week or two. If there is a wee shrub hiding under a blanket of snow then I'm mistaken. I will venture out and explore the vast frozen tundra for this berried buried shrub.
16 Dec, 2008
~ Herbal Wonder Woman to the Wellie Olympians ~
yet another responsibility for Cf. take on.
Good thing you have trusty Flash to rush you to the exhausted athletes. :o)
16 Dec, 2008
Pf ~
This is devotion to duty.
Please report back on your expedition into the frozen Tundra. :o)
16 Dec, 2008
Lodgepole Pines and Noble Firs? You're all commenting on a future blog ( future blogs) by me, on my favourite Scottish hero, David Douglas. I am sure that he (inadvertently) introduced these to Scotland,purely for the improvement of the art of "Tossing the Caber" at Highland Games. Must get some practice in! Btw, found the ideal kilt today for cartwheels. It also "instantly" changes into a beach towel (for surfing events), or a bath towel (for Olympic pool events). It is truly marvellous - and comes complete with sporran for storage of goggles, field glasses, drugs, chocolate, etc. Should I invest in one, or 500? Must go back and check the "Made in -" label not that it matters too much!
16 Dec, 2008
Cat ~ how did you know I was sticking my tongue out at you??? Are you looking in my window??? Hmmmm. ESP perhaps?
I thought about Salal (Gaultheria shallon) or Shallon as it is known in the UK (introduced species there). However, I rejected it as I don't think it stands up to the cold too well. It is mostly a coastal plant where the weather is milder although it does grow in parts of Alaska. Hmmm. Maybe we should include it and if it starts to look cold we'll have to tuck it under our kilts!!
Shaman Catfinch ~ According to the Canadian Encyclopedia, kinnikinnick was used as follows....
"Kinnickinnick [Algonquian, "that which is mixed"] leaves were combined with tobacco and smoked by Blackfoot and other native groups in religious ceremonies. Bearberry extract has a high content of tannic and gallic acids which make it an astringent. It also contains arbutin, which becomes a germicide in the renal tract. The Thompson tribe of BC used it for kidney diseases, and the Blackfoot made an infusion for sore gums, and salve for skin diseases."
Pink ~ kinnikinnick should be out your way. Dig down deep through the snow. Its only short. Use your snowshoes to dig. :o)
David ~ Scottish hero David Douglas??? The famous botanist who was also the first white man to have climbed Mt. Brown in the Canadian Rockies?? The man after whom the lovely Douglas Fir is named?? ~~~~~ Sorry, never heard of him!! Ha ha ha.
Your kilt find sounds perfect. A metamophising kilt is just what we need.
17 Dec, 2008
Gilli...you said...
"Cat - sorry for suggesting the crazy glue. Couldn't resist. :o~ Ha. Ha. Ha. LOL."
what is that little waggle doing there?...right there.... :o~ ......see it...tongue sticking out....
I must thank you for finding out what the herbal properties of kinickkinick are...now I can quit searching my memory banks and not have to go dig out that book...appreciate it...
Douglas Fir? Why...it was named after my Father I will have you know...at least that is what I thought as a child..LOL..his middle name was Douglas..his mother being a Scot, I can imagine where the name came from but in my child mind...why wouldn't they name the tree after the great man that my father was in my mind. The Douglas Fir has always been my very most favorite conifer of which we have thousands here.
17 Dec, 2008
Oh!! Now I see....... :o~ ........Is that what that means?? Hee hee hee. I didn't know. I just put it as a kind of shameful type face. LOL.
Well, why wouldn't they name the Douglas Fir after your father. What was I thinking. Of course it was.
Did you know Douglas Fir is not a fir at all? The latin name is Pseudotsuga which means false hemlock but it is actually a member of the pine family. Weird huh?
17 Dec, 2008
Those Latins...it looks far more majestic and is much deeper rooted and has much better wood than any hemlock I know of...and it does not look a thing like a pine....I am agahst at the thought!....I am for throwing the Latin in with the flower pot people to confuse them...and throw them totally off track...!
17 Dec, 2008
Great idea Cat. With that and the trembling aspens the flower pot people will be at a psychological disadvantage.
17 Dec, 2008
Wonderful to realise that, while I'm sleeping, fellow Olympians have been busy with interesting writings.
David ~
It seems some members of our team have acquired a new talent ~ commenting on your blogs BEFORE you've written them. Look out for further comments on your, as yet, unwritten blogs. :o)
Could start a whole new fashion ~
Everyone comments on a blog and then the member writes an appropriate blog. Could be interesting....
Metamorphic kilts ~
Yes, could be good for all of our athletes. Please arrange quantity discount on an order of 500. Even the Olympians are feeling the credit crunch. :o(
Will our kilts and sporrans be made in Scotland ?
17 Dec, 2008
Latin names of plants and trees to confuse the Flower Pot Snowmen. Good thinking Cf and Gilli. :o)
I had also asked about the bouquets of the medallists.
Have we a final decision on the flowers and greenery ?
Douglas Firs might be rather heavy, but in honour of Cf's ancestors, I'll give it a go....
17 Dec, 2008
TT....no..no..no..The Douglas Firs must not be chopped down for bouquets...I insist on Daisies...they are most cheerful and match the snow so well!.....Beside that you will not be able to lift the Douglas Fir, not even with Flashes help....I do thank you for honoring my ancestors ....but I have many links all over the world and other ancestor's could get jealous and we must not do that....!!! :( Daisies are a much safer choice...thank you...thank you....please heed my advice...!
17 Dec, 2008
It seems you have 20,000 safer choices. LOL.
See below !
Cf ~ Please let me know which daisies you would like. :o)
There are over 20,000 different species of the family Asteraceae, which is sometimes referred to as the family of daisies. Daisies are a star-like flower, hence the name, from the Greek aster. Some members of Asteraceae, such as many lettuces and sunflowers, are not thought of as daisies, but they share many of the same characteristics.
The family Asteraceae is quite old at upwards of fifty million years in its full formation. Its plants make up nearly ten percent of all flowering plants on Earth, and it's arguable as to whether it or the orchid family holds more genera and species. Daisies include not only the blooms most people are familiar with, but also popular health herbs such as Echinacea and arnica, and many edible plants such as artichokes and endive.
When most people think of daisies, however, they think of a number of flowering plants. Though these flowers all fall within the family Asteraceae, they have little else in common to the casual observer.
The true daisy--that with which the name originated--is the English daisy, Bellis perennis. The word "daisy" is a contraction of the phrase "Day's Eye," and references the fact that English daisies close at night and open their petals again at daylight. Daisies originated in northern Europe, but spread throughout Europe and to the Americas in the 1600s. English daisies have white, off-white, or sometimes slightly pink petals and a yellow center, with green stems and leaves.
Chrysanthemums, an entire genus within Asteraceae, are the next largest group of flowers many people think of as daisies. Many Chrysanthemums appear very similar to the English daisy, with white petals and a yellow centre. Others come in decorative colours, ranging from vibrant pinks and blues to deep purples and reds. The most common Chrysanthemum, grown in parts of Asia as a food crop, is Chrysanthemum coronarium; this flower, also known as the crown daisy, appears very similar to the English daisy, but with yellow petals as well as a yellow centre.
17 Dec, 2008
I suggest Echinacea...for its immune system building abilities, and butterflies adore them, Artichoke for its interesting shape and lovely flavor, and Shasta Daisies for their beautiful bravado at facing each day!
