By Jan_andy
United Kingdom
my mums neighbour has ivy growing up the house and it has started going under the roof.my mum is worried that the same will happen to hers as it is goin in her direction.is there anything mum can do.please help.
26 Feb, 2009
Can you get to it to chop it? Do you get on with your Mum's neighbour? If not have you got either a very long ladder or a very good solicitor? It's a neighbour problem not an ivy problem basically. You have the legal right to chop down anything that grows over your (Mum's) property. If it's difficult to do that though try asking nicely. If the neighbour is awkward try asking the council to intervene. I'll copy this reply and post it on the genuine question as well, in case Andrea, our friendly, amateur, legal beagle wants to reply.
26 Feb, 2009
thanks for info will pass onto mum.glad to find this site find it interesting.will be on it every day.
26 Feb, 2009
get someone with ladders to trim it well back, is my only suggestion.
26 Feb, 2009