United Kingdom
Name that shrub, please.
We got this as a cutting, ten years ago, during a gardening course. We call it the Isnt bush because we thought it was a Viburnum but it...
Can anyone identify it? It is very popular with wasps if that helps.

3 Aug, 2011
I agree, it looks like cotoneaster, but I dont know which one either.
3 Aug, 2011
That makes three of us saying cotoneaster but don't know which!!!!!!!
3 Aug, 2011
Is it evergreen ?
If so it's C. lacteus.
3 Aug, 2011
I'm hoping someone will know because I have one I was given as a gift. It gets glorious colour in autumn.
3 Aug, 2011
Thanks all. I think Louise1 has nailed it. Google images shows it to be C. lacteus.
3 Aug, 2011
Well done you, Louise!! I'll know what to ask for now.
3 Aug, 2011
Good thinking, Louise. Thankyou.
3 Aug, 2011
I'm pretty sure its a cotoneaster, but there are so many I wouldn't like to guess which one.
3 Aug, 2011