Shasta Daisy
Chrysanthemum maximum (Asteraceae)
A hardy perennial, forming dense colonies once established. Native to Europe, it has naturalized throughout all regions of the United States. The white petalled flowers with golden yellow centers are borne individually on single erect stems. Compared to its cousin, the Ox-Eyed Daisy, Shasta Daisies generally grow 6 to 12 inches taller and have a larger flower head diameter. Prefers full sun to partial shade in fertile soil.
Average planting success with this species: 70%
Height: 1-3 feet
Germination: 15-30 days
Optimum soil temperature for germination: 70F
Sowing depth: 1/16"
Blooming period: June-July
Average seeds per pound: 436,000
Seeding rate: 5 lbs. per acre
Suggested use: Excellent as a ground cover or border plant since the foliage is attractive and remains green all year.
Miscellaneous: An ideal cut flower, lasting up to 10 days in arrangements.
17 Dec, 2008
Interesting suggestions :o)
Shasta Daisy ~
In cold climate, cover plants with salt hay or pine branches to prevent soil from heaving and thawing during the winter months. This material is applied only after the ground has frozen, and is removed again in the spring, after growth starts up.
I guess for the Winter Wellie Olympics, Shasta Daisies will be flown in from Fiji by Panther ? LOL
17 Dec, 2008
Why ...TT.... good thinking Panther can help with this....! of course there are no flowers blooming in the winter here ....unless they are in greenhouses...if Panther cannot accomodate...I am sure Gilli will build a greenhouse....she can name it Wellie Olympic Flower House... GET ON IT GILLI....ASAP!!!! just in case you know...Panther may be too busy with all of her exotics she has there.
17 Dec, 2008
I'll get started on that right away Cat. Hmmm. Do you think I can make it out of ice blocks?? That's about all I have at the moment. Otherwise I'll have to wait until after Christmas and collect everyone's Christmas trees to make the greenhouse frame.
Perhaps we should add some Holly and Ivy to the winter Oly bouquets? Keep the spirit of the season??
18 Dec, 2008
In the spirit of the season, I've added some photos of our Olympians. If anyone else would like their Wellie Olympics theme photo included, please let me know.
Gilli ~
How is the planning and building progressing of your Olympic Ice House ?
With all this work you are doing, only right that your fabulous footwear heads our team photo display above.
Cf ~
An especially charming photo of you and your wellies. :o)
18 Dec, 2008
Thank goodness.... you didn't find the one of me in my grass skirt...!
18 Dec, 2008
or the photo of David in his kilt ... ?
18 Dec, 2008
I'm smiling here TT. If anyone hacks into this website they'll just think we are all nuts. lol. x
18 Dec, 2008
This GoY Wellie Olympics blog will be invaded only by very patient hackers.
It used to take long enough to scroll down before, with over 500 comments, but, now, with the wellie photos, you have time to go off and make a cup of tea, before you can scroll down. LOL. Ho Ho Ho.
18 Dec, 2008
HO HO HO....
18 Dec, 2008
YO...Flash!!! on steed after the FLOWER POT invaders!!!...what have they done with Terratoonie...Bonkers...Gilli...David...find Terratoonie..they have hidden her....Flash & I will chase them down...Canter...Canter..we will take a captive as hostage until they give back Terratoonie!!!!!!!! Where is my Flower Pot People net when I need it.....all tangled up in my reins...no worries flash...I will get it off your ear...Canter faster...there is one now!!!!...
18 Dec, 2008
I'm keeping an eye on that muti-purpose kilt I mentioned earlier. Hope it is reduced in the sales (as said elsewhere, I'm not Scottish for nothing). At £12.99. it is grossly overpriced. Perhaps it'll be reduced to a fiver after Hogmanay?
Now Tt, you're mentioning pics b4 they're even posted, never mind blogs, Ho Ho Ho!
18 Dec, 2008
Cat ~ TT is fine and safe.....don't panic.....the FPP were frightened off by the wooden bears......stop.....STOP........
S..T..O..P!!!!!!! Oh now look.....poor Flash.....he has net right over his head.......you had better practice your FPP net throwing before the Olympics......and you had better mend those holes in your net too.
David ~ beware the FPP don't buy all the kilts out from under you. They aren't Scottish and may not wait for the sales!!
19 Dec, 2008
Wow ~ Gilli, Catfinch, Flash, Bruno and Barney ~
Thanks so much. Due to your joint efforts the Flower Pot People didn't get me that time.
While the chase was on, I heard whispers there's a new uprising of Scottish Flower Pot People. This will be something for us to watch with New Year approaching. Hogmanay is very special in Scotland.
Gilli is right. We don't want any Kilted Flower Pot People invading the January Sales at the stores, looking for either full price or bargain price kilts !
It will be a disaster if David has no multi-purpose kilt for his Wellie Olympic training. Definitely NOT a photo we could use. :o)
19 Dec, 2008
I've just added another five pictures from our wonderful GoY Wellie Olympians. Fantastic photos. Thank you. :o)
19 Dec, 2008
So glad you escaped the F.P.P. TT, and the photo's are a brilliant addition to this blog. And here's hoping David gets a kilt....
19 Dec, 2008
Yes, the athletes' photos are fab.
Really bring the blog to life.
In a moment, your lovely wellie photo will be amongst the above pics.
And we're safe for Christmas from the FPP ~
but what do those rivals have planned for New Year ? :o)
19 Dec, 2008
Hey TT, see my wellies have been added, thanks! Perhaps the FPP won't surface until the days lengthen out....
19 Dec, 2008
~ Let's hope so.
Please keep a watchout in Wales !
Hywel spotted some Flower Pot People in his house and garden ! :o)
19 Dec, 2008
Hi TT, funny seeing our wellied feet on your blog! Thanks for the inclusion. Must go back and read your comment on daisies when I get a minute. x
19 Dec, 2008
Hi Dawn ~
If our toes feel cold over winter, we can take look at your lovely warm wellies photo. LOL. x
~ yes, LOTS of daises there ! :o)
19 Dec, 2008
Hywel's cat has just pole-vaulted all the way from Wales right into the Wellie Olympics photos.
Blodyn ~ that was a record-breaking leap. Well done.! :o)
20 Dec, 2008
Brilliant TT.
Blodyn is very pleased her photo is in your blog !
she said :-
My vaulting is getting
Much better each day.
Soon I'll be able to
Vault all the way .
20 Dec, 2008
We're pleased Blodyn's paws
Have leapt here from Wales
With training like yours
Our team never fails.
20 Dec, 2008
Blog text has been updated today,
and yet more pictures have been added !
Thanks everyone for your fantastic photos. :o)
20 Dec, 2008
Well done TT, this serves as an end of year recall, haven't we had fun. I read Ajay's blog about naked people taking drugs and stuff, was that you. ;-)
20 Dec, 2008
~ Ams, you are so right ~
We have had fun. :o)
Naked ? Haven't you seen that photo of me with Conker the Sheltie all wrapped up in our red wellies ? It's c-c-c-c-cold !
Reckon I better upload that pic. onto this blog as evidence. :o)
~ and the drugs question ? I really am TT.
No drink, no drugs, no vices ~ except I've become far too addicted to GoY ~
~ and fortunately there's no known cure for that. LOL ;o)
20 Dec, 2008
Good girl, I knew you were a clean GOY Olympian - sharp as a tack.
