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What To Set

Leicestershire, United Kingdom

I would like to plant up on my island (hope you can see it in the photo). At the moment I have a weeping silver birch and a pampas grass but I would like plants that are more in keeping with the countryside. The island is quite bare in the winter but has reeds and grass growing in the summer. Wild mallards usually nest so I would like shrubs that are not bare at the base and would like plants that the birds can use to roost etc. The soil is not wet and the area is about 4 metres in diameter. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks



Cant think of any shrubs but what about plants such as:loosestrife it's a british native and grows near water. 3ft tall flower spikes in magenta pink, Meadowsweet, yellow flag irises, greater willow herb, less invasive than its cousin rosebay willow herb. lovely lake no matter what you plant it with though.

17 Feb, 2009


Thanks SeaBGirl, I would probably be better having low growing plants. I've got yellow irises growing around the edge, it just doesnt have any structure during winter, or is that a bad thing, I dont know :-(

17 Feb, 2009


i dont think its a bad thing you will see the benefit of the tree. come to think of it what about some dogwoods for winter colour or the white stemmed Rubus biflorus? is it easy to get to your island to prune them back in the spring to keep their colour. Mimulus have compact varieties but they might be annuals.

17 Feb, 2009


I am tempted to suggest such things as gunnera but I suspect that you would prefer British natives? In addition to whar Sbg has already suggetsed there is water avens and primula veris. The various willows will do well and a weeping willow could look well although it will become a large tree. How about holly trees?

17 Feb, 2009


Hi Dawn - perhaps a centre piece of black bamboo ( phyllostachys nigra ) edged with variegated yellow flag iris ( Iris pseodacorus variegata ) and some candleabra primula .

If you have room perhaps an oak leaf Hydrangea which has lovely autumn leaf tint and looks good near water, all these require minimal maintenance .

Bamboo would also provide good nesting cover for ducks.

17 Feb, 2009


Thanks to your both. I have red and yellow dog wood along the bank at the back of the pond which do look nice in the winter - maybe they would look good on the island too? I can get to the island (with my waders on). You should see me pulling bullrushes up when they try to take over - not a pleasant job or sight!
Bulbholic: I have gunnera growing in 3 places around the pond and brook, I do love them. They could look good on the island :-) I need to google some of the plants you have both suggested as I am not familiar with them. Just worried that small plants will get swamped by the natural plants in the summer. Probably holly bushes would look good and be good for the birds.

17 Feb, 2009


Whoops, sorry BB, your comment came in after mine :-)
Thanks for this info. Bamboo would be good and evergreen and the ducks would love it, wouldnt they. I've got yellow irises, would the primula fight against the grass as I cant really get over to strim, well I can but means donning my waders. Oh dear, what a sight I am. I'll look up the hydrangea, that sounds nice. I like the sound of minimal maintenance.

17 Feb, 2009


Hi Dawn Candleabra primula grow to 2 - 3 feet so flowering well above grass , self seed think the deep mauve colour would look well against iris leaf..

17 Feb, 2009


Woooo, sounds good BB. Thanks for this, I'll get some :-)

17 Feb, 2009


Hi Dawn,
I have been trying to deduce what is best for you, BB's ideas seem the most sound but as I see it, it is a natural harbour for some of the wildlife which uses the island for safety in the wintertime. If you grow too many things there it will destroy their nesting facilities. All the things I first thought of you have already got plenty of. I would be a little cautious about spoiling the bird and wildlife sanctuary you have already provided.

17 Feb, 2009


Agree with Doctorbob Dawn..its already a wonderful habitat..dont try to do too much xx

17 Feb, 2009


Thanks Dr Bob and BB - it's a difficult one isnt it. As you'll appreciate, I dont want to make a feature of the island either and end up spoiling it. Maybe the loose strife and primulas would look good growing amongst the natural vegetation and yellow irises.

18 Feb, 2009


Good idea Dawn..will add a bit more colour without over doing it !

18 Feb, 2009


Brilliant, that's what I'll do then :-)))

18 Feb, 2009

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