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Can you identify this plant

Minnesota, United States

My mother-in-law started this plant from a clipping over 2 years ago,she told me that it was viney and had pretty flowers, after her passing I aquired the plant which has grown and flourished, beautiful shiney leaves but no flowers. Does anyone know what it is called and how to care for it?



Hallo Pahansan - this looks like a hoya to me - it's indoor plant and yours looks very healthy. Did you see it bloom? - a hoya has bunches of waxy little star-like flowers - white with pink centres, so pretty ! I'm not an expert but if it's a new cutting be patient and it may flower this year. Others may have more info.

26 Feb, 2009


'The Hoya Plant is one of the easiest plants to grow. The wax plant or shooting star is a vine that loves to be ignored. They do very well in hanging baskets both indoors and out. The plant has gorgeous blooms that are called umbels. This is a bonus to the already beautiful plant. Each plant has its own personality. Hoya Plants have a wide variety of leaf shape and color. The older the plant the more magnificent the blooms. Hoyas like bright light, not direct sun. They are easy to grow and are often fragrant.'

I quote from the public domain. That is if it is a Hoya, which I certainly wouldn't argue with. Just to be sure, how big is it Pahansen? Can you post a picture of the whole thing in 'your pictures' and let us know on here that you have done? If you can't then go with Hoya at least until it blooms.


26 Feb, 2009

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