20 Dec, 2008
20 Dec, 2008
Phew..... thats a sport in itself scrolling to the bottom of your blog TT I am honoured, thank you for adding my wellie photo x
22 Dec, 2008
Hi Janette ~
Your wellie photo looks amazing.
Thanks so much for allowing it to be in this blog.
... and yes, you get a gold medal once you get past the 500 comments. LOL
22 Dec, 2008
Look forward to the medal ceremony lol
22 Dec, 2008
Hey Janette ~
You're having great evening !
On this Wellie Blog you win a gold medal,
and then on my Gardening Crossword blog.
you win a lollipop ! LOL
22 Dec, 2008
It's the morning of Christmas Eve and already hundreds of GoY Wellie Olympians are waiting in their wellies to start our annual CHRISTMAS PUB CRAWL.
Special thanks to Andrewr for his painstaking research in checking out so many HOSTELRIES and INNS OF ILL REPUTE.
We start at the WELLINGTON ARMS HOTEL near Bracknell. Please maintain some sort of discipline, and form an orderly line.
At the moment we're resembling a rather unruly mob.
Commendable that many of you have brought along your garden tools and sports equipment. This crawl could take us to all kinds of venues and countries, and could last right through Christmas and Boxing Day, so if you spot the Wellie Crocodile Line of Pub Crawling GoY Olympians anywhere near you, please report. Thanks. :o)
24 Dec, 2008
It is early here...only 7:00a.m....will join crawl in about 10 more hours after I have closed Mud Cat...lol...I hope there will be reports of revelry...and wild Christmas joy...A customer helped me capture a flower pot spy at Mud Cat yesterday...her boots terrified him and he was frozen in fear...it was an easy capture...I will be sending a photo soon....Happy Crawling!!!!!
24 Dec, 2008
Looking forward to the photo.
I heard reports of the whole GoY Wellie athletes pub crawl on a ferry heading your way.
Look there's Gf on the ferry, waving his Wellies !!!
Careful, Gf. Don't fall in the water !!
Could be like that movie : "Overboard" LOL.
24 Dec, 2008
Can't make it to England for a pub crawl, but in the spirit of the season I am finishing off a bottle of tequila from the fridge to make space for Christmas food. There may be crawling later this afternoon.
24 Dec, 2008
I'm with Gillian. Joining the pub crawl in spirit if not in person. I tried....really I did.....I broke out the snow shoes and took my waterproof match box and a pack full of mince tarts and started out through the snow......However, I forgot my compass and due to the blizzards blowing across the country, I got stuck at Kicking Horse Pass. After lighting a fire with the waterproof matches and cooking up a pot of tea (rose petal 'Iceberg') from the snow to have with my mince tarts, I had to turn back.......I am now making space in my fridge for the turkey by removing bottles of beer and cider.....one at a time, of course.....oh, better get rid of that eggnog too....where's the rum?
24 Dec, 2008
So good to know the GoY Wellie athletes from across the pond are with us in spirit or even several bottles all at once.
If you take a look at the comments under Bonkersbon's recent photo of a Wellie planter, also featured above, you might wonder what I'd been drinking. I had to add amendments to two comments. LOL.
Goodness knows what my next GoY gardening puzzle will be like ~
due to be launched Boxing Day.
I am TT really I am TT...........
Gilli ... more rum on my mince tart please ...
Gillian ... what type of snowball do you have there... ???
24 Dec, 2008
TT ~ If I put more rum on your mince tart the crust will dissolve.....have some more in your eggnog....LOL
24 Dec, 2008
It seems wonderful to me that nog rhymes so well with blog.
Methinks I can feel a poem coming on...
Twas the night before Christmas,
On this Wellie blog.
With Gillian's tequila,
And Gilli's eggnog.
24 Dec, 2008
The bottles, now empty,
Were lined up by the wall.
While TT made sure,
They got them all.
No bottle should stay,
All filled to the brim.
The empties now used
As pretty Christmas trim.
24 Dec, 2008
...And Catfinch said "fine"
I'm keen to be merry.
With bottles of wine,
And beer from the ferry...
24 Dec, 2008
The tequila a fine lunch did make,
I'm off to make a Bailey's cheesecake.
24 Dec, 2008
And trifle with brandy
That sounds like a winner ~
With mince pies and candy,
We won't get much thinner.
24 Dec, 2008
Brandy butter for mince pies,
Boozy white sauce for pud,
Set the pudding on fire
And all will be good.
And just when did this blog decline
To these strange (and drunken?!) rhymes?
24 Dec, 2008
We British keep on smiling through,
We hope things will be fine.
And maybe with a drink or two,
All's happy in 09.
Olympic training will go well.
Our best plans will be laid.
And, maybe later, who can tell,
You might even get paid. :o)
24 Dec, 2008
While visions of gold,
danced in our heads.
Our wellies were frozen,
We took to our beds.
All ready for Christmas,
The cookies all baked.
The eggnog all gone.
Our poor heads, they ached!!
Our ears all atuned,
For sleigh bells to hear.
Waiting for Santa,
And his tiny reindeer.
24 Dec, 2008
And Santa came by
In the calm of the night.
He rode through the sky,
The stars shining bright.
The presents galore
Were neatly displayed,
A mower, and more ~
A trowel and a spade.
We wake up and look ~
There's all kinds of trimmer
A Carol Klein book
And a fancy new strimmer.
Great gifts which Goyers
Know how to use
Making us joyous
There's no winter blues.
And we'll eat the jellies
And cake off the plate,
Then into our wellies ~
Our gardens await !!!
25 Dec, 2008
Boxing Day Wellie Pub Crawl continues today :o)
Also Grows On You NEW YEAR GARDENING QUIZ has just appeared on GoY as my Blog # 10. I hope you enjoy it. :o)
Happy Boxing Day to all GoY Wellie Olympians. :o)
26 Dec, 2008
Latest photo added of Cyril the Squirrel's intensive training for a whole host of snow sports at the Winter Wellie Olympics.
Thanks to Bonkersbon and Jane for this recent update.
Cyril is probably the only athlete training over Christmas and New Year. All other Olympians are continuing the Wellie Olympic pub crawl right through into 2009 .....
27 Dec, 2008
Just completed my daily blog crawl, I think I need a coffee after all that! Happy Boxing Day!
27 Dec, 2008
Hi. Gillian, Happy Boxing Day to you.
and Happy day after Boxing Day also. xxx
I'm impressed that you are one of the few Wellie Pub Crawlers sober enough to make any kind of comment. LOL.
27 Dec, 2008
Unfortunately I have to work today!
27 Dec, 2008
Oh, Gillian. That's a pity. :o(
I'll toast you from England here with a lovely cup of tea :o)
27 Dec, 2008
Happy Day after Boxing Day from Kamloops. :o)
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I think I gained 25 lbs and there are still more leftover goodies to eat !!! LOL.
28 Dec, 2008
Me too Gilli...just miserable with the tightness of my clothing....arrgh...Flash will sag in the middle with all this extra weight....will have to allow him to just walk for a while....
28 Dec, 2008
"It's hard to be optimistic when your fat pants are tight".
Random quote from somewhere!
28 Dec, 2008
I've started to clean and tidy my house.
The task could last for about another month !
I've probably lost weight. LOL
Here's another random quote ~
Inside every chubby person, there's a slim person trying to get out. :o)
28 Dec, 2008
I like the random quotes. Gillian, your quote is very apt. I said almost the same thing this morning. Oh well, another week of cleaning up all the goodies and getting New Year out of the way and then the "Resolutions" kick in !!!
