By Harli
United States
I found this growing out by my compost pile and boy it sure has sprung up fast. Here is a picture of the plant and new growth.
Any ideas will be appreciated.

3 May, 2008
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Yes I'm sure it's rhubarb, but remove the flower. If you take the plant off your compost heap and plant it in the garden do feed it well. I always gave mine plenty of horse manure. It loves that !
Rhubarb pie and rhubarb crumble are delicious with custard or icecream. Enjoy!
4 May, 2008
It sure is rhubard we've just picked some stems and will be having rhubarb crumble with our sunday roast in about an hour mmmm yummy!!
4 May, 2008
Quite a find Harli... don't let it go to seed, OK? take the blossom off. when you pick it, just use the reddish stalks and throw away the leaves as they are poisonous. This perennial likes a sunny, well drained spot. Dig wide and deep.. add lots of well rotted manure and compost and transplant your find to an out of the way spot in the garden. It's usually pest free..very hardy.. Harvest in spring when the leaves have fully developed, twist the stalks that are atleast an inch thick from the crown then cut the leaf from the top of the stalk and don't put them into the compost. If you think the plant is younger than three years don't take too much. after the third year harvest all you like. There are ooodles of Rhubarb recipes around...
4 May, 2008
Thank you for all your information, you guys are the best!
I took the blossoms off (3) and it's a huge plant. When will I know when it's ready to use. I'm the only one that likes rhubarb in my family, but I will share with my friends. I do so love strawberry/rhubarb pie.
4 May, 2008
If it is producing a seedhead it is ready to use... are the stalks nice and firm and crisp? pull them away from the base...wash them...and head for the kitchen!!lol.Don't forget about the leaves though. just put them in the trash.
5 May, 2008
Why don't you compost the rhubarb leaves, Lori ? They are poisonous if eaten but they are fine in the compost, they break down in the same way as other leafy material.
5 May, 2008
I think it's because the leaves contain a substance that will kill or harm the microflora in the compost. slowing the composting process.
5 May, 2008
Lori - I didn't know that! You are such a useful advice person! (make mental note - no more rhubarb leaves on compo pile...)
5 May, 2008
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That looks like rhubarb to me and its a very healthy specimen too. Yours has a well developed flower head which needs to be removed so that the plant put all its energy into growing leaves. The leaf stalks will make wonderful rhubarb puddings. To harvest them just pull each stalk firmly away from the plant and snap off each end of the stalk, then cut them into 3 - 4cm sections before cooking. Mmmm, delicious. :-)
4 May, 2008