Gogi Berries?
By Tussiemussie
Nr Rye, East Sussex,
United Kingdom
I bought some bare rooted plants, potted up they have all taken ok and are producing
new green shoots. I am wondering about cultural requirements?
If anyone lives near me I have one or two plants spare.
On plant
Not known yet

17 Jun, 2007
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Hi Smelozadelo, you can see Tussiemussie is from sussex in their profile. We're actually thinking about adding a seed exchange in the future.
20 Jun, 2007
smelozadelo, yes I am in Sussex. At the moment they are just thin twigs with small green leaves sprouting on them. They are nutritionally one of the superfoods, but have to do some growing before they fruit! LOL
20 Jun, 2007
hHi tussiemussie,i have seen these Gogi berries in the healthfood shop , havnt tried them,but are red in colour good luck .gill
28 Jul, 2007
Hi gillwahid, my daughter in law bought some in the health food shop and shared them, they were quite nice. They are still in pots at the moment, we are still clearing parts of the garden.
28 Jul, 2007
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ohh really? how generous of you!!!! whereabouts do you live? do you have a picture of those plants ?
20 Jun, 2007