"This year I will lose weight"
"This year I will get in shape"
.....Should last about a week.....LOL
28 Dec, 2008
~i have been resisting a full box of Thorntons but my resolve is weakening~i need help girls! either stop me or join me....
28 Dec, 2008
Arlene ~ Help is at hand !
I've given the blog a new current heading. :o)
Exchange ideas on how Wellie Olympians could lose those extra pounds put on over Christmas.
Garden activities to make everyone slim and trim !!! :o)
How about throwing a toy down the garden for Harvey the Boxer ? If he's a tired boy, then retrieve the toy yourself.
Instant weight loss !
Any more useful ideas please ?
29 Dec, 2008
I like the quote about fat pants...LOL..I am living that one right now!
I have one more day to eat chocolate...after today...and then on New years Day...but after that ..it is all over! Of course I have told GF it is all his fault...that I need so much chocolate...lol.
30 Dec, 2008
My feeling is we need to put on extra fat in the winter to keep warm, once we start in the garden again in spring it will be gone in no time!
30 Dec, 2008
Crocus seems to agree.
Trying to be a chubby budgie.
Eating lots of seeds and millet today. :o)
30 Dec, 2008
Gillian,Crocus and I all agree then...it will be fine..we just need the warmth right now...!
30 Dec, 2008
In England we are having a week of very cold weather.
Not the heaps of snow, as you get in Canada and USA, but nevertheless, very chilly.
Crocus is recommending physical exercise to keep warm.
All day he's been playing with his mirror "whizzer" toy. :o)
30 Dec, 2008
We could possibly attempt the strange sport known as 'Spreeng Cleenyng', but that might be going a little too far.
31 Dec, 2008
I have to be good after tonight...I will be off all chocolate and licorice..I stopped at store on way home and got my fave of the above ...now have to eat it all before night is over...I know GF will inisist that we go by his midnight..but I will not let that happen...har....I will have 8 more hours after his clock strikes the New Year.....I dunno...perhaps i wll try to eat it all before his New year to please him...I will see what I can do...lol...he only wants me to stop eating it so he doesn't have to watch...and not have any..he is far less naughty than myself...
31 Dec, 2008
Gf far less naughty ?
No secret stash of liquorice hidden away for 09 ?
Cf ~ maybe check with him.
Is he really that well-behaved ? :o)
31 Dec, 2008
Spreeng Cleenyng !!!
An ancient sport which I've neglected for far too long.
Gillian ~ thanks for the reminder.
As from tomorrow, I'll be working at least 7 hours a day training for that event, all the way through till Spreeng. :o)
Happy Gardening in 2009 :o)
31 Dec, 2008
I keep getting confused reading through this because my initials are GF - I keep thinking I've missed something important!
31 Dec, 2008
Oh, yes. You are GF, aren't you !
I hadn't associated those initials with you.
I try to use Gf. ( lower case f ) for friend.
To prevent further confusion ( or probably add to it ) here are the five aliases for Catfinch. :
Lady Catkins
Happy New Year to all five of you :o)
and to Gillan F. and to Gardening f. xxx
31 Dec, 2008
Thank you! That should be as clear as mud now.
31 Dec, 2008
By the way, GF ~
Your new avatar photo is stunning. :o)
31 Dec, 2008
Thanks! I'm sitting on the deck at our old house and did a little photoshopping on it to make the colours more fun.
31 Dec, 2008
He he - don't know when you put up the pics TT - I think I miss most things these days on here - but thanks for giving me a giggle :-)
31 Dec, 2008
Spreeng Cleenyng...I had forgotten all about that 'sport'!! I don't know about 7 hours a day TT, but willing to give it a bit of a go!
31 Dec, 2008
GF, Sid and Pg ~
you're obviously very fit. :o)
Looks like you 'sporting' athletes are heading for 600 comments before midnight :o)
31 Dec, 2008
Oooo - how exciting! Who will it be???
31 Dec, 2008
TT :o) 600 ~ Happy New Year.
Thanks to Sid for no. 599 :o)
31 Dec, 2008
Is it me?! I'm still on a sugar rush from too much fudge and running out of house to clean so came on here for a while. Happy New Year!
31 Dec, 2008
Pipped at the post by TT! Reckon that's only fair since it's her blog.
31 Dec, 2008
Nice of you to say that.
I like to think of this as everyone's blog. :o)
Looks like Gillian has the cleenyng bug. :o(
We have fireworks exploding in the neighbourhood and it's only 10 pm. Someone must have a faulty wrist-watch or be living in a virtual time zone.
31 Dec, 2008
Yay to TT! Yes, Gillian, only right that it should be her since it's her blog. 600. Golly. Well, here's to the next 600 TT! Has Gillian calmed down now I wonder?!
31 Dec, 2008
Yes, I think after the sugar rush I'm hitting the sugar crash. Reckon I'll be hard pushed to stay awake till midnight!
31 Dec, 2008
lol me too!
TT - we posted at the same time. I'm surprised about the fireworks if it's as cold where you are as it is here tonight - about -3C I think. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr...........
31 Dec, 2008
Someone out there seems to be letting off fireworks in the hopes of warming up the skies.
It won't work. It's freeeeeezing out there. :o(
31 Dec, 2008
I think we're at -20 tonight with the windchill - won't catch me going out there if I can avoid it!
31 Dec, 2008
-20...Yikes! Don't get temps like that over here - we're not used to it! Remember temps of -10 or -12 when I was a kid, but haven't had temps like that for many years. -3 is as cold as it's been for a long time here. And quite cold enough thank you very much! ;-)
Happy New Year girls, I'm logging off now for the last time in 2008. Speak to you next year! Byeeee........
31 Dec, 2008
Happy New Year to the Wellie Olympics team....YAY! We are here in 2009 now...and I am not eating licorice or chocolate...going to be good...I have my goal....I watched your fireworks at your midnight with GF...on his telly...it was delightful to see the eye explode over and over again with such massive fireworks....wonderful...!
Have a beautiful first day of this Brand New Baby Year...!
1 Jan, 2009
OK! While you lot have been busy scoffing all the chocs and rich food - so have I, haha! I stopped putting on weight when I was 12! And have been trying ever since to get fat!
Simple solution - appoinnt me as the food tester, lol! (but, it still won't work, sadly, but will have a good try). Should be in a position soon to get that kilt, btw). X
1 Jan, 2009
HNY Cat! Good luck with your new years resolution. Mine was to go to bed earlier. Thought my Wellie Olympic Training would go better if I wasn't tired. Went to bed at gone 1:00am yesterday (today?), so that didn't last too long!!! Ah well...
BTW don't you just hate people who dont put on weight? ;-D
2 Jan, 2009
I do not sleep anymore it seems....just fits and starts and yes people who don't gain weight while eating like a hog...give me fits...we shall have to put David into the path clearing team TT...he should be able to munch it clear for us in no time and move fast and light footed as he does it...
3 Jan, 2009
will be taking place on
~ St. Valentine's Day ~
~ Sat. 14th Feb.2009 ~
Venue to be decided.
Where would you like the weigh-in to be held ???
This will establish whether the GoY Olympians are getting back into shape after the holiday festivities.
You have the choice of being weighed with or without your wellies, but David must wear his kilt at all times.....
3 Jan, 2009
~oh dear~ even without the wellies might still be too heavy!
I think to be fair to Panther we should all have the weigh in out there?If we leave now we might be acclimatised by the 14th?
3 Jan, 2009
~ I vote the NHS pays for Arlene's ticket to visit the Fiji wellie weigh in ~
Got to get you fit somehow :o)
3 Jan, 2009
Please accept my apologies for the weigh-in -wherever its being held. Feb 14 is my granddaughters birthday and I can't miss that. My tortoise trio can attend in my place as they can't eat birthday cake - hope this is OK?
3 Jan, 2009
Happy birthday granddaughter for 14 Feb.!
Tortoise trio very welcome as your nominated athletes.
Will Little Un be wearing those tiny boots you made ?
3 Jan, 2009
If I attend the weigh in can I bring my own scale??? One that measures 20lbs less than reality. If I know my real weight I shall be very depressed and that won't be good for my training regime.
3 Jan, 2009
Could we please all use your set of scales ?
And with your mechanical knowledge could you also please make scales to register 20lbs OVER which we'll give to the Flower Pot People. That'll slow them down. :o)
3 Jan, 2009
Scales? I had a sudden flash image of a solemn statue of Justice, quickly supplanted by one of Statue of Liberty, who said, "Bring me all your overbody weight index masses.."
All chocs gratefully received ( for testing purposes only, of course) - I do have a chocolate garden to creat, after all).
The last adult convertible kilt was snatched from my hands in the sale by what I can only politely describe as an overweight, ginger-haired "caber-tosser". "this one's mine, laddie!" he snarled, baring a mouth devoid of fangs!
There is hope yet, however. There are still a few kids' convertibles to be found. Since the average 10-12yr-old now weighs over 80 kilos, and stands 6ft tall, I'm sure I can get one to fit!
As fot furry Toto and his romance, pictorial, and personal, events prevented that update, but (I can report), he met a "husky"maiden, whi is now here and training both Toto and Lucky in the art of sled-dogging!
But, all hope is not yet lost, I'm looking for one which would fit the modern 10-12yr-old! Well, they're all well over 6ft tall and weigh in at upwards of 100 kilos, arent/don't they?
As for furry Toto and his romance, circumstances prevented me reporting, but he did meet a "husky" maiden, who is, right now, teaching both him and Lucky to pull sleds.
4 Jan, 2009
Sorry for the repeats - can't seem to be able to rectify!
Tt! Do you need, now, to starta new 2009 Olympics blog - Part 2? - X
4 Jan, 2009
My scales are at the Wellie Olympics service TT. I'll get to work on the scales that weigh 20lbs over. I should be able to fit it in between flame thrower practice and making a greenhouse out of discarded Christmas trees.
I'm having trouble with my flame thrower at the moment as it keeps icing over. The heat from the flame melts the snow which drips and splashes onto the throwing mechanism which immediately freezes due to the subzero temperatures. This is a problem which will have to be sorted before the Winter Wellie Olympics. I am wondering if Cyril would be up to sitting on the gun and warming it with his bushy tail.
4 Jan, 2009
I think I need a gas detector or a couple of canaries and a confine entry fall arrest system. Boy oh boy are we getting deep. Helloooooo cannnnnnnnnnnn anyyyyyyyyyyy bodyyyyyyy hearrrrrrrrrrrrrr meeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I have not used my scales since well....long time.
I know you axed the house of cards but did we still have the rock, paper, garden shears event happening? My pinky is much better.
Also Gilli having problems with the flame thrower freezen up with moisture molecules? Try putting it where the Soleil can't.....then pull it out quickly making sure the gas valve is fully on and the lever is depressed just as you switch on the piezo ignition system. Now try not to get the order mixed up or you will know it right away!
4 Jan, 2009
Very impressive training going on here !!! :o)
The exhaustive scrolling down, following so soon by David's chocolate testing/tasting, Gilli's scales designs, and Pinkfloyd's flamethrowing techniques.
This augurs well for the 21st Winter Olympics !
To be held February 12th, 2010 - February 28th, 2010 in Vancouver, Canada.
GoY Wellie Oympians have little more than a year in which to get out in their gardens for rehearsals and training !
What's the Wellie vote on my starting a new blog in February, in anticipation of this year of intensive Wellie garden training, commencing with the official Wellie Weigh-In ?
4 Jan, 2009
I think the new blog in February is an excellent idea - I give it five wellies.
I'm trying to get in shape now by drinking V-8 juice (hoping the Lea & Perrins and vodka in it don't count).
4 Jan, 2009
I'm game for anything TT ( you will keep the original blog right?) but I think I'll still come to the original Wellies blog just for the shear work out of scrolling down! I have to keep my pinkie in shape for Rock, Paper, garden shears event.
4 Jan, 2009
Well, that's several wellie votes already for the new Feb. blog. Sounds like Gillian could take on a new Wellie Olympics duty as resident barperson and cocktail mixer.
I definitely agree with Pf that this original Wellie blog will stay. It is my first blog. How could I delete with all the great comments and photos of the wellies etc ? Pf and I can return here now and then for some scrolling practice.:o)
The new Winter Wellies Olympics blog could be a special "Countdown to Vancouver" theme, where our training in the garden will be of particular importance.
We may even get some springtime photos of Pf training in his garden ! I'm sure he has the rocks, and could find some paper and scissors. ! Could make a great picture !
Methinks David will vote for a new February blog. Let's wait and see..........
4 Jan, 2009
Gillian that's cool with the fine ingredients that you added to your nutritional protein drink. I just think you might want to cut it off prior to the opening games as they will have mandatory drug testing. I think I'll have one that sounds tasty! now where did I put the celery and Clamato rimmer spice?
4 Jan, 2009
Good thinking Pf !
Gillian will need to make sure proteins are in proportion. :o)
Pf ~ you commenting lots on this blog could give you a British accent. :o) Can you cope with being slightly more British ? We really like the fact you are interested in the traditions of the British Isles. Scones and Devonshire cream to build you up for your garden training ? :o)
4 Jan, 2009
Yes TT I do like Jolly Ole England and their refined traditions and the way you speak. I have come a long way from the early years. I'm much more eloquent and refined myself. Heck if you had of seen me in the early years, well a big cultural change.
That reminds me to ask you to take an official visit of my new blog # 9 There are members there teasing me a wee bit but hey I can take it. I need your opinion as you know how much I trust and admire your honesty. lol!
I also have a few new photos that I'm going to upload very soon and thought you would like first screening.
4 Jan, 2009
Of course I vote for a new one, but, OMG, you must NEVER delete this, it is a veritable Greek column of culture, with its massive input by "sporting" members of many nationalities. I would always keep coming back here for the laughter and the excercise (hey, Pf, how come you do this with just one pinky, when I need the forefingers of both hands to get here?). I am practising, however, with my laptop balanced on my right knee, and a pile of Cadbury's selection boxes on the left one, scrolling down with the right hand, eating the contents with the left - the scales are close to my feet. I fear, still, that I may need to borrow Flash, and become a jockey, no weight gain yet (much to my personal delight, as I get the best of everything, with no payback, lol!).
So, Vancouver (Island) it is, eh? I'm up for that! How far to Butchart gardens, Victoria? (wouldn't mind visiting on a day off, or, don't tell me, we don't get one?)
5 Jan, 2009
I beleive TT means the city of Vancouver in Canada....Vancouver Island is to the west along with Victoria which is on Vancouver Isalnd and is far to the west of Vancouver the city...and it is a good thing that we say Vancouver Canada..because there is a Vancouver Washington to the south..there are far too many Vancouvers...in a not so big an area....
5 Jan, 2009
Many thanks for this explanation, Cat! It's after 3am here now, and must get some kip, in prep for training! Never realised there were so many Vancs about, will look at a detailed map tomorrow. Would be nice, though, to see Butchart Gardens and Victoria, where many of my family ancestors ended up, and are buried.
5 Jan, 2009
Well, b4 I could even thin of getting some sleep, I had to Google-map this. It says 44 miles from Vanc to Vic at 65km/hr. I am 35 mjiles each way to and from work, so no probs. Unless, as I find when I do route maps here, the guestsimated times and distances are really way out, lol!
5 Jan, 2009
David, it may be only 44 miles from Vancouver to Victoria but unfortunately, there is no bridge. Access is either by Ferry or by Air. So add on to your trip the drive out to the ferry terminal or airport, the wait in line up for the ferry or air check in, the journey across the water (longer by sea), and then the drive from the ferry terminal or airport on the island to Buchart Gardens. You had better look at about 1/2 a day each way. LOL.
BTW....how did your ancestors end up buried in Buchart Gardens???? LOL.
5 Jan, 2009
Sounds like we need a map showing where the Vancouver Olympics will be located. Is there a way to upload a map as a photo or would we have copyright issues ? Do you know, please, Gilli ? Is there a map we could use ?
It seems our next blog ~ Build Up to Vancouver 2010 ~ will need to have the map as a feature, otherwise David could eat far too many chocolates, just trying to find the venue.
Pf could direct traffic with green thumbs and green fingers...
5 Jan, 2009
My daughter Tori is going to visit Vancouver in early May.
She so far wants to visit the aquarium and Capilano (sp.?) suspension bridge. Anything else she should try to get to? If you need any particular photos for the 2010 Olympics put your request in!
5 Jan, 2009
I could do a pretty banged up rendition of a map of Vancouver and surrounding areas as Gilli will be too busy with house guests to help. Do you need it to start right from your Island and other locations where members reside?
I have been to the places Gillian has mentioned more than once and I could even add Gilli's home on there for anyone who might want to stop in for a hot meal or free lodgings.
Yes I can see it now Gillies B&B (Bed& Breakfast) Olympian's stay for free.
Maybe not how about this? Gilli's C&S (Cot & Snacks) Olympian's pay a small fee.
Anyways while I'm directing traffic on my off event days I could send them to Gilli's C&S !! lol
I could paint one thumb red for stop or just bash it with a hammer!
5 Jan, 2009
I don't know about the copyright issues TT. I'll see what I can find.
Cap suspension bridge is nice Gillian but I think it has become quite expensive. There is another, shorter suspension bridge in Lynn Canyon in North Vancouver which is in a park and is free. If Tori goes up Capilano Road from the Capilano suspension bridge there is a dam that you can walk out onto which is across the Capilano River. Further up from there is the Grouse Mountain Skyride gondola which will take you right to the top of Grouse Mountain where there are fabulous views of the city and a restaurant/coffee shop and gift shop etc. (I had my wedding reception up there).
Stanley Park, where the aquarium is located is lovely too. You can walk around the entire park on the seawall. Worth doing if she has the time.
There are lots of lovely gardens to visit if she is in to that. UBC botanical gardens, Van Deusen gardens, Park and Tillford Gardens and Queen Elizabeth Park has wonderful gardens and the Blodel Conservatory in the park which are worth seeing.
5 Jan, 2009
Tori can be a GoY Winter Wellie Olympics paparazzi photographer !
Photos of various well known Vancouver landmarks, each with a wellie symbol of some sort in the foreground. Does that give you any ideas ?
Thanks for offering Tori. LOL
Does she know about this yet. ??? :o)
5 Jan, 2009
Looks like the next blog can include a photo of Gilli's wedding reception, to show that very memorable events have taken place in that location. !
Yes, some photos of the gardens would be very welcome indeed. Thank you. Good idea Gilli.
I still wonder if Tori knows about this yet ?
She has been volunteered. LOL.
5 Jan, 2009
GoY 2010 Winter Wellie Olympics
~~~ Maps of Vancouver and its environs ~~~
The more maps the merrier as far as I am concerned, provided they don't infringe copy right. Thank you.
Sounds like we have a whole band of GoY wellie cartographers lining up here. That's great !
Pf could maybe provide a hand-drawn map with lots of illustrations of the best guest houses ? Please also use your green thumbs and green fingers to draw arrows to highlight the lovely gardens which Gilli has mentioned above. Thank you. :o)
5 Jan, 2009
Many thanx, Gilli, you confirmed a sneaking suspicion I had about that "short" drive, without looking into it further. I mean, if I could drive across the river to work, my trip would be only 10 miles, not 35, lol! My family ancestors weren't important enough to be buried in Butchart Gardens, lol! just somewhere in Victoria. My Great great Grandfather's cousin emigrated there in the 1880s, and ended up marrying a bloke there in 1890, who had emigrated from her own hometown (Victoria must have been full of Fifers, lol). One of their daughters drowned in James Bay, but I have all the family details up to 1963, obtained in 5 mins from that wonderful website bcarchives.gov.bc.ca. Anyway, if only we could all really visit Vancouver BC (thank you Cat), your guide to the parks and gardens would provide more than enough to fill a busman's holiday. Thank you!
5 Jan, 2009
Thanks Gilli, I'll pass that on to Tori! She is not so much into going around gardens, but will suffer it sometimes to take photos for me!
I will suggest to her that she takes a welly on her trip to include in photos - after all, we did do the trip to Manitoulin with Gnorm the Gnome, so it's really just a variation on that!
6 Jan, 2009
Gillian ~
This is great. Well done Tori :o)
And what's the latest on whether you share ancestors with Pinkfloyd ?
6 Jan, 2009
Do we know more about the Canadian branch of David's family ?
Maybe they can get us free tickets to watch the Winter Wellie Olympics ? Sounds like David knows the right people. :o)
6 Jan, 2009
I showed this to Tori and she thinks we're all crazy, but is totally down with the idea of taking pictures of landmarks including a welly. She says she's inspired to go buy some new pretty ones now!
6 Jan, 2009
Tori is fab :o)
Please may we have photos of her in Wellies for our next Winter Wellie blog . :o)
Your avatar photo seems to be changing every ten minutes ??? LOL
6 Jan, 2009
See what I can do!
6 Jan, 2009
Does that mean ~
see what I can do for Wellie photos
or ~
see what I can do. Changing my avatar all the time. LOL
or ~ both ?
6 Jan, 2009
Re. avatar ~ I was bored (am putting Christmas away and need lots of breaks. I quite like looking blue for a change.
Re. Tori and wellies ~ will put a picture up if she gets inspired to put wellies on. Hannah just bought new boots for working at the kennels, had to be long ones to protect her legs from the 'humper dogs' !
6 Jan, 2009
Your look turquoise to me :o)
Could it be we'll get a bonus photo of both Hannah and Tori in their wellies ?
6 Jan, 2009
Yes, perhaps I am more turquoise.
Pictures will be posted as and when I get them!
6 Jan, 2009
Turquoise or even 'aqua' ~
That's what they call that colour for bed sheets. :o)
No pressure on the photos. Any time before 2010.
That's ten past eight. :o)
6 Jan, 2009
Hmmm..glad David did not get lost after all and it is very interesting to know that he has relatives buried so close by...I am much closer than Gilli...lol..I can see Victoria from my favorite beach ....it is just across the Straits of Juan De Fuca...from me..I used to live practically next door when I lived in Friday Harbor in the San Juan Islands..used to go to Victoria on the back of a Harley...for a get-a-way...loved the northern beaches of Vancouver island...Tofino was my favorite..."TT"..we must include some beach games for the winter olympics...perhaps..run from the waves amongst the rocks with out tripping would be interesting....Wellies would be good there as the waters are quite cold...
7 Jan, 2009
For an extra challenge we could also add....."without stepping on a crab" to the run from the waves event.
7 Jan, 2009
Wellies in the waves ~
Catfinch is onto something there !
and, as Gilli rightfully adds ~ with maximum crab avoidance.
I'm getting concerned about availability of amazing, exciting maps of Vancouver and Canada ready in time for the next blog.
Directions to all the good gardens would be desirable.
Any progress please ? :o)
7 Jan, 2009
Gilli..I had thougnt of the crabs as well..it would be terrible to have one fall inside a wellie and have it there pinching at our ankle....but it would also add to the excitement!....I also suggest a seaweed collection event...such a nourishing fine plant as it is......the anemone gardens would be a delight to get points for finding in tide pools as well..and there could easily be found and octopusses garden there..this shall be great for extra points....!..I have to wonder about the kilt wearing amongst the crabs...
7 Jan, 2009
Catfinch ~
You are doing a lot of fast thinking this January :o)
Seaweed collecting. Points for different varieties ?
Anemones. Also good. Extra points for sure.
Kilts ? ...could be a no... no...no...
7 Jan, 2009
Brain beginning to send off smoke...OMG...help...screeech...stop me before before I fall off the edge here...no brakes...burning rubber........................................................................................................................................................................phew...waving....cough..cough... smoke... from in front of screen.....!
7 Jan, 2009
That row of dots should help rescue anyone who scrolls down too fast. :o)
7 Jan, 2009
Good news !
I've just found out that Gillian is a Champion Baker !
Gillian ~ are there any special Scottish cakes you could make for David ? He'll need to keep up his strength with all that training he is doing. :o)
9 Jan, 2009
I can do a pretty decent shortbread!
9 Jan, 2009
I reckon that would make David do cartwheels at twice the speed. Good idea :o)
9 Jan, 2009
Oh gosh, double fast cartwheels while kilt wearing....with all those crabs around.....sounds a bit dangerous...!! There'll be crabs flying, right, left and centre. Maybe he will be able to use his sporran to fend off the crabs..........wait...a light bulb has just clicked on......crab cricket using a sporran as a bat.....while wearing Wellies and kilts, of course.......using a freshly grown potato as a ball and trying to land the ball in that lovely pink garden trug that Sal has..............????
9 Jan, 2009
... and for the vegetarians, we can do the cricket with seaweed instead of crabs :o)
9 Jan, 2009
Gilli...batting crabs about with his sporran...I believe this is a stretch.....although I do think wearing a sporran while wearing a kilt and cartwheeling through crabs is a very good idea...
9 Jan, 2009
Penny-pinchin's bad enough!
But, Hoots Mon, this is worse!
Crab-tossin' in a kilt is gonnae
hurt whaur it really hurts!
(an' no' in the sporran!)
Ah've fund a new event fur me,
amidst this credit slump,
ah've jist become a candidate
fur the proverbial "high jump"!
Or quicksand-hoppin' wearin' wellies?
Noo, this could be guy tricky!
Ah micht jist make it to the end
(but the end micht be guy sticky).
Ah'll bide wi' the high jump, if ye please,
leap aff, tak up the slack,
Ah micht be wobbly at the knees
But, at least, I should bounce back!
Noo, shortie is a fine wee treat, fur which ah really care!
But add caramel, chocolate, condensed milk -
An' ah feel like a millionnaire!
Afore ah go, dear friends o' mine,
I'd luv tae raise a toast.
Och, no', tae dearest Auld Lang Syne,
but tae what matters most!
GOY friends and Olympians, lend me your ears,
You're a very secial breed!
"Here's tae us, Wha's like us?
Guy few - an' they're a' deid" !
10 Jan, 2009
Must add, this may read a bit daft, but then, maybe I am? But says a lot! Never used to be a great fan of Rabbie Burns (250th anniversary of his birth coming up on 25/1) but can relate to some of his stuff, and can usually find quotes for most occasions (as do many). Also, he is a much, much better poet than me! Will give it up and concentrate on the single race events, haha!
10 Jan, 2009
The date 25th January being Robbie Burns' birthday, is ingrained on my memory because it is also the date of my mother's birth. As a youngster, every 25th January, I would be told she shared her birthday with Robbie Burns. :o)
I don't think I can match David's wonderful Scottish poem above, but after the rains our gardens experienced last summer, I reckon a lot of us could be good at his suggested sport of quick-sand hopping in wellies. :o)
David you'll excel in any event, whether entering as a single competitor or as a team. We are all supporting you.
You are one of our very favourite GoY Wellie Olympians :o)
10 Jan, 2009
Quiet right TT. I mean....who else could wear a kilt and wellies with so much savoir faire.....such grace....such pizzazz.....such sophistication.....such....such....knees!!!
11 Jan, 2009
Yes, those knees must keep fit !
We gardeners use our knees a lot ~
planting, climbing, cartwheeling :o)
11 Jan, 2009
I think it is too late to insure my wobbly/knobbly arthritic knees!
I've taken to wearing the kids' strap-on roller/skateboarding knee pads if I know I'm going to be on them for any length of time. They almost fit, so therefore am probably damaging them more. I can just see me in a kilt with a bit of knee-pad showing, lol!
Now, I've just been doing some very quick thinking (dangerous, for moi!). We need an official team logo (forgive me if this has been mentioned above, and I've missed it in the blur of scrolling down). My quick-think visualised some overlapping/interlinked plastic plant support rings, but this is too tacky for a team of such high calibre. Any ideas, anyone?
Yes, we are overdue a hot summer. We Olympians (at least the UK contingent) need one badly, for training purposes. We need to be out there digging and mowing in our fleece- and fur-lined parkas, wellies, gloves, underwear, etc., with very fashionable snow goggles, skis, snowboards, etc., in temps upwards of 55 degrees, hopefully, whilst trendily digging, weeding, mowing, sitting in the greenhouse, attending to the Cerastium tomentosum or whatever, in order to sweat off the pounds, and find it easier to cope with the weather for the real event.
Alas, this may turn out to be just the normal gardening attire for yet another "summer", so we won't really get any fitter, but congratulate ourselves that we saved money by being able to wear our winter-season buys all-year-round?
12 Jan, 2009
Let's hope for better weather this year for our gardening, and for our Wellie Olympics training !
I hope to be able to stay outside without freezing long enough to say the words Pileostegia Viburnoides, or at least check that my lovely shrub has survived the freeze ! :o)
Regarding GoY Wellie Olympic official team logos, there's discussion earlier on this thread of robins and wellies featuring prominently. Pottygardener has a wonderful robin photo, and Andrewr managed to photograph a robin actually perched on his wellies !
Any more ideas ?
12 Jan, 2009
My recent Blog #11 has photos of the wonderful University of British Columbia Botanical Garden, Vancouver, Canada.
There are old photos, going back to 1915, of Botanical Garden pioneer, John Davidson.
Also wonderful unusual Clematis and Lonicera ~
plus decorative lanterns in the Japanese garden.
This is one of many attractions in Vancouver, Canada, very near to the venues for the Winter Wellie Olympics 2010.
Judging by recent comments on my Blog #11, some of our Wellie athletes are alarmingly out of condition since Christmas, so I'm preparing myself, to launch a special GoY Wellie Olympics Blog for the year leading up to Vancouver February 2010.
Let's hope we can get fit in our gardens, training for our special Wellie events. :o)
17 Jan, 2009
I'm sure that we can, Tt!
We've just been "suffering",I think, from SAD (Seasonal Adjustment/Affective Disorder), which, in my case,leads to food-bingeing! We'll soon be "full" of the proverbial Joys of Spring, no doubt, and be out there, training hard (or,at least, training and cutting back hard?)
18 Jan, 2009
You're right, David !
I'm burning the midnight oil here, to get the GoY Winter Wellie Olympics blog prepared. Some of us need to do serious training in our gardens. We're in danger of becoming committed chocoholics :o)
Thanks for directing me to those fab. doggie footprint wellies !
18 Jan, 2009
1st February 2009 and snow is falling in Britain !
This coincides with my blog no.12. just launched on GoY. ~
Happy Birthday GoY - 2 years old ~ and ~
Winter Wellie Olympics - build-up to Vancouver 2012.
Twenty five wonderful photos from GoY members and also maps showing the locations of our Canadian members.
Keep warm, and good luck in your snowy gardens, practising for your GoY Winter Wellie Olympics events. :o)
1 Feb, 2009
March 1st ~
Wellie Olympic Training in our gardens can start in earnest. :o)
For inspiration, there's a new TV series starting on BBC2 this coming Wednesday 4th March. 09. ~
Building the Olympic Dream ~
New series charting preparations for London 2012......
1 Mar, 2009
I've decided that with all the work my garden needs I would need to be a decathlete!
(But I'm NOT putting in decking!)
My wellies, however, are full of mint, but at least they smell good, & they ARE tickled pink!!
2 Sep, 2009
Okay, Madperth....
Welcome to the GoY Wellie Olympics Team !!!
Your chosen sport is the Non-Deckingathlon...
I hope as winter approaches we will see a photo of you on GoY, wearing your new wellies... Lol.
2 Sep, 2009
Have a look at my pics, just put'em up!!!
2 Sep, 2009
Going over there now... :o)
2 Sep, 2009
Well done, Madperth...
A brilliant array of wellie and boot photos !
I've added one of your pics to this blog. Many thanks. :o)
2 Sep, 2009
2 Sep, 2009
HOTTIE Marie ? :o)
14 Nov, 2009
Dammit! I just read right through this! STILL dunno!!!
14 Nov, 2009
But nobody can accuse you of not being able to find your way around GoY :o)
14 Nov, 2009
LMAO!! Good one!!
14 Nov, 2009
14 Nov, 2009
Terra I've put a new multi wellied pic on for you:-)
12 Dec, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain...
I just found it... really good pic.
Now on GoYpedia Wellies...:o)
12 Dec, 2009
Oh wow Terra, I'm laughing so hard, this blog has made my day, you are hilarious!!!!!!!! Just love your ideas for top 10 wellie sports....
11 Oct, 2010
COme on only 5 more comments and you get a 'Knitted Seed Packet' Award to add to your groaning mantelpiece!!!!
11 Oct, 2010
PS I think I'll opt for Crocs as well
11 Oct, 2010
Maybe start knitting that seed packet ...
I'm now imagining you in your Crocs with your knitting needles ... ;o)
12 Oct, 2010
I'll have to transfer the order over to Ba, Bloomer or Richard - the designated Croc knitters around these parts ;o)
12 Oct, 2010
Knitted Crocs would, of course, be in ...
... Stocking Stitch ... ;o)
12 Oct, 2010
LOL..... I have great pleasure in awarding you the "Knitted Seed Packet' Award Terra :o)
13 Oct, 2010
Thanks Pip...
I'll wear it with pride ... ;o)
13 Oct, 2010
Where exactly are you going to wear it Terra? LOL
13 Oct, 2010
On my wellies :o)))
13 Oct, 2010
Of course.
13 Oct, 2010
I've come late to this blog, and can only shake my head at what I missed for so long.
How wonderfuly inventive some of these photos are - and I nnever knew wellies came in such gorgeous designs and colours!
It's not good, I'm just going to have to read every blog in GoY and look at every ohoto in every album ...
22 Feb, 2012
Hi Fran..
Maybe you should receive a Wellie award for just finding this blog. Lol..
It was my first ever GoY blog.
I did make some other Wellie blogs .... possibly with more comments... not sure.. LOL.
22 Feb, 2012
I found it too..:o) I cheated a bit..read a lot at the beginning...then scrolled to the bottom ! .Hi Fran..fancy meeting you here Lol..a great first blog,Terra......some very funny comments and pics...nice to see nothing has changed much..!...still all as daft as brushes,or Wellies :o))
22 Feb, 2012
Lol TT, I did look at your blogs, but was daunted when I saw how many pages of 'em you had. So I searched GoY for "well Olympic" (couldn't remember if you'd spelled the first word with a "y" or "ie") and found it easily.
I saw it was dated 2008 and thought, I'd have had to look through lots of "ytour blog" pages, never reaslied it'd be *tha*t far back! Your very first blog?! You certainly believe in"in at the deep end"!
I'll redo the "wellie" search - pity we can't tag blogs! - and see what else I've been missing.
*s* and I'll be going back to peruse *all* your blogs later - then I'll start on GoY in general!
22 Feb, 2012
Hi Fran...
Little did I know when I wrote this blog, how many more I would write...
kind of you to do the research..
I hope you enjoy my blogs :o)
PS I always abbreviate Wellington to Wellie, not Welly. ;o)
Hello Bloomer ... fancy finding you here !
When I wrote this blog, GoY was very different.
No opportunity to save a draft... you had to get it right first time ...
...and also no photos could be included... I added the pics. a little later when the format of GoY was changed to allow pictures in blogs :o)
22 Feb, 2012
\o/ Terra.! good job I hadn't joined then,I would have had no chance..it takes me a few PM's to you,to get it right now :o)) Lol....
22 Feb, 2012
I write my blogs, and what mgiht be long posts to other blogs and photos, in Word first, and then copy and paste - the text is bigger and it spellchecks as I go along - and sometimes I even remember to press F7 and make sure before I paste it in, rather than "publish", see an error and have to "edit".
I wish we had a "history of GoY" - I've read the "about us" but I'd love to know more about how they started, and how they developed it, their troubles and triumphs.
maybe if enough of us asked nicely ...
22 Feb, 2012
Fran ..... there were good times and challenging times...
But, with each experience, Peter and Ajay made GoY better and better, into the user-friendly site we know today :o)
Bloomer ...
your p.messages are always welcome :o))
22 Feb, 2012
Community feel in bucket loads with this blog!
27 Dec, 2013
27 Dec, 2013
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22 Oct, 2008
lol, excellent,,,,,,,, just havin a cupa b4 heading out to work and that blog gave me a good laugh. thanks for that.
19 Aug, 2008